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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

"Okay." Ela said following him. Her dress moving a bit from the cool breeze. "So grey...wh...." Ela turned around seeing Amanda. "Hi" Ela said waving her hand. @shiloh7664
The two hadn't even made it halfway to the fence before a person called out to them. Greyson's initial thought was that they'd been caught and he was already coming up with excuses in his mind by the time he had turned around. However, he eas surprised and relieve to see this person instead. "Amanda..? Don't ever do that again! For fuck's sake, I had half the mind to drop kick you right then." He hissed, though his face strayed from his shaken words. In all honesty, he was pretty happy to see her. But as he was walking back to greet her, he saw something zip by in the air. "Huh? Did you guys see that?" He muttered in confusion.
Ela looked up at the sky. Seeing nothing but some clouds. "I don't see anything.....It was probably a bird or something flying by." Ela said. She looked at Amanda. " Me and grey were going to go get something to eat. You want to come along? Least if its alright with you grey." Ela then turned towards Grey.
Seeing as though nobody else seemed to notice, he shook the curiosity off and looked back at Amanda as she asked what they were up to and Ela answered for them. "Ah, so you're pretty talkative when MandaPanda's here? I don't bite." Grey huffed jokingly before backing up Ela's explanation with a nod. "Yeah, you should come with us."
Ela blushed moving a strand of hair behind her ear. " I really don't talk to people that much....Its just...nevermind.. anyway where are we going?" Ela said changing the subject quickly.
Grey chuckled softly at Ela's words as she blushed once again. He had a feeling that it would take a while to break her shell, but they had a whole year, and she better be prepared for relentless snarky commentary from him. "Don't talk to people much, huh? I guess we'll just have to change that." Turning back toward the fence on his heels as the two girls almost simultaneously asked where they were headed, Grey took the lead once more and momentarily looked over his shoulder, beckoning them to follow. "Remember that new burger/burrito shack we planned to go to during the summer but never did?" He replied, directing the rhetoric question toward Amanda. "Yeah, there. Hope you two like guac!"
Lilith picked up her menu and read all the foods. "I think I might have... The chicken fingers... I'm not one for fancy foods." She says smiling to herself.
"Hell I can't make up my mind, surprise me, make sure it has mashed potatoes though." He handed the menu to the waiter and looked back to Lilith and picked up her hand and kissed it.
Ela stayed quiet not really know how to respond to what grey said. "So ..er Grey? ...What kind of ski..uh talents do you have?" Ela said trying to figure out what to say.
Lilith was surprised, and her face flushed with red. She smiled and never before has she ever looked alive. You can see the blush, so of course she has blood, but her skin is so pale, and her eyes are so sunken in... Most people seem to think she looks dead, but of course she isnt. At this moment though, she looked alive, and human.

"I wonder if she'll bring you steak. That's good with mashed potatoes." She said pulling her hand back slowly. She looked out the window and saw the storm getting closer.


Jessica broke through the double doors and stretched her arms. "Finally! I can't STAND social studies. I already know what happened around that time! I've been there!" She said walking down the stairs of the school, before remembering she left her back pack in the school. "Aw crap."

She ran back inside, but on her way she found Ela and Gray. She ran over and surprised Ela. "Hey friend!" She said smiling. "What are you still doing in school?" She asked raising one brow.

(It is after school, sooo. So this is my last post for the night. I'll reply tomorrow! Bai!)

"Hmm?" As Grey slipped through the gap between the chained fence, he caught on to Ela's fumbled question and found it odd that that was the first thing that came to mind to ask him. What an awkward chick. But he thought hard on it, nonetheless. "You mean other than my irresistible charm? Hmm... I'm pretty good at mechanics and soccer. Been on the team since freshman year." He shrugged as he held the chain up so they could slip through as well. "I'm a jack of all trades, I guess. What about you?" He asked with genuine interest. It was always the quiet ones with the craziest talents. But before Ela had a chance to answer, another familiar girl had strode into their conversation and greeted her. They know each other? No way. Tilting his head to the side, Grey watched the two with confusion and expectancy. Grey and Jessica never really talked before, but that was simply because they never had the same classes, nor did they really like one another, for whatever reason. However, he wasn't one for starting shit he wasn't willing to finish, so he pressed on a smile as his eyes wandered.
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"I really don't have any talents. I'm just an ord....." Ela stopped turning around. A small smile curved on her face. "Hi Jessica! Um well me, Grey, and Amanda are going to get something to eat. What are you doing?" Ela asked.
Jason lands on a building and takes a knee. His body starting to spark again. "Again? Something isn't right" Jason wonders. He looks up in the sky and sees dark clouds, almost as if they were following him. He looks down to see that he landed on Denny's dinner and there were a bunch of vehicles flipped. Including a motorcycle. "Better clean up" he shrugs. He takes a step off the roof and lands in the parking lot. In perfect view of Lilith and Ryan, Jason starts picking the vehicles up and putting them right.
Jessica Shrugged. "Not much, actually. I am bored out of my mind. Could I tag along?" She asked smiling towards Eld. She looked at gray and frowned. she never really liked him. His attitude was annoying.
Five. It hadn't even been five second and he had already recieved a look over and a frown from the chick. Seriously. What the hell did I do? Trying not to pay much mind to it, he looked between the other two when she asked if she could tag along and shrugged. It looked like he was outnumbered anyway. He was more upset with Amanda anyway. Don't try to be all friendly with her. You're supposed to be be my friend! "Whatever." He huffed in reply as he crossed his arms over his chest.

@Queen of Fantasy @shiloh7664
Jessica sighed. "Well... Nevermind. I guess if you dont want me around, I dont have to be. I'll call you later, Ela!" She said waving and walking away.
Grey hadn't said but one word to Jessica and she was already making him look bad. Whether or not the other two had made it obvious, he could tell that they were glaring daggers at the back of his head as she turned around to leave. Well, shit. If she wants to leave, then let her leave. But he knew Amanda wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he didn't stop her. "Wait!" With a sigh, Grey reluctantly caught up with her and veered around Jessica to block her path. "I... am sorry?" He wasn't used to the phrase, hence the awkward, questionable tone. "Look, you can come if you want. Ela's your friend, it would be rude if I were to say otherwise." But the afternoon would be more tolerable.

@Queen of Fantasy
Jessica scoffed. "I don't need to hang out with you anyways. Plus, I think Ela has a thing for you." She said winking. "I don't want to ruin my best friend's romantic time." She said flipping her hair and walking away.
(Okaaay then I missed a lot Lol!!) Ela watched Jessica leave a bit saddened. She was probably the only friend she had and could talk to like a normal person. Her face saddened a bit. She turned towards Amanda. "Lets go. He'll catch up to us after he's done talking to Jessica." Ela said starting to walk away.

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