Project: Heavy Iron

Lt. Reeds

Katie "Kat" Reeds


3 hours ago, Shammy the Shamrock said:

Erica Morrison and Evan Morrison

Erica let her higher ups talk about communication since it wasn't her place to say anything.  She was able to talk about her dad though since the question was directed to her.  "I think he's around though if I were him, I wouldn't miss the brigade morning training."  While she was talking loud footsteps could be heard coming closer as the silver haired, mustache, giant of a man came.  He took another bite of his muffin before looking at the entire group with a kind smile.  "That was lovely Alison!  It seems they have been getting better under your command."  He put his walking cane behind his arm before looking at Rex then at Erica who gave a happy wave.  "Hey dad!"  
@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun


3 hours ago, JPax said:

Alison Eckener

When the lieutenant wasn't paying attention, most captains would discipline. However, Eckener was different. She only cared when it mattered and at this point, she couldn't care less if the lieutenant had an opinion. With a lack of focus that Reeds was displaying, Heavy Iron shouldn't allow it.

"Director." Alison saluted to him the Winter Brigade manner. "We will embark on scout mission 59 tomorrow. Since this is special, I'm going to do special favors for directors and captains. Is there any material beyond the bunkers that you require?" 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun


2 hours ago, Yappi said:

AJ him for a moment and chuckled before leaning back trying to get comfortable. "Look, all you need to do is work hard and think harder" He says before going back to trying to drink his water. Then he turned back and told him "Look id help you but its up to you. What is your main problem in the test?"


4 hours ago, Salex The Baldie said:



suddenly rex hit the back of reed's head but weakly, just to wake her up. "i know you're lieutenant and all but pay attention, she's a captain" he said. "well i haven't received information of this mission, are you just scouting or are you going to engage?" he said as he looked to alison.... well looked down to alison, with her short stature.

@Shirochankun @JPax @Shammy the Shamrock



"ow," Kat winced more from the actual surprise of being hit on the head than the actual pain. The Lieutenant gave a silent groan and focused on what everyone was talking about. Something about a scouting mission without the mechs. Which was dumb to take mech pilots on a mission that seemed more suited for Winter Brigade personnel. 

Evan Morrison and Erica Morrison

Evan placed one hand on his chin while the other gripped the cane.  "We are running low on manganese, so might you her that, please.  Remember to be careful, you never know what lurks behind those walls."  His gaze went to the cane as if it were a awful reminder of something but he didn't say it, rather his face showed it, the hatred.  He cleared his throat to speak again "But I trust in your ability to lead.  So I know it will go without a hitch."  He broke back into a smile, putting his hand with nothing in it, behind his back.

Meanwhile Erica was silent as her fathers look had said it all.  She looked at her lieutenant and Commander as they seemed to be building tension.  She let out a sigh, what could she do to get out of this conversation?  "Thank you for your time Captain."  She saluted Alison before walking away, then that walking turned to bolting.  Nailed it!

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun
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Alison Eckener

"The Captain"

Manganese. Of course. For steel. Even Winter Brigade used it for their ropes, so they wouldn't rust in the ice cold river outside the walls. The captain turned her head to the pilot who had just run away. Eckener could tell it wasn't fear which drove her away. Fear was something else to the captain. It was the look of her comrades' faces just as they were inches from death. "Captain Mann, you're in charge while we're gone. Don't go easy on the brigadiers, you know they hate that. And Reeds..."

Ah, yes, Lieutenant Reeds. Laid back, easy going, friendly to her pilots as well. Quite different from Captain Eckener. Strict, forwards, and above all, she sleeps in the same single room with all of her brigadiers. Because of these differences, it was only natural for the captain to say something remotely condescending. "Listen to him." 

Before anyone could say another word, the captain turned on her heel and began making her way towards the bunks. The mission was set to go in two days. Eckener reached into her side pocket and pulled out an ink bottle and a brush as she dumped water until the board was clean.

Winter Brigade Expedition #59


Acquire Manganese from the frozen caves of the East.


-Alison Eckener

-Tara Perl (Captain's Squad)

-Anthony Johnson (Captain's Squad)

-Stanley Brasse (Virgin)



Equipment Inventory


Food Rations




Alison glared at her handiwork. Two open spots meant anyone could join, and not just her brigadiers. Having a mech on the mission wouldn't be bad, since the power of the technology far surpassed that of a human, even Alison. However, fuel and cost was a major problems as mechs were expensive. Looks like the brigade was on this on their own.

The captain looked at her ink covered hands and walked to the equipment rooms for the Winter Brigade. There, she pulled down a couple of large trunks that were much larger than her. Alison took two of them onto the floor and then stacked a third one with a bit of effort. And then, she began to search for equipment.

@Salex The Baldie @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun ( @Yappi )



Rex would then say "me.... as captain of the winter brigade...." before walking along to a ledge... looking over the new cadets.... well time for him to go to work. since they are literally in a cave, every word he said would echo. He looks down.... and chuckled... suddenly he shouted "ATTEEEENNNNTTIIOOONNN!!!!" and everything went quiet. "MY NAME IS REX MANN, BUT YOU WILL ADRESS ME AS CAPTAIN REX. I WILL REPLACE CAPTAIN ALISON WHILE SHE IS GONE FOR HER MISSION. NOW I MAY BE KIND TO MY MEN, BUT ONE THING THAT ALISON TAUGHT ME IS THAT TO TRAIN YOU PIECES OF TRASH, I HAVE TO BE STRICT. SO I'M NOT GONNA BULLSHIT ANYMORE WITH MY INTRODUCTION, 50 LAPS AROUND THE CAVE NOW WITH ALL OF YOUR EQUIPMENT, IF I SEE EVEN ONE OF YOU START TO WALK OR JOG, I'LL GIVE YOU ALL 2 EXTRA LAPS FOR ONE SECOND OF WALKING, MOVE IT MAGGOTS" he shouted, he never shown this level of strictness, odd.

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun

Erica Morrison

Erica ran back to her bot to see it untouched which let her relax a little.  She didn't trust anyone to be alone with it.  Even though she had the keys to it and knew others could be here, she always thought something might happen.  Luckily, Erica had a trap set up.....granted it was a trip wire box with a muffin in case a kid comes by but still!  It was either that or cannon to the face.  She went up, hugged the giants finger before climbing up to examine the tank cannon.  "Hm....probably should make sure this thing works before we go on missions.  Don't want a replay of last time."

Evan Morrison

Evan watched them disband and was finally able to chuckle at the tension.  War can really bring the best/worst of peoples.  He took a bite of his muffin and made his way back to his work.

@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun


Jalen Ackertost

"A repeat of last time? We're protected in giant metal suits, what's the worst that could happen?" From the darkness of the shadow of his tank like mech was Jalen Ackertost. He used to be a part of the Winter Brigade, and had commendable strength because he was able to even get in. Jalen cracked a smile at the girl with the mech before looking out into the distance. His 'last time' was actually quite traumatizing. Going toe to toe with a beast without any armor, only to be grabbed by its massive arms, then only to have its blue blood sprayed on you when your captain recklessly sliced its head to bits. "You're the director's daughter aren't you? Stay safe, I'll protect ya if you want. You know what it means when they're going on a scouting mission right? Anyways, where's lieutenant Reeds?" Jalen turned to the door with a blank expression and waited for the lieutenant. He chuckled and cracked his neck as he thought about how he almost died the last scouting mission.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun
Lt. Reeds

Katie "Kat" Reeds


Kat gave a quiet yawn as the two captains went to whatever they had to do. She had gotten the gist of the scouting mission details. But unless she decided to go personally, then there wasn't much of a chance of her taking it seriously and paying closer attention. Although lucky for Kat, she was good at not paying attention and keeping her ears open. But right now, she just wanted to get back to her baby/partner, Alexander, her mech.  And with a last minute sidenote to mess with Erica for her 'smooth' escape, Kat started walking. When Kat got back she saw Erica and Jalen There. Giving the two a quick wave, Kat went over to her mech. Giving a check over for the simple fact that she was way too over protective of it and its care. 

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock
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Tara Perl

"Only fifty laps? And we're running it too. This guy is going easy on us." Tara reached to her side and felt the two ziplines attached to her sides as well as the metal cables. She weighed the equipment before taking off into a sprint around the laps. Running required almost no physical strain, not nearly as much as zipping around on cables and other things were. Tara's eyes focuses at the other recruits, as she passed them she asked if they were doing alright. Most responded with a nod or a short 'yes.' "AJ, you running this thing?" 

Tara knew about the upcoming scouting mission. She and AJ were now a part of the captain's squad. A smile spread across her face as she continued to run with ease, similar to most of the other brigadiers.

@Salex The Baldie @Yappi

Stanley Brasse

"Stanley." It was all he really had to say to her, because he wasn't really bothered by the fact he was talking to the director's what seemed like daughter. He saluted once again before pulling out his rope. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Morrison." Stanley turned and let the rope fly towards a lamp post. As it latched on, he pulled hard so that he went quite a large distance. As Stanley hoisted himself directly in the air above the lamp post, the rope released itself before Stanley got to throw it to the next lamp post. It was almost a feat of superhuman agility, but that's what the Winter Brigade had. If they have to take on monsters without any metal armor suits, one had to be like Stanley.

Stanley dropped down at the training area next to AJ. "AJ, is it? Look, I need a favor from you. It looked like I failed my ensign trials. How did you do it?"

@Yappi( @Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun)

Alison Eckener

"Yes, I've heard of motivation. Look, you aren't the captain of the Winter Brigade, I am. You can captain the Heavy Iron, but the brigadiers won't listen to what methods you use." Alison had to say nothing else. Ever since she became interim captain at the young age of 18, the performance of the Winter Brigade improved drastically. The popularity, however, remained more-or-less the same. 

The captain then turned to Kat and Erica. "We're going on a scouting mission. Before you ask, no, we don't need mechs for this one. So you have one of two choices, think of it as an offer. You can stay and do what you like, or I'll give one of you a short hand communications hub. You'll receive one message each day from me, and you'll write it down word for word. Another thing. Morrison, I need to speak to Evan." For the first time, Alison gave a serious expression to Erica. It was probably unavoidable at this point, but it was urgent for Alison to speak. 

@Shammy the Shamrock @Shirochankun @Salex The Baldie

((I'm in class, sorry about the somewhat short post))


Stanley Brasse

"Well...I'm not entirely sure. Something with the TME." Stanley looked at the stalagmites on the training course as the other brigadiers swung around with ease. And then there was Stanley, who could move forwards with it. He looked down at the bundle of iron rope in his hand, then back to AJ. "I-Is it something about distributing my weight? Or just staying on the move? Or just my momentum?" 

He spun the weighted end of the two weighted ropes and latched both ends onto two different stalagmites. Stanley's muscles visibly tensed as he pulled himself into the air and forwards, before managing to unravel the rope from his left arm and fall on his stomach. "Ugh! See what I'm talking about?"



Tara Perl

"Only fifty laps? And we're running it too. This guy is going easy on us." Tara reached to her side and felt the two ziplines attached to her sides as well as the metal cables. She weighed the equipment before taking off into a sprint around the laps. Running required almost no physical strain, not nearly as much as zipping around on cables and other things were. Tara's eyes focuses at the other recruits, as she passed them she asked if they were doing alright. Most responded with a nod or a short 'yes.' "AJ, you running this thing?" 

Tara knew about the upcoming scouting mission. She and AJ were now a part of the captain's squad. A smile spread across her face as she continued to run with ease, similar to most of the other brigadiers.

@Salex The Baldie @Yappi

AJ shook his head "I need to be well rested before the mission. If I use all of my energy then I'll fail." He says drinking some more water. "Also ive done most of my workout. I just need to run 1 or 2 laps."



He was seeing them.... No technological intuition nor much intellect, but they make up in strength and stamina.... Impressive, well he's done playing around for now.  "WELL IF YOU DID AS I ORDERED, YOU WOULD HAVE BROUGHT YOUR TME. NOW TO SEE HOW STRONG YOU ARE, GO OUTSIDE, IN THE SNOW AND COLD WITHOUT ANYTHING AND USE YOUR TME TO TRY TO MANEUVER AROUND THE CAVE. YOUR MISSION!? FIND 2 FLAG I HID PERSONALLY IN THE SAFE PERIMETERS OF THE CAVE.... NOW SAFE, DOESN'T MEAN SHIT WHEN YOU'RE FREEZING YOUR ASS OFF WITHOUT A COAT DOESN'T IT?! WELL THEN!? GET TO WORK. FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT BRING THEIR TME ALONG WITH THEM, THUS NOT DOING A DIRECT ORDER, WILL DRAG THEIR SORRY LITTLE ASSES BACK HERE TO GRAB THEIR TME, ALONG WITH A 100 LAP AROUND THE CAVE WITH THE TME." he shouted. the last time he did an "ice run", he hid a few flags for a part of heavy iron's training. Sadly he forgot about it and never got to give it to the heavy iron cadets, as he thought it was too brutal for new recruits. The 1st flag was a normal flag you would see in CTF kind of games, the flag's location was also actually about northwest of the base 10 meters away... Now that's not the hard part, the hard part is that the flag is white. That means that the winter brigade cadets can only see the stick, which was brown, too see where the flag is. The 2nd Flag was a quite small one, in this one, they have to rely on their stamina because the flag was at the very top of the cave, the very highest point of the entire bunker. meaning they have nearly nowhere to hook their tme, They have to hike in the cold without it.

He already gave the instructions to the cadets, and it'll be a while 'till they find the flags, so he walked back to the heavy iron base. He overheard the talk between erica and jalen, he then intervened by saying "what's the worst that could happen is that your head could be bitten off or smashed, your arms or guns bitten off, your reactor core smashed leaving you vulnerable.... the mechs may appear to be invincible, but it's just moving steel, never underestimate the beasts, or it'll be the end of you. And if I'm being honest, erica should be the one protecting you. Your reflexes are only average, only being weighed out by your physical strength and technological intuition. So don't be cocky, am i understood?" he said

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock @Yappi

Erica Morrison

Erica tilted her head before chuckling at the thought of needing protection, she leaned forward to get a good look around the place.  The girl did catch a glimpse of Kat.  Erica waved at her before that wave became pointing so that Jalen could see where the lieutenant was.  "Thanks for the offer but I think i'll be fine right now."  The voice of the commander was heard so she stopped talking to listen.  Erica smiled at the compliment before going back to making sure that the mechs weapons were fully operational.
@JPax @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun

Stanley Brasse and Tara Perl

"Whatever you say AJ. Hey, it's all cool man." Tara cracked a smile as she looked up to the man. At that moment, Stanley finished running and ended up coming back. He looked over to AJ, then to Tara. "I'm, uh, ready for this. Haven't seen the outside in a long time. Where do we get uh...mangoes anyways?" Tara did a half laugh and looked to Stanley and AJ. "Something you need for steel. Now, looks like we should get ready."



Jalen Ackertost

Jalen casually nodded to the captain, finding no need to respond to what sounded like a half baked insult at his reflexes. After all, he was used to being treated harshly by captain Eckener, so he wasn't even remotely scared of Rex. He began performing maintenance checks unlike most others did. While it was orderly and routine for everyone else, Jalen physically scaled the side of his mech to perform all sorts of checks. He almost swung around the arms, fingers, and every detail as if it was some kind of playground. Or worse, like one of the beasts themselves.

The level of insanity involved in the Winter Brigade often times stuck with someone forever. While Heavy Iron was formal like an army, there was just something off about the way Jalen went about doing everything. After finishing the checks, he slid down the side of the mech and kicked its shin. "Not bad at all. Beats hand to hand, though I really think we need steel for these." 

Jalen thought about it for a moment before turning to Erica. "Well...guess I'm off. I can't believe there's no strict training schedule, just fix your mech and hope you get called."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun 


Alison Eckener

(Wow wtf lady)

"Done..." The captain smiled at her hard work over the last few minutes. She had finished mounting all the fixed and functional TME sets onto the Iron Horses. Yay, horses. She had completed one day worth of preparation within three hours. Alison sighed and looked at the most surprising part of her whole thing. She had subconsciously been drinking alcohol. A lot of it. Even though the woman was three times as strong as the average human, she had a surprisingly low tolerance for alcohol. Maybe that was changed into pain tolerance or something.

The captain wiped her face down with one hand. Somewhere in the middle of her drunk preparation, she changed into casual clothes that were probably inappropriate for a professional setting. "Well if Rex is taking care of the recruits, I guess that means I take over his branch for now. Hmm...mental training. Being in prison is pretty much torture." The captain's eyes shifted towards the mech garage and a smile spread across her face.

Alison came in through the window. Metal wire spun around the captain quite elegantly as she practically flew past Erica and her mech. Before the anyone had time to react, she pulled Erica off the mech and landed on the ground, still holding her as the metal wires made their way back into the spool of cable behind her back. From this position, Alison would look rather terrifying. Her black hair shadowed her eyes, which glared straight down at the mech pilot she just scooped up. 

"Prepare for intense mental training, pansy gut." The captain's iron grip tightened on Erica as she carried her to a Winter Brigade prison cell, and chucked her on the bed. "Evan, I'm mentally training your daughter alright? Get your ass down here and oversee this operation!"

@Shammy the Shamrock  (@Shirochankun @Salex The Baldie)

((Perks about being the strongest: No matter what you do, they won't fire you because humanity depends on it))

Erica Morrison and Evan Morrison

Erica was enjoying herself when all of a sudden, a drunk captain grabbed her off her baby and dragged her away.  It took Erica a second to process this information before looking at everyone fearful.  "Commander!  Lieutenant!  S.O.E!  SAVE OUR ERICA!"  She yelled before being taken to the cells and thrown onto a bed.  She was getting worked up and the fact the captain threw her on a bed, wearing a shirt that didn't hide anything, was drunk, and that had gave a menacing glare wasn't helping.  

Meanwhile Evan was walking into the garage when all of a sudden he saw the captain drag away his daughter.  "THIS IS WHY I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS DRINKING!"    He grabbed his cane and bolted to the cells, this wasn't looking good since Alison could probably brake his daughter like a twig and that wasn't going to happen today!
 @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun

Alison Eckener

Alison locked the cell and stood outside, leaning against the wall. "I was gonna make you run ten miles or somethin' but your lanky pansy body probably couldn't take it." She finished her bottle of alcohol and crushed the bottle with one hand. "So, time for mental torture n shit. Hey, you know the new recruits? Whatever. So, you're in love with that mech. Ey, Evan!"

The drunk captain just threw her arms behind her head and smirked. It was unnatural for the captain to smirk, probably giving away the fact she as straight up drunk. "You know your daughter's engaged to her robot right? Sleeps with it every night instead of in the barracks. Probably at one in the morning, she's just grinding up against those metal armor plates, or going crazy 'downstairs' with the massive mechanical fingers. You picturing it, director? Are you picturing it?"

Yeah...this was a disaster.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie @Shirochankun
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Evan Morrison and Erica Morrison

Erica was shocked by what Alison had said about her robot.  She slammed against the bars before grabbing them and pressing her face against it.  "I would never do that!?  Are you always like this?"  She asked through clenched teeth before stumbling back onto the bed.

Evan let out a sigh while grabbing the bridge of his nose before turning to Alison.  "Alison!  I'm sorry dear, she's been drinking...."  He mumbled while glaring down at the very small girl, not proud of her antics.
@JPax @Salex The Baldie[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Shirochankun
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suddenly rex put his hand around alison "HAHA she's just kidding around, don't worry" he said as he put a nervous grin and pulled her into an alleyway, suddenly he looked to alison and slapped her "this is the reason i don't take you drinking you lightweight, i had to keep erica's secret from the director for years damnit, snap out of it" he said and he shook her back and forth

[SIZE= 14px]@JPax [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]@Shammy the Shamrock[/SIZE]
1 minute ago, Shammy the Shamrock said:

Evan Morrison and Erica Morrison

Erica was shocked by what Alison had said about her robot.  She slammed against the bars before grabbing them and pressing her face against it.  "I would never do that!?  Are you always like this?"  She asked through clenched teeth before stumbling back onto the bed.

Evan let out a sigh while grabbing the bridge of his nose before turning to Alison.  "Alison!  I'm sorry dear, she's been drinking...."  He mumbled while glaring down at the very small girl, not proud of her antics.
@JPax @Salex The Baldie[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Shirochankun


(mmmmm the timing XD)

Alison Eckener

Alison grabbed onto the wall to stop herself from being pulled away, her fingers digging into the wall with enough strength to actually chip away some of the brick. She let herself get slapped but didn't flinch. "Pfft. Hey, my name's robo-fucker and I have a mech! Let's forget about technical difficulties and just worship captain van de graff over here." 

Her voice mocking of Erica wasn't on point at all, but that's what alcohol really does to people. She jerked her thumb to Rex and then slumped back against the wall. "Fuckin' asshole."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie

Even Morrison and Erica Morrison

"BY THE CAVES ALISON!  COMPOSE YOURSELF!"  He was really boiling at this point and it could be seen by his grip on the cane as a thin slit of metal could be seen for a second.  It vanished as he forced the cane down, giving his new look to Rex.

Erica frowned and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms and just staring at the bars.  "I'm not a robot fucker!"  She shook her head, tucking her hands in her pockets and hoping that this would all end soon.
@JPax @Salex The Baldie



"well evan, you really can't blame her... when you're going to do a mission which you can die by your head getting bitten off by a 25 meter beast, getting drunk is the way i see it could get better" he said as he let go of alison. "she probably just needs some time to herself, i'll take care of the winter brigade and heavy iron while she's in this state, she'll come back soon enough" he said.

@JPax @Shammy the Shamrock

Alison Eckener

"Wait,..." Alison raised a hand to what Rex said. "You kept your robot fucking secret for several years?!" The captain got off of the wall and went up to the bars, glaring directly at Erica. "This. Changes. EVERYTHING. Alright, all you need to know is that you can keep a secret for that long. I'm like, your older cousin sister thing for the time being, except if you fuck another robot I'll break you in half. But we're gonna take so many shots together, alright? Strap yourself in, and we're gonna have a fucking fiesta." Eckener's glare loosened up and she walked away from the prison cell, laughing. "Robot fucker! Ha!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex The Baldie



rex would facepalm.... "if you think you drink like maniacs, spend just a day after a mission in heavy iron... then you see what real drinkers are" he said as he flashbacked to a knocked out crew of heavy iron, a burning bar, a tipsy rex and a very very angry director. he would then bring alison to her quarte- well bunks.... winter brigade has no personal quarters, but makes sense why.


Alison Eckener

Alison laughed as she was dragged back to her bunks. "Aweeee...thanks, you're so nice! Just lemme sleep and get away from that ribosome." She sighed and fell flat on the floor, waving to Rex with the other hand that wasn't sprawled across her limp body. "Check on the brigadiers will ya? I wouldn't be surprised if Yvelle's feeding them already..."

@Salex The Baldie


Yvelle Eckener

"Eat up guys, it's good for you!" A small girl was in the middle of a circle of brigadiers in the center of the place. The brigadiers that weren't there were working, but they turned hopefully towards Yvelle once in a while. The girl smiled as she set out the brigade lunches, which were all being given earlier than usual by her. She turned towards the mech garage and enthusiastically waved. "Ericaaa!!! Want something to eat? These guys have been working hard but so have you! Anthony, you can come here too!!" Yvelle grinned happily as she gave one of the brigadiers a tomato from the basket that, in no way, could feed these 20 brigadiers.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Yappi
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