[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Alphonse and Edward - The night-time sky is cold, and as you glide through the sky above the various skyscrapers and pillars that fill Megalopolis' cityscape, the wind stings your faces. You can hear the sirens echoes in the distance and see the various squad vehicles stopped in a 3 way intersection before the Price Tower. All you can see from where you are, as the helicopter gets closer and shine's its searchlights at the ground, that their stands a figure a top of the street light pole.

Frost - You grip onto the thin metal of the patrol car for dear life as you fear that it won't keep you secure tight enough to the roof of the car. You can only maintain to look ahead of you, as looking to the ether side only makings you dizzy as you move forward at a hundred or so miles per hour. Though it comes to you as a shock. The Car makes a sudden turn, but its not at any particular intersection. It verves back again, to try to stay on course. As if it was trying to avoid an object. Then all of the sudden, its the loud screeching of the car's breaks. As the car attempts to come to a stop before hitting an object. Its too late of a reaction though, and the car only manages to slow down to probably 40mphs before hitting the figure. The 6'9" Figure however stands still, and seems to be able to be take the blow of the car. The car on the on hand, seems to have its front end crushed together. You don't get to realize this for very long though as you are flung about 15 yards forward.

Vale & Greyfire - You each go to your rooms, but outside hear what sounds a police siren, a loud screeching of breaks and then a large "BANG!". Its been an accident outside. The broken siren is still attempting to play its moaning music.

OOC - The two figures are different things BTW
'In..pain.some cuts and bruises..but no broken bones..I think.' Frost slowly gets up. He takes a look at the car and then at the figure. He listens for the heart beats of the rookies all the while looking at the figure. Unsure what to do he moves to help get everyone out of the car.
Greyfire was checking the cieling Light for anything still juicy, when she hears the Crash.. She quickly flies to the window,and opens it, levitating half out of the window to get a good look around...
"What do we do Edward?" said Alphonse as he brought the platform to a stop so the helicopter won't notice them.
"Well, typically I just walk up and introduce myself. Seems to work out fine most of the time. Some of the time. Occasionally. Once. For a given value of worked. And fine." Edward coughs. "Well, I'm sure things will go better this time." Edward hops off the disk and starts walking towards the police.
Frost approaches the car and rips open the door. He's still watching the figure. "Are you just going to stand there?.." Unsure if he should be careful or not works to free the two cops and criminals. He feels a slight uneasiness in the pit of his stomach as he works to free them. 'At least he hasn't tried to kill me...Or is it a she?'
Hearing the commotion Vale walks to his window and slowly slides out down the wall. He doesn't take much damage or stress from hitting the ground and landing on his feet. His powers allow him to exceed human boundary but he couldn't ponder this too long. He went to where he heard what was going on, expecting a car crash he found much more.
Alphonse quickly followed and turned the platform into a ball which he hid in his jacket and put on his hood. "Hold . . Up"
Greyfire watches from her vantage point for now, unsure of what is going on, and wanting to give it a chance to resolve peacefully..

From her vantage point, she see's several familiar figures Coming out of the woodwork's.
Frost - You attempt to get closer to the patrol vechile. At first your feel a sharp pain deriving from your arms. You can tell they are bleeding prefously, but you can try to ignore that. When you regain your posture however, an explosion of pain overcomes you from your knees. You are sure they aren't broken, but the joints appear to be bruised and the skin on your legs is covered in blood.

Passing the figure, which you now have time to examine, you see that it is a partially bald young man. Well not necessarily bald, but his hair is disproportionally shaven in certain areas. As if a freak accident in a hair salon had occurred. He seems motionless, and his eyes are closed and he has heavy breathing. He appears to be doing something similar to meditation, as he takes long deep breaths.

He convulses, and you first give notice to his now mangled arm. Well you are at least sure it was mangled by the car incident. As the man focuses, the arm quickly begins to reform itself somewhat. Unable to rebuild much of it perfectly, the hand resembles something similar to a jagged scythe, his various finger and hand bones protruding out of it.

You immediately pull your attention away from the man and now look at the passengers in the car. The two goons are still semi-conscious in the back but are remaining relatively calm. The female officer, you never asked for their names, is completely unconscious. However the male officer on the other hand has his eyes open but is not responding to your motions. It doesn't become obvious to you that the man is dead until you open the door and find blood covering the steering wheel as a large bone has broken through the various alloys of the vehicle and has impaled him through the chest.

You have little time to react to this unfortunately, as the figure in front of the car begins to awake from his 'mediation' with a loud groan.

Vale - As you approach the accident on the street. You can smell the various scents of blood mixing into air making rich soup. You get excited, but your emotions quickly alter as you begin to see a mangled police car, so damaged its doomed for the scrap yards. You can hardly make out what is happening, as you are confused on what is occurring. You begin to focus on a familiar figure nearby the vehicle, the furry wolf-like Frost W. Law that you met earlier in the night.

He attracts you the most as he seems to be bleeding heavy as he made his way to the car. Yet two other smells overwhelm you, as the man begins to moan and the car door is opened by Frost. You take notice of the man though, as you begin to see his body shape and reconfigure itself. The end of his right arm becoming a bony scythe like object.

Greyfire - You look curiously out the window. As you try to get a better look outside, you see three figures outside the car, four inside. Two of the outside figures are familiar to you. One is the fluffy man you met earlier tonight. The other is Vale, which you can now see running closer to the incident. The unknown man stands in front of the destroyed patrol vehicle. From your vantage point, you can see his right arm being reshaped into a sort of misconstrued weapon shape, but you also notice his left arm is still stuck in the vehicle.

Alphonse and Edward - As Edward jumps down from the descending platform, he runs off ahead to see the commotion. As you try to catch up Alphonse, you look ahead of you to see about half a dozen police cars, their sirens off but their lights still shining and being reflected by nearby windows and buildings. They seem to form a barricade blocking the road before it reaches an intersection just before the Price Tower.

As you guys try to stay hidden and approach quietly on the scene, you begin to hear the drama unfold.

"Don't shoot, Dammit! I said DON'T shoot him." the Police Captain said his fancy berets scewed to the left side of his head as if it unadjusted itself when he got out of his van.
Edward walks up to the police barricade. "Price Tower again? Is uno up to his old tricks?" Edward takes out a cigarette and lights it, his voice sounding much more serious than usual. "I'm Hayes, from 'Special' operations, I hear something unusual's going on here."
Vale was getting dangerously close to the accident and checked on Frost, "Are you ok?" He looked to the car and say the possibly living woman and dead man. The face of the next person he saw created uneasiness to Vale, and more so when he saw his arm. The scent of blood attacked his senses and state of mind as he was in the middle of it, this was slightly bad due to the blood smelling particularly sweet. Vale's bloodlust was approaching, even though he worked at a blood bank; this was different.
Edward - The Police Barricade is composed of about four police vechiles and two vans forming a maze-like wall. From there, about sixteen police officers filled the streets. Some more heavily armored suits, others with regular uniforms. While the Captain stood behind the barricade of cars, he yelled in a cone, that help amplify his voice.

The officer you approach, looked at you confused. While you had a serious deposition, you aren't entirely wearing a traditional uniform, nor did you assert proper protocol. The confused office just response "Um? Can I see your identification?" though before he could say much else to you. Attention is focused to the figure atop of the street lights.

The figure couldn't have been much taller than 5'6 but you could assume he was dressed to conceal himself. He wore similar clothes to that of the Uro during the Price Tower Incident, a long gray sweat shirt, its hood covering his head, and a gray hockey mask (not blue). After that he seemed to be wearing a worn pair of jeans and some old tennis shoes.

"Young Man, do you understand what you have in your hands there?" the Captain said to the figure "We aren't here to harm you"

The figure didn't seem to react the Captain's comments. Instead he looked to his right and left and even looked up into the air or atop of the nearby buildings. As if he was searching for someone to be there. Then he said something, you weren't sure what with his distance.

Your eyes came to notice a small (american) football shaped object, it appeared to be transparent like glass and have a glowing green component inside of it that was tucked between the figure's right arm and his arm pit. It reminded you of lava lamps back in the 80s.
"What is that thing? Bomb? Chemical agent? Looks like he's some sort of disciple of Uno." Edward waves back to Alphonse. "Hey, that thing looks like glass. Can you control it? Don't actually do anything to it yet, we don't know what it can do."
Alphonse reaches out with his being and attempts to slightly tint the glass sphere the mysterious person is holding. If it works he sets it back to normal and confirms to the others that he can manipulate it.
Her own nose picks up the scent of spilled human blood, and flies out of the window, down at the Car Frost is at. "Sorry!" she says, hitting the car in ehr landing with a little to much speed, making a light thud... ignoring the potentially dangerous Meta-human she hurries, not brother asking frost to move.."Humans are delicate, help must be acquired immediately!" she thinks to herself as she pries the top of the police car off.. she frowns heavily at the dead man, before grabbing the policewoman, her other hand snapping her seatbelt off with ease, aswell as bending anything pinning her away, before quickly lifting her up, and turning away from the Scythe-guy, her eyes glowing in the dark(its night right?) as she flies over to the Police Barricade, holding the unconscious policewoman in her arms, determined to get her to safety, first and foremost.
While the police barricade blocked off the intersection to Price Tower, a sleek, pitch-black van sped down from the other end of the street, slamming its brakes almost as soon as it accelerated. It skidded and swerved to a halt, now blocking off the other end of the street; they were now effectively "boxed in," so to speak.

The windows of the van were tinted, preventing anyone from looking inside; they had even been layered with an experimental alloy to keep out X-Ray vision and thermal scans. Suddenly, the cargo door of the van slid open, a tall man dressed in a menacing, black government suit stepped out of the vehicle, quickly analyzing the scene before him. A government-style fedora adorned his head, and his eyes were covered by similarly tinted shades. To those that had had encounters with OmniCorp outside of Megalopolis and / or in the past, they would have instantly recognized this man to be an Agent; to the truly unfortunate, they would identify him as Mr. Bones, one of OmniCorp's darkest secrets.

He did not yet act, only surveying everything that was going on, a hidden HDM in his shades and earpiece in his ear allocating and uploading this data to the network near-instantaneously, to feed him proper information on each of these individuals and how best to deal with these metahumans. The patience for his new "partner" - if he could even be considered such a thing - still bumbled about in the van, not yet out in the field. This was not how to make a good first impression with the man known only as Mr. Bones.

(OOC: Sorry I presumed too much :( EDIT1)Though these metahumans before him were a grim threat to the security of Megalopolis, he was far more interested in the girl that suddenly came down, easily carrying the police officer away from the scene. Putting his index and middle finger to his earpiece, he issued a mental command to other OmniCorp forces, zeroing them in on the girl's fast-moving position. It was not often he encountered a super with the capability of flight. They would converge on her and apprehend her. He would be occupied with the rest of the metahumans here.
(OOC: DM and I both Agree it would be Completely impossible to Tell Greyfire is an alien, at all. It is most likely just another Metahuman from his perspective.

Also, I've already spoken to the DM that the Government(or anyone else really) also has no evidence of there being Aliens in this city, or even at all.

so i respectfully ask that you Edit your Edit ^^ ;)

Greyfire did not delay, and is glad she made a point to identify and memorize the locations of any Human medical facilities in the city, for precisely this reason.

She finds a nearby hospital, and flies down to it's ER entrance, and hits the Emergency button next to the door repeatedly until she see's people coming, then flies off, leaving the injured policewoman laying softly on a Nearby Bench... out of view in the night sky, she watches the Emergency Personnel take the Policewoman into the hospital, before she heads back to the Accident scene, hoping the situation has already Diffused itself..

(Edit: Doh, forgot the Crooks in the Car..)
"Well..That happened.." He was numbed, sickened by the dead cop. But snapped out of it as he saw the strange looking girl picking up the other rookie. He didn't try to stop her. His knuckles crack as he stretches, completely oblivious to the amount of pain he is in, turns his attention to the two detained crooks, "Just try to escape, go ahead make my day." Turning his attention back to the man he watches him unsure of what to do next.
To Everyone - (Because of the events occurring in The World's Best Coffee Shop Thread) - You feel the entire earth begin to shake and rumble like an Earthquake. For those of you smart enough to have passed high school though, you know that this city is not on a fault line, so an Earthquake is very uncommon. Fortunately, this one was just a small one so the damage is minimal.

Alphonse & Edward - Alphonse extends his hand out towards the transparent football shaped object held by the figure and attempts to alter the composition. It doesn't work entirely as planned. While it seems to have certain parts of the container become tinted, the other parts seem to remain unchanged or resist the manipulation. Its obvious that whatever it is, you have some control over it, but no where near to your fullest abilities.

Yet the situation all seems to change as the earth begins to rumble from beneath you. You two are at first unsure of what is going on, but it eventually clicks into both of your heads that its an Earthquake. Something you've both lived through many times. Yet you wonder why its happening now, because you both know that Earthquakes don't usually occur in this part of the continent.

Frost - The two goons tried not to move after you threatened them. Greyfire, the girl you meant earlier in the night, had already rushed away and taken the female officer off your hands. To where exactly you aren't entirely sure. Though you immediately hear a voice that is familiar to you. The voice of Vale, another individual you met earlier in the night, behind you. He doesn't have much to say as your attention is refocused on the man who twists and alters his body nearby you. Though all of the sudden, you begin to panic, you sense something coming and moving beneath you and then almost all the sudden, its here. The Earth begins to rumble and shake, not too violently but enough for you to wonder what is happening. While it was a small Earthquake (or so you assume), you begin to hear the sound of metal bending. You become aware that the street-light hanging above you, rusted with age, was not able to survive the Earthquake, and now is about to fall on the unusual man before you.

OOC to Mr. Bones (Mr. Wheatley) - I assume you are by/watching Frost & Vale then and not by Alphonse and Edward?
Edward spins to face the police officer. "Is that thing dangerous? Clearly the situation is becoming more severe with each passing moment. My associate can probably remove it, but I need to know what will happen."

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