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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

[QUOTE="wizard nibblers]Like the souls of people who are trapped there and didn't move on? How will you interact with the rest of the people in the rp, then?

Well, it wouldn't take long. Possibly, as a little bit of thanks for helping him, he could let Helbrecht and the princess come along as well. Then, when he's done, simply come back upstairs to the ball and watch, pretty much. And of course, help a bit with some common chores there.
FelixWrightwind said:
Well, it wouldn't take long. Possibly, as a little bit of thanks for helping him, he could let Helbrecht and the princess come along as well. Then, when he's done, simply come back upstairs to the ball and watch, pretty much. And of course, help a bit with some common chores there.
Wait what wouldn't take long? Becoming a reaper? Why would they go to jail with him? The actual ball is at the end of the month, I wanna make sure he has something to do for the next 29 (in-game) days that doesn't isolate him from everyone
[QUOTE="wizard nibblers]Wait what wouldn't take long? Becoming a reaper? Why would they go to jail with him? The actual ball is at the end of the month, I wanna make sure he has something to do for the next 29 (in-game) days that doesn't isolate him from everyone

Well, by ball, I meant everything that's been going on. We've been in the castle and whatnot. I meant hanging around in the festivities. And becoming a reaper would happen as he was executed. What wouldn't take long would be sending the souls in the dungeons on their way.

See? I've got it all planned out!
@FelixWrightwind Hmm, well with everything that has happened, we still don't think that it would make sense for the king to execute him since he realizes that the situation with the arie is kind of delicate. So it might have to wait till later on in the RP on that reason alone.
Wow, things have been moving fast, since the last time I checked.

Olympia's dancing rank should be just fine. And to confirm, Olympia will not be going to the dining hall unless she is invited.
Spiritdancer said:
Wow, things have been moving fast, since the last time I checked.
Olympia's dancing rank should be just fine. And to confirm, Olympia will not be going to the dining hall unless she is invited.
Yup. The dining hall is more of just a meeting place, so no one should be there very long.

And thanks.
It would be really nice if one of you guys could invite Helbrecht.

Out of curiosity, not at all because I am uncertain due to the knight's asocial appearance, what are the options for those that do not receive an invitation?
@Unwavering Knight @Lady Ravenshade You will choose your own position to go to on the map, but you might be alone, which would kind of suck, so that's why we encourage everyone to try and pair up with one other person, at least. The events are going to be sort of random encounter type things. It's only the second day, so likely nothing too heavy yet.
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Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28991-felixwrightwind/ said:
@FelixWrightwind[/URL] Hmm, well with everything that has happened, we still don't think that it would make sense for the king to execute him since he realizes that the situation with the arie is kind of delicate. So it might have to wait till later on in the RP on that reason alone.
I mean, he's already being charged for attempted kidnapping and he just almost sliced a guard's hesd off, which branches to attempted murder-
FelixWrightwind said:
Well, by ball, I meant everything that's been going on. We've been in the castle and whatnot. I meant hanging around in the festivities. And becoming a reaper would happen as he was executed. What wouldn't take long would be sending the souls in the dungeons on their way.
See? I've got it all planned out!
The reaping souls thing would just kinda be you rping with yourself in the corner for a while, at least if he was still a thief he could be involved with others and start up some kind of arc or trigger an event rather than just kinda hanging out and watching. If/when we do kill characters in the story, it wouldn't be until things really escalated, so you'd be hanging out doing a whole lotta nothing for a while if you did it right now. (Can reapers even interact with living humans/arie?) It's also probably gonna speed up the rebellion faster than we can develop it.

Annnnd my comment about how establishing death as a figure and the concept of reapers, and by extension souls, would affect the lore in terms of magic and spirituality still stands :P
@Lady Ravenshade[/URL] ?), we added the profs for two of our last "princes" in the 'Neutral Characters' tab. They will be officially introduced into the RP very soon. Please look forward to meeting them.

With that we have all but one of the Representatives! It's awesome! Go us!

-I added Vlad and Avery to the 'Character Information' table...just because I could, really.

-After a lot of careful discussion, it has been decided that @ShadyAce will be moving roles from the Replacement Princess to something less demanding due to schedule conflicts and time constraints. We are still working out the details, but we are very happy to have her continue to be in our RP. :)

-That being said...we are currently minus one Replacement Princess. But we are not in panic mode yet, and will be diverting our best energies to find one ASAP. If one doesn't show up, the GM's will handle it. Do not worry.

-We. Are. Finally. FINALLY. Closing in on Day Two! Whoot! This means we'll be seeing several changes. If you look on the calendar (on the 'Overview' tab), you'll notice that (the icon will be moved) there are no "Official Events" planned for the day! So what are we supposed to do with ourselves? This is how it's gonna go. Everyone wanting to team up can meet in the Dining Hall for breakfast. This will automatically include all the Reps (unless they wanna be a loner...please don't be a loner), and anyone else that gets an invite from them (Ex: Kiefer- Hey, Nelly, you're my best friend! Let's go to the beach tomorrow! Meet here for breakfast then we'll depart together!). Mostly implementing this for the sake of keeping track of peeps. You can also have your character meet their group at their final destination if they're running late. After that everyone will have the option to go to one place out of those listed in the "Inside the Euthalia Kingdom" section on the 'Lore' tab. Each group or person gets one to start, and maybe based on plot you will get directed to move elsewhere. Again, we are doing this to limit absolute chaos and try and keep everyone as evenly temporally spread as possible. Day 2 should not take as long as Day 1.

Unless something totally interesting / whack happens, after each group finishes their one event, we will move onto the next day. Simple as that. Because we gotta keep this shiz moving forwards, yo!

**Tango Garden, Dance Hall, Cendrillion Ballroom, and Cha-Cha-Cha Arena will be closed due to setting up for future events. While your character can go to Paso Doble Park, we would discourage it because it's hella expensive and you'll all get a chance to go for free later on. Also, how dance practice will go in relation to daily events will be worked out more as we progress. However, since this is the first day, going to dance practice will take up your entire one event.**

So before the end of the Banquet (I will make an official '24 Hours Warning Till We Post the Final Shit on This Shit' announcement, but it's gonna be some time on March 18th), try and get a gameplan together on what your character is gonna do so you can set it up.

If you have a totally different idea in mind, share it with us through the OOC or PM and we'll try and work with you. Since this is a free day we understand the need to be, well, free, but we're also trying to make sure we don't get bogged down too much with split-end plots and keep things moving at a healthy pace.

-Lastly, some of you may have noticed some shiny new tabs ('Mechanics' and 'Updates'). We will use 'Updates' to post summaries on a (in RP) day-to-day basis for peeps who need to get caught up or want to reflect and such. 'Mechanics' will explain the rules for the dancing competitions and how we will decide them. That's a whole other banana, so it's getting it's own line.

-Brand spanking new Dance Mechanic! Since before this RP was even up, we've been trying to brainstorm this thing. How to make the dance competitions fun, fair, and a little bit random? Well, we think we came up with a nice solution that is relatively easy to learn and implement. All the rules are explained on the 'Mechanics' tab. If you have a character who dances, you must go read the 'Mechanics' tab. Afterwards make an OOC post saying whether or not you agree with their starting rank (as proof you read). Those were picked by me based on information in the profs, so I'm totes open to debate. Also please let us know what you think of the rules overall. There are only 3 dance competitions scheduled for this RP (unless you decide to go to the World Dance Competition, in which case there will be 4), so we don't think this will be too much of a headache for anyone. It should give you more options on how to play your character, so hopefully it will be fun, and not aggravating. Cool? Cool.

-Last but not least, please realize that as soon as the day changes over, we will become stricter about posting once again. Lots of free passes were given out in understanding of the split plots. But you have been warned. [ Though @MLAQTS do hope your hand is doing better... ]

Stay swaggy guys, and thanks for helping make us an awesome RP. Only good things to come ahead!

So guys, haven't been hearing from some of you much. We need to make sure you read the last Announcement (quoted here for your viewing pleasure), since it's super important, and we won't know you did unless you tell us about your dancing ranks. So I believe these are the people who never responded:

@FinalStraw (Also waiting on you IC ... -coughs-)

@Yandere Aqua

You should reaaallly go read the Mechanics page. It will take less than 5 minutes, I swear.

Also, there hasn't been a lot of talk and/or planning for Day 2 yet...and since there's both a lot going on and many people who haven't posted for a while, we were wondering if you guys would prefer to have a few extra days to think things over before we officially change?

We have been asking around and think we found someone who will fill in the Replacement Princess role, but she will be unable to get things straightened out until this coming Monday, March 21st.

Is that a good day for the changeover, and can everyone get their character ready to rumble by that date?

So far we have 1 vote for Monday (21st), 1 vote for Friday (18th)

I know some of you are waiting for the King IC, and I admit I probably won't post for him until the date changes because I just kinda want to wrap it up all in one go, unless you really want to be freed up for another post. Though you can also slip in your Day Two plans into your final post after / during the changeover.

And also including @ShadyAce , @Unwavering Knight , @Lady Ravenshade , @FelixWrightwind , @Beowulf to round us off. Huzzah!
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Uncertain as of yet for day 2. Helbrecht will probably be concerned with getting a partner for the competition and getting to practicing, which will entail him basically approaching the gathered nobles directly and inquire for their desire to bother with him.

Gonna be FUN!
Spiritdancer said:
Hi. You might have missed my last post, but I did mention that I was content with my rank. :)
Quite right, I did forget about that (too many notifications these days... >o>'' )

And yes, breakfast is set out for the palace guests only, so townspeople and other visitors wouldn't be going. But it's not going to be like a...banquet...breakfast...thing. More just like a meeting place. Then off to the more important locations for 'events.' ( ;) )
I'm excited to meet who'll be playing the replacement princess!~ ^-^I think a few extra days would be convenient to those who still need some time to sew things up but to be frank, I'm rather weary of the banquet now, because it's been dragged on for so long =.=
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[QUOTE="Lady Ravenshade]I'm excited to meet who'll be playing the replacement princess!~ ^-^I think a few extra days would be convenient to those who still need some time to sew things up but to be frank, I'm rather weary of the banquet now, because it's been dragged on for so long =.=

Hooo boy aren't we all.

We really are. Trying to end it ASAP. But also want to give people a chance to neatly close off their night. And we really don't know where people are who haven't been active recently.

Though that makes exactly 1 vote to extend the end to Monday.

See where other peeps lie.
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Hooo boy aren't we all.
We really are. Trying to end it ASAP. But also want to give people a chance to neatly close off their night. And we really don't know where people are who haven't been active recently.

Though that makes exactly 1 vote to extend the end to Monday.

See where other peeps lie.

Still not sure how those common folk without an invitation could possibly link up with the "main group" so to say
@Unwavering Knight

Yeah OOC planning is kind of key here since we want to A) end the banquet and B) give you choice on where you want to go. Think of it as an open map, except not open, because there are specific locations. And you just choose one to go to. It's...pretty simple. Yeah?

Preferably there will be someone else who wants to go visit that same location, otherwise you will be RPing with nothing but NPC's. But we will have events set up for everyone regardless.
We made the bit about 'invitations' if people wanted to secure specific groups beforehand, but honestly it's not necessary? Since if everyone chooses to go to the same location they will all end up together no matter what.
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@ParadoxalPaladin Yeah you're fine on the IC since I don't think we're posting for King until we make the final Banquet post. So for now please read the Announcement more carefully then go over and read the Mechanics section. Then think about where you wanna go on Day 2 and try and make plans for that. U,U

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