[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Elizabeth continued to work on the military satellites eventually getting a fix General Herzog but noticed he is not up to any thing currently. She left the surveillance software running and would be instantly notified of the military's robot pet's actions and what his next mission will be once he is on the move. She spun her chair multiple times and smiled as she looked at Oan's location and noticed he was coming to her. She frowned and notice that he was still far alway and decided she could finish her nap and just as fast as that thought came to her she threw her self into the couch.

Oan followed the map past so many twists and turns eventually getting lost and almost bumping into another gang hang out. Oan thought it would be wise to hold on to the map or ask Operator for another one should he lose it because he seriously has no idea where or how deep he is. He eventually gets to an area where lights don't exist and needed to feel around.

Much to his surprise he suddenly fell downward and landed very hard on his back. Once he comes too he noticed that he fell down some sort of shaft and as he gets up and moves from the floor the lights turn on. Infront of him is a massive metal door and a simple door bell.
"Well, might as well see what this does..." Oan says, shrugging as he presses the doorbell. The mighty metal door swings open, and Oan is sucked inside before the massive pile of metal shuts.

Oan quickly realizes he's in a very, very bad situation. Floating for some unknown reason, blue rays begin appearing from the walls, evaporating all his weapons, ammo, and clothing. "Aw fuck." He curses, trying to cover himself up as he looks around. He is astonished by the thousands upon thousands of books around him. Quickly grabbing a book from one of the stacks to cover himself up, he drops one by mistake and watches in fascination as a little drone no larger than a dog quickly zips over, picks up the book, and returns it to it's place before returning to work. "Yikes, where the Hell am I?" He curses, trying to find a person or something that he can talk to to figure out where he is.
Elizabeth had gotten a good amount of sleep before Oan found his way to the Library. She sits up and stretches her arms as a yawn escapes her mouth. She slowly walks over to her desk taking a seat and pushes something on her computer as the military status is brought up and reads that they still have not moved. "Hmm. . . What are you up too General Herzog" she said to her self not realizing that a naked Oan had stumbled upon her and her back is to him while she sits at her desk.
"Oh shit..." Oan says quietly to himself as he backs up slowly from the girl, trying not to be noticed. However, his plan backfires, horribly. Not realizing there was a small pile of books behind him, he trips over the books and lands on his back, causing a large stack of books to fall on top of him and encase him in books. "God Damn it!" He curses, as he attempts to free himself from the pile of books to no avail.
Elizabeth turned around to see what was the cause of the commotion. She hoped it would not be another malfunctioning bot and noticed a foot sticking out of the pile of books and decided to rush over and help undig the person noticing it was Oan as she helped him out. She began talking and then stopped feeling her face and realizing she is not wearing the Operator disguise and after that hits her she realizes Oan is completely naked infront of her. "I. . Uhh" she said as she turned completely red realizing that Oan was gorgeous in person.
Oan sees this girl help him out of the stack of books and stare at him, and the thought hits him after a few seconds. "Wait a minute... Your the Operator!" He says, completely red as well as he realizes she's staring right at his... "Uhh..." he stammers, trying to say something as he realizes just how cute this girl was. Turning Invisible, he quickly grabs a book to cover himself and hides behind a stack of books, completely embarrassed of himself.
Frost - The woman looked at you, and her eyes lit up when you asked her the question. That was right, she never did introduce herself, though surviving such an incident made you guys seem as close as old friends. “Oh don’t worry I am not insulted. Last night, was just crazy, and we just never got ourselves introduced. I am officer Mari Boyer. I will be working with you, and well Jarred would have been too, if he didn’t get killed by that behemoth. Their assembling a task force, and apparently its been in the works for many weeks now.” she said answering your question. “They are supposedly sending a lieutenant [see OOC Comment] to take command of us, or something like that. I am not entirely sure who he is though?” she said in remarks to what she assumed would be your next question about the task force.

OOC: Frost you are the rank equivalent to a Sergeant, so above regular officers and detectives but below a Lieutenant

Amber - The morning was a wet one, as you rushed in with your jacket’s hood over your head. The weatherman said nothing about rain, but you’ve come to distrust that idiot. He’s been wrong four times in a row. Entering the cover of the Megalopolis Police Department Headquarters, you tried to find your way around again. This has only been your third day since your recruitment by the General, but you only left the MPD HQ twice since then, and its such a massive building its quite easy to get lost in. Strolling past the lobby, you took an elevator to the 9th floor. On the 9th floor, in the very back of the building, was the military advisory room. Though as you got closer to the large investigation room, you noticed that the hallways began to fill with clutter. Boxes and boxes, manila-folder after manila-folder, along with tables and desk lamps. They were moving things around. As you turned the corner to the proper hallway, you saw the investigation room and a woman, her hair short, wearing an intense black trench coat walking out of the room. She looked at you for a few seconds and smiled. “Greetings”, she said as you got closer.
Walking into the MPD building Amber shook off the water coating her hood from her sweatshirt under her leather jacket. Still unsure of where she needed to be she just headed to the investigation room. Seeing all of the papers and boxes she knew she was in the right place, this was where the MPD was making room for the generals Black Widow Section and also for the general himself. Just before she entered the room a women was wicked eyes was walking towards her, as she greeted her Amber was drawn to her eyes, they were almost seductive. Hi there, who are you? I haven't seen you before. What wonderful eyes you have, I wonder what they could see? She said while winking. This women was an intimidating figure in that trench coat. Almost like she was trying to scare Amber. Amber immediately began to play with a deck of cards while talking to her.
Operator takes a moment to compose her thoughts and remembers that she is Operator first and a girl second. Almost as if the drones would know what she want with out her saying any thing they bring her a robe after remembering that device on the door. She motions the drone and using censors quickly finds the invisible Oan to give it to him as she sits down. "So you are here now. What do you want from me?" she said as she checked her systems and saw that they are all along. If she should come in any danger she could summon a force field around her and control most of the tech environment around her with archive if she had too and quickly obliterate Oan in a heart beat where ever he is standing. However her mind is invaded with thoughts of how cute he was. "The Robe won't be . . enough. Would you like to take a shower or bath and something to eat as well? I can fetch you a new pair of cloths as well." she said as she turned back to the monitor to check on General Herzog once more.
"Well, umm... Sure, that would be nice." Oan says, snapping out of the stun she gave him as he takes the robe and puts it on. Damn, this girl is pretty cute. Maybe I'll try wooing her a little bit into this 'work relationship'. He thinks to himself as he tries to think of something else to say. "You could've warned me about the door, I didn't want to loose my stuff, and my Dad's Dogtags." He says, not entirely happy about loosing everything he had with him, and especially sad about the Dogtags. "As for why I'm here, the answer is simple: I want to work with you, as partners." He says, before lead away by some drones to a shower.
Elizabeth lets Oan handle his business as she reverts her attention back to the monitors and begins taking down another site attempting to make super humans look bad. She replaces the website in question with a message from Operator. She continues working and is suddenly startled as Archive appears besides her with another status report. Archive began talking in a slightly amused voice as it began to relay everything he has discovered.

Name: Oan Mkoll

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Weight: 140

Hair Length: 12 inches at the back, 8 Inches in the bangs

Color: Blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Body Type: Musclar"

Began saying archive almost systematically as he also mentioned he was arrested about ten times and a few other details about his history not much is known besides the fact that hes known to not have a family. "Thank you Archive" said Operator as she finished her next request and received payment to her untraceable account.

"Oh and he is 7'" said archive leaving with that one last statement as he began recreating Oan's dogtags since they seemed personal. Elizabeth did not seem to understand what Archive ment with his last statement before he vanished to go handle other duties.

While Oan was taking a shower dogtags were left ontop of his new cloths by a little drone.
Oan relaxes in the shower, finally glad that he can have a half-decent shower for the first time in ages. Getting out after a few minutes, he sees the dogtags around his neck and smiles. "Thank you Operator..." He says as he puts them around his neck and gets dressed in his new clothes. Following a little drone around the massive place, he eventually finds his way back to the Work Station. "So, Operator... Have you given thought to my deal?" He asks, as he tosses the robe he was using back to a drone. "Also, I know you use the name Operator, but can I have the real name of such a pretty lady?" He asks, already prodding her to see if she's worth trying to woo.
Elizabeth continues to try hard to maintain her composure with out her mask. Some one is looking at her. The real her and thinks she is pretty as well. "I guess it won't hurt. It's not like anyone is going to believe that you found Operator underground in a massive place filled with books. My name is Elizabeth. And what exactly would I get from working with you?" She said as she eyed Oan in his new cloths revealing most of his upper body compared to his previous closed jacket.
"Well for one, I'll be able to finance you." He says with a smile "I got 30 grand I'm willing to assist you with if we're going to work together, and I'm more than capable of getting more money if needed." He lets that sink in for a minute, than continues "Number two, you have the technology and I got the muscle to utilize it." he says, pointing out the obvious factor. "and Third, I have the stealth factor. you can take out somebody's security system, and I can sneak in and get whatever we need." He lets her think about that for a minute, before saying "So Pretty girl, do we have a deal?" He says with a smile, knowing that this girl is all his if he can woo her, seeing as she probably doesn't get out much.
God only knew how gorgeous Elizabeth thought Oan was, however, that did not cloud her judgement. But he made a massive mistake in assuming that she was a girl that was a shut in and was easily manipulated. He made his second mistake when he patronized her - acting as if she was inferior for being a woman. She pushed something on her keyboard and all the hologram screens vanished as she stood up. Oan noticed that all the little drones’ eye turned red and began flying toward her slowly melting and shaping around her as her suit and gauntlet She began walking toward him as the drones continued to melt and join her suit and she tapped Oan’s chest with her gauntlet activating the magnetic field placed on him by the door when he first entered. She opened each of her fingers of her gauntlet suspending him in the air in some sort of stasis. Each finger she opened stretched one of his limbs.

"Oan Mkoll, A.K.A Ghost you have made a terrible mistake if you think I am not strong, agile, or clever” She said as hologram screens began appearing all around him in the air revealing some of Operator’s pet projects like the giant Robot and hundreds of other things she has created. One screen appears before him showing the millions she has and it is constantly going up as she and archive continue to receive payments for their completed requests. “I don’t need your small change that can be found under a pillow in my couch. I don’t need some one telling me what to do.” She continued to hiss out as she began closing her fist squeezing Oan in the air. “Don’t get me wrong. I think your cute and I am interested in making some friends. You don’t seem boring like typical people but you greatly misunderstand me and what I do here. Now let me start over. Hi my name is Operator, How May I Fucking Help You?

She looks at the assassin and quietly waits for his response. She would not mind working with him at all but it would have to be under her terms and methods of operation. She secretly hopes that she did not scare him off. She liked this one.
Amber - The woman looked at you, one of her eyebrows raised, as you began to wink at her. Confused by the gesture, she just smiled back at you, nervously. As you got closer to her, the woman ignores the playing cards in your hand, and takes your hand into hers, as if she wanted to force a handshake between you and her. “Thank you for your compliments, I am Special Lieutenant Katelyn Young.” she began to viciously shake your palm “Its so nice to see you again,” she remarked to you. This only made the situation even more awkward, as you had never seen this woman before and began to wonder how she could have already previously met you. “Of course, face to face is always nicer than a one-way mirror.” she began to speak again. “It will be interesting to see what you can do on the General’s task force. You’ll surely make our jobs easier on my group. Well if we could first get the boxes out of the way.” still shaking your hand, she eventually released her grip on your hand. “Oh wait, yes, you have probably no idea who I am.” her eyes darted towards you, “I am the leader of the SITF, but I just call it the 'Superhuman Investigation' Task Force,” she continued, “Your General and I are going to be neighbors in this wing, and we will be working with you to see what kind of ‘advice’ you could give us, speaking you are a Military Advisory Council. So you could say we are going to be fellow co-workers, as our two task forces are becoming associated with one another by the Commissioner.”
After Katelyn removed her hand and finished what she was saying about the Commissioner, Amber put her arm around Katelyn and used to her powers to move her clothing along next to Amber down the hallway. Amber took a backwards glance into the room seeing the mech-General and his force, she continued to talk with Katelyn saying. "You said a one-way mirror Katelyn, may I call you Katelyn I can then assume you were there when I was being interrogated. I have a question for you about my file. Does it read anything about my power, or why the General wanted to recruit me? The only reason I am asking you is because you are not like the others, quiet about people like me. I know it will be hard but I must know why." She earnestly looked into Katelyn's beautiful eyes getting a bit lost in them. She then kinetically moved her cards from her hand around Katelyn's neck to her other hand and put them away. Smiling she waited for an answer.
Amber - The woman was amazed by the movement of your cards. As they spun around Katelyn's back it seemed like some sort of elaborate shuffling trick. She was curious about how you preformed such actions, but you were already fitting the cards back nicely in your other hand. You had been walking down the hallways for several feet now. At first Katelyn slightly resisted the forces moving her clothes, but she eventually began walking with it. It was like being pushed slightly from behind by someone bigger than you, but trying to play it off nicely, she smiled again to meet your smile. "Yes," she began to whisper "I was there at your interrogation, I came in right after they became worried that you were going to try and break the handcuff chains with your powers. Traditionally superhuman interrogations are taken with precautions, but with yours they had acted with extremely caution. They considered you so dangerous, not knowing the extent of your powers." she replied to you, "However on the other side of the mirrors, the General and I were in the same room, of course he was on the opposite side, and it was the first time I even seen the man, but he was there. He asked the other higher ups about the idea of recruiting you. I wouldn't particularly know why he did it. You'd have to ask him yourself" she continued on with a smile, as if she knew how hard it was to do something like that. Though what you noticed was is that ever since you took her away from the doorway Katelyn attempted to be as quiet as possible when talking to you. As if she wasn't suppose to tell you these kind of things. "In any case, your file does denote superhuman status, but I am not even sure the extent of your powers and well, I wrote the damn thing."
OOC - Well because none of you posted, I guess I have to have a DM post so we can keep things moving. So Double posting away...

Marcus stumbled in to the glass panel room, the glass in the room was strangely tinted, but it was most likely because the golden objects within the room were having their brazen images reflected. There were items that seemed to be straight out of a treasure hunting blockbuster. Gold canes, gauntlets, chests, goblets, frames, and swords decorated the room. Objects of precious silver, and elaborate jewelry of various colors, also made piles, like clutter, in the corners. Objects that should have been donated to a musuem decades ago, had their places within the room.

It was still dark, even though the sunlight was starting to penetrate from the cracked doorway. Unable to light any candles, Marcus had to feel around, to see what he could get. Distracted by all the riches for a few minutes, he reminded Edward to not make any sort of sound. He began looking through the piles of gaudy junk, when he eventually spotted the giant mirror in the very back off the room. Near it, he found the football shaped object, its faint green pigmented light, was covered by another of the man's coats. "Found it," he said whisper, as he quickly picked up the object, hitting his elbow against one of large golden candle holders, that stood about 6 feet in the air. The hit caused the candle holder to loose its balance, and fall over onto a pile of other treasures. The sound was the equivalent to a bull running in a china shop.
Even seeing her smile made Amber happy. But news that the file was written by her still gives her no answer to why the Mech-General wanted to have her. Releasing the pull on Katelyn's cloths and removing her arm, Amber simple smiled and said "Thank you for that, I know you can't talk about that stuff here. I look forward to working with you. As for my powers, they are unknown to me, the extent of it that is... I do not like my powers they have always been a bane in my life. 'A pure destructive force made from everything around us' was a quote an old friend used to describe them." Ending with that Amber pulled the deck of cards from her pocket and began shuffling them over and over. As almost to distract herself with them.
Amber - Katelyn began to look at you with a somber face as you talked about your powers being the "bane of your existence". The tug on the Lieutenant's clothes stopped, as you released your grasp. Quietly, Katelyn motion her own hand to touch your face. Her hands were cold against your cheek, but she smiled at you and quietly said. "Now, now, I understand your feelings, but you are quiet the case." she said to comment your powers. "You have a lot of potential for great harm, but also for great good. You can't just let your past or the people in your past, guide your actions. I mean sure you've caused structural damage, and possibly hurt people, that is something you have to live with." she remarked, withdrawing her hand from your face. "Though, I have done things that I am not proud of ether" she said, bringing her face up against her right eye. "And people have certainly looked down at me, even from a far. So everyone has their twists and turns, but you never know what you can accomplish. Whether its for harm, or for good," she told you, as she motioned towards her Lieutenant insignia. "Yet," she stopped and paused as she stepped back a bit "I am not much of a philosophy professor, so I am not going to lecture you any further." she smiled again at you. "Though, I do have an invitation for you myself, if I haven't already turned you off completely."
As Katelyn backed away Amber dropped the cards, her hands frozen in place. She began to shake slightly from the kind words that she needed to hear. She lunged and hugged Kat so hard her swords fell a little from the middle of her back. Her tears instead of falling down her face glew red and shot up through the ceiling so hard there were dents in the tiles. The sound of her leather jacket tightening was all that could be heard between the sobs. And as quickly as she began to cry she composed herself and pulled her swords back into place. She said "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I can't cry because I lose control." She said as she gestured to the ceiling. "What was that invitation you were talking about?" She began to pick up the cards and put them into her coat pocket.
Frost takes a moment to take it all in."So...No time off?.."'Of course..Get my ass handed and miss almost an entire day only

to come back to having more work then I did before.'Frost stretches a little and gets out of his wheelchair as he begins pace

back and forth across the room."So when is this so called lieutenant coming here?"
Alphonse was sitting down and watching as the sun came up when he heard massive crash coming from his treasury room. A slight feeling of dizziness overcame him as he pondered if he would have to kill the mysterious one and contain edward in some glass prison for all of eternity. He quickly got his thoughts under control and went to go check on the mirror as he rushed to the room only to see Edward standing there and Marcus with the glass object.

He reaches out and forcefully yanks out the object which is still in a glass box out of Marcus' grasp by extending his arm out and looks at the them with mild disapointment and anger once the box is in under his arm again.

"What are you guys doing in here?"
"You're not very good at stealth are you?" Edward sighs at Marcus's noise, then again when Alphonse enters the room. "Why that should be obvious, we're exploring! Big shiny gold door that must never be opened under any circumstances? What's the worst that can happen, after all!"

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