[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Greyfire grits her teeth, realizing she is fighting a complete masochist...

The blood would likely not be Her, but her forhead would turn several odd colors from the impact in the near future...

Her Eyes glow as he tries to swing his weapon at her.. tho she is strictly against lethal force.. this man was dangerous, and whatever his goal is, it cant be good...

She would not take his Life, but she decided on a brutal response, as she reached up, and caught the blade in her fingerless gloved hands, as she pulls it past her, and as he stumbled, her other hand glows with a deep purple brightness, and she brings the side of her open palm down just above the spiky bit of his arm."You are dangerous, and you must face with the Law of these people!" she says, in her well mannered Engrish, attempting to either break his arm.. or outright "Disarm" him, whichever comes first, her intent to disable this man, so he can be taken into custody.
OOC - I am switching from reactionary DM posting, to posting as the NPC.

The golden door was locked, with of course a golden key. He was as good as a hostage here. Yet, it was probably better than Booking down in the police. He's been there before, but he was never classified as a superhuman. He managed to hide it well. Though he could always try to escape, they didn't see his face and he avoided making any fingerprints. Though he did see what powers the man had, and what those abilities could actually achieve. It was clear to him that whoever the man, guy, was, he couldn't be really taken lightly. While the person appeared around Marcus in age. He still felt nervous, such a dramatic exit from the chase scene. There was no way he would escape this Penthouse alive.

Removing the hockey mask, the air felt colder in the Penthouse. He took down his hood, letting his darker dyed hair show. His hair was originally a lighter brown, but he decided for appearance sake, to turn it dark. He thought it made him look older, but in reality it did the opposite. It made him look affiliated to the punk scene, and gave him the appearance of immaturity.

He looked through his various jean pockets, that were very baggy and open, as they were in the typical "gangster" fashion. From a far, he looked like a white inner city high-schooler, but I guess he couldn't even deserve that distinction, since he dropped out of school in the 8th grade. So, no, he isn't a high-schooler.

While the other man, the one who rescued him from the fall, could easily see his face, now. He had little worry. Like he said, the police have no idea what he looked like. They did know however this man's and his friend's, so if anything, they were in more trouble than he. He tried to avoid conversation, but it became hard, as Marcus looked around the House. Seeing how massive it was, he did quietly ask. "So... What do you do around here, Edward was it?"

OOC - Finding a good guy pic can be hard, so I tried to find something close

Vale finally sees an opening sprints back to help surround the man and uses what blood he gets from the puddles left by frost and his own dropped sphere. His sphere in hand and his lust for blood at its threshold pushed by his pain, he was out to kill. He held three small but, sizable blood spikes over him that were made from the sphere. He didn't understand what he smelled in the blood in the air but, he wanted to feast on it in a almost animalistic way. As this feeling of hunger and euphoria took over he launched the three spikes with only the thought of spilling this targets blood.
"Play video games, mostly. There's also a load of food." Edward went into the pantry to demonstrate. "You want anything? What's your name anyway?"
Greyfire - You hold the man steady at first, taking his mangled scythe hand into your own palm. You feel the pain surge from the nerve-endings in your hand, but it doesn't matter, you know this man is a monster. You have to stop him. Using your palm you force down his mangled barely attached arm. The bones snap and blood begins to pour out. You didn't just break his arm, you took most of it with you. The last nerve endings left on him were broken in that strike and his right arm was no more.

Vale - You hear the groans of pain, immense pain, that only make your instincts for blood grow further. The man's hand was torn off, the tendons split and the bones shattered. The groans of pain, become one of laughter soon after though. Blood spills onto the street. What a mess, but this only makes your fury grow. You swing three sharp blood projectiles from besides the large man. Cutting right into his torso.

Greyfire - The maniac's screams, once again became sighs of joy. He was enjoying this, but how? This was so much pain. You knew he was feeling immense pain. You hated fighting like this. The man smiled at your angry grim face, before once again screaming with pain, as you see blood projects break into his skin. Like little drills, they cut right into him, leaving a smell of burning flesh and blood.

This is where the man's face begins to change. He seems annoyed, and immediately swings his last remaining arm (his left) right against your face with probably all of his leftover strength. The blow was extreme, it could have probably sent you through a wall if one happened to have been close by at the time. You went flying back against the pavement. Causing a minor crater indent. You definitely feel it this time. That's the pain alright, from your back and arms. However you aren't out, and you're about to get back up and clobber him. When all of the sudden searchlights from above appear over the scene. Shining down on the entire scene.
Marcus looked at the man, who seemed so energetic to play video games, as he lead his way to the pantry of the house. Which was more like a full walk-in closet than a modest pantry. The house was in every way, exceptional, even to the point of being gaudy. The living room was expansive, having a large pit like area of couches and a huge 125" plasma screen television. Walking into the pantry, Marcus was amazed, with how much food (mainly junk food) there was, brands he never heard of before in his life, most likely foreign or very expensive.

As the other said before, he was free to do whatever he wanted and free to order anything he desired. Though the question came into his head, where did all of this money come from. A penthouse by itself is a feat, especially in Megalopolis, but how could a kid get this much? Inheritance probably, the lucky bastard. He answered Edward's question. "Oh my name is Marcus." he said picking up a bunch of random snacks from the Pantry. "I do hope we can order from Room Service", he said as he headed out of the closet like room, and walked back into the main area of the Penthouse, where the TV was off and an array of video game systems, new and old, stretching various decades, had their controllers and cords (if they had them) all wrapped themselves into a mesh matt. If he was stuck here, he assumed, he might as well enjoy himself.

"So, Edward, what are we going to start with?" he said, as he also took a look at the Hotel Menu and sat down at the half-circular couch presented before the television. He took off his shoes and made himself comfortable quite quickly, something he usually never did in a new location. Assuming he never would have this much luxury again in his life, he tried to take in a stride. After all it was better than bullet holes, as the other guy said. Yet he still felt out of place as most of the hotel menu looked unappealing or for most items just alien.
(OOC: You have been... DISARMED!)

Greyfire blinks, setting up in her skid-crater on the ground.. she gets up immediatly.. glancing at the steel Lightpost she crashed into.... she grabs it, and uproots it... intending to end this fight, now that the law seems to be here, she flies at him with the post, her speed making her a almost-blur as she suddly slams the post into him... but he does no fly back.. instead he would quickly find hismelf being TIED in the Metal Post, snuggly, by the Grey Girl.

Her Ability to bend metal with her bare hands like this may be a little amazing, even for super beings..

"That is Enough, you now must have Time is Out!" her anger and frustrating breaking her English even more.
Frost leaps at the man with an intense fury. 'Alright!..If he kicks me..I'll grab on to his leg and freeze that.If he doesn't..I can just grab his other arm and freeze it to his sides.Got another plan going for you Jake!..Err..Frost! Good for you!' Frost braces himself for a reaction from the man. "What was that blur?"
Vales reaction is less than surprised and he then pulls out the spikes and makes them turn into liquid and returning it to his sphere. It didn't seem to vale even in his crazed state that a full on melee would be a win for him. Vale got close though to throw the blood at the man and let his next trick unfold if he could get another opening.
Edward makes his way over to the entertainment system, bearing a plate loaded with pizza and junk food. "Nice to meet you, Marcus. Full disclosure: I'm nearly a thousand years old and never die. I don't think al's said how old he is, but I figure he's a fair bit older than me. If we're going to be hanging out, I find it's better to get the shock over with right away." With that, Edward kneels down near the game selection. "As for what to start with.... how's Gauntlet sound? A bit old school, but really fun if you have more than one player. Also got Soul Caliber if you like something a bit more competitive"
"Heh, this is getting really good." Oan says, standing on the roof of a nearby building as he watches other supers smack eachother around like dolls. "Damnit, I wish I had some popcorn, this is better than an action movie." He sits on the rooftop and watches the hilarity unfold.
Frost - You expected the man to hit you right in the jaw. It was then, according to your plan, that he would have given you an opening to freeze his arm or even cause other damage. Yet you felt a brush of wind behind your back, and then a force knocking you from behind. The man whose eyes were parallel with yours seemed as stunned as you were. As if in were playing a game in some sort of stadium. The flying girl from before, managed to have gotten up and taken a metal beam with her. Tackling the man like a professional football player (who could fly), the man gets forced to the ground with a tremendous blow. You were also forced to the ground, but not at the same speeds as he was. The girl however was not done yet, tying to bend the steel pole around the man even further. Making a sort of rope. She eventually seemed to form a awkward knot, that kept the man constrained, or so it seemed. By the time you came to your own awareness, you managed to get up and look at the sky. Another helicopter seemed to have appeared while this had all gone on. One of the helicopters you noticed immediately, it was a Police surviellence helicopter. The other one though, was unknown, but you could only predict it was the media and next thing you know, you and the girl would be in headlines. Your ears could even pick up the upcoming roars of Sirens from only a few streets away.

Greyfire - Your forceful blow was successful, somewhat too successful, as you smacked the man into the ground along with the furry man. With quick handwork, you managed to preform something similar to some shoe lace song you remember watching one of the Earthling's television channels. You remember it being funny by the sheer unusualness of it, but you did learn what was helpful. As you tightened the steel pole to ensure that it was at least somewhat secured. You heard the buzzing of another helicopter. Their lights blazing on you and Frost who stood on the grond.

Oan - You saw the wrestling like move unfold right below you. You were amazed as the young female figure below managed to wrap the tough man in steel. Though, you saw another helicopter fly over, from your view you could see one of the logos being the MPD (Megalopolis Police Department). The bright lights they shined down below, were too bright to see the other logo, but from your vantage point you could see the lights of police cars coming this way.

Alyssa -

Entering from The Worlds Best Coffee Shop

Adeline closed the door behind her, seeing the coffee patrons still absorbed in their spilled coffee drinking. Looking to her right, she saw the girl collaspe onto the grey concrete sidewalks. Her legs were bleeding slightly from the fall, or something or another. Her dog began to look at her and lick her face. Immediately Adeline felt overflowing emotions of guilt and sadness. It became obvious to her, that the girl was crying, as she moaned uncontrollably. While the glasses blocked Adeline from seeing her eyes, she could clearly see the streaks of tear along the girl's face.

She must have heard the bell ring and her footsteps approaching her, as the girl immediately shouted in somewhat incoherent sentences. It was a mixture of self-justification and an apology to Adeline. Trying to formulate a response, to the girls remarks that she can not control her ability to do, well whatever that was, the girl got up and tried to push Adeline to the side. She seemed insistent on heading off, as if she needed to get away. Feeling some sort of pity, guilt and sadness herself (must have been a backfire of detecting her emotions), Adeline felt compelled to do something for the girl. After all who knows what she could learn from the girl, if she could prevent her from leaving right now. Running a bit to catch up to the girl, she took her hand immediately, and began to try to relieve the girl of her emotions. While physical contact was not necessary, she couldn't let her walk off in the middle of the process. The effects weren't as good then, and the girl obviously needed to be calmed down.

It was like as if Adeline gave her a psychoactive drug, the girl felt great euphoria after Adeline had grasped her hand and concentrated greatly on her. The girls worries and troubles temporarily left her body, like butterflies, they took off and she felt at ease, or as much as she could speaking the circumstances.
greyfire pants... looking at the.. Monster of a human in-front of her... despite the short, but brutal fight, she seems no worse for wear... Her power shown to bare with her effortless manipulation of the steel, now a metal straitjacket around the man...

She looks up at the police helicoptor.. "Make the Arrest with this man, please!" she would shout, pointing at the man.... she looks at the... apparently distressed Vale, with a slight smile, her breathing already back to normal...

"Take not his Life, He is beaten, Let the Police make with the Arrest...Process is Due." her clear, albeit Engrish voice, ringing in his ears, and hopefully the sight of what she is capable of would shock him out of his Bloodlust...

"Police, Speaking of..." she says, incorrectly, before levitating over to the Officer... "Do you need Flight to Hospitail? I know the location of such a facility in the vicinity."she says, offering the puppy a cute smile... a hair not out of place in the fight, and the worst injury a Barely-Scratch.

Greyfire then thinks to herself.."oh no.. i worked up a appetite... maybe Mr.Vale has more delicious nutriment for me?" she wonders....
"Hmm, she seems interesting..." Oan says, eyes transfixed on the girl. "Damn it Ghost, snap out of it. No falling in love here, you've got work to do. Besides, I'm pretty sure the Cops know I'm here anyways, damn Chicago cops probably tipped 'em off." Just than, another light falls upon Oan, and he shields his eyes.
Vale looked blankly at Greyfire and smile evilly, "Hmph... Looks like I have to pretend to be normal then." As Vale muttered his cryptic words, he returned some of the blood that soaked the ground this another empty vial in his shirt. He walked by to Greyfire, "Well, we can't stay here, this is too close to home." Having said what he needed Vale motioned for frost to follow, Vales disposition was too calm. He indeed had his moment of bloodlust but hasn't fed, he was back normal but, too normal.
The man spoke in a somber manner, clearly and without any hesitation. It was an unbelievable thing for him to say. So much so Marcus began to laugh awkwardly at the man in response. "You? A thousand years old?" he remarked he said getting calm down. "And that guy?" he said pointing at the Golden door behind them "Even older?" His tone was one of disbelief that much Edward could pick out, but he didn't say much else, simply looked at the plate of junk food, took some handfuls from a bag. "I've never really played Gauntlet, or Soul Caliber?" he responded

Glancing back at the Menu he casually tossed onto the Couch, he asked Edward "Also... Do you know what anything on this menu is?"
Greyfire, Vale, Frost, Oan - The digital retinas of the various security cameras that scanned the intersections and perimeter of shops in Megalopolis were focused on the incident that occured. Even the cameras attached to the media-chopper began to refocus on the figure below. This would be a media story throughout the interlink. Not only would the major news networks in Megalopolis report on it, but the Internet Webseries called the "Gray Maiden" would be updated with another episode. (As unknown to Greyfire she was an internet celebrity)

Though for the characters below, the bright search lights partially blinded them. Greyfire called out to the Police Helicopter, to arrest them, but it instead turned on another light to see the surrounding area. A voice similar to in characteristics to a wrestling announcer spoke from the helicopters above "HALT! You are under arrest, please do not resist" the voice repeated itself again - "HALT! You all have the Right to Remain Silent. Please do not resist, you are under arrest."

Immediately after saying that, the sirens that were approaching from the East, eventually could be seen down the street. As 2 MPD Vans, three patrol vehicles and two ambulances arrived on the scene.
"Well, yes. I've had all of it at one point or another, but can't really recommend much of it. It's mostly food rich people eat to feel rich, which is NOT the point of food. Tell you what, since you're new here I'll cook something. Actually, I'm new too. Still, I suppose that's just two important occasions. My specialty is Italian, learned from this brilliant chef in... 1844? I think, could have been 46. Absolute bear of a man, stood six food six and could crush a horse." Edward continues talking as he enters the kitchen, completely forgetting the video games for a moment. "I hope you like pasta. The good kind, not the "three noodles and a shred of meat" that so-called high class restaurants try to pass off as a meal."
"Oh to Hell with you fuckers." Ghost says, pulling out his twin pistols and begin unloading rounds into the police helicopters, aiming for both pilot and speakers. Reloading, he jumps down and lands next to the others with a soft thunk. "My names Oan, professional Assassin and fellow Mutant. And I suggest you run, I'll cover you." He says, flipping the pistols in his hands as he begins to turn invisible right before their eyes. "This is what happens when you mess with a murderer." He grins evilly before he goes completely invisible, and then begins moving and firing from multiple directions on the police forces.
Frost looks at the newcomer shoot at the police copter."What the HELL? Why would you DO THAT? I don't care how good your intentions were! Im a friggin cop and a eye witness! I could have gotten everyone out of this! She saved a cop. Hell! She saved my life as well and stopped ..what ever the flying hell that thing was.What you did just now..I mean..WHY!?" He begins to feel the mind numbing pain as the adrenaline slowly wears off. "I'm so asking for some time off when this is over...You! Gray haired girl! You stay right where you are!" He turns his head to the young man who seemed to have been helping him fight man earlier."I got nothing to say to you, and frankly, you freak me the hell out. More-so then that kid from earlier, but your staying put too!" Frost walks over to the crazed gunslinger, shakes his head and attempts to go save the whoever is in the copter.
"Hmph, cheeky bastard doesn't quite get it." Oan says to himself under his breath, appearing behind Frost. "You don't quite get it do you? Remember that high profile Murder of a Chicago Politician from about a month ago? I enjoyed killing that son of a bitch, and it seems you dumbass cops can't quite get me." He disappears again, only to reappear on a rooftop. "Now, let this be known to all people of Megaopolis." Oan says, pointing at the news helicopter. "Let it be known to those who do wrong that the Ghost is here, and he's hungry for the blood of those who do the common man wrong. I have my own way of justice , and that's through spilling the blood of those who cheat, lie, and destroy the lives and money of the common man. It's time we took matters into our own hands, seeing as the Police are too corrupt by money and power to raise a finger." He smiles, before disappearing once again into thin air, but no more shots fire.
Alphonse slept for a few hours as his wound finished healing it self and the effect of the Morphine finally ended as he got up and looked at him self in the mirror and noticed the dried body on his body and put his coat to make him self somewhat decent as he left the golden room to go head to the shower. He did not know what the others were up too but he did not want to be fully naked as he walked across the loft but it seems to be a late sorry and they should either be sleeping or playing video games. Alphonse headed to the shower if no one interrupted him and decides to take a bath and fetch something new from the wardrobe.
Frost - Just as you began to feel at ease with the current situation. The large bone wielding man was tied with a metal pole wrapped around his body, and you looked at Grayfire as she offered to take you the hopistial. You knew your friends from HQ would be here soon, you now saw the cars begin to pull up, their red sirens being reflected on the glass of store windows. When all of the sudden shots bounce off of the helicopters. The Camera on the media helicopter soon look around in that direction, and a man from the top of a nearby building slid down the side with the help of a gutter that extended from the roof of the building to the ground floor. (Though from where you stood, it looked like as if he just jumped down from the sky.)

You attempted to grab the man in your panic to prevent the police that were now arriving from panicking, but you hear the firing of bullets towards your MPD allies who have just arrived on the scene. The Cameras above catching all of this. When you turn around he seems to have disappeared. You try to call out to him, only to hear the man behind you this time. He gives you his speech and disappears once again. Though you realize it this time, you were expecting it this time, you still smell the man. Yes, your wolf-like instincts caught on to the surprise. You can't tell exactly where he is and you are definitely beaten to a pulp, but you can still hear the man's subtle steps and smell his chemical trail he leaves behind.
[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][COLOR=#008080][B] - IMPORTANT - I have to move some time a long because of the Time Skip in Wizard's post. So because of this, we are in a time ahead of the other thread as of right now.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#008080][SIZE=14px][B]Alphonse[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]- When you creaked open your golden door barely clothed to head to the bathroom, you came across a dark and quiet living room. Relatively soundless, the television lit your path, as the massive screen was still on, a nature documentary filling in the contents of its borders. It was on mute, as the clear letters stated across the bottom of the monitor. It was something about a pack of wolves, chasing a herd of deer. The movie Bambie crossed your thoughts, but you quickly ignored it. You looked down by the television, to see the mesh of wires even more tangled together from constant usage, and you could smell as if something had been cooked but you weren't sure why. The reflective glossy paper of the Hotel Menu was throw across the floor. Shining in the dim light of the television. On the dark couch near the television, slept a figure, you could see as a boy but you weren't entirely sure who it was, until you saw the clothes he wore obscurely in the dark room. It clicked to you who it was, it was the man you saved earlier, well you couldn't really say man, but not really boy because he looked around your age. So you didn't know what to call him. What was important though is that he wasn't wearing his mask. Gripping around your waistline to make sure your coat remain on, you bent down to get a better look at his face before noticing the color emitted from the television changed. Turning your head back to the screen, you saw the television picture switch, from one of wild animals chasing one another, to talking heads and the large label [FONT='arial black'][B]"BREAKING NEWS - Developing Story"[/B][/FONT] you couldn't tell much from just glancing at it, but the idea of breaking news, this early in the morning, or so late at night, startled you. Reading the subtitles under the first banner, Alphonse reads the words[FONT='courier new'][B] "Super-Humans run rampant, attacks reported earlier this evening by police."[/B][/FONT] [COLOR=#008080][B][OOC][/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#008080] - Edward - I didn't describe where he was sleeping, he could have also been on the couch but I wanted it to be up to you Kaza. He doesn't even have to be sleeping or in this room.[/COLOR]
Alphonse was almost absorbed in the stranger's face as the TV slightly startled him by suddenly changing to breaking news and decides to turn the TV off. Everyone deserves to get some sleep as we were interrupted last time by helicopters he thought to him self before going to the closet to find blankets for his guests. He searches through the closet and frowns as he only finds one spare blanket and then remembered he never had guests before this night and never needed extra supplies. He grabs the blank and goes to edward and just wonders how he can just fall sleep anywhere he is. . There were spare beds in the loft but Edward never seems to make the effort to head to any of them and puts the blanket on him carefully as to not wake him up. Once hes done with Edward he heads over to the stranger on the couch and covers him with one of the coats he was wearing(I had explained earlier that Alphonse wore a few layers of stuff and most of it was ruined by his blood but I believe the most outer one he was wearing was clean) warping him self with a towel instead he got from the closet and after making sure they were both fine he went to the kitchen and helped him self to some of edward's cooking after looking at the menu he had of room service which he had picked out with some weird last century tastes and decides to toss it out.

After enjoying some of Edward's cooking he leaves a note for room service which they will find in the morning for more supplies like blankets and other staff he thinks that guests will require and requests a new menu with decent modern food that Edward and the stranger will enjoy and heads over to finally take his bath where he lets his thoughts wonder off and lose track of the time. He finishes freshening up and gets dressed in new cloths and heads out to the balcony making sure not to wake anyone and he sits down to enjoy the rising of the sun.

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