[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Elizabeth stared at Archive’s avatar and decided she will not be leaving this one. This could be the story she was looking for! She quickly checked what the police’s orders were and it seemed like an arrest warrant with no one to be killed, if she caught the police messing up on video it could cause a lot of problems for them. However she quickly realized that if the police and military finished quickly she would not be able to get there on time and capture anything noteworthy on video and as she thought of this she pulled out a disposable cellphone from her purse and dialed the number to the penthouse waiting a few seconds before someone picked up. She activated Operator’s Voice Module and started speaking “My name is Operator and you may not know me but you are in great danger. The police are raiding your penthouse after the incident on the street” she continued to explained and crossed her fingers hoping he would believe. She had no information on the person she was talking and hoped it would work. After a few moments of explaining the situation as best as she could she got an acknowledgement from the other side of the phone and hung up tossing the phone into a toilet after she made sure it was wiped and fried.

Archive I will be going there in person with Oan, I will be doing some information gathering and testing out the new cloaking module. I will only interfere if it becomes necessary” she said as she checked through her bag of essentials and frowned at the stuff she had but it would have to do. She returned to Oan shortly after and motioned to go “You said you wanted to work with me now it’s the time to prove it, Unfortunately our date will have to be cut short but we can resume later when we return back to the Library” she tried to smile feeling a little bad that their fun had to be cut short since they both were enjoying a good time.

She gently grabbed his hand and led him outside to an alley making sure it was not the one where the Grey Maiden was. Elizabeth wanted to meet her and it killed her a little bit in the inside to ignore her when she is so close but there were things to do. She stopped in an empty alley way and gave her bag to Oan. “Umm...just close your eyes and hold the bag out for me” she said as she began stripping out of her dress and began getting into her Operator suit putting each individual piece on as quickly as possible. From the boots to the belts and the mask with all the optical visions and to her power gauntlet with all the special features. She frowns a little bit since it seems she did not take many offensive gauntlet modes but got the hacker module and typical blasts and the emp blast. She finished suiting up and pulled out a smaller bag from her backbag. She pulled out a special device which she clips on her chest “Ive been working on a special cloaking device which takes a lot of power to recharge and about a week to recharge so I’ve been saving it and you can do it naturally so we should not have any problem getting in."

Ive got a few things for you but it’s not much. I left some of my mechanical helpers at home working on the rest of your stuff. So let me see . . here” she said as she rummaged through the bag and pulled out two claws for him. “These can electrocute people when you cut them and . . I brought some stuff for me but I’ll share since there is enough to go around” she said as she pulled out twelve sonic grenades for him and twelve for her which she clipped on her belt. “These will disable any one who hears them and would greatly effect that werewolf poster child the police have on a leach but you have to protect your ears from the blast. Don’t get too close, otherwise you will knock your self out or at least blow your cover.” she said as she handed him the left over grenades. She also pulled out two special handguns with special rounds which she explained would explode and upon contact with air they quickly expand into massive tons of goop which would be pretty useful to stop the giant robot man. She had been monitoring the groups of people and if it came down to it she can discharge her entire gauntlet into a massive EMP shot that would knock the power to electronics temporarily. However, it was a last resort option, using the EMP shock would fire the circuits in her gauntlet, forcing it to be no longer operational, at least temporarily.

Hurry, lets get going.” she said as she ordered all the stealth bots in the city to turn invisible and to head to the penthouse and began recording everything from every possible angle.

Exit to the Penthouse Thread
Oan closes his eyes as Elizabeth changes into her Operator suit, peaking a little bit so he could somewhat see but she couldn't realize it. "Now you're talking my language." He grins as he puts the claws on his hands and the grenades on his belt. "Let's get moving." He says, following her closely.

Exit to the Penthouse Thread
Alphonse & Edward - The telephone rang at the Penthouse, it was a noise that startled Alphonse at first, he never got calls. It was far too late at night for telemarketers, and he didn't know anyone who would call him, he even forgot he had a phone. As Edward and Marcus stood weary of the object, being guests and not wanting to be rude, the answering was forced upon Alphonse. Picking it up from its receiver, he muttered a quiet greeting, only to be introduced to a panicked monotone voice. The voice didn't give an understanding of what gender the caller was, but the voice seemed familiar to Alphonse, but he wasn't entirely sure where from though. The voice warned him, knowing that he probably wouldn't believe, that the police were about to raid his Penthouse for his dramatic escape scene last night. Not evening giving the time to end a proper discussion, Alphonse slammed the phone to its receiver.

Alphonse wasn't the type to randomly believe strangers, but the voice's familiarity and his self-doubt in his own actions the night before, convinced him that the voice had at least fairly good reasoning for the police wanting to take the Penthouse from him. Unsure of what to do, he looked towards the windows, and guided his eyes down below. The voice told him they were going to attack from the air, but as he scanned the streets underneath the Penthouse, a swarm of SWAT vehicles were surrounding the building. It was too late then... They would have to fight.

He had a plan involved for attackers on his house, but never actually used it before. Though he figured now was a better time than ever, and explained it to Edward and Marcus. Both of whom, listened with interest and agreed.

As Alphonse headed up to the second floor of the two story Penthouse, he entered a strange floor where all the walls were mirror like glass. IT was similar to a fun mirror room at carnivals, but in reality, the entire floor except for the exterior walls and the roof, were made of glass,each panel have different consistencies and sometimes different colors. Though the second floor was also strange, for in these glass walls existed rooms where other odd artifacts could be found. Most important to Alphonse was his Glass sculpture collection. His favorite rested in the middle of the main hallway, and was the image of three Dolphins dancing. He prepared to stand his ground, waiting for those from the roof to face him.

Edward and Marcus on the other hand went through the first floor, first setting explosive charges in strategic areas. This was supposedly a last resort plan by Alphonse. After setting the charges (Rather professionally on Edward's side, rather ineffectively on Marcus's), they met up in the room with a golden door. Ordered by Alphonse to take whatever items they thought would have value, Marcus took the strange football object with ease. Being able to move the glass container it was in with his mind. They both knew the plan, they would deal with the officers coming up from the ground floors, and apparently when the time came, there was some sort of escape route leaving from this room. How it worked and where the exist was unknown the two of them, Alphonse kept the details very ambiguous.

General Viktor, Vale, Frost - The Helicopter came to its location, hanging twenty feet above the already 89 story (from the very top of the Penthouse) building, was a daunting sight. The rope ladder was lowered and the troops exited out with procession. Vale on the other hand, had a little bit more difficulty, also with his constant habitat to keep looking down, he only made himself more nervous. Frost was the second last to leave, Katelyn being the absolute last person from the chopper, except for the pilot. Katelyn though would remain on the roof unless it was absolutely necessary for her to go down below. To her surprise however, Amber, her boomerang in hand, had already made her appearance on the roof. Not sure entirely how she got here, Katelyn gave a short welcoming before looking at her watch and commencing the countdown.

Amber -

Entering from MPD Headquarters

Removing her jacket, Amber exposed the strange looking harness that she worn similar to a vest around her torso. Having special hooking points, she grabbed her large boomerang and attached her safety straps. Stepping on to the boomerang, placing each foot on the two sides. She concentrated on the metal weapon, and caused it to at first levitate and then take off in flight. Moving at a fast, but safe speed, she eventually caught up with the helicopter that was now dropping its ladder to the Hotel's roof. Landing on the rooftop with similar elegance to a hovercraft, she skidded slightly before coming to a complete stop on the concrete. Stepping off the boomerang platform, she brushed her hair out of her face. The others were there now, standing there to greet her.

General Viktor, Vale, Frost, Amber -

As the watch on Katelyn's wrist counted down the last few seconds, She put her fingers up, as the charges were laid on the roof. "Five..." she whispered, and as she went down she counted more dramatically. As the last few numbers slipped out of her lips she eventually said "One! Operation Commence!" and the charge exploded causing a hole in the roof. Jumping down first, General Viktor made the loudest noise. Frost, Amber, Vale and the remainder of General Viktor's black widows entered in second. The second floor didn't meet the specifications they were told, the room they entered was a large and wide hallway but all around them was glass and mirrors, with different colored, shaped and sized panels. In front of them, in the dark room now, was just a white hair man and a dolphin glass statue.

So the Operation began.

Oan & Elizabeth -

Entering from Luigi's Italian Restaurant

You left the alleyway that faced away from the Hotel. Turning on your cloaking, you disappeared to the naked eye. The building was large, 89 floors with everything included. The tower tonight though was decorated with lights. Red and Blue, circulated the building. At first with the base, as a group of police officers made a barricade to block the entrance, while others ran into secure the upper floors and attempt to get other civilians out of their rooms. Climbing up the tower, you saw the police helicopters, their lights flashing red and blue, up along the tower. At the top, now exposed, you saw the stealth copper entering into the Penthouse.

Elizabeth prayed she wasn't too late, giving up a chance to meet the Grey Maiden only to meet with failure would only destroy her ego. Oan on the other hand enjoyed the adventure, especially with Elizabeth, but as he looked at the tower and scanned over its exterior, he felt more intimidated. Maybe this wasn't going to be as easy as Operator made it sound out to be, was his first thought, but onward they continued into the wall of police barricades blocking the roads. Trying not to be spotted by the grounds troops monitoring the surrounding positions.
Alphonse sat at the bottom of the Dolphins and was prepared to stall for as long as possible or even kill them all if it came down to it knowing that the others are commencing their part of the plan. "Is it not beautiful?" asked odd man sitting there just admiring it's beauty. "I don't suppose you want one? I offer bulk discount if you all want one" he said as he turned his eyes to you all and he clearly noticed you were not amused. "Fine lets get down to the point. I'm sure we can all be very civil here and I will start off by asking you if you have a warrant of any kind. If not I will kindly ask you to leave and send you a bill later for my roof" he said as spread his consciousness into every single glass object into floor which was all of it.

He wondered how the others were doing and hoped the glass weapons of their choice he left them would also help if any trouble came up.
Moving very slowly and surely, Viktor straightened and replied "Warrant: Hostile Mutants, apprehend//arrest alive//disabled. Come along peacefully so we can interrogate you. If you cause a scene or endanger other lives it is likely the restrictions on lethal force will be lifted to protect as many civilians as possible. You are outnumbered, there is no point in fighting. We are not here on a kill contract, but on an arrest contract. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney the court will appoint one for you.". The machine gestured to the rest of the Black Widows to hold their fire and then held out his claw to the other man. "Come on, we will leave now. Don't worry, you didn't kill anyone that we know of and we only with to interrogate you on your past endangerment of civilian lives. After this event we will decide if you walk or if you have to spend a few nights a cell to teach you a lesson about such mischievous actions and abuse of power.". With a gesture of his claw, he flipped out a rolled piece of paper and tossed it to Alphonse. A copy of the warrant. "Come on, if nothing comes up and this is a flop I'll buy you a beer.".
Frost didn't feel that great about what they were doing. 'The kid did help me catch those crooks..But orders are orders...' . The kid was dangerous, that much he agreed on.He also didn't think he'd come peacefully from the little he's seen of him.He wasn't going to be an idiot and jump head first and attack. Though he couldn't help but wonder how fast the kid could react.

"Where are the others?"
Amber looked up and down the white haired boy, obviously entranced a little by his looks. "How cute, isn't he precious." Amber said while walking towards him. "As the metal man said we do have a warrant saying that you were being bad to civilians and all that, but in this room of mirrors a fight would be very bad, it would be better if there was no bloodshed. Don't you agree." she said smiling while walking around him, showing in her face that she is being genuine.
He raised his end up motioning Amber to stop. "That is close enough." he said to the female child as he read the entirety of the warrant much to their dismay he was sure. "Give me a moment while I read this. It is within my legal rights. It also says here I am entitled to make certain requests and get them down on a piece of paper" he continued to say as he read the long document. "So if you are willing to talk with me I will be happy to cooperate once we are all done here." he said taking his eyes from the document and looking at the giant metal man for some sort of acknowledgement.
"Actually we have a warrant to check this whole penthouse, I think its time we located the two other people here. Don't you agree General?" She said while still looking at the boy.
One of the soldiers was acting rather strange. He was shaking slightly, and sweating quite a bit, clearly nervous. “They attacked police did they? Don’t you think they should be dealt with? They are clearly dangerous.” The voice was echoing in his mind, the voice that had been there for over a week by now. Though, this week had been quite an amazing week for him, he seemed to get faster, stronger.

“Yeah… but orders are orders. I can’t do anything.” The conversation was happening in the mans mind, no one around could hear it. The room was filled with glass, and this guy was a glass manipulator. “He could easily massacare us all, right now.

“Better take him out now, before he can do any harm.” The man started to get frusterated, visably now. She stopped and yelled, smashing his head with his palm.

“Stop it, get out! GET OUT!”

“Do it! Do it now before they strike!” The soldier, a black widow of the general; raised his rifle right towards the glass manipulator.

“I… I have to stop the voice…” With that, he pulled the gun’s trigger, sending a bullet right towards the glass benders chest.

Sylvester was quite entertained.
He looks at her "You don't have the right to search anything until I am done reading this bloody document. If you move past me. I will consider it an invasion of priv-" he got cut off as he fell to the ground as he saw the man point a gun. But much to your surprise he fell INTO the glass ground and vanished. A few seconds later the black widow who had attempted to kill Alphonse just began to cough blood out as he fell forward from a massive glass that shot from the wall. A few seconds later you can see Alphonse's image in every reflective surface easily showing hundreds of Alphonses. "I am very disappointed that we are not able to do this civilly. Within my legal rights I am allowed to kill him since you are all technically trespassing until I am done reading this document" said every single alphonse at once. "So how is it going to be Mr. Law Man?"
greyfire would turn to her little metallic friend, which she would name Chompy... who started to fly off.."Chompy, where are you going, Metallic Friend?" she says curiously, following it, her curiosity controlling her...

Exit to the Penthouse
The man fell to the ground, a glass shard protruding from him, as his life was drained. “You’re not much of a shoot, are you? Looks like I’ll have to find a new body.” Sylvester left the soldiers mind, travelling across the Psionic plane. He could see all the people in the room. Though, he didn’t like this, not at all. There weren’t any psionic beasts and creatures around, but who knows how long until one of them showed up? He should… no, wanted… no, needed, to find shelter.
After looting a small collection (a vase he helped make, a few small statuettes and a Chinese staff) Edward set up to fight off anybody coming in from the ground. Seventeen glass knives were strapped to various parts of his body, and a small collection of guns provided by Alphonse were stashed nearby. Turning away from Marcus (more to spare him the sight than anything), Edward cut open his body and placed a powerful explosive inside the gap, with its timer set for one hour and forty minutes. As the wound closed, Edward turned his current weapon onto semiautomatic mode to not waste ammo and walked to the doorway. He scrawled "Please Do Not Enter. Violators Will Be Shot. :( " onto a makeshift sign before moving back to his secure location on the far side. "Right. Let's do this thing."
Greyfire arrives, following her little metal friend... to a average Human, it would be invisibal, but to her more complex Eyes, she could see it fairly easily... and soon, she would see many more zooming about."Oh, a whole Flock! hee ^^" she would say.... as she would suddenly look down, Smelling blood.... and seeing a Helicopter, and a Hole in the roof.. she would fly downward to take a peek inside, and see where that scent of human blood comes from....

She makes no effort to Hide... tho it is dark, her eye's glow her trademark Purple as she floats there, peering at what she can see, her hands glowing aswell, in-case of a sudden attack...

Maybe a certain female Ironman wannabe would see her?
Tightening his claw before releasing it, Viktor looked around before looking at the body in front of him. "You will not face, consequences for this. I will do a psyche check on Olaf. Natascha, you take our weapon specialist back to the chopper. Go." The man practically gagged on his words but managed to continue "Amber, Natascha will need help to carry Olaf. We will do the raid later. God Olaf, why did it have to be you?". The immense armored man slid down to a sitting position before covering his visor with a claw. "Please, hurry. I'd honestly be happy to just call this fucking mission off and leave you alone now. Dear god..." The veteran trailed off as a mechanized scraping kicked-in, likely his mechanically-augmented lungs being picked up by the suit's transmitters. The squad communicators clicked in and played the Sniper's voice overlayed by the sounds of the chopper. "Brigadier, I can do this by myself. One moment... There, Olaf is loaded for transport... he doesn't look good.". Viktor stopped making noise and managed to get to his feet, electricity crackling along his length as he did so. "Black Widow Section, this is Brigadier General Viktor Herzog of Military High Command. You are ordered to return to chopper for emergency extraction. The commissioner can kiss my armor-plated ass if he doesn't like this; one of my men is dying. Amber, you are coming with me and the rest of the Widows. This is not a job that requires the military. Lt. Kat, call for medical staff at Headquarters in addition to any of Olaf's close family. I am extracting myself as well. On-site police, treat this man with the respect due a citizen of Megalopolis. Over and out.". And with that cold, dead line... Viktor slowly walked towards the chopper with the rest of the Widows in toe.
"Sorry metal man I don't wanna go back to that stuffy old building its nice here I think I will stay here with mister serious. What do you think mister glass bender." Amber stayed right where she was, watching the General walk away.
Entering from The Penthouse

Operator returns home after a long day a bit disappointed that nothing happened and that she also cut off their date early. She sat at her table and wondered if the others would accept her invitation and decided to see if Oan wanted to stay here and watch a movie.
Alphonse thanked the Brigadier general for his kindness and civil way of settling things and watched as every last member of the police and the black widows left. He felt kind of bad for injuring that one guy but . . he seemed kind of odd did he not? He wondered to him self but it mattered not. He gave it a few more minutes after everyone was gone and began to come out of the floor near the Dolphin statue keeping some distance from the girl. "You may call me Alphonse" he said with out ever looking at her eyes. He thought how it would be nice for some one to be able to pronounce his real name but some where along the line people just stopped talking latin. "If you are going to be with us you will help around and pull your own weight around. Secondly please do not call me a kid. I am 2000 years old but don't tell any one they won't believe you. We will be leaving this location destroy any trackers and any other devices attaching you to the police and follow us." he said to her calmly as he shed a tear for what he was about to do.

He quietly lifted up his hand and closed his fist as everything in the second floor shattered destroying any priceless art sculptures and glass art. After destroying everything to just useless chunks of glass he grabbed an empty chest and filled it to the brim with glass for sculptures later on and dragged it down to the first place with amber following behind him. He heads to the others and has Marcus and Edward help disarm the charges since they no longer have to blow the treasure up since they can take their time to back as much as possible due to the fact that the place is no longer being stormed. They take their time to pack up as many valuables as possible leaving the place dry and since they no longer are blowing the place up they won't be labeled as terrorists or cause millions of dollars in damage to the building.

Once they got all the treasure in boxes in the mirror room he got it as close as possible to the mirror in the center and tapped the wall in the room which instantly fell apart revealing night sky. The police did not expect for a part of the penthouse to not have a concrete wall and he was going to use this as a quick fly escape. Once the wall finished falling down to reveal the opening and everyone huddled up together he began to left the glass floor under all the boxes and the mirror making sure to make a big enough square platform to carry them and the items leaving behind the penthouse.

While they are flying across the night sky deciding where they should go they are approached by a fast little drone who had an offer they could not refuse.


She was tapped into the radio frequency and heard the General's retreat command order before she and Oan even got inside. She stopped Oan and decided it was time to go back to the library as the police were leaving. On the way to the library she ordered one of the drones to go follow the others to relay a message and ordered the rest to return back home.

Operator Exits to the Library
Greyfire floated there... confused over... everything that just suddenly happened... and wonders why her metal friend brought her here... "chompy, why did... Chompy? Hey, come back!" she says, following the Drone away....

Greyfire Follows the Drone to the Library.
Entering from a Glassy Mess.(seriously, change the name, lol)

"Chompy! Did i do something to offend?!" she says, following the Drone through the sewers, as it went to... well Greyfire had no clue..

Operator would not have a Clue that Greyfire could see through the optical Camouflage, but after clearly seeing her follow the cloaked machine, she would...

"come on Chompy! Don't leave me...." she says, following her little, bite-marked friend.
Sylvester -Sylvester was caught up in the whole scene unfolding around him, it was quite… interesting. Things didn’t turn out as he thought they would, at all. Regardless, the man he was in wasn’t the most welcoming of guests. But he was also very weak of mind; he broke down pretty fast to Sylvester’s taunting and mockery.

The soldiers and police retreated, or so it seemed, it means he would need to take shelter in one of these people. As he was thinking this, a man walked into the room, from the hallway. He decided this man was as good as the next, and walked right into his mind. “And what is your name?”

“Uh.. Marcus?”

Everyone -The General and all the Widows backed out of the room, back out of the penthouse. Katelyn was up top, ready to tear the general out, but as all the soldiers, and officers pulled out of the room, she definitely noticed. The soldier had a large glass shard protruding from his gut; she had seen enough to know he wouldn’t be making it. But more important, the entire room was filled with glass. “Well shit. Ok, everyone board the helicopters, we are going to build distance, and call in some back up. We will get these guys.”

You all got onto the helicopters, which carried you back down to a medical tent for Olaf. You had to wait for some re-enforcements to arrive before another assault could continue, especially with Amber and Vale refusing to follow the retreat.

General Viktor - Olaf had been acting strange this week. He was exerting himself far more and out-performing the other members. However, he was also often muttering to himself. He seemed distracted and un-observant at times. At times he even seemed near a mental breakdown. He would say he was fine, but now you know something was going on with him. He said something about a voice. Perhaps he was schizophrenic? Though, you know schizophrenia is not the kind of thing someone picks up like a cold. There was something going on with him, he was never one to disobey orders. The doctors reported in a few minutes, and you already knew the results.

“The glass shard caused too much damage, we couldn’t help him. He’s gone. However, he did have a few last words.” The doctor wasn’t sure if he should go on or not, though he decided to continue. “I don’t quite understand them; but he said ‘Finally free, Sylvester’s gone’perhaps it was a clue about this odd situation?

Frost - You notice the whole scene over at the medical tent, your canine-like hearing allowed you to hear the conversation between the doctor and the General quite clearly. What did stand out to you was the name; Sylvester. Maybe it was some sort of coincidence, currently people all over the city claim to ‘hear voices’ from a person called Sylvester. A few people even called the station, on many separate occasions claiming they were hearing the voices. Actually, if you walked down the street, you would probably find a graffiti spray paint with the words “Sylvester Speaks”. It kind of became a wide spread and popular joke in the city.

Alphonse, Edward, Amber, Vale - You were very lucky in this situation, despite the soldiers attempted kill, things continued fairly peacefully. The soldiers and police were forced to back out, especially with the realization that the entire room was made of glass. It seemed calm, but the police presence only loosened, it didn’t vanish. They probably were waiting on reinforcements to do a second, more successful assault; since they know what to expect this time.

However, you didn’t give that a chance, you quickly gathered up all the precious items, and escaped through your secret exit. The police clearly saw you fly away through the night. A few shots were fired, but nothing that wasn’t handled with extreme ease. However, the platform had limited standing space, thanks to the many artefacts littering it, causing the four of you, and Marcus, to become enclosed in a small square. You all bumped into each other on the ride, skin on skin contact all around.

It was a fairly short distance to where you were instructed to go to. Marcus seemed slightly off on the trip, he spoke less than he did before, but then again, who would speak at a time like this? There was a little drone leading you in the direction you needed to go, and before you knew it, you were in a very strange place. Something the drone referred to as ‘The Library’
Eli was still waiting in the restaurant for some kind of response to his existence. However, the shift in movement around the place caused a bit of a problem. This ruffled Eli's feathers, and he started to shift around somewhat anxiously in his chair. Frustrated, he shifted his form into that of his true body, and stood to leave. There was no small amount of annoyance in his mind. He might have caused some kind of stir in the shop, but he honestly didn't care. This was supposed to be a quick thing. He'd intimidate a mobster, make some waves, and get pulled into the Mafia with the intent of taking over.

This however, was not how things were working. He was being short-chained, ignored, and put on the bottom of the list. This was unacceptable, he shouted in his mind. Eli ground his teeth together, and his microexpressions gave off all the signals of someone enraged. He needed to learn how to work with his body's pheromones, he figured. That way, he could get what he wanted with much less fury.

There was no food, nor had anything even remotely happened to allow him an opportunity to do anything. But, he had nowhere to go. He sat down, now looking exactly like Eli Wallace and waiting for someone to notice him as such. He watched people leave from a booth in the back, where he realized at that moment that he was far from important to Luigi. Oh he'd be mistaken. Very mistaken.

"Tell Luigi," He spoke to a waiter as he held the mad look in his eyes, "He's ignored the wrong man."

Exit to Warehouse District
The Library Overview

The Map below shows the general structure and is an OUTLINE - There are rooms within Corridors and Wings, but these are left for the players to decide in character (finding the rooms, etc.) unless specifically stated.


The Library structure mimics that of a Maze.

Corridors 1-5 (C1-C5) - Each corridor, with the exception of number 1, has its hallways twist and turn around (Corridor 1 is a straight shot). So while on the map it looks like a straight direction, that is far from the truth. When entering past Corridor 1, you should expect to run into a corners and dead-ends from Corridor 2 and onwards. There also exists a small number of rooms in each corridor (but these rooms can be made up by Players, with in reason)

With each passing Corridor, the twists, turns, and dead-ends continue to get more difficult. So getting through C2 easier than C5. This strange base is not a place where those without super intelligence can easily find their way. Meaning you will likely get lost without being careful.

East Wing - "The Library", this is where the base got its name. Originally an empty room founded by Operator, the room was quickly filled with books by Operator's drones. East Wing is now a strange maze of book shelves.

West Wing - West Wing's main area resembles that of a lounge. The West Wing is the living wing of the Library, as it contains 3 Dormitories (Bed Rooms), a Kitchen, and two bathrooms. However because of a Personal Decision, this area is not used by Operator and remains unoccupied.

Central Wing - Central Wing remains empty, oddly empty... Completely barren, it is a room with just cement floors, cement walls and motion sensor lights, that light up the room as you enter it.

Terminal (T) - Terminal is one of the hardest rooms to get access into, beyond the Central Wing, it is where the computer mainframe of the Library exists. This Computer Terminal was not built by Operator, but while hacking pass its security systems and door locks, she managed to explore its contents. This is where she found Archive, or what she later renamed Archive, as it laid dormant and waiting to be rebooted.

Core - The Core labelled on the map is actually a circular room that has a staircase go along its edges. At the very bottom, which is about 20 stories down, a large pool of water (that fills in from the local Bay), holds what looks like a giant reactor. You can assume that this is the power source for the Library.

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