[PRE-ARC] - Establishment

Greyfire follows, and blinks slightly.. "Um... Greyfire... My name is Greyfire." she says, deciding not to bring up what her name is in her language, unaware that Elizabeth allready deduced her Alien Heritage... she looks around as they walked..
Elizabeth smiled at Greyfire and lead her into the east wing which was dubbed The Library which Elizabeth explained as Greyfire stared upon the mountains of books. "Welcome to my little home" she said but it was not really being little. Greyfire watched as more drones were in this area then before. Elizabeth sat over at her desk where Oan was waiting looking surprised "Sorry for suddenly leav-" she was saying to Oan as she was interrupted by Archive who quickly began to explain the situation in the warehouse district.

He began to provide a holographic video feed being captured by the stealth bots in the area. There seems to be many unidentifled people but the bots quickly picked on Former Brigadier Viktor Herzog's signal.

Typing somethings into one of the holographic keyboards the video feed vanished.

"Predator activated" said archive before vanishing again.

Turning around after setting the orders to her predator drone she turned back to Greyfire.

"So are you hungry?"

Predator Exits The Library
Elizabeth smiled. "What would you like to eat? Almost anything is on the menu" she said as she began to make conversation with Greyfire and hold Oan's hand. "So how long have you been here on earth?" she asked curiously.
She was about to answer the first question, when the second one caught her off guard.. "Um... All my life? I'm just a Mutated Human, ^^" she says, lying through her teeth.. "and i can eat almost anything..."
Elizabeth smiled and considered what she was about to say for a moment. "Oh I see. Where are you from? I never saw you in school before" lying through her teeth as well since she graduated from school at an early age.
"Oh, how come? Where are you from?" she asked as a little bot brought a steak for greyfire and something to drink as well. She turned to Oan and smiled and turned back to greyfire and continued to bombard her with food and questions.

For those of you that were still awake, you managed to build a pleasant enough of a fire with the wreckage from the cabin. However not all of the furniture and remains were burned, others were made into makeshift beds and coaches for you to sleep on. While it was an irritating place to sleep, you were all exhausted and the sound of crashing waves eventually allowed all of you to dose off, just as Alphonse had done. All of your dreams were pleasant, with the except of Marcus, who's new guest had awoken him several times during the night. This went unnoticed though by anyone else, who were all too tired to be awaken by Marcus's stirring.

All of you were unsure how much time had passed before you were rudely shocked into reality by the sound of an explosion. Gesturing yourself up, you could see from the shore that directly in front of you, but still quite the distance away, a large fire was building over by the shipping docks. While the island was probably a mile away from the shipping docks along the coast (as this island was not meant to be built on), it seemed the flames had been building for nearly an hour or more now, and had been burning down a large portion of the Warehouse District. While the buildings were made of metal, it was well known that wood, shipping containers, along with drugs and other explosives were housed in the Warehouse District, making the place somewhat like a furnace.
Greyfire pokes the slab of meat the little Robot brought, before taking it, and biting into it, with no table manners... giving a brief glimpse of her sharp white Teeth. "Um.. Jungle? I don't know what where i am from is called." she says, chewing.
[[Entering from Warehouse District]]

"Whoa whoa! Slow down! The clamps are sli-aaaaaaaagh!" The sound of a man's voice came nearer as the UCAV appeared on the horizon. A large object fell from underneath it and the yelling mass that was Viktor plowed face-first into the dirt outside The Library. Grumbling, he stood and dusted himself off. Viktor pressed a button on the side of his, now cracked, visor and it was slowly resurfaced by the suit's inner workings. The quick repairs done, the seasoned veteran looked around as if waiting for an introduction. "Jesus, you sure know how to pick your tech. Falling apart and designed solely to fling unlucky soldiers about.".
Elizabeth continued to converse with Oan and Greyfire as they were both slightly amused as to how hard she was trying to cover up the fact that she was an alien when Archive alerted her to general's approach. "Hey guys stay here I have to go greet another guest" she said putting on her mask and suddenly the rest of her suit spread over her skin like a liquid. Got to love nanobots she thought to her self they would be handy in any fashion emergency. She grabbed her force field which was still a prototype belt and gauntlet and put them on walking towards the entrance of the library and headed towards the lift to head up where the general was going to get dropped off.

The General was taken by the Predator drone through the sewers a billion times over taking all the passages that it knew it would fit with through with his cargo. His sensors and GPS unable to map the route due to some interference signal and god knows he could not remember on his own, no one could. After confusing the hell out him he was dropped off infront of a massive metal door where the world wanted Operator was standing along with a few other tiny bots who had red glowing eyes ready to blast you at a moment's notice.

"Greetings Brigadier Viktor Herzog, I am so glad you can join me" said the disguised figure with a mono toned voice standing in front of the lift that seems to go down some where.
Shaking his head inside his immense suit, Viktor gestured towards Operator with an immense claw. "You know, I'm really genuinely starting//beginning to hate//loathe people. Everyone thinks//believes that just because they have some power//ability that they have//need to be all goddamn enigmatic//flamboyant." He spoke, annoyance clear in his voice "And you can spare//forget the pleasantries//honorifics, I care not for being associated//grouped with this city nor being held//forced to a standard//image. If you've got something you want to say//request, which I assume//know seeing as you brought//summoned me here, then spit it out.". Well, he certainly wasn't exactly one for making a nice first impression, was he?
DM OOC - I removed Gaunt's post because its unlikely, actually nearly impossible, that Oan worked with Greyfire's people in the past. I would say this is the first time he's encountered an Alien, so character-wise he should be pretty doubtful. Gaunt, your character is an assassin to some sense, but he is no where near any position to have actually come in contact with aliens, and you established no entry for something such as that in your bio.
Greyfire blinks, finishing her slab of meat at there Host runs off.." She is a curiosity to me.."she states, swallowing the mass of meat, her throat visibly bulging slightly as she swallows. looking at Oan."so..um.. Hello there?" she says, looking at her potential new friend... wondering slightly what came of Vale..
"Umm, hi..." Ghost says, not entirely sure of what to say to the alien. "Soo..." He says quietly, hoping that Elizabeth will be back to save him from this awkward pause.
"are you the..Meta-Human too?" she says, levitating into the air, her entire body head level with Ghost. "I am the meta-Human, It's nice to meet you." she says, with a cute smile.
Edward glances at the burning docks, then turns back to the smaller fire in front of him. Nearly time. Either take it out or just regrow afterward. Fuck it, exploding doesn't really hurt anyway. Too fast. Edward walks away from the others, into the water to dull the blast, after taking off all his clothes. Another day gone to hell. Joy. Edward drifts in the water for a bit, then explodes. A massive column of water erupts as a shockwave rolls across the tiny island. Edward bursts from the water shortly after, his flesh rebuilding over the course of about a minute. "WOOO!" he yelled. "Did you guys see that? How high did the water get? My current record's seventy nine feet!" Edward begins putting back on his clothes after the proper bits finish healing. "HAHAHA! Anyway, what's going on? Who burnt down the city? More importantly, can anyone see my goggles? I like those goggles."
Alphonse woke up with Edward's explosion thinking they were under attack and relaxed as he watched the regenerating man come out of the water and get dressed. "I thought...we were getting attacked." he sighed as Edward asked for his goggles and Alphonse begun to search around the sand looking for Ed's orange goggles. While searching he accidentally tripped over something hard in the sand. "Oww...A little help Edward?"
Startled Amber woke up to find Edward walking back from the sea while getting dressed. "Well that was very loud. Was that for us if things went pare shaped, Edward?" Amber turned towards the burning city and stared, it reminded her of something, but she couldn't quiet put her finger on it. "It is safe to say that we didn't cause any of that, but it would be a smart idea to find out what is happening in Megalopolis."
"No, that's not them. Goggles are rounder, and have two flat bits" After looking around for a moment, Edward stops. "Oh, wait. I put them on, already. That's why I can't find them. Excellent." With that, Edward moseys over to Al, to see what he's found. "Actually I've found that potatoes are the best shape for describing an event gone horribly wrong. Hidden from sight, you hope it turns out for the best, then you dig it up and it's all lumpy and looks like a face."
Global -

Time would pass for all of you, as you got settled back into the East Wing. You all took your time fiddling through books or watching television on a variety of monitors patched together by Operator. All of you stayed in the East Wing, as none of you with the exception of Operator knew of any other wing or hall in this underground base, and with Operator's unwillingness to explore and search the other parts, the subject was unlikely to have come up. Eventually most of you got rather bored, or tired, or a mixture of both, and decided it was best to sleep. Making whatever comforts you could, you all slept in the weird arrangement of furniture or on the floor of the East Wing. However Operator tried to remain awake, only to collapse unconscious in the very early hours of the morning at her desk.

You would all awake sometime in the morning, some earlier than others, with the various monitors around the library displaying television channels and random arrays of data. The bots continued to work, but you all noticed the more you tried to work with them, the more they began to malfunction. Sometimes they would bring you the wrong item, other times they would misunderstand your orders, and other times they were simply unresponsive or refused to stop what they were currently doing. As you all awoke from your sleep amidst the various book shelves, you heard a strange, but light, buzzing noise coming from somewhere in the Library.
"Analyzing audio input... error, input matches no known files in sound library." The massive amalgamation of machine and man spoke before flicking through his separate sensors in an attempt to locate the source. "Initiating source que-Goddamn machine, stop changing the way I speak. I'm going to check out what the hell the noise is, who is with me?" Viktor asked, opening his visor to search with his naked eye. "Better not be a cockroach, I hate cockroaches. Almost as bad as crying babies...".

((Thank you, Miz.))
Opeartor slowly began to woke up to the buzzing noise which she thought was a giant bee in her dreams. "Arg...my head hurts.." she said looking around remembering that she invited others. "Oh...Interesting..I don't know what that noise is." She pondered this for a moment and sighed. "Theres.....uhh this place how can I put it" she said as she rubbed her temples to try to dumb down the explanation. "This place is massive and dangerous, you can get lost in here for months with out end and starve to death. . It's why I like to stay in this area, however I will be willing to come explore with you since I have a memory and I tend to not forget directions or locations. If I tell you to not touch something you must agree to listen...because there are things in here that are way beyond human military technology that even I have yet to begun to comprehend like for example Archive my A.I friend" she looked around and spotted the General "Can you please help me by carrying that massive device over there? We can try to use it to scan for anything out of the blue and hopefully locate the source of this noise and discover something about this place." she said as she got off her chair ready to explore.
Greyfire woke a while before the others, her sleep scheduled erratic, and seems to randomly shift between two Hours or 20 hours, likely connected to some weird alien thing.. tonight she slept around 5 Hours, and remained...'off' for a additional two..

"Excuse me...but not of my question have really been answered.. What is this place?" she asks, curiously.

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