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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

Clair entered her study and took her seat , she went about reading the papers that had been left for her. It took her some time to do so as there was quite a lot to read , once she was satisfied with her decision she signed the papers and passed them on to the same adviser from before.

Clair continued on to the ballroom with the hopes that she would find her sisters.
Clair stood finely in the ballroom trying to find her sisters when she noticed a man approaching her , she smiled polity and offered her hand "good evening" @Ldybug123
She is in the ball just watching for the most part and observing everything. She sees Clair walk in and she was glad she was coming to the ball. She sees someone that was obviously trying to stay hidden, well if someone was just looking he would seem like a normal guest. She saw some people dancing, others talking, drinking wine, eating food. She did have a glass of wine in her hand but she had an extremely high tolerance to any type of alcohol. She gave her glass to a server giving them a quick nod before walking over to the guy. "Would you care to dance?" She asks.

"there's no need for you to apologize to me Charlie , you have done me no harm" Clair smiled reassuringly at him "so is there a reason you came to speak with me or did you just wish to converse ?"
Ollucios looked at the woman who had approached him quickly taking basic details for the woman that was before him. After realizing she was a royal he knew where his place was and didn't try anything dumb. "If you would like m'lady." He said in a polite manner as not to be completely disrespectful or disrespectful in any way that he could possibly be.

"Please call me Elizabeth, and you don't have to." She says trying to message over that he could relax a little bit. She wasn't some snotty, stuck up royal. "What may I call you?" She asks curiously finally realizing he was a knight. She has a friendly smile on her face.

"My name is Ollucios, Pleasure to meet you Elizabeth. I'd be more than happy to dance with a woman as refined as you" He said with a bow to the lady. Being a knight he would still have to be courteous towards royalty regardless of whether he was supposed to be more open around them.

"Well then shall we." She says holding out her hand in gesture for him to take it. She knew she would have to dance either way at this party and she rather choose who instead of her parents walking in and choosing for her. She still had a small smile on her face.


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