[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

"Time to get outta here." Oan says, jumping off the roof onto a alley dumpster, and than to the street below. Opening a manhole, Ghost climbs down and resecures the manhole and slides down into the darkness below.

Exit to the Hideout
Greyfire looks at the gunman dissapear, and grabs the wolfman." You are severely injured, I am sure the Police will understand if we wait at the nearest hospital instead." she says, not wanting him to bleed out..

(OOC: My comp broke, so i may be gone for a wwhile.. if i stop responding, just say greyfire returns to the moon to hibernate, or something... do not try and do her stuff yourself plz Miz x.x I'll try and sneak on to reply once a day, at the very least.)
"Nonsense strange girl who's getting more attractive by the second!..Wait why am I bleeding?" Frost looks down and sees the ice he used to seal his wound beginning to melt. "Oh yea..Ice..and I'm warmblooded.why did I think that would work again?." Shaking his head Frost sniffs for anything the man may have left behind. "I should..really..take a rest.."
Vale's steps were heavy and uneasy, he kept going towards where he thought the neon district was (or so he called the popular club spot). His breathe was normal but his thoughts were cluttered with the idea of feeding and his clothes were a bit bloodied, he couldn't walk around like this. He took his cloak off and left it in a box at the alley to his apartment underneath the window he dropped from earlier. He took his shirt off also revealing his slightly muscled body, he kept his pants because he knew no one would notice the blood on black pants. He was soon on his way to the the neon district.
Frost - The man who you could hear, but not see, had escaped from your grasp. It was painful for you to move, and the person whoever he was, seemed agile enough to escape the scene of the crime. You were thinking about leaving with the female, accepting her offer to take you to the hospital. However, as you were distracted with the girl and the invisible assassin, your police allies had already arrived at the scenes and were rushing to your aid. An army of heavily armed men appeared behind the wall of patrol cars. Special weapons and tactics (SWAT), was here, their paramilitary police uniforms were black and armored. They encircled you and your "friend" with the bone scythe. Pointing their laser guides, their high-powered assault rifles were ready to go, shoot to kill if the target moved, was their order. Two of the SWAT members ran over to you though, and took you out of the fray. Behind the line of encroaching SWAT officers, was a squad captain that looked familiar to you, but you couldn't remember his name. He nodded to you, before two paramedics rushed up from behind you and put you down on a stretcher, taking you away. As you laid on your back, you could see the gray girl, fly up into the sky and eventually disappear behind the clouds. As for the blood manipulator, you weren't sure what happened to him. As they strapped you in for your ride to the hospital, you felt an injection into your arm, and shots fired into the air from the SWAT scene. Then everything went dark.

Exiting to the MPD Headquarters

Vale - You didn't stand much of a chance. The neon districts lights were as welcoming to you as they always were. The bright colors and booming bass of the club soundeffects filled the streets. This was a close home to you, an escape from the nefarious side of life. You had removed your bloodstain shirt and other clothes, with the exclusion of your pants, and wandered into the night-life. It was a bustling night, remembering that Thursdays were a clubbing day for much of the city's younger populace, and you were not expecting this many people but it was alright, you knew where you wanted to go. A few hours passed and you tried to clear you head before you returned to your apartment. Some heavier drinks would probably be required, but you would refrain from getting too intoxicated. You knew your ways around blood -alcohol levels. As you felt calm enough to return home, your heart returning to its steady beating cycle, you walked out of the bar and began walking home. You didn't stand much of a chance. They had your picture from the helicopter and everything. A group of police officers, heavily armed for a usual crime stunt pulled in the Neon District, approached you. Held out a portable monitor and displayed your face. "Vale Vain," the one who was in charge asked to you after showing the picture of your face. "We are from the MPD, we ask for your cooperation and that you come with us quietly and peacefully." he said to you, before reading your miranda rights. It wasn't what you first concluded though, the men were not there to arrest you for criminal charges, but instead, "Protective Custody" as they put it.

You didn't have much choice, you could go calmly now and get probably a much better bed you assumed, or you could try to bolt but eventually get caught by them anyway, because if they found you here, they probably alreayd searched your house. You let them escort you to the SWAT vechile, reinforced with armor, as they gave you a seat in the back with two other SWAT officers. "No handcuffs would be required", the leader told you as they sealed up the back and started the car off.

Exiting to the MPD Headquarters

Alyssa - The woman seemed delighted with your response, and asked you to follow her to her office. Where she knew she would have extra room to house you. Stating that her apartment existed above the office complex. She took your hand, as you walked down the street. Lucky was by your side also excited, as he seemed to not be suspicious of the woman, and not being overprotective as he usually was.

Exiting to Dr. Lowell's Office & Apartment

OOC - Greyfire - Because of Robo's situation, I have made Greyfire temporarily disappear from the game. We hope to see her return when Robo can make it back.

Greyfire - Exiting to the Moon

Megalopolis Police Department Headquarters

Frost - You had originally awoken in the hospital in the middle of night. The palette of light color walls surrounded you, in an attempt to calm you down. You were in a special room, not the normal trauma center that they sent people to. Though that is probably expected since you aren't a normal person. The numbers on the green clock said 3:46 am, on the digital clock that hung from the wall. The TV was off in your room, and the remote was by your bed. You had been stitched up promptly at the scene, as the paramedics managed to stop you from bleeding. Your ice had worked better than expected, slowing the development of wounds and numbing the pain. What awoke you was a the blood manipulation man, who had entered into the room. You were suppose to be on sleep medication still, but your animal instincts must have heard the noise the metal door made as it clicked. The other superhuman, approached you, and lifted up the sheet of your bed to look at the area of your wounds. You then fell back to sleep before you were able to acknowledge what was going on.

Next time you woke up, you were not in the Hospital room anymore, instead the rooms were concrete, and the air was thick with coffee. It was an extremely familiar room, and you knew it by the sounds that were made in the hallways outside. It was the Megalopolis Police Headquarters. Still somewhat stupefy by the medications they gave you at the hospital, it took a while for you to realize there were others in the room. While you sat in a wheel chair at the end of a long office table, two other individuals also sat, eying the plate of donuts that was place in between them. The first person was the blood manipulator. Why was he here? was your first thought. He was drinking a cup of coffee from a pale green mug. The green being important, as the captain was known for having such strange colored mugs around. It was a thing his wife did for him. The other figure was the female rookie from before. She seemed to survive her accident, and now only wear a sling for her right arm, and a few bandages on her face. She too was drinking some coffee, in a new uniform, one that seemed slightly different in style than the one she was wearing the night before.

Vale - The night had been a busy one for you, after being forced to leave the Neon District [OOC: yes we are keeping that name BTW], you were swiftly brought to this HQ building. Where you were questioned about the events that occurred, and you eventually had to confess about your own super abilities to them (it didn't matter much speaking they had it all on tape). What interested them the most though, was your ability to heal. After stating that, the interrogation officer, went to his superiors who were watching the conversation in another room. You were then asked to assist Frost and another officer in the hospital. Knowing Frost's condition you agreed to do so, and was rushed to the Downtown Megalopolis Hospital so that you could progress the rehabilitation of Frost, and the other female officer across from you. That was all done by 5 AM. After that, you were then rushed back to a very nice office in the HQ. That was several stories up, and had a grand wide view of the main entrance and fountains that were outside the HQ.

Inside the office, an assortment of food was placed out, as if you were some sort of visiting Diplomat, and you noticed the finer furniture that existed in the office. The soft black leather chair, and the steel colored tile floors. Everything was sheik, modern and matched the urban landscape outside its windows. As you took a seat across from the gray oak desk. The MPD Commission, himself, greeted you, and told him his offer. If you were to accept, you would not be a traditional police officer, as you lack the training and permissions to make arrests, but you would work as a specialist in a new task force. You would be paid a salary, but your records wouldn't really exist on file. It was a unusual move, but as the Commissioner said, these are unusual times, and super humans in their own right were unusual. It was still up to you to join or not. Regardless of your choice you would be in protective custody as the media also got a hold of the incident, unfortunately rumors move faster than facts and there is massive confusion about who you are by the public masses. Fearing your life may have been put at risk, they will want to keep you under police monitoring, preferably in Police Custody as to minimize the danger.

You sipped the coffee, that was a last attempt to keep you awake. The clock in the room struck 9:00 AM and you felt exhausted.

The sun had risen enough from the horizon this early portion of the morning, so that the rays of lights could be at least equal to the Penthouse's floor. Opening his eyes, Marcus, found himself sleeping on the comfortable round couch away from Edward. The large television screen turned off, and a coat covering him. The coat didn't seem familiar, but he looked like it could fit him. Peeking up his head, he looked around. The room seemed exactly the same when he examined it before he was able to fall asleep. Edward was where he remembered him, and the Golden door was still closed. So the object was impossible to retrieve. The Golden doors were properly locked. Looking to his side, to the direction the sun was rising. He saw through the tinted glass, that prevented the blinding light from entering the room, as a dimmed out star figure in the sky. Around him, the elegant round shaped windows revealed the busy cityscape below, and the massive metal pillars of skyscrapers nearby. Looking to one of the balconies though, he saw the man he had met the day before. Watching, relax, at the city below.
"What happen? First I woke up in a hospital..Now im in here sitting in a wheel chair." Frost looks a bit uncomfortable sitting infront of the captain. Shaking his head Frost looks around a bit more. "What happen to the suspect?..and Why is he here? I don't think I feel very comfortable with him around while im in this state. Your not going to try and drink my blood are you?"
Edward sits upright suddenly. "-or maybe it was a whale." Edward pauses and looks around. "Right, fell asleep again. Anyway, what now?" Edward walks out to the balcony and listens for any sirens or explosions. "I'm getting bored. Anything happening?"
"No, I'm not thirsty and I am not too sure..." Vale faded for a moment and considered weather or not he was gonna get out of this. He thought that there can't be anything worse than saying no to the government, especially on something like this. He didn't take his time making up his mind, "Well, I don't have much of a choice. I guess I'll take the offer..." Vale's thoughts were almost muffled to himself and he thought about what exactly happened, he didn't remember the full story. As he took a big gulp of coffee, he sat back slouching trying to get comfortable.
Frost - You were panicked at first with the sight of the wheel chair, but you quickly discovered you still had the ability to move your legs. The wheel chair was most likely used to get you to your current room. Which was for the most part, an empty office room. It has a mixture of decades within it. The monitor on the wall was probably a new installment, but the long table in the middle showed its age, along with the green desk and lamps that were towards the back of the room. The door as well seemed to be one that was experienced in police affairs. Metal poles, and old handcuff marks underlined the older cream painted walls. Yet this was all countered by the other pieces of new equipment being moved into the room. In manilla-colored boxes, they were not yet unpacked. Other boxes, not yet removed from the room, showed that this room once involved some sort of operation that was ether retired or transferred.

You looked back now at the female officer, who was busy reading a magazine and sipping her coffee from a mug. She looked up at you as you first began to talk, and tried to remedy your worries. "The Suspect, you mean that big thing you were apparently fighting while I was blacked out?" she replied "They are having him in some secure place, probably with about 4 or 5 guards on him at all times. Especially since he caused such a stir. Well actually you all did."

She paused for a bit, to look for something in the room, and eventually looked in the chair next to her to find the monitor's tiny remote. Clicking it the remote went to (TV) and to channel 9, there was only picture as the screen contained the green words MUTE at the bottom. On the panel was some of the local morning talk show hosts. You were never really interested in these kind of shows. It was always about the lighter side: books, the weather and cooking, they never covered actual news. Instead, today they had two unusual guests on, police spokesmen. The Headline read "Panic fills streets, as police rush to prevent Mutant rampage".

"Its not looking too good, but you guys aren't really to blame." she told you, "Him, over there though." she continued pointing to Vale. "You shouldn't be worried about him attacking you, in fact he's one of the few reasons why we are still up and alive. He healed us, and the commissioner even gave him a job posting. Of course specialist position, not a regular officer, but its still impressive." she said trying to lighten the mood between the you and the man sitting across from her.

General Viktor - You tried to get to your office in the MPD HQ today to retrieve some files, when you were met with the chaos of a moving crew. Forunately, it wasn't your office they were relocating, it was the office next store, that was serving as some sort of archive room, or something similar to it. You didn't really know, you were never bothered to investigate it. You had your own work to be done, as you came in to see three of your men already waiting in the large office space. Instead of having a long table like the neighboring squad room, it had an assortment of library-like desk cubicles laid in a grid pattern. Three Large monitors, touch screens, were on the side adjacent to the door. On the completely other side of the door, laid your oak desk. It was an old one, like many of the woodworks in the HQ, but it was a desk labeled with history, which you were fond of. Greeting your supportants, you sat down at your desk to do work. When you heard a knock on the old wooden door to your investigation room, that you purposely left ajar. Before you could even give the command to "Enter", the person took the intiative to come in anyway. She was a female officer, wearing a black long trench coat over her uniform, and had lightly tinted purple sunglasses that she worn on her forehead. Her hair was brown and was cut in a short utilitarian fashion. She came in to look at you, ignoring your three supportants. There was a single gold insignia on her collar. Meaning in police ranks she was a Lieutenant. On her collar though, also displayed two unusual insignias. The first was a silver 9 surrounded by two olive branches, the other was a golden pin that you also noticed the Commissioner wore when he greeted you. So, you thought, she isn't an average Lieutenant...
Marcus looked at Edward, as he startlingly awoke from sleep. Talking about some sort of whale? Marcus wasn't quite sure what was going on in his head. "Oh nothing much, I just got up." Marcus stated to Edward, before getting off the couch. He couldn't believe how easily he slept last night. He didn't delivery the material to the man named Barrett, and they hadn't hunted him down yet.

Well it wasn't his fault, he would try to explain to them when they eventually came for him, the idiot didn't make an appearance at the drop off point. Perhaps he was an informant, or already got arrested, the cops were too suspiciously on Marcus's tail. Supposedly the guy was a brute, who was pretty intelligent but was a freak of nature that made his temper get the best of him. Most of all, he hated Cops, that is what his boss instructed him. So maybe he didn't appear because he was worried about the number of police officers.

Though it wasn't too late, the thought came into Marcus's head, as he looked at the Golden Door, and walked away from his conversation with Edward to go and try his luck at the door. Going up to it, even though Edward was watching him, he went up to the handle and gave it a pull. It was unlocked, the metal sounds of the door open with a click. He wasn't going to swing it up, not with Edward looking at him, but he knew it wasn't too late to get back the material before they came for his head.
"Oh, good idea!" Edward walks over to the door and opens it. "I wonder what's inside? A secret laboratory where he keeps his tortured victims? Maybe a preserved gallery of his former friends who have died over his aeons-long life? Or it could be where he keeps the REALLY good food!" Edward turns to Marcus. "Well, Marco my boy, what say we have a little adventure?"
Shifting his weight in dim surprise that the chair actually held his weight without warping, The Brigadier's Visor lit up as he asked the newly-arrived woman "Welcome//Greetings. You want//require something, Lieutenant?". The armored behemoth's voice was as deep and synthetic-sounding as one could expect from something of it's robotic appearance. Viktor wondered what the officer was doing here, and after running through his mind the possibilities he figured that he was being deployed. "Am I being deployed//inserted so soon after arriving? Talk about slave drivers." He joked in the same tone as before, likely sounding unintentionally serious. "If my equipment//weaponry is here I would like//prefer to re-arm before deployment//insertion into a combat//riot zone.".
Edward spooked Marcus, he was already fully aware of what Marcus was planning it seemed, and oddly enough encouraged him to continue. Marcus took a glance behind him, to check if the other man was still outside. When it was apparent that he wasn't near them, he clicked the door open again and barely nudged it, so that you had to slide in between the two doors.

The room was dark, but when Marcus stepped in, he could see his reflection, and his reflection's reflection, and a million other duplicates forever, as the room was covered in glass: glass floors, glass panel walls, and even a glass ceiling. Candles, no longer lit, also filled the room in somewhat of a ritual sense. The room gave off a strange aura. They would have to find some light if they were going to search around, this was going to be harder than he first thought.
The Library is a hidden compound underground littered with mountains of books littered everywhere and all of Operator's high tech equipment. Little drones work endlessly to neatly organize and catalog every piece of information here. Elizabeth has acquired many books through out the years that she wishes to save unlike the rest of the who prefers to keep everything digitally stored. Archive acts as her digital database and this place acts as her physical database.

Miz (DM Edit/Addition) - For an outline of what the Library Looks like please see this post: The Library Overview.

Elizabeth walks around the mountains of books trying to not step any of them as she finally finds her table in this jungle of books and shelves. "Sigh...I found it" she said as she took a seat in her comfy spinning chair. She closed her eyes for a moment getting a quick moment of rest and then opening her eyes to stare at her dozens of monitors each one viewing or doing something different. She grabbed the sticky note from on one of the monitors and scratched a few completed things from her to do list and reviewed the stuff she has never been able to complete.

  • Make archive like a human - 0%
  • Find a better formula for toast. There has to be more to it then just heating it up - 0%
  • Finish that android capable of fighting typical military standard robots incase they ever come for her - 8%
  • Discover the source of the UFO constantly entering and leaving the planet earth - 100% The Grey Maiden
  • Finish her "pet" project and forget to not feed it - 24 %

She continues to view her to do list and gets startled by archive prompting her to put it back on her desk and spin around in her chair to address the A.I.

View attachment 1125

"Lady Elizabeth . . . . .The new hourly report is in. Please direct your attention to monitor D" said the floating face as she spun back around to the monitor to stare at the stats.

  • New requests in the past hour - 558
  • Requests completed - 274
  • Latest Anti Super Human Broadcast - Delayed for another few hours
  • Police/Military Activity - Medium (Stuff is still settling down from the Greyfire/Vale/Frost and Alphonse and Edward scenes.)
  • Books in The Library Processed - 42%(This one keeps getting slower as she adds thousands of more books when she gets a chance.

"Thanks archive" she said as she yawned extremely tired.

"There is seems to be Military movement my lady as some of their agents have been spotted at the Megalopolis Police Department. I will keep you posted if any development comes of this. I am currently trying to identify the agents. Please my lady get some rest Ill finish processing the rest of the hacking requests for you"

"Thanks archive" she said smiling as she got off from her chair and laid down in a nearby couch where she quickly fell asleep.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_12/Artificial_Intelligence_by_Robertt.jpg.88083df77b9d9da5c2f2fabeaa1dfd96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2011_12/Artificial_Intelligence_by_Robertt.jpg.88083df77b9d9da5c2f2fabeaa1dfd96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Artificial_Intelligence_by_Robertt.jpg
    149.6 KB · Views: 4
Entering from The Hideout

"Now, to find out who this Operator is..." Oan says from his subway base, attempting to find this other underground person. Flipping his hood up so his face was concealed and changing the location to hide his Hideout. "Damn, this is one hard code to crack..." He mutters as he begins to attempt cracking into the system.
General Viktor - The woman shook her head in response to your question. "No sir," she told you in a respectful manner, after all you were a General, "I am not here to give you any deployment orders." Clicking her heels together, she stood perfectly still in a salutation position, raising her hand she saluted you. "Assuming permission to speak freely, I am here to introduce myself. I am Special Lieutenant Katelyn Young of the newly created Task Force 9, or the 'Special Investigation' Task Force but I guess you could say its more like 'Superhuman Investigaiton' Task Force. Though to keep things under-wraps, the commissioner would like for us just to go by our number." she said "Nine was apparently an old task force made to deal with Terrorist attacks, but with the Price Tower Incident, I guess it makes sense." she caught herself before she was rambling too much. "In any case, I was sent here by the Commissioner to introduce myself, speaking we will be neighbors now." she mentioned as she turned around to head to the room they had just finished emptying out earlier this morning. "Regardless, I am sure we will be collaborating with each other on a lot of investigations. Until then, I think its best for me to get to my new assignment, unless you would like to see them as well?" she asked you, as she stopped before leaving the room and entering into hallway.

When the woman faced you now, you noticed that her eyes were different colors, in fact her right eye was actually divided into two colors. While her left eye was entirely a light blue, her right was split in half diagonally, the top part being Purple and the bottom half being a light gold. She smiled a bit, breaking her tough character that she displayed to your underlings as she entered as she waited for your response.
Oan - Operator was an internet celebrity, rumors circulated that he lived in Megalopolis, and that he was wanted not only by the police but also the military. Imagine the bounty on that. Though it gets even better, he is even rumored to live underground, perfect for you. You left your subway home, and walked along the tracks. You had to be careful in the tunnels, not to fall over and not to touch the rail lines, especially not at the same time. Its like picking a needle in a hay stack, finding one place amongst all the basements, bunkers, pipes, phonelines, subway tunnels, car tunnels, and who knows what else underground. Though you are pretty sure that you are getting close to the infamous Operator. After all you could always just call his phoneline, but what is the fun in that?

Breaking into one of the maintenance tunnels, you inspect the concrete walls, following a bunch of wires, a mixture of red and blue, hanging on the wall, you hope to find their origin. Computers networks required wiring of some sort? Power supply no doubt? Its a long search, but the wires only bring you to a maintenance terminal for the subways, that is suppose to be plugged into by maintenance crew to check the status of the rails. Another false lead, disappointed you keep trying to search the maintenance tunnels, with almost no luck, except in one of the more narrower sections, you stumble over a grate on the floor. While it hurts your foot, as the recovery was less than graceful. You begin to hear the humming of electronics from under you.
Elizabeth dreamt of delicious food and was awaken in the couch by a beep. She opened her eyes and sat up wiping some droll from her face as her stomach growled. She issued a voice command and one of the little floating drones flew off to fetch food from some one in the compound and bring it back to her in the form of a sandwich and a soda. After grabbing the sandwich she remembers the beep and too lazy to return to her desk she issues another voice command and a bunch of hologram screens appear before her showing different video feeds and quickly notices the hooded guy who she has captured on video before in the subway. "Oh . . I remember him" she said as she had seen him earlier on the news shooting up the police and turning invisible. She took a bite out of her sandwich as she scattered the other screens in the air with her hand only leaving the one with Oan. She decided to watch him for a while as she enjoyed her food and took a gulp from her soda and as she was drinking he tripped on some sort of crate and slightly chuckled to her self . . "Boys are so silly"

She put the soda and sandwich down as her facial expression turned serious when she noticed some one with a lead pipe slowly creep up on Oan while he was down and unaware. She instantly thought it was one of the random thugs who liked to hide in the subway and decided to interfere before before he brought the lead pipe down on Oan's skull. She put her fingers on the image of the man on the screen zooming in as her systems scanned his person for any electrical devices and instantly picked up a cellphone. "Oh...no you dont you stupid lug head" she muttered as she tapped on the image of the man on the hologram screen one more to trigger his cellphone, the ringing coming from behind Oan just in the nick of time to let him know that some one is there.

She sits back and asks one of her helper drones for a bag of chips and starts to enjoy the show.
"That's probably//likely my only problem//dislike about being high-ranked. You don't need to show//display respect to me, Lieutenant... we're completely different//separate forces." The cyborg grumbled, tenting his massive claws "In short; at ease. I don't need to lurk//watch over everything you do, I'm just here to keep peace//order. However, I do look forward to working//serving with you on whatever missions//operations may come. I'll make sure nobody from the Black Widow Section annoys you or your subordinates too much... and feel free to slap Berti if he attempts to act like Casanova.". His speaking done, Viktor attempted to pick up a piece of paper that had been left on the table. It became painfully clear that his exoskeleton wasn't exactly the best design at that moment, the claws opening and closing slowly near the bit of paper clumsily. Sighing, Viktor gave up and left it there... he'd have to ask the mechanics for better manipulators later.
Oan hears the phone go off, than realizes the person behind him. Grabbing the pipe, he judo flips the man over his shoulder, and than shoots the man twice in the head with his pistol. "Well, I can see that you're helping me." Oan says, looking around for the camera. "I know of your infamy with the Police and the Military Operator, and I must say I'm impressed. I was hoping to meet you in person, but I guess this works too."
Elizabeth smiles to her as she finished the bag of chips and noticed Archive return with information on the new Military Disposi- Task Force

and brings up the file on Brigadier Viktor Herzog. She bites her thumb at the sudden arrival of the new chess piece "Tsk...Well played Military" she said to her self as she got up and returned to her desk but she did not forget about her new ghost friend. She thought he was kinda cute even though he most likely wanted to murder her just like every one else and decides to sent him a safe route to leave the subway and avoid any more trouble to the cellphone but deep down she secretly hopes he may call her or something. After sending the information to Oan she begins her nightly ritual and begins hacking into Military satellites to find out what exactly they are plotting.
Oan looks at his phone, and smiles at the info. "Hmm, perhaps the Operator is worth a shot after all." He says as he begins following the route given to him.
Frost begins to wait, looking around the room twiddling with his fingers when a thought occurs to him.Turning his attention to the police woman Frost asks a question that's been bothering him for quite a bit. "Don't take this as an insult..But..Who the hell are you? I mean.. I haven't seen you around HQ before.I think last night was..Was it last night?(Don't cut yourself off Frost..)Nevermind that, I believe last night was the first time I've ever met you Are you new?"

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