[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

He heard the men talking before anyone reacted. "Ge.." Before he could say anything the crazy one made a glass dome. Frost made good use of the temporary cover. He jump behind a building and ripped the window sill out then jumped inside.This place was once someone home but looked old and unstable.Coughing out some dust he listened for the source of the gun fire, following the sound he reached a wall.He ran back a bit then charged the wall. The wall collapsed. 'Well..Better now then never'.."OH YEAAAAA" 'Good. Got that out of my system'. He leaps onto the thugs.
Frost had made his climb onto the top of the building, with a clear thrust he broke through the abandon rooftop's wooden panels. Splinters, left over drywall and electric wiring covered Frost, as he immediately lurched up and leaped onto the thugs. The two bodies he charged at didn't respond properly with the appropriate screams one would expect as he pounced them. It took a few seconds, but as he investigated their bodies it became apparent. They were cut into probably a hundred times with sharp needles of glass varying in size.

Two other men were found in a similar position, adjacent to them. However the headcount was incorrect, two were still missing. As the sounds of two high-velocity assault rifles loaded behind Frost's head. "Its a pity isn't it? Losing men like this. You would understand, right Law? So then, are you going to read us our Miranda rights or what?" the leader that shot before said, his large black gangster-style hat and trench coat decorated in the needles. A part of his arms bled, but it seemed he had avoided the large glass attack that had occurred. His other goon stood behind him, nervously he also loaded his gun, a red dot of a tracker aimed at Frost's head.

OOC - BTW, to those of you below, all you know is Frost is up there and that the goons are probably up there, but you aren't sure what is exactly happening because you can't see it from where you are.
"Ive...heard about you..." said Alphonse as he looked at edward and caused the glass shards to form into a small platform that will raise Edward up. "Go help the cop"
He's a bit stunned at the corpses of the two gunman. It's his first time seeing a dead body on duty. It takes him a moment to realize his predicament. "Out of curiosity, does anyone live below this floor?" carefully watching the nervous wreck of the goon. 'A nervous man with a gun pointed at my head..Gotta be careful about this.'
Greyfire's slightly pointed ear twitches with the rhythm of the distant gunfire...

She looks at the handfuls of stale bread sticks she was acquired, then in the direction of the sound...

"ohhhh..." she says, making her choice, and dropping the breadsticks, taking to the air, flying up above the roof level, and flying in the direction of the gunfire...

Shortly, there would be a glare of purple light, and the goon loading the gun feel's at if someone just hit him with a large Sap, as a glowing concussive orb impacts with the back of his skull, knocking him out.

"Hurt not the fluffy Person, Fluffy people have rights, just as you do!" she declares, in her soft, girlish, and slightly foreign sounding voice, floating a little off of the roof, her longcoat(two sizes too big) blowing in the air, as her eyes and hands glow Purple intimidatingly.

"Unless you are criminal, criminal have right to... oh what was it? Right to Stay mute?" she says, fumbling over her words...

She is fairly well known on the other side of a city, for bringing downa criminal organization down to it's knee's, uneffected by the bribes and blackmail that kept it standing.. and now the grey and purple angel sta- floats right there... resembling a hobo due to her attire.
His good nature gets the better of him and he ignores 2000 years worth of torture and jumps on the platform with edward and vale if he wants to come and brings them all up by forcing the glass platform to move up from the ground. He notices the purple glow at the top of the building and speeds it up. When they get there they are witness to a new comer. "Another . . .one"
"What just happened?" Looking at the floating trench coat, the unconscious goon, then back at the goon's leader. "Looks like your surrounded..'I hope' are you going to give up peacefully or do you want to see what how far I can go without breaking the law?" Taking his pistol out of his holster then pointing it at the leader.
The goon leader looked at the metal and the carbon-filaments that made up the pistol. His face went immediately from a smirk of amusement to a frown of disappointment, and he lowered his gun from his hand but did not drop it. "Surrounded? I don't believe you seem to understand the current situation?" he said to Frost as he nudged his head towards the girl that just arrived. "Isn't that right sweet-ems." He directed his attention to Greyfire now, who he now addressed as if an ally."Nice shot with Gary and all, good thing you knocked him out. I was worry he was going to shoot our poor Sheriff here." he said convincingly "Its a shame isn't it? I mean all our poor buds being killed in such a way. Horribly tragic." he said pointing his finger at the others rising up from Alphonse's makeshift glass elevator. "Oh no, they are here, hun. They're probably going to try to kill the rest of us." he said in a genuine tone of worry.
Edward is lifted up on the glass pane and sees Greyfire and Frost dealing with the goons. "Gotta feel sorry for you. I mean, you were just trying to collect on some money when a bunch of superhumans show up. I'd suggest walking away now while you can. No hard feelings, live to fight another day, et cetera." Edward looks around at the others. "Still, what are the odds? This has to be the.. tenth oddest thing to happen to me. Top twenty, probably."

Suddenly Edward realized what the leader said. "Wait, what?"
Vale was next to Al and quickly threw a glass vial with dark liquid in front of himself, a popping sound could be heard and a small sphere of blood floated above the palm of his hand. He felt a sense of anger now due to being almost killed, his frustration was about to erupt. Although his emotions flared to directions so often, he was kind of feeling a sense of belonging with the others around, even if there was no indication of hospitality.
The grey girl's eyes blink, looking at the guy....

"I may be from... town-of-out.." she says, against stumbling with phrases. "But i am not the stupid." she says, throwing her hands forward, and sending another nonlethal, concussive force flying at his face, well out of average human reaction time! "Sit down, To Jail you must go!" she yells in her weird foreigner accent.
The man was startled, by the girls reaction time. He figured she would see past the trick but convince the others that she was his ally long enough for him to think of some other kind of way out. In an instant though he felt a tremendous force of light came flying back. The same that hit his nervous partner behind him. It flung him to his back and onto the ground of the building. He didn't get knocked out, for his body-armor that he had worn under the trench coat, which protecting him from the glass needles before, managed to take some blow, but he immediately started gasping for air and couldn't talk in his usual witty response back to her.
"Please Mister furry Officer of Lawship, Please make the arrests with these two men." she says, heroically, but still a bit awkward with her Engrish.
"Uh..Right..of course." He reaches for cuffs behind his coat and makes the arrests. He pulls out a cell phone and makes a call.'Wish they give me a car'. He hangs up his phone and picks up both the cuffed thugs and brings them to the ground.
Looks at the recently arrived group of people, all of them.. strange...

Noticing the Glassed-to-death men, and the group floating up ona Glassyvator.. and she is about to say something , but then says "ah, my breadsticks!" instead, and hurries off to keep Hobo's and strays from her stale bounty, forgetting to turn off her glowing hands, leaving a pretty indigo streak through the night sky..
"So....hello all. My name is Alphonse" he said each word with a different accent trying to adjust him self like an antenna on a tv. He quickly sticks to one that does not make him sound like he was not born in Megalopolis.
He hears the quite possibly insane man introduce himself. 'He's pick a rather odd time ..and rather odd people to tell his name too...Did I just call my self odd?'. Heading down he turns briefly and speaks. "Frost W. Law". Then he continues towards the way down.
Vale looks over to everyone and starts trying to not be rude but still a bit startled, "I'm... Vale... Vale Vain." The blood sphere then retracts to a empty vial. He now understood what was going on; to a degree, even though he's been around normal people all his life, himself not included. Feeling a bit more courageous he asked, "What is going on? What are you all?"
"Oh, I thought that was pretty clear. These guys wanted to shoot me, so I jumped off the roof before they could. Then Philip created a glass wall and Frost climbed up and attacked them. Then glowy lass showed up to help and this guy tried to bluff."

Edward pauses, as though trying to remember, pulling out another cigarette. "As for what I am, I'm not quite sure what you mean, there. I'm an illegal boxer? Norman? Extremely handsome? Or is it the immortal thing? I mean, you're obviously not normal either. Nice blood thing, by the way, can you make your blood flow backwards too?"
"Umm....it's Alphonse" he said shyly. The thoughts of horror and evil clones and torture pushed to the back of his mind with out he him self noticing. He is overwhelmed by the new company.
"Right, sorry. Well, it's been nice meeting you all but I'll have to hurry if I want to hit up the game store before it closes." Edward walks back over to the edge of the building. "See you around, I guess."
"Gam...e st...ore?" he yearned to hang out with someone else but remembered the repercussions of getting attached to some one. He struggles with the idea of seeing Edward die as painfull as possible and tries to put it toward the back of his head. No it wont happen. The mirror won't come for him or the others if he does not get attached. While hes struggling with his thoughts. . .His mouth seems to just open up on it's own "Ive got a fancy game system back at him" he covers his mouth realizing he didn't mean to say that.
Edward's mind quickly ran through his winnings. "Really? Hm, would you mind if I crashed at your place for a while? Safety in numbers, never know if these guys will come back, you know." He paused for a moment. "Well, safety is a relative term, I suppose but bullets still hurt."
His mind quickly races through today's events...But hes immortal he cant be killed. Surely the mirror cant end him...."Sure" he said before what he just did. He...just invited this stranger to his doom. "Wait..umm are you sure?"
"Sure, what's the worst that can happen?" Edward laughs suddenly. "Well, I doubt it can be worse than falling overboard and spending the next three years walking back to shore. Not fun, let me tell you."

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