[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Entering from Zone the following post. Alley(Only those invited here by Alphonse may currently enter peacefully)

Alphonse opens the door to his penthouse which is engulfed in darkness. He turns on the lights and you can see the wall made out of glass that overlooks the entire city. This place seems to have a few floors which is really nice. Each one as big as a house...Edward may or may not thing this place is cool as he spots all sorts of antiques which are easily twice his age.

"Entertainment is up stairs. You can go ahead and order what ever you want Food, Cloths, You name it. Please don't break any antiques and you can stay as long as you want. However I only have one condition and that is to not enter the room with golden door and do not ask questions about it." Unknown to Edward that is Alphonse's vault were he keeps his mirror and the most important of his treasures. . It has a small uneasy feeling radiating from it.

He smiled at Edward looking for acknowledgement of his one rule.
Alphonse cracks under the lonelyness and makes a platform for him and Edward so they can fly always from this location. "Well...ok..." Once Edward gets on he flies alway as greyfire and frost left and forgetting about vale as he was intently focused on his new friend.

The platform takes Alphonse and Edward across the city under the night sky dropping in an alleyway next to a 5 star hotel which is one of the fanciest in the city. The doorman greets Alphonse and his guest and Alphonse leads Edward to the elevator that heads all the way up to the penthouse.

Exiting to the penthouse
Edward follows Alphonse onto the platform, turning around. "Bye, Vick! Nice meeting you, you keep doing that blood thing."

Also exiting to penthouse
"Right, gold door is bad." Edward is looking at all the antiques and laughing randomly. "Heh, I actually helped make this clock. 1402, switzerland, right? I recognize the signature."
"Nonsense" He said as he laughed. "That clock is hundreds of yours old. You barely look a day over 22.
"Oooh, so close. 962, actually. Give or take. It's still 2011 right? But hey, it has a 2 in it." Edward walks over to the entertainment area. "So, where's this fancy gaming you said you have?"
He tosses a remote to Edward which makes things come out of the wall and controls most things in the penthouse. "Just use that...And if I told you how old I am you won't believe me." he said with a smile as he ordered something to eat. "Would you like anything to eat?"
Law yawns. Foolishly covering his mouth , he shakes the frost off his cold, numb, hand."Shouldn't they be here by now?" He's on the streets near the building where he encounter the thugs. Both goons are cuffed and in eye sight. He's probably going get reprimanded for letting the kid get away. Self defense or not he did kill those two goons. He could argue he couldn't reach him, which in all fairness is true, but he doubts that would be enough to keep himself out of trouble. He couldn't really leave the two thugs alone either. Did he thank the flying female trench coat that spoke in engrish? "Huh..No I didn't.." He probably should keep quiet about that. She obviously was a young girl, and if word got out that he was saved by a little girl in a trench coat.'Don't think about it too much Jake..'
Vale was a bit dumbfounded as he watched everyone part ways, as Edward mistook his name he just muttered, "I'm Vale..." He then decided to go as well thinking a bit clearer, he also thought towards the girl that was just there. She was kinda cute; well, no matter. His debauchery would have to wait, Vale decided to head to his home, a small boarding house towards the middle class section of the city. Though it was mostly a poor runned down district, this building was kept well by it's tennets. They were all young up and comming business women, that all would latch onto Vale when they had a chance. Sure they were beautiful but, Vale's thoughts toward the subject, 'been there done that.' He was the only male tennet due to his charm and mediocre looks. As he returned home he found the girls watching tv in the shared living room. All of the four displayed a great deal of affection to him with their best smiles but, he just walked by them slowly to his room upstairs. He threw his keys and other various things from his pocket to his nightstand and went to sleep.
As vale walked by a window, he heard something rummaging in the garbage can...

should he look, he would see "Glowy lass" rummaging through the trash..

"Stupid Lairless Humans, taking the bread in stick form that was my rightful claim." she mumbles to herself, before downing coffee grounds.

As the city spiraled downwards, there becomes more Homeless people, and the more homeless people there is, the less food she can scavange, Unlike when she first arrived, where thrown out food was plentiful...

"ooohh!' she says audibally, finding a slightly green bucket of chicken and matching box of Chinese Take-out, from someone clearing out there fridge, and downing both eagerly!
@TheSilentArtist - The others had departed, leaving the scene of crime to just Frost's supervision . The two men that were bound eventually started talking a few minutes after, but there wasn't much exchanged beyond a view sly remarks from the leader. After fifteen minutes, Law did hear sirens approaching his position at a fast rate, as if in pursuit, but as they got close, they immediately took a turn to the East of the city and soon faded away. It would have been another ten minutes before you heard another coming towards your direction and when they did eventually pull up in front of the building. The two officers that got out of the vehicle were not officers that you were familiar with.
"About time....Are you two new to the force? I don't think I've seen either of your faces before" He picks up the two goons and carries them towards the car. "So what's the problem this time? Just saw a a few cars heading east, looked like they were in pursuit of something..." He stops and takes a quick glance at the two new faces.
"Oh, sure, thanks. Anything works." Edward is engrossed in the entertainment system, barely noticing anything around him.
"Ok..." he said as he ordered some pizza for the both of them and prepared to go to bed right after. "Will you be staying the night? Just remember. No golden room and you can stay as long as you want" he said as he left pizza and soda for edward and went to bed.
As Vale heard the strange noises from outside, he looked through his window to see the same girl as before. He quickly said, "Excuse me? What are you doing here and why are you going through my trash?" Vale knew this was only going to get weirder but pressed on anyway. "Do you need food? Are you hungry?", he said trying to help out but still unsure about the expression he was implying.
Alphonse closed the door to his own part of the Pent-house.Yet, even though the rooms were one of the most soundproof in all of Megalopolis. The sound of stampeding sirens below in the streets was loud enough to be heard. It must have been at least six vehicles that awoke you in the middle of the night, a long with what sounded like a helicopter.
@TheSilentArtist -The officers didn't respond at first, they just looked at Law with a strange curiosity. This wasn't unusual for Frost, after all what did he expect from people when they first saw him in person. Warm hugs and friendly smiles? The two, one a man and one a woman were both relatively young. It could be assumed they were fresh out of the academy. "There was an incident... Something about a Super Human." the man eventually said as you loaded up the thugs into the car. "We aren't entirely sure what the details are about it though. They didn't tell us much except where you were located."

"A squad was suppose to come for you, but apparently the situation got worse and they directed us to assist you and sent the more experience officers into pursuit." the woman responded somewhat anxiously.

"So what's the story on your end?" the man responded looking at the two goons.
Edward perks up at hearing the sirens, breaking away from the games. Now that sounds fun. Wonder what it is. "Hey, Allan! Something cool's happening outside!". Edward went from window to window until he found one overlooking an empty area and climbed out. "I'll be back later. Rule 4 of having fun while immortal: always run TOWARDS the excitement." With a manic grin, he leaped down into the alley, landing so that all the damage was focused inward and no bones broke the skin to damage his clothes (took two months to learn that trick. There were some VERY confused peasants in 1102 Corsica)

Exiting to main thread
looks up as she eats a box of take out. Whole. Box and all. in a bite.. she looked at him, ready to flee...

"food? Your offer of food is kind, but i would not wish to impose..." she says, shyly, now recongizes him from the rooftop...
"Oh..Um..These thugs just started to open fire from the roofs, they seemed to have been going for a super human..and..." He hesitates for a moment. 'How the hell do I explain this?' "Look long story short two of the assailants got killed in an act of self defense, and their leader is captured. Just take these two to jail and send a team to clean up the dead thugs. How far away is this incident?"
Looks to her and says, "No, it's ok. Your not imposing, especially since you took out that thug on the rooftop. I owe you this much I guess." He waved to her to come in and he was trying to think what the girls had made for dinner. Well no matter, he wouldn't eat their strange cooking, not after the yogurt, tuna, and ice cream casserole. Just the thought made him cringe, it was the first and last time he would amp his tastebuds with his power.
@TheSilentArtist - The two officers look at Frost with some disappointment when he shuffled past them and merely expected information from them, however, they soon realized it was nothing personal. "Well, from the radio they told us they were pursuing him, or at least we think its a him, heading towards the center of downtown. Towards the larger buildings, and away from the coast. Its assumed that he is trying to find a place where he/she can lose us in a chase." the man says to you.

"They are on 25th avenue apparently", the women says, her head now peeked into the car and checking the computerized system. "Oh, don't forget to give him this, Sam." the woman said to the male officer before handing him a large sealed manilla folder.

The man looked at the folder with some confusion for a second and then handed it to Frost. "The Captain said it was from the District Chief to you. I have no idea what is inside of it but I am sure it can only help you. Though I am pretty sure you are a pro at these kind of things." He says taking off his hat and scratching his head.

If Frost desired to unseal it, he would see a prototype device specialized for his use. It was an experimental Wrist Transmitter, given to some SWAT teams and specialized officers, however for Frost it had to be altered to withstand some frigid temperatures just in case of an accident. While it was experimental the device allowed the user to not only tell time, and pick up some transmission frequencies, it could also pop out a holographic display, similar to a map or radar, displaying the positioning of certain police vechiles that were in pursuit. The note inside merely says "Sorry! Its still a trial test dummy, hope for the best :) "
Door not being a requirement, Glowy Lass(damn you, whoever said that!) bends Physics over and spanks it with a stick of pastrami, and levitates up to the window, giving him time to move before flying right on in, barely brushing against the windowsill. " your kindness is Much Appreciated.. my name is-" she pauses a bit "Greyfire." She finishes, now levitating very slightly off the ground."I am not a Picky eater, as you can likely tell. What is your name?"

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