[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Oan tugs at his neck as he is lifted up into the air, scared for his life but not allowing himself to show it. "Elizabeth, I mean Operator, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. All I'm asking for is a friend and co-worker, someone who I can fully trust for the first time in my life. I'm asking for somebody I can be confident about to watch my back and not stab me in the back. And..." He goes silent for a minute "I want somebody to love..." He says quietly, somewhat embarrassed that he explained himself. "I'm cursed Elizabeth, I'm cursed that everyone that loves me gets killed in some horrid way, from my father in Afganistan by an RPG to my mother by a drunk driver. But your different, your strong, beautiful, and more than capable of taking care of yourself. You can break the curse, the one thing holding me back from living life to the fullest."
Elizabeth was taken back a bit because she could kill him at any moment and it sounded like he was asking her out. She tightened her grip a little more and asked. "A...re you asking me out on a date?" she asked outloud after staying silent for a few seconds of pondering what he said.

"Oh...mistress I think you should say yes. Your heart rate has increased and so has his. Oh and let's not forget he is 7'" said the witty archive before Elizabeth's free hand passed through the hologram waving it away like smoke.
Oan quickly realizes what Archive was saying, blushing a very deep red and covering his eyes with his hair. "Well, If you put it that way Elizabeth... yes, I guess I am." He admits, somewhat ashamed at himself that he's fallen for a girl so easily. "You could consider it a date, or being just friends for a bit." he says, trying to make it not sound corny.
Amber - Kateyln became very concerned, as you moved your body weight onto her shoulder. As your sobbing continued, she tried to focus on your face, but was quickly distracted as she had a twinge of fear. The air became slightly thicker, and your sword moved off of your shoulder. Unsure of what to do, she put her hand on your head and began to brush through your hair, until you released your grasp and apologized.

Smilingly at you again, she explained her invitation “Oh, well...” she said as she tried to regain her serious posture. “I was hoping to invite you to see my new team. We just got our office emptied out of old clutter.” she said as she gestured to all the boxes in the hallway. “I invited the general but he turned me down, and I am sure you would like to meet others in a similar situation.” she told you. “In any case, if you are interested, you are free to follow. If not, I understand.” she stated before walking away from you towards the room neighboring the General’s.
Viktor sighed before kicking back in his chair and putting his claws behind the armor's jumpjet. The next event would not shock those who witnessed it; the chair's back legs snapped and Viktor's five-ton bulk came crashing down with an amusingly loud thud. Grumbling as he got to his feet, the Brigadier picked up what was left of the chair and shoved it into a corner of the room before stumbling off... his scanners still confused by the sudden impact. The aged cyborg grunted before administering percussive maintenance to the sensor, when his vision came into focus he found himself in the hallway with Amber before him. "Ahh, there's the young//green prodigy//trainee. How are you doing//feeling, my friend//ally?".
Finally composing herself Amber turned to find the Mech-General standing there and behind him is what looked like a broken chair. She replied to his question "I am fine. What did you do to that chair? She gestured to the pieces of wood. "What are we gonna do today boss, I hope it doesn't involve anything outside its raining." Amber walked by the Mech-General and took a seat behind her desk and began to relax, removing her swords and putting her feet up she took out a deck of cards and began to shuffle.
Elizabeth considers the idea for a moment as archive returns and slightly floats over her interested in her response as well. He has not seen his master and best friend act like this in a long time and is slightly amused. She releases her magnetic hold on Oan as he drops to the ground on as his ass and turns around to head back to her desk and check on the military status and begins drawing up some schematics for some stuff she envisions Oan wearing. After a few minutes of silence she finally speaks up and says "Its a date then"
"Umm, okay." Oan says, slightly surprised she's taking it as a date and also relieved. "So... Wanna go out somewhere later tonight? I know a guy that owns a fantastic Italian restraunt. He can get us a table for two away from the nightly crowd whenever you want. Sound good?" He asks, standing up and awaiting her response, hoping she says yes.
Elizabeth looks up from the schematics she was drawing and quickly begins typing on a hologram keyboard that suddenly came up much to Oan's surprise. She quickly began altering military/police databases as well as media streams altering images and any data on Oan out there and making him as unrecognizable as possible so their day is not disturbed. She does not have to do much to her self as she has been on the service before and no one even suspects that operator is a young female. She begins to pack a few gadgets in a bag and suddenly gets up and agrees to go out with Oan. She grabs his hand and leads him to some sort of Elevator.
Oan just follows Elizabeth's lead, smiling that she basically made him unrecognizable to Police and Military in his current state. Glad that they should have an uneventful evening, he asks "So, wanna take my ride or yours?" He says as they walk into the Elevator.
She smiles as she takes his hand and gets in the Elevator lift with him. Oan noticed that it was not the same way he came in and she smiled as it began going up all the way to the back of an alley way in the city. On the way up her suit began to melt and leave behind a nice dress as she programmed the nano bots to do. They could create basic materials and as they reformed she released them all into the air as they flew off and into the city. She had recently run into some sort of strange database on the internet which instantly locked her and she was never able to find it again. She only saw some information on certain people and references being make to Observations and test subjects. "I think it's a fine night and we should walk" she said as the last of the drones separated from her body leaving her with her bag and a nice black dress and an umbrella.

Exit to Luigi's Italian Restaurant
Entering from the library

Luigi's is one of the best Italian restaurant in Megalopolis, holding parties for anyone from politicians to major CEO's. Though it is thought that the owner, Luigi Belluomini, has connections to the Mafia and known high ranked Mafia members have dined there, no connection has been found.
Entering from the library

Elizabeth smiled as she finally opened up and held on to Oan's arm as they walked down the street enjoying all the sight seeing. She looked all around her as the busy city lights lit up the dark night sky all around her as she walked past the scene where Alphonse and Edward made their escape and past the world's best coffee shop. Oan and Elizabeth enjoy the night breeze as they get to Luigi's restaurant which happens to be across one of the fanciest hotels in Megalopolis. Oddly enough she has never been able to reserve the penthouse it seems to have been paid off for an undetermined amount of time which would not show up even when she entered the hotel database. She the thought to the back of her head as she got inside with oan and patiently waited to be seated by a waiter. She took out her powder case from her purse quickly looking at her self in the mirror but to much to everyone's unawareness it was actually a mini screen which actually showed her the progress of her drones across the city. Once she made sure she looked good she put it back in her purse as the waiter approached them

"Umm im sorry sir. We are completely booked for tonight" said the waiter to Oan as Elizabeth looked at Oan and wondered if she was going to have to pull some Operator magic.
Oan winks at Elizabeth, than says "Is Luigi in tonight? If so, please tell him that Oan Mkoll is here. I'm sure he can make room." He says, as the waiter realizes he's one of Them, and quickly heads into the Management offices. A few minutes later, a rather tall slim Italian comes out with the waiter and heads over. "Oan, how are you!" Luigi says as the two hug. "I'm good Luigi, just hiding out here since what happened in Chicago. Do you think you can find me and my date a table tonight?" He asks "Of Course Mkoll, I'm always open for helping one of my favorite boys!" He says, before quickly saying something to the waiter in Italian. The waiter quickly grabs some menus, messes with the computer a bit, than tells them to follow him. "This is some of the many perks of being a Mafia-working criminal." He whispers into Elizabeth's ear as the two follow the waiter to a private booth away from all of the bustle and commotion of the restaurant. "So, what'll it be tonight for drinks?" the Waiter asks as Oan looks at the menu "Hmm... can we get four glasses, a bottle of Soave, and a bottle of Nebbiolo? Also, two waters as well." He says, as the Waiter nods before heading off. "Soave is a very nice white wine, and Nebbiolo is considered the best red wine in Italy. And don't worry about the tab, the Mafia will take care of it. Have whatever you want off the menu, price is not a problem." He says, smiling as he expects only the best of evenings tonight for both of them.
Kateyln noticed that Amber did not follow her down the hallway, sighing a bit, she attempted to reassert her serious posture, and wiped the smile from her face. It was perfect, exactly stoic, just like a uniformed officer should be. Putting her hand on the metal door nob, she made one last brush through her hair and opened the old wooden door. When she stepped in she looked at the occupants.

Frost - You were busy discussing with Mari when a woman, with short hair reaching just past her ears, and a black trench coat, came into the room. Her posture seemed forced by your standard, but you immediately recognized the golden bar that rested on her collar with her other insignias. While you would normally stand at respect, you remain seated, feeling in no condition to stand in response to her entry. The woman’s face had a grimace display on it, but she quickly smiled at you. As if she couldn’t compose herself to keep it. She began to laugh a little, and then said “Salutations!” nervously “I am Lieutenant Katelyn Youn...” she tried to say but was interrupted by a loud noise. You seem to feel it and hear it first, your animal instincts picking it up, then like a bullet it was here. An earthquake, stronger than the one last night, began shaking the entire headquarters.

Amber - You rested quietly at your desk in the General’s office. Playing with your cards, you thought about how boring the day was going to be. It was certainly a slow one, but it got you out of the rain, so you didn’t care that much. Just as you began to really get into the more intricate tricks with your deck of cards, you felt a light shaking, then it was like the sound of a train running through. The entire room began to shake violently for what felt like 20 seconds. Throughout you could hear loud banging noises and sound of metal bending. At the end of the tremor, you heard something equivalent to an avalanche, as in the next room over, the same room the Lieutenant went into it, it sounded as entire desks and other items tipped over, as you heard one tremendously loud *THUD* after another.
[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][COLOR=#008080][B] - IMPORTANT - This thread is now in a Time Lock, because the other threads in the morning and you guys skipped to the night, you can not leave to enter into other threads, and certain situations may change if global events occur. Future time skips can be a headache. [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#008080][B][SIZE=14px]Oan & Elizabeth[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] - You got one of the nicest seats in the restaurant, but you can see from where you are sitting that there are cracks in the decorative stone columns. The booth seats are extremely comfortable, however as you look around the restuarant that was supposedly packed, was relatively empty. You begin to consider this as a different waiter rushes out of the kitchen and in his hands are the menus with several sticky notes.[B][COLOR=#008080] "Excuse me, but I am afraid to say that our dining selection has been narrowed down, because of recent event."[/COLOR][/B] he said nervously [B][COLOR=#008080]"We hope you understand, after all, Earthquakes aren't common and well, there was quite an incident in the kitchen earlier today. Though, when you are ready to order, please tell me."[/COLOR][/B] he said before rushing off again.
Entering from The Moon

The Grey Maiden, the Ashed Angel, Glowey Lass... she has many names, Tho they are all essentially Fan-Made, at-least a few made in a Propaganda campaign from a certain computer savvy Human..

She Enter's earths atmosphere again, allowing the worlds gravity to let her freefall in the cities direction, leaving a slightly more visible "comet" then normal, as she stops herself long before any damage can occur.

She heads downward, heading for a familiar Ally, Behind a Italian restaurant that often throws out unfinished food and stale bread... Luigi's(Mario must be Missing!!!!).

She Lands Out back, her keen Nose leading her to her favorite dumpster, her feet landing on the ground, as she opens it...

she giggles with glee as the bin is full of large amounts of recently thrown-out foodstuffs and ingredients.. the large amounts of Glass in the scraped up sauce jars and such not deterring her, as she digs in happily.

..Perhaps a certain Genius's Spy cams will notice a certain metahuman being closer then she has ever been in... ever?
OOC: Knight, Vale is located in the room with Frost. I just didn't include you in my last post with Silent because I wasn't sure if you were going to be responding, because I didn't know if you were still on vacation or not.

In any case, you are in the room/scene where the Lieutenant is entering in, Frost and Mari are sitting at the long table with you and the same room (in amber's section) where all the loud noises from stuff falling because of the Earthquake.
The sudden shaking was enough to disturb the ancient Brigadier's gyroscopic stabilizers and sent him careening into a wall, wings and claws flailing furiously as he smashed through into the female's showers. As he lied there, water spraying from a broken shower head unto his visor, Viktor thought of where he had gone wrong in his life and why whatever deity existed was doing this to him. The cyborg sighed over his speakers and flicked off a chunk of masonry that had landed on his torso before standing at his full height. "HQ, this is B. Gen. Herzog. Cleanup crew at woman's shower room four, Main MPD Headquarters. Stat. Over and out." Viktor spoke into his suit's communications system before stepping out of his unfortunate landing spot and beginning to dry himself off... even the suit itself looked depressed about the preceding events.
Elizabeth - The restaurant's selection of customary Italian foods was beyond expectations. The waiter did not brag about the wine list ether. Though Oan seemed to know exactly the right types to get, and ordered it almost immediately. The library had weathered better than you thought with the previous Earthquake. Checking your sensors though, this one was definitely stronger than the last one, but the source was still unknown. You would have to look into the matter later, but for now, you were focused on gaining knowledge on the subjects that the Military Database talked about. Looking at yourself in your spoon again, you worried your hair might not be up in the most flattering of manners, but before you could complain the waiter had returned, this time with the glasses and bottles in hand. “Thank you for waiting, I am sure you’ve been debrief of our current situation, but please take your time to select from the menu.” he insisted again, reminding you of the kitchen disaster caused by the Earthquake. As the waiter walked off again, a loud sound of metal banging was heard from outside. The restaurant was quiet, only a few people occupied the large ballroom, and no musicians sat and played at the piano or Cello set for them. The thundering noise went on for several seconds before stopping.

You were going to question the Waiter or possibly even Oan if he knew what was going on, when you spot something out of the corner of your eyes. As the side window of the restaurant, the one facing towards the street perpendicular to the fancy hotel, you saw a familiar figure. Turning around in your chair, you realized it to be the Grey Maiden...
Immediately following the clamor of the falling candle stick, that hit itself against a stack of well designed and treasured golden ornaments causing them to tumble over onto the ground, which had a domino effect down the entire right side of the room. The door of the golden room was swung open with the appearance of the man from before. Marcus looked out in fear when he came into the room. Though he felt confident, the object, contained in the glass box, was still in his hand. That idea gave him some relief but that was quickly wiped away as the glass container was ripped right of its hand by an unknown force. Desperately trying to hang on to it, Marcus was yanked to the glass floor. He immediately looked up to see the other man’s eyes looking at his. He turned to Edward to help, but he was less than supportive, openly admitting what they were doing. To which Marcus only gave a look of frustration but glanced back at the other, and began to say. “Well, um...” he tried to start off with something friendly but never introduced himself to the man so had no idea what to say. “Uh, you see...” he tried to explain himself but realized he didn’t have much to say. It became hard to swallow, and his heartbeat picked up as he couldn’t think up anything that wasn’t already apparent.

Though his excuses wouldn’t be needed, as what started as a light vibration, became a full throttle shaking of the entire building. It was evident, another Earthquake, just like one last night, was striking the city. However this one was worst than anything Marcus had ever experienced, as the Penthouse rested atop of a 60 or so floor hotel, it would bear the worst of it all. The walls of the penthouse, rocked back and forth, as the entire tower swayed. The glass room though, couldn’t endure the strain fully. As all four sides began to crack at first, but as the twenty second tremor continued, the glass platting the walls began to collapse to the floor panel by panel from all four walls and the roof. What was even worse though, as the room slowly came to a disaster, the large golden mirror presented in the back of the room, also began to sever, as a large scar like crack broken throw the middle portion of the glass.
Edward stumbled as the earthquake began. He wasn't in any danger, but the rest of the people in the building were. His mind raced as he looked around, but the massive amounts of glass would just make shards even more likely to cause dama-he stopped. Calming himself, Edward turned to Alphonse. "How much glass can you control? This is a skyscraper, there's glass on every floor, both inside and out. What's more, we're surrounded by the stuff. Can you keep the building standing? If not, can you create a flying shell around as many floors as possible to save who we can?" Edward closed his eyes, forcing himself to think about what he saw in the building, but it was hard. Too many other buildings, too many disasters. How many floors were there? Did people still use concrete or was there something else? Dammit, nearly a thousand years and I can't stop a building. "Do what you can. I'll go see if anyone needs help." Edward paused and looked at Marcus. "Can you do anything special? I don't know, stop the earthquake? Send a telepathic message to everyone to come here so Al can make a smaller bubble? Anything?"
Alphonse acknowledged Edward's words and figured he would do anything with in his power to help and save the people in the building. So it was time for him to also help. He began thinking and coming up with a plan before he realized that Marcus was not an immortal like the rest of them and he quickly threw him self on top of Marcus wrapping his arms around him tackling him to the floor. "Please don't move" whispered Alphonse in his ear as he begun to close his eyes and channel his power around him self and marcus protecting them and then begins to channel his consciousness into the building. He normally cannot alter glass too much if he can't see it but hes been practicing and begins to harden the glass around the entire building to the best of his ability. He trys to keep injury and the loss of life down to a bare minimum before he heard it . . .

Everything just seemed to slowdown around him. The glass falling in the room just missing Marcus and Alphonse. Edward's movements and the screams of the guests in the hotel because the place was shaking. He looked up from the ground making sure to keep Marcus covered and stared at his mirror as it began to crack. The lines appearing on the mirror each detail and the sound of the cracking overloading and exploding each of Alphonse's senses. The cracks sounded like thousnds of nails being scratched on a chalk board causing him to slip on his control accidentally shattering most of the glass in the building. He once more whispered in Marcus' ear . . "Please...don't move" as Marcus begun to feel something warm and red over his body before realizing that Alphonse's back was being pierced by glass shards that were getting past his invisible force bubble while deflecting most.

After the earthquake was done he got off marcus limping over to the mirror as he covered his face with his hood and rested his back against the mirror as the crack slowly began to mend it self. His hands looking old and decrepit and his voice sounding completely different . . Old and tired. "Tell me what this thing is" he said as he coughed up some blood still holding onto the glass box. He looked over at Edward and asked him if he could fetch him something to drink from the kitchen.

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