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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

Lilith nodded. "Let's do something else. The lake? Let's go see it!" She said standing. She payed for the food then took Ryan's hands. "Come on!"
Ryan was caught off guard a bit "Alright alright, to the lake it is, let's get going." Lilith practically drug him out the door, he finally just picked her up and carried her in his arms "You know I can walk right." Hr said as he sat her on the bike and hopped on himself.
She raised her eye brows, and sat and waited until he sat down, then wrapped her arms around his waist. "I thought the kid took your bike to fix it..."
"No, he just took the battery, he swapped them is all, so on to the lake." He said as he peeled out and headed to the nearby lake.
Lilith hung on as the world sped by. When they got there, Lilith got off and sat on the edge of the lake. She could see glowing red rocks in the lake. The same rocks that gave her, her powers.
He wandered up behind her and crouched down and wrapped one arm around her as he reached in the water picking up one of the stones. "You know I don't like these little rocks. Even though they increase your power when you have a few of them on you, these are pretty much what caused me to crash the last time they came around..."
Lilith nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Though my power is pretty cool, the red rocks are what made me an even bigger outcast in school and life..." She sighed. She picked up one of the rock sand skipped one across the lake which the ripples glowed red.
"I haven't skipped a rock in a while, let's see what I can't do." He stood up and away from Lilith and skipped it as hard as he could. The little rock hit the water once and shattered sending the shards into the nearby trees. "Whoops, maybe I over did it a little, don't you think."
"Well, I believe I'm going to have to pass on the skipping of rocks" he laid down next to Lilith feeling the rain on his face "You know the rain feels really nice."
Jason approaches grey, Jessica and Ela. "Hello." Jason casually smiles. His body giving off sparks of electricity . Not dangerous. Just enough to be seen.

Every step he takes, the current In his body destroys the grass.
Lilith smiles and lies down beside him. "Yeah... It does feel nice." She says smiling. Her hand reaches down to grab his and she looks at him smiling.

Jessica watches as Jason approaches, with electricity around his body. She wasn't surprised. She saw him in the past with this power.
Ryan looks over at Lilith and sits up a bit, turns, and lays his head on her stomach. "Squish." He closed his eyes and tried to take a nap for a while, the had already ditched school anyways.
Lilith lays back and strokes his hair as he naps. She looks at the storm and sighed. She keeps wondering in her head. What if the red rocks happened anywhere else? And where di they come from? These questions always plagued her mind.
Ryan listened to the storm for a while before it started to die down and let the sun shine through. His hair glistened like it was silk with a few water droplets on it. But even with the storm gone he was still out like a light, enough so that he propped both of his arms on her ribs and waist.
Lilith soon enough grew tired and yawned. She closed her eyes and sighed. She soon fell asleep. The sound of small droplets falling helped as well.

(OKAY GUYS i NEED YOU ALL TO READ THIS. It's part of the plot so it's something big. @a shlyn heckman @Aqua @Rub-a-Dub-Dubstep @Mei Miyamoto @MagicalFlower @shiloh7664 @Dawson @JasonThatSinner )

Almost everything in the town seemed calm, except the storm. Thunder rumbled and lighting flashed. The sun soon disappeared under the black clouds.

Lilith awoke from all the commotion and startled Ryan. "Oh my gosh." She said looking into the clouds.

Jessica looked at the sky, seeing how dark the clouds are and sees something glowing behind them. It was too bright to be the sun. "That's.." She said wide eyed. She walked far enough from the group so no one could hear her. "Thats my home. The rest of my home..." She said. (Plot twiiist!)


Many years ago meteorites hit the earth in a large mass, almost all of them falling in Maine. The meteorite mass was so great it made mountains of unknown rock, and different glowing stones. Scientists believe it was half of a planet because of the mass. And they were not wrong. From a child crawled out of the rumbled and into the street. No one saw where she came from, and a family adopted her. They named her Jessica. She came from a planet so unknown, from another galaxy. And it seems their world has been destoryed and she's the only survivor. Or so they thought.


"This isn't good." Jessica said clutching her hands. The other half of the planet was going to crash into Earth. An if there were other survivors, and did not have the same mercy as she did... the world will surely end, btu at the moment the real problem was the falling rocks. "RUN EVERYONE! METEOR SHOWER!" She screamed running back to the group.
Jason looks up at the clouds and sees lightning. He slowly holds up his hand and a lightning bolt strikes down and connect to his palm. "Amazing. Not only can I create my own artificial lightning. I can control real lightning as well" he says in his head.
Ryan woke up and looked at the sky and didn't really have a big reaction to it. "Well, looks like my old bunker won't work against a meteor or two..... Or three........ Or a shower, well, I say let's get the hell out of there." He hopped on his bike and started it up waiting on Lilith to get on so he could take off already.

@Queen of Fantasy
(I am ...lost lol!!!) Ela turned towards Jessica. "Let's go back inside the school. We'll just ...have to wait it out." Ela said quickly walking inside the school.
Lilith stuggled to get up, kicking dirt behind her and ran over to the bike. She jumped on it and hung onto hs waist. "Go, Go!" She screamed looking behind her. A meteor hit the ground right behind them, sending dirt and rocks everywhere.
"Yea yea, hold on tight." He reached down and pulled a big lever all the way up to Stan as tall as he was. The rear tire inflated to the size of a drag racing tire as he floored it leaving a long black trail of smoke as he pulled out. The lever went back to it's position after a bit of weaving in and out of traffic and avoiding the meteors at the same time. "Damn it." He slammed on his brakes and slid it to its side as he pulled out a one shot hand cannon from his jacket and shot the railing. He just barely made it away from the meteor and under the semi much less to make it out in the small space he gave himself with the railing. He made it out fine and landed on a trailer of another semi and pretty much crunched it in, he looked back at Lilith "You OK?"
Grey's face fell into an expression of bewilderment and deep thought after Jessica explained that she could go back in time and see when others get their powers. Wait! So that means there are others. What? Staring gape mouthed, he ruffled his hair with confusion and anxiety. So, that means pretty much anyone could have gotten some sort of power. What if they mess with the system and blow shit up? Not everyone's a saint, and to have Grey of all people to come to such a conclusion, you could only imagine what would happen if someone like an actual criminal got hold of a stone. Before he could respond, Grey noticed a boy approaching them, something like an electric current looping his body. As surprised as he was, he wasn't nearly as surprised as he would've been ten minutes ago. And if things couldn't get any more weird, a large cloud had completely covered the sun, leaving them in a dark shadow. After a quick second of analysing the situation, Jessica screamed for them to run. Grey tilted his head as he watched her run back to the other two. It took a moment, but he realised that this was an actual emergency, and took off after the other three.
Jason sees the others rushing to safety. However Jason stands still as more frequent lightning strikes his body. Jason laughing as he absorbs the power . "What....what power" Jason grins wildly .
Lilith groaned and held her head. "Yeah. But we need to keep moving." She mumbled.

Jessica kept running when she realised Jason wasn't following she ran back and grabbed his arm, pulling him away. "Your going to die!"
"Yea, your proba-" he grabbed Lilith and jumped off the trailer with her in his arms as he smashed through a building just barely avoiding a meteor. "You alright." He brushed off the rubble out of her hair.

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