[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Amber rose almost immediately after the earthquake happened. Her cards were glowing red and orbiting her body as she walked out of the office after giving a quick glance at the Mech-General. He had fell through the wall into the girls shower room. She turned out of the office and quickly walked up to Katelyn who was in the room next door. As Amber walked up to Katelyn she put her cards away before she saw them. Putting her hands down on the table she said, "I came here to...check...on...you. I mean see if you are ok after the quake. This is the second one this week, its really weird." Embarrassed with her self she slightly blushed and stood back up and hid her smirk. Amber still had no idea what she was doing in the room while the Mech-General was probably still stuck in the girls bathroom.
The entire building began to shake, the room itself felt as if it was riding a ocean wave. As the glass panels began to crack, unhinge and shatter to the floor, the other man, the glass bender, tackled Marcus to the ground. Confused by the act at first, he resisted, but as the man asked him to stay calm and not move, it became apparent of what he was doing. The glass in the room fell like snow, in heavy chucks the size of one's face, to small fragments finger nail length. The glass bender seemed focus as he hovered over Marcus, but he seemed to immediately fall under duress, as he kept his gaze eyed on the giant mirror behind them. Its was an ear piercing sound, as the cracks began to form in its surface. Each one decorated the mirror like a scar, until it eventually shattered entirely. Though as Marcus looked upwards, he could see the last moments before the mirror fractured. Viewing the object up-side-down, he figured he had imagined it, but just before the mirror fragmentized, Marcus was sure that he saw, for a brief instance, another man's reflection in the mirror. Looking away as its pieces broke off, he huddled underneath the glass bender again. The man kept asking him to stay calm, even as a giant piece of glass pierced him in the back. His mouth began to become blooding as the bludgeoning blow took its effect on the man's spine. Almost immediately after, the sound of glass exploding came from the lower floors.

What felt like an hour, was probably less than twenty seconds, in the end the room was decorated in glass shards. Marcus was unsure of how, but he managed to not be hit by a single large piece. Smaller shards did manage to cut up his face and his limbs, but he remained relatively unscathed by the disaster, thanks to the Glass bender. From his view it was uncertain if the self-claimed immortal had the same luck or not. Though before Marcus could ask on the glass benders position, he lifted himself off the floor and struggled to reach his broken mirror. Managing to take a seat by its base before he stumbled and fell, he rested. Taking a glance at the man now, he seemed to have aged in the disaster, he seemed noticeably older by thirty or even forty years.

The man looked at Marcus now, and asked him what the football object was. In the commotion, he had forgotten about the thing. However Marcus didn't answer at first. His primary response was to look at the floor. It felt different, as he put his hand on the unshattered glass floor tiles he sat on. His hand brushed by the other glass, and the shards seemed to have a strange allure to them. Snapping out of it, he spoke up his name to the man. After all he had saved his life, he had nothing to fear from him, at least for now.

"I don't know," he replied bluntly. "The people who told me to deliver it, demanded that I be careful with it and deliver it on time. I was just a link in a supply route." Marcus stated, trying to justify his innocence. Brushing off the glass from his clothes, the feeling came back to him. "The guy who was before me said it was a bomb, and I guess that is what the cops thought too. But..." he inquired with doubt to the previous comment. "I did drop it before you and well, the cops, caught on to me. It didn't explode, not even a poof. The glass or whatever its contained it, did get scratched up and the thing inside lit up, but it didn't explode. Unless its a dud..."

Marcus was standing now, putting his hands behind his head, he looked at the ground as if ashamed. “I honestly messed up this one. They will probably come to kill me if I don’t give it to them soon. Whatever it is...”
"So what is it we are doing next?" Vale was a bit dumbfounded, he was listening but, blanked out for a moment. He sat there like a lifeless dummy.
Elizabeth noticed the Grey Maiden and seem to get a bit jumpy from excitement. Oan would think she is just excited to be with him but in reality she is kinda nervous to see the Grey Maiden up close as her Operator Alter Ego tries to get the better of her and fails. She quickly reached into her purse opening her powder case and begin typing commands into the keyboard ordering some of the stealth drones to follow her and see where she goes when she vanishes from the public. Elizabeth would possibly contact her later after discovering her location and once she was done with the powder case she returned it to her purse and began staring at Oan's beautiful eyes. "Thanks for bringing me here." she said giving him a smile. "How ever I am not used to fancy places like this. Ill let you order for me. Also where did you want to do after this?" she asked with a sparkle in her eye she was enjoying her day with him so far and the drones would handle everything else so she would not be bothered. She looked forward to hear what he had in mind for later gently fixing her hair with her hand and giving him a delighted smile.
"I honestly don't know what to do after this, I was gonna let you decide that." He says, rubbing the back of his head. Opening up the white wine first, he pours them each a glass. "Well, here's to a wonderful evening." He smiles, holding up his glass in a toast.
Greyfire would continue her ruined Feast, delighted as her many stomachs were filled, her strong tummy muscles compacting everything, and not even denting her figure, as her body rapidly digests and absorbs the majority of everything she eats..

due to how.. dense her kind are, without her natural levitation powers, she'd likely be incredibly heavy for someone her size.

Fortunately, her powers automatically counter her mass and makes her weight seem normal in comparison to a human.. if not a little lighter.

She is not a Picky eater, easily passing metal and glass shards through her system(tho she cant really digest metal for the most part, it goes help grind her food in the upper stomachs, and aids digestion... softer metals would dissolve as her other food.), and stuff humans would find disgusting.

She's like, the Ultimate Hobo.

She would be unaware of the spy drones, her sences directed at her feast of fortune, and her nose unable to smell the inorganic objects...

"Joyous Day, i have not eaten this well in a long time!" she says to herself, biting into a loaf of french Bread.
Edward ran for the door, trying to get to the lower floors to help, but only managed to get to the door of the room by the time the earthquake stopped. Edward slumped against the wall as glass shards were pushed out of his body and the wounds healed. "Well, at least the building didn't collapse." Edward turned over to Al and Marcus.

"Bombs can be made out of materials that don't explode unless a specific trigger is sent, so the fact that it didn't explode isn't conclusive. However, this does sound like a setup. Alright, tails I don't help you." Edward takes out a die and rolls it. "Nope, not tails. Looks like we're in this together."
Amber - As you came into the room, you saw several book cases knocked over, and two tables broken. In the middle of the room, sat two people, the first a strong arm male who looked extremely tired, and the other the poster boy, Frost W. Law. The next person in the room was a female officer who looked at you as she struggled to get back on her feet, her arm in a sling and her chair broken. The fourth and last person in the room was the familiar Lt. Katelyn, who smiled at you as you came in. She was on the ground, fallen over during the quake. “Oh, thanks Amber. My, my... The earthquakes have gotten worse I think too” she replied to your concerned statements. “Though I am quite alright, but the good news is, now that you are here, I can introduce you to my new team.” she said as she got back up to her feet. “Of course, I probably have to introduce everyone else to each other as well. So don’t feel like this is anything formal.”

Vale - You sat calmly in your seat, even as the Earthquake occurred. The mug you had been drinking in was fortunately empty, otherwise the now broken cup would have spilled burning hot liquid onto your lap. The woman name Mari who sat across from you, was now suddenly on the floor, and several old book cases were knocked over all around the room. The new officer, the Lieutenant, also stumbled to the floor. The only ones remaining to be seated were you and of course Frost, who sat on edge in his wheel chair. You gave a look of confusion when another female, one you have never seen before, barged into the room looking for the Lieutenant. When the Lieutenant mentioned introductions of her team, you started to cringe at the thought.

Frost - The Earthquake came and went, causing a huge amount of structural damage, while the heavy objects with in your own room were loud enough to keep you mostly focused in your nearby areas. Your animistic instincts picked up other disasters on other floors. The loudest of all though, sounded like a person, and well metal, falling through the floor, or the roof, it was hard to tell. You sat on edge in your seat, as you looked at Vale and then back at the Lieutenant, and then at the new girl who entered the room.
"Nice to meet you and all, but I think I should go." Frost jumps out of his seat only to be greeted by a sharp pain near his kidney.'Right I'm still recovering.No time to worry about that, come on Frost.'"Actually..Uh..Do you mind following me? I don't know what is, but I don't think I'm in any shape to handle this alone." Frost waits a second for them to react before heading towards the source of the sound.
Vale gets up calmly out of his daze to hearing Frost, "Would you want me to follow?" Vale was a bit more in his mind now and was ready to start moving and going back to what he had in mind originally, sleep. Vale was the type to want to party all day and night but, he was exhausted. About his bloodlust and thirst for the rich fluid of life, he was satisfied surprisingly.
Finally managing to get enough water off his body to not electrocute anyone who touched him, Viktor made his way to a window that had been shattered during the quake and stepped outside. The cybernetic soldier tensed up for a moment before, with a crackle of energy, firing his jumpjets and taking flight. A second thought crossed his mind, and he radioed back to the Headquarters "Viktor Herzog is on leave//break. Will return in two hours, have fun with the cleanup.".
"I think I know what caused that loud crashing sound. But checking to make sure would be a good idea." With her hand to her ear listening to the comm chatter from the Mech-General. Amber collected herself and simply waited for the other two to start moving.
She looked at Oan shyly "Perhaps we could go watch a movie after this and later tonight return to the library and ummm hangout" she turned a little red as she realized what she was saying and looked forward to his response. She was playing a little bit around with her food nervously waiting for him to respond and secretly hoping that one of her drones or even archive would go off and require her attention.
Over the next few hours Alphonse managed to fix the mirror returning him back to normal and learning that Marcus had copied his powers. Alphonse began practicing glass bending with him to see how much control he had and to talk and learn more about him. "We will make sure nothing happens to you but you have to trust us. Ill keep the object safe and no one will get it. I swear." He said as he smiled and continued to continue to text the extent of Marcus' power.
As her feast persists, she suddenly eeps as she bites into a mount of.. well, it smells like old Hamburger.

she pulls a tiny little Camera.. thing, from her mouth, and dangle sit by a corner, as the Drone zooms it on her...

She blinks at the little toy..thing..

"Oh aren't you just a cute little robot thing! Are you a stray?" smiling at the tiny thing.. which is no worse for ware, despite the greyfire bite-marks on its shell.

She sets her new pet on her shoulder, as she continues her Feast on organic trash, leftovers, and glass-littered mounds of spaghetti Sauce.
Eli walked down the street, easily blending into the crowd that escaped from the blood-soaked man who had blown out of the warehouse by taking and consuming one of the slower civilians. That was a few hours ago, though. He ducked into an alleyway near that noisy dumpster, and twisted back into his true form. He ran his hand through his hair, making sure he had shifted into it proper. He looked over himself, to double-check. His body had even consumed the organic material in his original clothing, as to use later. These powers were glorious indeed, and might just give him some extra... Opportunities as a conman. He shifted back into the civilian form, who was a young man of average appearance and zero-threat. He walked into the shop nonchalantly, ignoring the first waiter and moving right into a booth.

The favoritism he expressed towards this particular pizza joint was the alleged connections to the Mafia. He moved to one of the corner booths as was his preference, and awaited some kind of response. The one that came, he smiled at.

"Luigi, he's my friend, and he's expecting me. Or, he should be." His form was still that of an average citizen, completely plain and boring. This would be a fun surprise for Luigi, Eli figured.

Ballsy? Most definitely. Insane? Probably. Causeless? No. Eli had a plan here, and this plan was to work his way up with due swiftness. He imagined that contacting Luigi would put him into the bottom rung of the syndicate, but his being the son of a politician might get him some extra attention. Eli wanted to see how intimidating his new powers were, and planned to make his debut to the mobster who owned this place. Oh it would be a glorious debut.
OOC - This is has been a Time Skip. So I assume you had fun times on all of your side adventures. As of right now, Silver is going to be leaving the game. So Amber is out as of right now. She might come back as an NPC but she will not be in this next upcoming mission.

Frost & Vale - As you two both went to investigate the noise that you heard with Amber, you discovered on your way down that it was a large evidence safe that fell an entire floor. Other damages from the earthquake included the hole that went down two straight floors to the woman's locker-room. Apparently this hole was caused by a sole man, supposedly a General and leader of the Military Advisory Board. Looking at the hole though, you wondered how it was possible for only him to cause such collateral damage.

A few hours passed, and you got acquaintance with each other along with Amber as you guys spent your time talking and inspecting most of the floors in the Headquarters. Miraculously, with all the damage, no one got severely injuries. However to those who talked about the Earthquake, noted that it was stronger than the last, and they were worried about what another aftershock might bring to the building. The Civil Engineer that was called though, said it wouldn't be too much of a problem. The Headquarters was older but it still had parts that could withstand a bomb blast.

Around the evening time, Amber decided to go her separate ways, both of you didn't really care to ask where she was going. With just just you two left, you made a group decision to head back to the room you started in, where Lt. Katelyn greeted you seriously. In her hands were the objective and mission specs. As you feared, just as you started to gain the ability to walk and physically act on your own, they were putting you on a new mission.

General Viktor - You had taken your gliding wings out for a little bit of a test run around town. They were a prototype model, and knowing that you were expecting a new mission today, you figured it would be best to test them this morning before having to rely on them in combat. Fearing that they would malfunction, and also not desiring to hear the response from the cleanup crew assigned to clean up your accident. You decided to take a majority of the day observing the city from the roof-tops. On your course through the city, you did notice two dobermans, one white, one black barking at a light.

You returned mid-day preparing your own team, and getting settled with the paperwork giving to you. Reading over the mission breifing, you understood what it meant but you weren't entirely happy with the idea of assaulting a building that high up. It would require multiple teams to accomplish. More people, more cooperation, more problems....

As you were getting suited up and about to debrief your group, you noticed Amber was not anywhere to be found. She had vanished. Thinking she probably got caught up speaking with that Lieutenant, you continued with the mission briefing.

Everyone (Mission Briefing) - A raid on a location which superhumans that attacked police officers were supposedly hiding. The location is a high profile Penthouse Suite atop one of the most luxurious hotels in Megalopolis. The amount of superhuamns is unknown, and the use of force is authorized but not to the point of causing major collateral damage. Though what interests you to most, is that one order is specifically emphasized. The order... to capture alive.

Everyone exit to the Penthouse Thread
OOC - This is being posted at Miz's request/blessing. Which ever is better.

Entering from Megalopolis Police Department HQ

Alphonse - You and Marcus talked to each other as you trained him in the finer aspects of glass manipulation. He seemed to easily pick up on the skills, far, far faster than you thought he would. It was kind of impressive, but a little worrying. Could he potentially become better at it than you? If he continued at this rate… it was possible. However, he didn’t seem like he had any malcontent towards you. Then again, you weren’t a mind reader.

Edward - Alphonse and Marcus were busy talking about their powers. From what you gathered, Marcus was some sort of clone person, and now his power is cloning Alphonse's. The entire thing wasn’t exactly interesting, but you did remember that the game console was still there. Loading it up, you picked one of the games. It was apparently some sort of medieval game. But you didn’t recall the middle ages as anything like this; after all, you were there.

Everyone (Besides Alphonse and Edward) - Everyone piled into the helicopter, and it managed to take off even with the General onboard. (Though, you were getting close to the max weight). The wind barraged the sides of the aircraft as it took off, causing it to be a shaky, less than enjoyable ride. Hopefully none of you have motion sickness, as then it would be a less than pretty one as well. You were reminded of the plan on the helicopter. There was no way the people inside would have any knowledge of your presence. The entire building will have a half-mile perimeter set up; many officers will be inside, camping out the elevators, and stairways, waiting for the order to ambush. There was much planning and placement in effect, this ambush had to end flawlessly.
Oan blushes a bit in surprise, than shakes out of the stupified look. "Yeah, that would be a nice way to end the evening." He smiles before continuing to eat. "So... I got backstage tickets to the Black Sabbath reunion concert next Friday, you interested?" He asks, awaiting her answer with the upmost want.
Grumbling at the order, Viktor shifted his weight into a menacing stance and asked "Why are you sending//deploying me on a retrieval mission? The most I can contribute here is creating entry points for the rest of the squad.". Lightning flashed across the suit's immense claws when the Cyborg brought them together, as if to add a deadly exponent to his words. He sighed before continuing "Nevermind, just tell me what qualifies as 'Alive' and I'll attach the needed weapons.".

Exiting to the Penthouse
Elizabeth - Oan continued to talk to you about possible future plans, some sort of concert by a band you only knew because their name had been popular in recent news feeds. Your comments on them, was probably going to be minimal. After all you were the type of lass that prefered classical and baroque music, not just the bashing of electricity to make noise.

Regardless of your opinion on the idea of a second date, you felt a buzzing in your pocket. Distracted immediately from your conversation, you apologized and headed to the bathroom. Walking to the door, the buzzing continued to motion against your thigh. The Ladies Restroom was lavish inside, sculptures, two modest paintings and decorative wallpaper filled the room. Feeling it was more private here, you opened the fold-able mirror where the holographic projections met you. It was Archive's avatar there to meet you.

"Mistress Report," Archive announced to you, "Police Activity has risen dramatically in the past few minutes. Helicopters leaving the headquarters and SWAT vehicles were heading off in YOUR direction." he warned you. "My Lady, you must make haste! The location they are targeting is the hotel neighboring your current coordinates. They are after super humans, to apprehend them." he debrief you. "Hurry Mistress, you must make haste!" was the line he repeated to you.
Frost - You looked around at the various people sitting on ether side of the helicopter. Strapped in, you felt calm even with the shaking of the entire vehicle with the wind. You were debriefed on your current orders, not much was known about the place you were raiding except, that the man that they were targeting with high priority, was familiar to you. He was the glass bender from the last night. White hair, and fairly young, was his description. To be approached with precaution, was the recommendation beneath his picture from security cameras. He had managed to escape with a group of several supposed terrorists by making a glass wall. It was advised not to use guns unless absolutely necessary. Looking around the city you realized just how much glass existed in this place. Nervous, you looked at the new gerar they gave you. This was no police uniform this time, you fought with full on black SWAT raiding gear. A mixture of Leather, Nylon and Carbon Fibers, the suit was light and flexible, but could surely stop a bullet. Though the problem was, your face was left exposed.

Vale - You sat next to Frost, not saying a word, as the other officers, or well "soliders" as they called themselves, chatted with amusement at their current situation. Lighting up cigars, they egged on the man with a large metal suit on, who they referred to as "the General". Feeling out of place, you looked at your own armor, a medic's uniform, completed with several different pouches and pockets, filled with not only medicine, but blood.

General Viktor - You were annoyed with the current task assigned to you. You thought of it being a giant mess, it was a mistake to order such a mission without allowing an order to use full force, or at least with permission to kill in he sought necessary. No wonder the city was in such disarray, you thought confidently. As your men piled into the helicopter with your sister-task-force, the super human troops under Katelyn's command, you allowed your men to speak freely. Letting them joke around and mess with eachother before the mission. You however, sat next to the Lieutenant. As both of you knew exactly what this joint operation was for. It was a trial of both of their forces in combat. If they succeeded, they would merge the two units, You being ahead of combat, and the Liteunant being ahead of information and planning. It was a smart plan by the Commissioner, but that was assuming they succeeded and did not die in this suicide attempt.

You tried talking to Katelyn, but she seemed preoccupied, her eyes looking out the narrowly opened window in the Helicopter's side.

Frost, Vale & General Viktor - Katelyn had been looking out the small armored window for several minutes, but when the Hotel came into the sights of the helicopter. She backed off from it and turned to the General and to the rest of you in the chopper. "From what I can gather", she said glancing back out the window as the Penthouse became closer and closer to her direct vision "Is that there are three of them on the Penthouse floor. I think, at least. Its hard to judge them, I have to concentrate but, I believe their are at least three..." she said in a solemn tone. "However, if I can sense them here, even with my intense effort" she urged as she strained her eyes. "That must mean, their abilities are as dangerous as the report stated."
Unaware of the shenanigans going on around her, she would continue her feast... she would however, pick up a new, very.. disturbing scent...

"little metal friend, i smell something bad..." she says, flying upwards to smell it better... it smells like it's nearby...
"I'm ready to hot-drop on your mark, Kitty, Equipment loadout for my armor is; Saluki ULPPC, and Bulldog EAW. Squad loadout for my troops are; Golo with Hel RSIS-Zytec Rubber, Rudolf is flying this vehicle which is armed with a Deimos GMR and Prometheus RAC. Olaf and Sven both posses Thos SICs and Ullr SIBFPs. Emil is using a Fafner BFMG, while Natascha will be lending support via a Rindr AMR. All other Black Widows were left at the HQ. My Saluki is set for quick toggle between lethal and non-lethal functionality. Squad IFFs are now online, check your helmet's HUD for mission updates and target acquisition." The Cyborg spoke, the mentioned whip curling around his arm almost affectionately "Lt. Katelyn, this Black Widow fireteam is ready. Mark targets and engagement will begin. It was a mistake to set us on non-lethal, but we will endure.". As the chopper reached the drop-off area, Viktor disengaged the harnesses keeping him stable and readied himself to jump to the roof... his squad following suit. "Now in deployment area, targets I.D.ed and marked on Black Widow HUDs for thermal tracking.".
Amber walked out of the bathroom, frustrated that today of all days it had to happen. Fed up with it Amber walked back up to the office rooms and found them empty. Thinking she walked into the briefing room and saw that they had already left for the hotel to attack and take the other mutants. Sighing she took of her boomerang and open a window, attached her harness, and flew up towards the hotel.

Exiting to Penthouse

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