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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

"you keep dancing and enjoying yourselves , the guards will handle the intruders"
Clair grabbed at her sisters hand and smiled at the man "my sister is somewhat clumsy and immature , i'm sure you'd prefer dancing with me"

Siyaria chuckles a bit while giving her sister a look that says 'thank you' . Then she head out of the ballroom.
"I need some air" she says with a small smile. "I'm going to go out to the stables for a few minutes I'll be right back." She says with a smile and walked out carefully. She walks up to her room quickly putting on some more casual clothes, well to be specific riding clothes. She walked towards the stables seeing her horse, Midnight. He was a simple black horse but he was her favorite. She walked into the stall grabbing a brush and starts brushing the horse talks by to him softly. "There are some intruders in the castle you know and I'm expected to just lay low and not to do anything but I guess it is what it is. Lets go out for a short ride." She says grabbing a saddle and mounting the horse. She grabs the reins and leads the horse out of the the stables. She quickly jumps onto the horse and grabbed the rein and just starts trotting to an open field.

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Clair smiled and waited patiently for the song to start "you seem to know what your doing"
Siyaria walks up to her room and opens the door. Her small white dog, Snowball, greets her by jumnping up onto her legs. She chuckles and picks her dog up. "Aw hi Snowball, did you miss me." She grins as Snowball licks her face. Siyaria closes the door and puts Snowball down. She pulls her dress off to reveal a more regular shirt and trousers. She picks snowball up and then runs down the stairs. She open the large door of the castle and walks to the forest.

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair smiled and waited patiently for the song to start "you seem to know what your doing"

"Well... I always liked to dance" he puts an hand on her hip. The music would start. It was a slow song. He starts to dance following the music's rhythm
Siyaria places snowball down and kneels next to him. With a grin she'd summon an orb or snow and shoot it up into the air. It explodes and snowflakes begin to fall around them. She still hasnt noticed Charlie. Snowball runs around everyone in a while barking happily.
Clair let him take the lead in the dance with a smile "i learned how to dance through chess believe it or not."
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair let him take the lead in the dance with a smile "i learned how to dance through chess believe it or not."

"Chess? I love that game. But..." he chuckles "How did you learn dancing by it?"
Clair smiled "in chess your queen moves in accordance to what your king does , the same goes for dancing. I ,the queen, move in accordance to you , the king." @JPTheWarrior
A knight in full armor patrols the interior of the ballroom, making sure that nothing suspicious was going on. Her name was Kelsea, it was a miracle that she was head the castle guard at this age and the fact that she was a girl. The life she had before turning to knighthood didn't concern anyone nor did her gender, she hid her identity fairl well, only very few people knew who she actually was. She sits nearby a window outlooking the garden while checking out the ballroom scene.

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