[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Viktor turned once again, this time to stand head-on to Greyfire. "The same careless beings..." He began as pressurized steam hissed out of the cracks in his suit's torso "Who would do this to another human.". Slowly, the visor opened to reveal his barely human face while the sides of his chest armor slid away... giving full view of the twisted mass of human flesh and steel that had become his body. Hundreds of thousands of wires and tubes wove throughout his ghostly white flesh, the ends connecting to pumps and devices not even Operator could likely identify the purposes of. One of the soldier's eyes had been replaced with a camera, the lens of which glowed crimson. Even the man's veins seemed unnatural, pulsating with electricity as well as blood. His voice, now coming from his mouth rather than his speakers seemed almost feeble as he spoke "I am... more... machine than man. They did this... to me instead of... letting me die with my humanity intact. This place has... always cared more about 'duty' than 'freedom'. The moment you... are no longer useful, they toss you away... or make you useful.".
Greyfire blinks, reminding her of some Tamaranian medical procedures..."They made you Strong, they allowed you to Live Longer, How is that a Bad thing?" she asks, eyeballing the components bonding his organic to his Inorganic components.. "In my People, survival of the Fittest is written into our Very blood, so my opinion may be tainted.. but what is wrong with them taking the Weak, and injured, and making them stronger? I can Not agree with seeing Living, sentient life as the mere tools, but the Part of them making you Stronger, and Longer Lived, seems to be a Gift. How could you be angry?" She asks, her Naivety and lack of knowledge on how humans think in full View here, as well as Slipping up on her Guise of just being a Mutant, and not an Alien..
Shaking his head, Viktor's suit slowly closed and re-pressurized. "We don't have time, I'll teach you the morals and ethics of humanity later. For now we have to go find oxygen tanks so these two don't choke and die." The Veteran announced, gesturing to Oan and Operator "I'll need a robe or another covering of some kind if we go out into public though, I'm afraid my mechanical body is a bit too easy to identify. Anyone got a tarp?".
"Everyone relax" she said Greyfire gave her the weapon. "There is a sports store on the service we can go get some oxygen tanks and come back and I can fix the problem. Something like this is not actually very hard at all..The problem is I need to fix it at te end of the Library and by the time we get there we will die due to lack of air and I don't feel like testing if the computer is accurate." she said as she headed for the exit leading everyone out of this place. "Lets hurry it up before we all die" she said with out turning back.
Greyfire looks Curious" Why would you need to Hide, Metal-man? Why Hide your Metallic glory and strength?" she asks, wondering why anyone woul EVER hide such a Shiny body...
Following Operator, Viktor responded to Greyfire's inquiry. "I have an entire damned army after me, you don't turn on somebody who turned you into a monster without a response. Then again, an army shouldn't turn on the man who saved their collective asses twice in the same year." He paused to push a piece of equipment out of his way, not really caring what it was. His path now clear, he jogged to catch up with Operator as he continued "I'm not like your friend here, she's not an immediate and huge threat to them. She also cannot be instantly identified. The military will likely be under orders to kill me, or anyone they think is me, on sight. At all costs.". Before leaving the building, the cyborg stopped to pull a massive, black tarp off of a device that was likely covered to prevent dust buildup. He wrapped it around himself, forming a close enough parody of a robe that most people whose eyes caught a glimpse of him would be none the wiser. "Let's go, everybody."
Greyfire Floats after them, easily keeping up. "I am not.. getting your Issue.. why would you turn on them? Sounds to me like they Saved your Life. I for one know i would prefer the Robotic Implants over Dying any day." she says, now floating upside down. "Maybe there was just a Misunderstanding? I am sure if you apologize for whatever you did, you will be forgiven, and can focus more time on using your Power to Help people!"she says, her general Outlook kind of contradicting the 'Survival of the Fittest is in my blood' thing.
"Well, here's an idea..." he says, picking up Operator Bridal-style in order to carry her. "Let's get the Hell outta here!" he says, running as fast as he could with the combined weight towards the main entrance, jumping over the piece of metal that jammed the doorway. He gets to the elevator, puts Elizabeth down, and hits the button for the hidden elevator. "Come on, come on... I don't wanna die a virgin you damn machine..." He cusses, hitting the button a few more times.
Operator was standing around almost spaced out as she pondered the situation around her and many other things that crept into her train of thought like an unwanted stowaway. She thought about the air and the drones and most importantly archive, with out his cooperation this would be a lot more difficult then it had to be. She watched the gorgeous and somewhat clueless alien who had cleavage, any dumber and she could have her hair tainted blond, oh god she has been spending too much on the mean part of the Internet again. Looking at the Alien did remind her that she had to do another episode of the grey maiden and now looking at her she wondered if there were just as many people watching her for her boobs as people who like super heroes.

She looked at Oan who quiet and it was apparent that he liked her. It was pretty obvious that she was the brains here looking and the two people she had to work for but they were nice people. . . well person and an alien but they were still nice and were in a sense more real then the people she talked to on internet chatrooms even though that never really bothered her, being alone down her with her computers and books. She continued to have her thoughts run wild while some part of her brain ran like a dedicated computer process thinking about the situation at hand even if it did not look apparent to her and everyone else, Operator was an excellent multitasker, and while this may be a gift, it is also sometimes a curse.

She spotted on a wall while the others bickered an insect she read about and quickly recognized as a stick bug, did you know the proper scientific name for them is Phasmatodea? she thought to her self as she extended her hand and picked it up, they are extremely cute and come in different colors and are extremely harmless.

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After carefully placing the bug on her shoulder where it gets comfortable, it finally comes to her on how to fix the problem but wait . . . they were running out of oxygen or something. Oh right the were all going to die in a minutes due to lack of air she wondered if it’s worth putting her luck against the malfunctioning oxygen sensor and hope that it was all false alarm but before she could gamble with everyone’s lives or make an informed/insane decision she was picked up by Oan bridal style as he rushed for the exit. On the way out she had grabbed a drone that attempted to fly past them who just entered the library, this particular drone was tasked with the job of bringing the other metahumans from the penthouse to her but she remembered that they all got separated from the drone. She whispered a command to the drone so it would disconnect from the library network so it would not suffer any malfunctions and just operate with it’s own limited CPU for a while, she watched as the lens that functioned as an eye on the sphere turned green to signal the task was complete.

She sighed that somethings still worked in this place but knowing her luck, the drone might gain self awareness from being disconnected from the main server and become the next evil villain who wants to destroy all of humanity. Sighing she put that thought to the back of her head and watched as Oan continued to press the elevator button and was impatient to get out due to impending death. “Wait, your a virgin?” she said smiling, still in his arms. Somewhere in the back of her head she knew they needed oxygen tanks to return so she was sure to make sure to mentally note that down.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_02/537642651_239fb65cb1_z.jpg.5acc2e62d95cf81c80b336dd168f36f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_02/537642651_239fb65cb1_z.jpg.5acc2e62d95cf81c80b336dd168f36f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Yes, and I dont want to die one." He says, as the elevator finally arriving and opening its doors. "Herzog and they Alien Chick will be fine, they dont need Oxygen... Well, from the surrounding air anyways." Oan says as he pushes the button for the surface, and slides down to the floor in relief as the elevator begins to move, still holding Elizabeth, or rather shes sitting on his lap now.
Oan & Operator - The Library lacked an elevator. Yet Oan was quick to push one of the several buttons that were prominent in the control panel adjacent to the Library's exiting door. He clicked several of the buttons, but spent extra time focused on the one that said S. He assumed it meant surface, but little did the man know what he actually prompted. Though out both Oan and Operator flew, as the giant 5 feet thick door that sealed off the library opened into the Sewers, allowing them to flee. It would be a difficult trek out, but after nearly an hour of wandering navigation, you all managed to see sunlight at the end. An exit out of the Sewer Tunnels, and a return to the Surface.

The Alien and the General would part their ways from both of you, seeing it not in their interest to help assist in the facility. The Alien flew off and up into the sky, where she went you were never sure. The General, who had a tracking device in his system, also took leaving to his own accord. He was tracked by Operator as both Oan and her walked through the backstreets and alleyways to her old base of operations, an old place in the Warehouse District. The General appeared as a glowing light on a sort of radar, but it eventually stopped moving, and the light even disappeared. Whatever happened, the General was no longer with you. Before long, you had reached the Warehouse District and saw your old base...

Oan & Operator - Exiting to Operator's Warehouse

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