[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

OOC - DM Backtracking

Greyfire - You followed the Drone through the sewer lines, as the tunnels descended, the drone's optical camouflage disengaged itself, and the tiny drone's lights guided you through the underground passageways. It was dark, and the smell was fowl, but the Chompy did not stop moving, he turned corner after corner, but would sometimes go down a certain corridor only to backtrack and turn in another direction, before turning another corner. It was an unusual path for a robot to take, but you at first, having some experience with dealing with complicated locations on your homeworld, managed to stay up with its movements. After enough of these miscontruded turns, and movement changes, and backtracking and circle making, you forgot not only which direction you were going, but whichever direction you came from.

After nearly an hour (or two, or maybe even three, it was hard to tell) of chasing, the robot stalled, which seemed to be a giant dead-end. You lit up one of your hands with your power blast, but saw only a cement sewer wall. However before you could even ask Chompy what he was doing. A beam of light shot out of the eyes of the small drone. A red and blue laser, it made a strange pattern on the wall. Unannounced to Greyfire, it was actually hitting a digital keypad made up of sensors built into the wall. The movements from the laser were sporadic, but when Chompy ceased and deactivated his laser, you heard a loud unlocking noise and the sound of gears moving. The sewer wall opened, revealing a giant door four to five feet thick with cement. It opened slowly, letting light into the sewer. Inside you saw just a small hallway, that seemed to have strange clear material, metal and circuits on ether side. The other portions of the room were made mostly of cement. As you stepped in with curiosity, following after Chompy, the doors slowly closed behind you. The noise frightened you slightly but what surprised you the most was a blue light which scanned the room, including you and the Drone.

An alarm sounded, but it quickly turned off and another secret wall door opened, but this time in front of you. Your clothes remained in tact, and you stepped into a large cement hallway with a few doors on ether side. A voice, a mixture between a male and a female, probably more of a child's voice, said "Thank You." Chompy continued moving, as you ran after to chase him, you caught a crudely written sign hanging on the ceiling saying "C1". Confused by what this meant you followed Chompy to the end of the hallway.

Elizabeth - You sat with Oan at the East Wing of the Library on a metal table. The seats were cold but you had little care for the temperature, too focused on what had happened tonight. You didn't want to watch the news, you knew it wouldn't be good, and you didn't get any film to counter whatever the media reported. Looking at Oan, you wished you stayed on your date, when all of the sudden a strange alarm rang off in the distance and echoed into the East Wing from behind you. The Alarm, was one you never heard before, in fact it sounded more like an error message than an alarm, ringing only two small sound effects before turning off. Somebody had arrived, as you immediately got up and rushed through the maze like Corridor 2 to try to greet them.
(OW! Retcons! The PAIN!!!!)

Greyfire confusedly followed her little friend... wondering where exactly she is, and if this is, like, chompy's little Robo-Hive, or something...

"Chompy, where are we?" she asked, despite the little machines inability to speak(as far as she knows!).
Marcus was standing there, with the others, hearing a odd voice in his head. “So, Marcus was it? What’s your deal anyway?”

“Uh… Nothing…”

“What’s your power? You ARE a meta-human right?” As he said that, Marcus thought of his powers. “Power replication? Well... that’s… ok I guess. I didn’t hit the jackpot here.” As he was speaking, Marcus looked down towards Ambers behind, only briefly. “Oh, you pervert.”

“Huh what? I… I…Who the hell are you anyway? Do I know who you are?”

“The names Sylvester; I’m kind of famous around here. I’m sure you heard of me.”

“Wait… you’re real?”

“Of course. Guess you get to keep me company. Well, until you die. But lets not get into that. Hey, want to play a game?”

“What? Uh… sure?”

“Ok, say what I say, but out loud.”

“What? Why?”

“Just do it, ok?”


“Hey guys.”

“Hey Guys!” Marcus spoke out loud, repeating what Sylvester’s said, it couldn’t be that dangerous, maybe he wants to just say something out loud?

Quickly, Sylvester continued his speech. “Nice ass.”

“Nice ass.”

“Now slap it!”

Marcus brought his hand up to slap Ambers ass without even thinking about his actions. “Very nice, you got this chick in the bag! Dumb bitches love this kind of stuff.” Marcus was blushing as soon as he realized what happened.
"Nice ass, is that was you just said kid." Before the kids hand came at her ass she caught it in her hand and said, "Did you really just try to do that, boy!" In a fit of rage Amber spun and brought her leg up and around to his temple to kick the pervert off.
Marcus tried to put his hand near the older girl's rump. Almost getting close enough to touch the denim, his hand was immediately grabbed. Brought out of his state of curiosity, he was smacked back into reality with a swift motion by the girl. As her leg hit his forehead and temples. The action was so quick, he had little time to react, and not use to balancing himself on flights, slipped off the glass platform.

Looking at the city around him, it was the two to three seconds that he felt conscious that he realized he was in dangered. Coming to a rapid conclusion he could use his glass abilities, he would just have to try to.... it was too late. After that he landed on the roof top of a nearby building. The glass platform moving away out of his sight.

Pain... He knew there had to be pain coming, but as he tried to move his body, he realized that he couldn't. He was paralyzed. His face sideways, his left side looking up at the sky, he had landed on parts of his back, parts of legs and his right arm. His bones were shattered and he was bleeding everywhere. Though the pain wasn't coming. He was going through shock, but he just sat there waiting for the pain. He started to cry, or at least he thought he was.

Help me was his main thought that came through his head.
“Help you? I didn’t do this. Listen kid, you’re the one who tried to slap her ass. Clearly she wasn’t such a bimbo. Ah well, maybe next time, you know, if you can ever walk again.” The vision of the man started to get blurry, his arm in his few horribly mangled and motionless. “Wait, you are crying aren’t you? Wow. I thought you were a man. Listen, suck it up butter cup. It’s just a few broken limbs. Maybe a spine, but that might even be too generous.”

As Sylvester was going on his rant, the arm started to go back to its normal form, and even started to move slightly. “Wait, what the hell is going on here?” Odd, this guy had glass powers… didn’t he? Well, even he thought so. This was… strange.
Alphonse stops the glass platform in midair and forces it to head off in marcus' direction. Highly pissed off that she may have just killed his friend he decides to deal with her later and stops the platform next to Marcus and watches his body twist and turn in a way that humans just don't go. Out of sheer emotional distress he accidentally causes the reinforced glass box containing the football object in his hand to crush into it self possibly destroying it in the process.
Alphonse - Alphonse looked at the twisting body of Marcus. Definitely feeling pain, Marcus let out short little moans and gasps for breath. However his bones and all of his ligaments did snap back together, and his blood began to retreat back into his body. You heard the grotesque sound of joints snapping as they realigned themselves. His eyes still filled tears, Marcus seemed to start moving again. They were just slow gestures but he lifted himself off the rooftop's cement floor and vomited. "Oh god..." was what he said to you and the other three when you moved the glass platform to mean him.

Out of sheer energy and emotions, you lost control, and the glass box containing the football object began to condense in your hands. It condensed and condensed and until it eventually reached critical and the entire box and container shattered. The green crystal inside, also seemed to break, turning its well defined structure into dust or sand. As it slipped out of the container of glass, seeping through the holes created by compression and implosion. It immediately touched your hands and lower forearms, which when coming in contact with the green dust, burned immensely with pain. Causing you to let go of the object entirely.
“Dude, you’re one screwed up dude, dude.” Sylvester saw everything that Marcus could, watching Marcus’s bones reform, his body twist and turn. Before long, Marcus was on his hands and knees vomiting. “Really? Aw, dude, that’s just grotesque. Hey, got a breath mint? You need one, man; this isn’t your day huh? Hey, now that you’re feeling better, want to take a crack at that chick again? Ohhhh we should go jump off a really, really, really massive building. Hey, are you even listening?” Sylvester didn’t feel his pain, so he didn’t think about it really. Though, Sylvester was mostly concerned about his own entertainment.
Amber jumped off the platform and walked over where Marcus was laying, hearing the horrible snapping sounds and his blood return to his body, she felt a little sorry for the boy. When she got up next to him he had finished just finished vomiting, she said "You stupid boy, you should know to never say those things to a girl. But I am very sorry for not seeing that you would fall off it is my fault and I must make up for that pain." With that she picked up Marcus brought him back to the mirror and put him down on top of it, got behind him and held him in her lap so he would not fall off.
Vale sat in silence watching and commented, "You shouldn't touch the girl without consent. Get to know her first, talk to her about common, nice, and mundane things. Most girls go for it." He didn't say much else or do anything, his disposition was coming back to a nice calm.
Amber - You picked up Marcus by his clothes, using your kinetic powers. As you tried to lift help him up only to realize he was a little too heavy for you to pick up on your own. Though as he took his hand and grabbed his shirt, you lifted him up slowly and carefully, bringing him back to glass platform. Setting up down, you put his head and torso between your legs. As more and more of his body healed, Marcus began to smirk but hid it as soon as you noticed it.

Sylvester - You overhear Marcus's thoughts about his current position. So your plan at getting him with the girl seems to be working. Why are you so intelligent? You begin to wonder, you are a matchmaker from heaven. However, as Marcus begins to get excited and starts getting pretty happy and embarrassed, you realize further how great you are at giving people advice, a fact you really already knew.
It took a few long minutes for Alphonse to regain his composure but by then it was too late. As he remembered the little bot he looked into only to notice that it was gone. "It looks like we missed our escort. I guess if that Operator person really wants to see us. He will make contact again. For now it's still late and we still need a place to go where the police won't find us immediately." he said addressing everyone as he reformed the glass platform for everyone to get on. "If no one has any suggestions we can go to one of my backup locations." he said getting onboard along with everyone else.
Marcus looked up at Alphonse, from his sitting position between Amber's legs. He was still confused with the situation just as much as the others were with his newly found regenerative abilities. Well except Amber and Vale, who responded to him with very little interest, as they never knew the extent of his powers. He tried to remain calm, as his remaining body parts reassemble themselves. The voice in his head continued to verbally assault him, but now with a sort of general interest losing its indifferent tone from before. I don't know about that game, he thought to Sylvester. I really didn't like it, it hurt a lot and... he paused as another joint cracked into place.

He was interrupted from his conversation by the glass platforms movements. Turning his head he examined the direction the glass platform was moving. It was taking similar directions to what it was before, but this time Alphonse lacked a bot to guide him to where this "Operator" was. Confused only further by Alphonse's explanation by the situation, he began to question him. "A Backup location?" Marcus asked with curiosity, "What do you mean? Where are we going?"
Alphonse waited for everyone to get on before causing the platform to lift off into the air again. "I have a cabin on one of the islands across form the beach. I think we can hide out there for now until we come up with something to do. Does any one object?" asked Alphonse as he looked around at everyone.
"No objections here, just let me take care of something." After saying that Amber reached into her bra as if ignoring all the males surrounding her as well as the one between her legs, and pulled out a small mechanical device. She put her hand straight up and open her hand revealing it. It began to glow a dark red then launched itself as high velocity directly ahead where she was facing at a upward angle.
Alphonse's curiosity got the better of him and he decided to ask before causing the platform to lift off "What was that?" he asked preparing in his mind the location of the island. He looked at Marcus and smiled thinking to him self that it was amazing luck that he had absorbed Edward's power which allowed him to survive.

Aboard the floating glass platform, you could all see the cityscape of Megalopolis; massive buildings scraping the skyline, reaching out for the heavens. Far off in the distance, you could see the ocean and the waves crashing against the shore. Soon you were flying in unison with a flock of birds heading in the same direction as you, and before long, they were all around you. The birds flapping their wings gracefully, and all of them appeared quite majestic.

As the platform came to the ocean, the island came into sight, and in a few minutes, the glass platform came to rest on the island. However, all that remained was a massive mess of wood, furniture, and other remains. The cabin was destroyed, probably from the earthquake.

Regardless, you were not leaving here. Alphonse grew weak from his strenuous task, and needed lots of sleep. His body was tired, muscles sore, even his mind ached.
Alphonse landed the platform and did not even seem phased by the fact his Cabin was destroyed. He looked at the others with extremely tired eyes and said "Use the cabin for some firewood and start a fire. One of the bags which we brought is not completely filled with items from the penthouse. It has food and other supplies to last us a while." He said walking over to a nice looking rock like a zombie and gently got on the floor and put his head on it. "Good Night all" he said as he instantly drifted off into a peaceful quiet sleep. He hugged the basketball sized ball of glass which was his life mirror never letting it go.
Elizabeth met Greyfire at the end of Corridor 2 panting and taking a quick moment to breathe before speaking since she rushed the entire thing. "Welcome!" she said to the alien. "Welcome, Grey Maiden! I am a huge fan of yours" she said as chompy stopped next to Elizabeth. "Would you like to come inside? I will explain who I am and what this place is to the best of my ability once we are back at the east wing" she said looking at Grey Fire for some sort of acknowledgement.
Greyfire would Blink at the Panting girl.. "um.... you do not look like a Air Flow Machine..." she said, not getting the meaning of 'fan'...

"Um... okay, i guess... " she says, looking at chompy. "Is Chompy your pet? sorry Miss, i kind of.. Bit him ^^;" she says, apologizing.

Amber - You were preparing for a nice place to stay, and imagined sleeping on probably a bed or couch or at least some type of furniture, to your great disappointment you saw a pile of wreckage that was suppose to be an island cottage. One of the Earthquakes or some other force managed to demolish it, leaving nothing but a pile of wood and destroyed furniture. You could easily go in and scavenge something to sleep on, and probably light a fire with one of the lighters you had on you. You could even possibly go on your own, after all, you could fly, but remembering that you deserted your post with the police and also wanted to meet this "Operator" person, you were against the idea.

Vale - Upon seeing the mess that was once a cottage, you became slightly irritated. Flying all the way over here to only to have to sleep on a beach wasn't entirely the most pleasant idea, but you had little time for complaints, you too were also tired and desired sleep. The island had a few trees on it, along with the rubble from the cottage, you knew you could make a fire and not all the things were destroyed, you were sure you could examine the reckage and find something to cushion you so you didn't have to sleep on the sand. However as you began to shuffle towards the cabin, a far off light caught your attention for a few seconds. You assumed it to be some sort of lighthouse, because it touched this little island but quickly moved on.
Vale moved out towards the beach slowly looking for the light not knowing what to expect and tried to see more. He sat on the sand laying his head back on a small piece of wood on the ground. Everything seemed like a blur from the last night to now, "What is wrong with all this? Can't i just be the only special one and go back to clubbing and doing what I used to?" He wasn't too sure what happened but, he knows hes no at the end of it. Stars pierce his eyes and the move looks down on him, the waves crash, and he lays uncertain.
Sylvester could see through Marcus’s eyes the entire way across the sky. It was a shame there was nothing to see. The boy had his eyes closed. But, Sylvester knew what was up; he could listen in on the boy’s thoughts after all. “Didn’t I tell you? It all worked out, bet you’ve never been this close to a girl before eh? She did have a nice ass. I’ll be here if you need more advice. Which I’m sure you will.” Sylvester knew he was pretty damn good at this kind of stuff. Hell, he’s good at nearly all stuff.

It wasn’t long until they all arrived at the island, and Marcus was forced to get up. “Hey, hey, try manipulating that glass platform. You did touch the glass manipulator guy right?” He knew what Marcus was thinking already. “Wait, you only get one power? Lame. Hold on, you touched that chick, what’s her power? Use it! You don’t know what it is do you? Damn, your useless. Honestly, you would be screwed without me wouldn’t you?”

Marcus was starting to get annoyed, angry, and all sorts of emotions towards this voice in his head, he was getting sick of the comments, and knew things would just get worse from here.

“Well, we can still play the sky scraper jumping game. Though, there probably won’t be any do-over. Isn’t there a manual you can look at, to see how you use your powers?”

“No there isn’t, don’t you ever just… you know, shut up?”

“Eh, I like taking, it’s one of the only things I can do. Oh hey, you should touch that glass guy again, he’s got fun powers.”

“What? No. Shut up.” Marcus was starting to lift up wood to build a fire. Taking a few pieces from the lodge at a time, and stacking them up on the sandy section of the island.

“No trust me, it will be fun. We can totally make like, a glass cannon. Get it? Ah, you probably don’t. It’s ok, we don’t all have genius IQ.”

“Shut up!” Marcus actually yelled out loud this time, and in his rage, the wood his was holding blew up, in his hand, the wood shards digging into the hand, and spraying all across the beach. At the same time, his body started to reject the wooden shards, knocking them out of his hand, and healing the wound.

“Wait, what the hell was that? Can she blow up wood? Wait, why are you healing? Can she heal too? Oh wait, maybe you have both of their powers!” If Sylvester could smirk he would have been. Yeah, he knows he’s awesome.
Elizabeth smiled and tried to gather her composure. THE ALIEN WAS INFRONT OF HER! she thought and is very nice . . This would make for an excellent episode hosted by Operator him self she thought as she began to walk back and lead Greyfire through the first maze and back into the East Wing where she left Oan with out saying anything and felt a little bad. "So Grey Maiden, what is your name?"

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