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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

I was simply asking for clarity upon how executions could be done concerning magical uses, and it was all for scientific purposes, I swear! The science of murder, perhaps, evil laughs... But in all honesty the way things are going right now, it's highly unlikely that Felix will end up being killed. In universe the person who Felix got involved with is vouching for him along with Helbrecht, so the King will most likely be swayed one way or another. Out of universe, I don't think any of us are evil enough to kill Felix.

Perhaps this update will explain the mechanics and updates tab? They have provided the important information that I can read, but I believe there is still more to be had.

On a side note, why is there no emote with a raised eyebrow? That is an essential part of my vocabulary that requires an emote to express fully.

@FelixWrightwind @Pretzel Heart
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Let's set the measure straight.

Both GM's are 100% evil enough to kill any and all characters.

However our sick lack of morality has been reeled in by the basic politeness required of GMing an RP. So...we decided we technically can't kill anyone, without their express consent.

This gives us free reign to kill all our own characters, though~! -Makes 50 for the slaughter-

As far as executions go...I would imagine that it would be carried out by people specifically fitted for the job. Whether they are human or arie would depend upon the cycle. Both magic and machinery have their benefits. Humans have been known to make quite the painful execution procedures.
ParadoxalPaladin said:
I don't think any of us are evil enough to kill Felix.
I don't think any of us are evil enough to kill Felix... just yet. Fixed that.

Besides, lacking morality always makes the best RP. The best D&D games are played with a Dungeon Master who is willing to murder you for your mistakes at any moment!
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Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21100-paradoxalpaladin/ said:
Let's set the measure straight.

Both GM's are 100% evil enough to kill any and all characters.

However our sick lack of morality has been reeled in by the basic politeness required of GMing an RP. So...we decided we technically can't kill anyone, without their express consent.

This gives us free reign to kill all our own characters, though~! -Makes 50 for the slaughter-

As far as executions go...I would imagine that it would be carried out by people specifically fitted for the job. Whether they are human or arie would depend upon the cycle. Both magic and machinery have their benefits. Humans have been known to make quite the painful execution procedures.

I've gotten a rather amazing idea for being put to death. Just as long as you don't mind grim reapers?..
@ParadoxalPaladin I am exactly that Dungeon Master. Which means none of my campaigns have ever been successfully finished. >,>> (Always fun, though. Always fun.)

@FelixWrightwind Do you want to die already? Lol

@Beowulf It will be some time on the 18th. I will tag you once we start the official changeover. And you will have some special task for Day 2 since your character was not present at the Banquet. Which we can talk about as it comes up.
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Do you want to die already?

Not necessarily. I have a plan. A basic overview is that before being killed, death visits him in his cell to make a deal- he'll become a grim reaper (along with a lot of others), and his duty will be to take the souls of the deceased on his list in his area every day. Of course, he'll be only one reaper of a lot, but he'll be, like, the local one I guess. The way it'll work is after he signs the contract, when he's executed the next day, he'll be brought back as a grim reaper. Of course, I'm no godmodder, so there will be a lot of rules- he isn't immortal, nobody is. Basically, he has rules as a reaper. He'll have gained powers, but they're EVASIVE. Nothing for fighting. And if he breaks one of the rules as a reaper, the contract will be broken, and he'll die. One of those rules is that he can't kill anyone that he's not instructed to. And he will still be able to die- just not from regular wounds, such as losing a finger or something. He'll be assigned weak points where he can be killed rather easily, in fact. But he won't age, so there's that.

What do you think? Is that allowed?

Heyo! Lots of stuff here. Lots of important stuff. So please read carefully.

-First off, for those who haven't noticed (did anyone other than @Lady Ravenshade ?), we added the profs for two of our last "princes" in the 'Neutral Characters' tab. They will be officially introduced into the RP very soon. Please look forward to meeting them.

With that we have all but one of the Representatives! It's awesome! Go us!

-I added Vlad and Avery to the 'Character Information' table...just because I could, really.

-After a lot of careful discussion, it has been decided that @ShadyAce will be moving roles from the Replacement Princess to something less demanding due to schedule conflicts and time constraints. We are still working out the details, but we are very happy to have her continue to be in our RP. :)

-That being said...we are currently minus one Replacement Princess. But we are not in panic mode yet, and will be diverting our best energies to find one ASAP. If one doesn't show up, the GM's will handle it. Do not worry.

-We. Are. Finally. FINALLY. Closing in on Day Two! Whoot! This means we'll be seeing several changes. If you look on the calendar (on the 'Overview' tab), you'll notice that (the icon will be moved) there are no "Official Events" planned for the day! So what are we supposed to do with ourselves? This is how it's gonna go. Everyone wanting to team up can meet in the Dining Hall for breakfast. This will automatically include all the Reps (unless they wanna be a loner...please don't be a loner), and anyone else that gets an invite from them (Ex: Kiefer- Hey, Nelly, you're my best friend! Let's go to the beach tomorrow! Meet here for breakfast then we'll depart together!). Mostly implementing this for the sake of keeping track of peeps. You can also have your character meet their group at their final destination if they're running late. After that everyone will have the option to go to one place out of those listed in the "Inside the Euthalia Kingdom" section on the 'Lore' tab. Each group or person gets one to start, and maybe based on plot you will get directed to move elsewhere. Again, we are doing this to limit absolute chaos and try and keep everyone as evenly temporally spread as possible. Day 2 should not take as long as Day 1.

Unless something totally interesting / whack happens, after each group finishes their one event, we will move onto the next day. Simple as that. Because we gotta keep this shiz moving forwards, yo!

**Tango Garden, Dance Hall, Cendrillion Ballroom, and Cha-Cha-Cha Arena will be closed due to setting up for future events. While your character can go to Paso Doble Park, we would discourage it because it's hella expensive and you'll all get a chance to go for free later on. Also, how dance practice will go in relation to daily events will be worked out more as we progress. However, since this is the first day, going to dance practice will take up your entire one event.**

So before the end of the Banquet (I will make an official '24 Hours Warning Till We Post the Final Shit on This Shit' announcement, but it's gonna be some time on March 18th), try and get a gameplan together on what your character is gonna do so you can set it up.

If you have a totally different idea in mind, share it with us through the OOC or PM and we'll try and work with you. Since this is a free day we understand the need to be, well, free, but we're also trying to make sure we don't get bogged down too much with split-end plots and keep things moving at a healthy pace.

-Lastly, some of you may have noticed some shiny new tabs ('Mechanics' and 'Updates'). We will use 'Updates' to post summaries on a (in RP) day-to-day basis for peeps who need to get caught up or want to reflect and such. 'Mechanics' will explain the rules for the dancing competitions and how we will decide them. That's a whole other banana, so it's getting it's own line.

-Brand spanking new Dance Mechanic! Since before this RP was even up, we've been trying to brainstorm this thing. How to make the dance competitions fun, fair, and a little bit random? Well, we think we came up with a nice solution that is relatively easy to learn and implement. All the rules are explained on the 'Mechanics' tab. If you have a character who dances, you must go read the 'Mechanics' tab. Afterwards make an OOC post saying whether or not you agree with their starting rank (as proof you read). Those were picked by me based on information in the profs, so I'm totes open to debate. Also please let us know what you think of the rules overall. There are only 3 dance competitions scheduled for this RP (unless you decide to go to the World Dance Competition, in which case there will be 4), so we don't think this will be too much of a headache for anyone. It should give you more options on how to play your character, so hopefully it will be fun, and not aggravating. Cool? Cool.

-Last but not least, please realize that as soon as the day changes over, we will become stricter about posting once again. Lots of free passes were given out in understanding of the split plots. But you have been warned. [ Though @MLAQTS do hope your hand is doing better... ]

Stay swaggy guys, and thanks for helping make us an awesome RP. Only good things to come ahead!

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Pretzel Heart]MIA? Missing in Action. [/QUOTE] That'd be [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22500-wizard-nibblers/ said:
@wizard nibblers[/URL] , then?

And it's not a bad idea, is it? Because I spent an awful lot of time making it to where he's not overpowered in any ways-
@FelixWrightwind Yes both I and wiznibs share GM responsibilities for this RP. We don't give feedback or make ideas or do much of anything, really, before it has been discussed between us both. We are a single angry God.

So I cannot provide feedback before I talk it out with her. Yup yup.
[QUOTE="Unwavering Knight]Let me be clear: If Felix actually receives the deathsentence for simple - if widespread - thievery, Helbrecht will attempt to get him out of captivity. By force.

But surely they'd be killed, trying to escape with so many guards-
ParadoxalPaladin said:
@Pretzel Heart The inefficiencies of a segmented government, on a miniature scale right here! I DEMAND AN IMMEDIATE DUEL TO THE DEATH BETWEEN THE TWO GMs FOR POSITION OF DICTATOR! xD
It's kind of funny since we share a name IRL. And have been planning each other's demise for quite some time...

Of course...I'm going to be the one who wins in the end.

Are you really ready to put up with the reign of Evil Overlord Pretz?

Even I admit I'd make a terrible leader.

The blood would flood the streets...

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