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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

Jason returns all the cars to normal, but notices the motorcycles battery is destroyed. Frustrated he walks in the Denny's "hey. Does anyone own the motorcycle out front ?" He calls out. Looking around for a response
Lilith chuckled. When he finished his sentence the waitress came back with their food. "Thank you." Lilith said, but the waitress rolled her eyes. She saw someone come in asking about the motorcycle. "Is he talking about yours?" She asks.

@las0r0o7 @JasonThatSinner
Exhaling a deep breath of relief as the two walked away, Grey turned back to Jessica as she basically summed up the events that led up to this incident. Nodding once, he rose a brow, wondering how she could've possibly known. "Uh... yeah. Everything started becoming weird after that storm." He backed up her claim skeptically. Did she go through the same thing? "How did you know?"
Jessica shrugged. "I know many people's secrets. They never tell me, I just find out. Of course I never got around to you..." She said biting her lip.


Lilith waited for a response from the kid. (Sorry short post! )
"Long story short" Jason sighs "battery is fried. However, I can fix it" he keeps an eye on Ryan, in case he chooses to act out in violence. Doesn't matter how fast he can move, he isn't faster than lightning.
"Its fried...... A brand new battery, fried, son on a....." He bit into his steak and tore a piece out of it and started walking off "I'll be right back." He said to Lilith with a mouth full of steak. He walked over to the guy and finished his steak "Alright, let's get it fixed then." He walked out to his bike and tried to turn it over a couple times to make sure it was actually fried. "Well I'll be damned, looks like I'm going to have to get a car at this point." He said as he crouched down and looked at the other miscellaneous parts that were also fried, charred, and burnt to a crisp.

@Quren of Fantasy @JasonThatSinner
Cringing a bit at the nonchalant tinge in her voice as she stated that, Grey averted his eyes and looked around their surrounding. He was mostly keeping an eye out for the school security considering he probably had detention that afternoon, but also in search of what to say in turn. Good luck with that. Considering he was able to know pretty much everything there is to know about a person with one touch, his mental barrier had become pretty strong. That being said, his secrets would mostly forever be his secrets -on exception of Amanda. "Yeah? Well, there's a reason for that." He muttered in response before snapping his attention back over to Jessica. "So, you're like a mind reader?" He asked with a somewhat piqued interest.
Jason laughs and cuts short with a smirk "okay then." Jason points at the battery and a bolt of lightning shoots from his fingertips to the bike. Jason holds the lightning on it for a couple seconds until the bike is able to turn over. Impressed with himself he lowers his fingers, cutting off the electricity.
"That's impressive if I do say so myself, but just a heads up your not the only one with a special power, I do as well." He grinned a bit "But I do thank you for fixing it, however I may still get a car, or at least fix my old one back up, you wouldn't be interested in helping me with that would you, in return you would get my bike, free of charge of course, I might even pay you for helping me."
"Oh I know I'm not. You're what I'd called a juggernaut. Strength, speed." Jason laughs and puts a hand on the handle of the bike. "I can help with the mechanics. As for the bike...ehh..I have 2 cars...not much of a bike person " Jason shrugs.
He laughed a bit "that I am, and you can also say I'm hard to hit as well. If you decide to change your mind you know how to find me, surely it wouldn't be too difficult for you to find one person with the speed you have, but if you'll excuse me I will be finishing my lunch with my date." He chuckled a bit and handed a card to him, it was his old racing card. And went back inside and sat down with Lilith.

(I'll respond when I can, work calls again -.- yay.....)
(Lucky, I work 24/7, I'm always at work. xD ) Jason shrugs a bit and remembers he needs to do something at school. As soon as Ryan enters the building, Jason takes flight toward the school. Landing on the soccer field.
Lilith simply waits for Ryan to come back. When he does she saw him in a better moon than he was when he left. "Hey. I'm guessing the battery was alright then?" She asked biting into her chicken finger.

Jessica shook her head. "Nothing of the sort. I can time travel." She said slyly.
Lilith's eyes widened in surprise. "Well that's. That's good." she said smiling. "Though, I have a feeling that not all of what happened." She said finishing her food.

Grey nodded slowly at Jessica's response before even taking a momemt to assess her words and the tone behind them. What was with that look? "Wait a minute! So, have you ever went back in time and purposely done something to embarrass me?" He asked skeptically, tilting his head to one side as he looked her over with slitted eyes. It wouldn't be surprising, it was her nature just as much as his.
"What are you talking about, he had an extra battery, that's all, he's taking mine and charging it now." He leaned back and relaxed in his chair looking out the window at the storm that had been here for a bit wondering how long it would take for it to pass on by.

@Queen of Fantasy
Jessica shook her head. "No, no. I go back in time and go to the time they earn their powers. I see what they can do..." She says simply.

Lilith smiled. "Alright..." She said. Though she knew something was up. Not a bad thing, but a good one...
"So, shall we get going back to school or do you want to do something else..... I wonder how the lake is doing." Ryan got distracted with thinking about the lake and didn't catch whatever Lilith was about to say

@Queen of Fantasy

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