[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

"I'm Vale, Vale Vain and... Greyfire, that's an interesting name. Well the food we have is a bit off but I think it beats trash food. The girls usually make something... Different." He chuckled to himself thinking about the foods possible combination but, even his imagination couldn't come up with the possible horror. "All we need to do is get you to the kitchen without the girls trying to murder me for bringing someone else home."
Greyfire smiles "I can eat almost anything, so i am not very Picky, tho i generally need a decent quantity, as i have a.. metabolism different then you hu-.... normal people." she says, shyly, holding her coat shut.
He opens the door to his room and leads her to the kitchen just past the girls who have their mouths wide open at the both of them. He finds his big plate of food placed in the microwave and heats it up serving it to her at the table."Eat up, there's plenty there." The rest of the girls peek their heads through the threshold and as they do Vale looks at them all and shakes his head. They then quickly retreat to the living room as they are foiled.
She does not seem to notice the other girls, her mind set on food... but is patiant while he warms it up, uncaring of WHAT it is.. she picks up the plate, and tilts it, the food all sliding into her slightly-gaping mouth, and she swallows it without chewing, her neck bulging slightly.

"oh my that was delightful, what was it?" she asked, curious as to what it was.
"Ummm... I'm not too sure. It may have been squid and fudge meatloaf?" The small of it wasn't bad but not very pretty to Vale, he can pretty much get what they made by the dishes he was about to clean. He usually does all the housework since he brought the least money home. They only kept him due to the strange feelings the had toward him and that they liked that he wasn't a complete perv.
He opens it and reads the letter.He puts the device on. "Well..This fits like a glove" He begins to admire it a bit. "Does this thing come with instructions?" Completely clueless he begins to play around with his new toy. "Oh I see.." Through shere luck he opens up the holographic map. He takes a look and watches where all the cop cars in pursuit are heading. "How fast does your car go?"
[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#008080] - Its forunate we didn't jump too far ahead, it seems some posts got lost in all this moving stuff. So I will just try to get us back to the point we were at. Nothing like a transition. Its like deja vu![/COLOR] @ Frost W. Law - The two officers look at the watch with some surprise and amusement as the small hologram appears before them. Though when Frost first asks his question the male officer just looks at him confused, but hastily responded "Well its the standard? It doesn't look any different does it?." "Though, it does have the computer sensor on it, so it will probably only go up to 250 miles per hour safely. I guess you could go higher, but even in pursuits I don't see why that would be a good idea..." he said starting to ramble a bit, the female officer already attending to the criminals in the back of the patrol vehicle. [COLOR=#008080][B][OOC] - @ Edward & Alphonse[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#008080] - Because of the deletion I am going to let some of the people catch up in time before I make the crime scene.[/COLOR]
OOC: Well, I only lost one post thank jeebus. Also I have an idea for the girls in my character's house.

"Well, fudge... Is sorta like chocolate but softer and sweeter. It's like desert food." Vale felt his explanation wasn't great yet he hoped it was satisfactory. He now sat at the table across from this new 'friend' inadherntly made. He knew the girls in the next room were envious as could be but he didn't mind. His feelings toward all women were not as romantic as they were sexual, not that he couldn't love or anything he was just scared to get too close to people. As he dazed off for a second he snapped himself back quickly, "So what exactly are you?"
She looks at the now licked clean plate, and contemplates eating it.. "Um... I'm just a Person.. one of those.. how did that man put it.. 'Another Freak out of the woodworks', i think?" qoating some anti-Meta-Human ass she has met...

She is a Terri-bad liar, however... there's more to the strange grey lass then it appears..

"Thank you for the food, Mister Vale...' she says, bowing forward slightly. "Tho now should i go to Leave? Social Customs of your Society are still new to me.. I am the 'Foreigner'." she speaks.
Frost jumps onto the roof of the car, careful to not damage the siren. He punches the roof and makes it so he has a good grip."Well? What are you waiting for? No way I can get there in time on foot, and the last time I tried to drive a car I ripped off the steering wheel."
"Well you don't have to go if you don't want to?" Vale was trying to be friendly and he began to further attempt his luck, "How foreign are you? Because I don't believe people from other countries can do what you do..." His curiosity was boundless at the moment, he had to know what was so special about those around him.
You see, Her kind have a special Bond to friendship and the like, and she feels a strong bond forming between herself and this guy...

she moves closer, out of earshot from the other girls"..I'm... kind of... well, the Human term i think is 'Alien'... I'm not even from this Solar System.." she says quietly.. "Please do not tell anyone, i do not wish to cause a Panic, I've been alerted that Humans react negatively to the idea of other life in the Universe.. specially your Peoples Religious teachers."she says, dropping the A(lien)-Bomb.

Tho she is careful to say it low so the other people can't hear. "and if that is a offer to remain here for a while, it would be greatly appreciated. Having to fly all the way back to my home on this worlds moon can be quite the tedious affair."
He looks at her strangely and cocks a smile. He takes a moment to compose himself, resisting the urge to laugh. He mildly believed her in his half shock but, decides to give her the bennifit of a doubt based on the craziness he's seen tonight. "Well, I won't say anything because I'm not sure I'm specifically human myself. You can also stay, you just need to be... Well, try to be normal more or less." Aliens was a weird thought but, it was not that big of a problem at the moment.
"But i AM Normal.. it's you Humans that are weird.." she comments, having a outer perspective.. "No offense intended, but you people all have such conflicting customs, and beliefs.." she adds, looking around the kitchen...
He thought about what he said and didn't intend to sound crass, "No, I don't mean it in a bad way. I encourage the fact that you are different, I'm just saying some people may get nervous if you fly and shoot lasers more often is all." He was trying to joke a little, feeling awkward. "And as for humans, we... Rather they don't exactly know what's best for themselves and its what makes us such a flawed species. We aren't that much of a natural race. We rather fight each other than help one another, we all are just stubborn and dumb." He was ranting, he stopped as fast as he could, his emotions were flaring badly. His speech was irregular as he tried to talk too fast, he was now starting to refer to himself as more than human and it wasn't a bad realization.
Greyfire seems to adhere to his Flaring emotions, absorbing what he is saying.. "You are one of the 'Meta-Human' then?" she says, feet touching the floor again. "One should not hide or smother there own emotions, I draw my power from my emotions." she says, explaining a lil' 'bout herself.
"I don't know. Meta-human or superhuman... I'm not sure." Vale was a bit more quiet now, "I must hold my emotions, it's not that I want to but, I have to. Its complicated to explain, but that is for another time." He yawned and stood up, "You should get some sleep, if you choose to stay there is a empty room just next to mine."
Alphonse had made a platform of glass large enough for him and Edward to fly across the night sky over the light filled city. "How are you holding up? I am going to make it go faster so we can catch up to the helicopter" he said as he drowned out the screams of dying people and victims. It was nanking all over again as he remembered flying over the city of nanking and he did nothing. "Arrggg" he said as the glass platform wavered for a moment and he put his hand to his head and get it back under control shortly after.
"Of course. After all, the worst that can happen is you lose control, crash into a building and kill dozens of people from the horrible shards of death. But that really never happens. Speed on!" Edward starts laughing, then stops. "Well, it seldom happens. Infrequently at worst. Ah, well, what's life without risk? Well, it's still fun, but that's not the point."
"Sleep? I just woke up, Days where i am from are alot longer then the Days around here... tho I think I Will remain here for a rest until sunrise, thank you." she says politely, revealing a few more weird tidbits about herself..
"Yeah, I'm tired though and it is kind of late." Vale waves her to follow him showing her the extra room, he wasn't actually tired. He was rather inquisitive of himself and wanted to ponder all that he has experienced.
Greyfire bends physics over and Levitates after him, roughly a foot off the ground..

One may wonder if she even knows HOW to walk, considering she just floats everywhere...

"You poor Humans sleep most of your existence away..." she says, sadly..
"Well, it's required for us to live." He says to answer her and then he decides to just walk into his room with the door open nodding his head and pointing to the next room over.

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