[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

"A building, obviously." Viktor answered Greyfire before walking over to the device indicated by Operator and effortlessly picking it up. With the device now dangling from one of his claws, the old man replayed the recent words in his head once more. "'Anything out of the blue'? The hell is that supposed to mean? Out of the ocean? Out of the sky? I don't see anything 'blue' here. Well, not anything that an object could come out of at least.".
"You'd understand it if you didn't take everything so literally General." Oan says, sitting high on top a pile of books. Out of everyone, he had the hardest time taking the idea of Herzog joining them, and still is very mistrustful of the cyborg "Well, its apparently affecting everything, not just the bots."
"Laugh it up, assmunch, laugh it up." The Veteran snapped back at Oan "My logic is due to a twenty-five percent replacement or my cerebrum with the electronics required to operate this suit. Well, that and my military training. The fact that I've seen more years than you have yet to fathom may have something to do with it as well.". Shifting the device's weight and placing it on his shoulder, Viktor freed his hand for the ability to actually interact with what was making the noise... should it be necessary.
"Very uniform comeback Mr. Herzog, most likely just like that artillery shell that nailed you in the face years ago." Oan retorts, reciting knowledge he 'Accidentially found' in the military's database during one of his many escapades in Chicago.
"Gentlemen, relax your selves. What I ment by out of the blue is that anything could happen at any given point...This place is still a mystery" she said taking the lead and heading toward the buzzing noise. "Stay on your guard" she said as she called for archive to see if he knew anything.
Grunting in acknowledgement, the supersoldier reached out and attached his machine guns to his arms. "The cleanup crew always got there before I could examine, but I am still curious as to what the inside of a heart looks like. Be on my good side child, lest I find out with yours." Viktor growled at Oan as he began to follow Operator's lead. "Everyone is always hostile, some times they need to learn that angering the mech is a horrible idea. Eh, Gearhead?".
Elizabeth sighed at the two men and proceeded deeper into the Library with the both of the them. "Gentlemen save it for another time and Oan stop instigating the mechperson that could kill us all." she said in a little irritation.
Elizabeth guided all of you to a massive double-door entryway that stood on the right side of the Library, or actually the East Wing, (right from where you came in from, left on the map). The door was a metallic white that reflected the light from the room. You could all see your own reflections, blurred and distorted by the warped elements that composed the door. At the top of the two doors that interlocked, nearly ten feet up, was a red spray painted number that labelled the door as C3. Similar to the previous notes, these were left by Elizabeth in the hope of finding her way through this maze. As the doors sensors picked up your approach, you heard the doors attempt to open, gears and other cumbersome bolts colliding and unhinging. Yet the door did not open as Elizabeth expected it to. Instead the same motions of the door's locks and gears was repeated, but this time in reverse. You heard another loud error sound effect coming from the speakers nearby the doors.

Surprisingly, a center portion of the white metallic walls of the double-doors began to turn blue. (In fact, the entire door was also a screen to display information if one knew how to use it.) Inside the blue box that aligned itself perfectly on the metal, it gave a strange error code. It was a fairly standard BIOS menu, but the OS could not be recognized by any of you. Atop it only stated "FATAL ERROR ENCOUNTERED" in a gray box.


(Note - it is not actually Windows, where it says Windows it is stating FATAL ERROR ENCOUNTERED, but it is a Blue BIOS screen)

The door would not budge or detect your motions, it simply remained unresponsive after the error message. You will have to think of another way to get in or around.

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First placing the scanner on the ground, Viktor checked his hydraulics before walking up to the malfunctioning door and beginning the slow process of working his claws into the joint where the doors met. "I'll try to brute force it while you look for another way to open this. If all else fails I'll head back to the lobby and rig up some of my grenades as a makeshift breaching charge. The security doors in Gulag Four-Fourteen used to do shit like this all the time, should be an override console on the other side or a fuse you can pull somewhere near by. I don't think whoever built this place was dumb enough to not have ways to bypass doors in case of power failure." Giving a sharp shove after his monologue, Viktor shook his head and stepped back from the doors. "Well, so much for that idea. I can't force it with my current hydraulics, must have interlocking bolts. Unless you can find an override or another way around I'm going to have to blow it if we want to get by. That is, if you don't have a fourth option.".
"Hmmmm" she said to her self as she looked around and give the general a signal to stop for a moment with her hand. "It should be around here some where. . ." she said as she began looking at the wall before spotting what she was looking for as she saw one of the little drones vanish into it. "There..that vent there I'll just get to the other side and override the door, please help me up" she said as she allowed you to hoist her up and she vanished into the hole in the wall, a few moments later she called from the other side of the door. "Give me a moment gentlemen. . " she said out loud as she began to open the door.
Alphonse holds his leg for a second in pain as he had hit it really hard but after that it was fine. "Lets . . see here" he said as he pulled out some round metallic object. "What do you suppose this is?"
Grey fire followed them relatively silently... wondering where Chompy(the Drone with her bite marks on it), wondered off too, before observing there issue with the door... "Move please..." she says... and should those in the way listen, a Grey Blur would zoom past them as she rammed her shoulder into the Door, using her immense alien strength to try and break it through.... regardless, her hitting it would make a loud Thud sound, breaking or not, from her impact.
Elizabeth crawled through the vents with ease due to her small size and dropped down to the other side, she took the gauntlet out of her bag and equipped it on her right hand as she approached the door and took a deep breath. She did not have the time to fix the door as the group was on the other side and she could not keep them waiting. Opening her eyes and inhaling and exhaling she placed the gauntlet on the door as wires began to slowly come out of the finger tips on their own and inject a stream of tiny nanobots with the sole purpose of fixing things, Elizabeth had a certain spark to make things work in a moments notice sacrificing longevity and she knew that this door would break moments after it opens unless she dedicated more time to it. Standing back the door began to open thanks to her short term invention and watched as it opened and a grey blur suddenly flew by her.
Sylvester could see through Marcus’s vision, and as everyone was rudely awoken, could see Marcus looking around, confused. There was a huge blast, rocking the ground, and he watched as Edward came out of the ocean from the blast radius. Marcus was aware of what the blast was however, he was there when the man put the bomb inside. “Whoa, thanks a lot. I missed the explosion. Hey, you can explode like that too right?” Truthfully, Marcus was kind of sure he could, but he also knew he could feel pain, and exploding? That just sounded overly painful.

Markus went strait to Alphonse when he heard the man trip and fall over a metallic object. Marcus looked at the strange object Alphonse now held in his hand. “Uhhh… Alphonse...” Marcus looked like he was holding back a laugh as he spoke. Sylvester, most certainly wasn’t, as he was laughing at Alphonse in Marcus’s head. “It’s just a pot. It’s been bent and warped, but it’s just a pot. Look right there.” Marcus pointed to a thin piece of metal hanging off of it. “See that right there? It’s the handle.”

“The guy’s kind of stupid. Has he never seen a pot before? Tell him that, tell him he’s stupid.” Marcus knew enough to stop doing what Sylvester told him to, though; he had to fight his natural submissive personality to do so.
"Hah! Trust Alphonse to find pot on a random tiny island." Edward's gaze wandered over to the city. "So, how are we getting there? Great Glass Elevator? Boat? Oooo! Can I walk along the bottom? I LOVE doing that, provided there's no twenty foot deep layer of fish crap."
DM Global -

All of you stood astonished as Greyfire, who was assure she would destroy the door in her strength, attempted to ram the uncooperative entryway into submission, but just like Operator promised, the door opened before Greyfire could reach the door. Operator waving on the other side. Greyfire however moving at such a pace, is unable to stop and rushes by Operator and runs straight into a wall.

As you all look where she hit, you see a small dent in the white-screen like walls, similar to the door, that exist in this hallway. Where Greyfire collided, is where the maze like hallway began. With walls going straight up to the ceiling, the hallway turns dramatically to the left, then to the right, then to the right again, then to the left, then to the left again, then to the right then there are three forks in the road, etc.

Its not an easy place to navigate, and surely not a place fun to run into.

The lights of the corridor only seem to turn on as you activate some sort of motion sensor, as the lights only turned on in this stretch of the hallway as Greyfire rushed by. The lights as well don't seem to be coming from any particular direction, instead the white-screen like walls glow as you walk by them. However if you were to follow Greyfire and turn to the left, you would see only darkness, as it only turns on as you approach.
Greyfire pulls herself from the dented wall, rubbing her head slightly, unsure of what just happened... "....How did i Miss door?" she asks, standing back up, knocked for a bit of a loop... "What is this place, with its Evil cowardly doors?!" she says, slightly annoyed, a swelling indigo bruise on her forehead.
Viktor grunted in amusement at Greyfire's pratfall, stepping through the doorway to see if he could help further. "I suggest we shove something in-between the halves so this damned thing doesn't close behind us." The old man said before flicking on his thermal sensors in case there were any nasties lurking in the dark. "Hey Gearhead, forgot to mention this before; you wouldn't happen to have any spacecraft, would you? Because I happen to know about this one little superweapon the Military built, and was thinking you'd be able to hijack it. Man, should have passed it up the grapevine to the ICC suits. They would've had a field day pointing fingers to figure out who the war criminal was for building the damn thing.".
Global -

Putting several materials to act as a barrier between the doors to keep it from fully closing was a smart idea by Viktor, because as all you entered the now maze-like hallway, the doors immediately attempted to slam shut again. The loud sounds of gears moving and metal sliding were evident of your possible demise but to all of your luck the idea prevailed and the doors ran at odds with the various door stoppers that were stuck in between them. Unsure of what was happening, the system attempted to act similar to an elevator and reopen and reattempt to close again hoping that whatever was place would eventually move.

You all had a sigh of relief, there was still an exit for you guys, for now. Looking around the hallways, the walls that were actually all screens remained offline even as you went further in. The buzzing noise was growing larger and sharper as you approached more inside the hallways, Operator leading the way. You all had just reached the next portion of the hallway, when the next segment of lights turned on, and those that were on behind you shut off. It was a move that caused Greyfire and Operator to jump in surprise, even operator made a yelp, though she clearly knew it was going to happen. The hallway would turn again, and again, but after the first corridor a beeping sound came from Operator's person.

The beeping sound then became a voice. "Mistress! I found the source of the noise, it is a mechanical error in the filtration system." The voice with a poorly composed British, or maybe it was Australia, accent said. To Operator and Oan this was the familiar voice of Archive, to the others, they were unsure who was communicating with Operator. "I am attempting to repair the system..." Archive told Operator, "It should be operationa..." The voice tried to assure before being cut off by a female announcer's voice.

"WARNING!" the announcer proclaimed "WARNING!" it repeated with the same deafening voice as the entire hallways lit up in red, all the walls with their screens filled up with red octagons, the word WARNING in all capitals declared with in them. "Minimal Remaining Oxygen Supply Levels Detected!" The voice warned. "Remaining Oxygen Supply Levels is currently estimated at 15 Min-min-min-min-utes...." the voice said, becoming distorted and full of static. The voice that once female, now sounded to be a strange mixture of male and female. It became even weirder as the pitch and speed that it was read was also altered randomly and rapidly. "WARNING! Current estimated Oxygen Supply Levels is 5... 5... 5... 15... -10... 43... 2.. Min-min-minu-tes-tes"

On the walls, the hundreds of red octagons the size of dinner plate, replaced their message of WARNING and displayed times, but the problem was, all them calculated and kept track of different numbers, ranging from 350 minutes to -128 minutes. "WARNING!" the voice proclaimed again, and several different alarms began to set off.
"I have a Spaceship, Mr...Robot?" she says, the violet bruise fading." Tho i can achieve space Travel unaided. My Homes on the moon.. tho i worry i need to Move soon..." she says, as she helped Jam the door...likely by Bending it's inner edge to the point it couldn't fully retract...

She follows her new friends, not surprised by the door trying to close too much, but audibly "eeps!" when everything turns red.

"Oxygen?"she asks, visibly confused, seemingly not understanding how thats something worthy of a 'warning'...before realizing Humans need the unseen Gas to Survive... "...Now what, Lady-smarter-then-me?" she asks to the technophile that lured her here with Chompy.
"Oh fuck me." The Cyborg cursed as he raised his railguns to point at the wall "Gear head, what the hell is going on? I don't like bugs in the system, tend to lead to FATAL errors.". He turned for a moment to Greyfire, lifting his weapons to a non-threatening position before responding "Wait... you have space access? Hmm, I could see a way of turning Kokabiel against this city and it's corruption. Assuming we ever get out of here, I'll make sure to point you it's way... maybe draw a picture. Seeing as you're not in the loop, the military liaison put a high-powered Ion Cannon KillSat into trans-Lunar orbit. If you two can get to it, hack the mainframe... hell, I might just have my revenge and you would have a superweapon at your fingertips. Here, this device is the spotting laser, has no use to me now as Kokabiel required approval of the Marshal to fire.". With that, Viktor grabbed the targeting device on his shoulder and removed it with a satisfying click. He then handed it over to The Grey Maiden with a hidden grin.
"koka....biel?" she responds confused, not getting half of what the guy just told her, as she was handed some weird...gizmo...

(OOC: Post kept short incase D-Wiz wants to intervene)
"Yeah, right. I highly doubt anyone would let you behind the single most destructive weapon in the history of the human race. This thing's worse than dropping a thermonuclear bomb, it rips apart anything caught in a three-hundred meter radius on an subatomic level. Anything within six-hundred meters of the blast zone suffers lethal levels of heat and electricity. Your blood would boil, your muscles rip themselves asunder, and your internal organs would melt. You wouldn't even feel it, just forced to watch as you body melted and you slowly lost sapience. This device works on a scaled-up model of my K77-029 Saluki Particle Beams." The lumbering machine lectured Oan, twisting his torso to face the target of his attention "There is a reason this was classified top-secret; it violates every ethical convention out there. Personally, I'd prefer when we gained it that we knocked the ugly piece of shit out of the sky, but from the way things are looking we may have to use it.".
Greyfire kind of Gasps at the explanation.. "That.. thats horrible... that Weapon needs to be destroyed, immediately!"She says, sort of loudly "What Person would make a Object such as this!?" she explaims.

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