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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

Jason's body starts vibrating in place, exterting lighting into the air. Visible miles away. Car alarms start going off as his eyes glow yellow. "Well fuck me right.." He states as he attempts to control the energy.

Jason's body begins glowing. As he exerts more energy, the stronger he gets. Physically and energy wise.
Lilith gets off the bike and fixes her hair. "I'll go get us a table." She says smiling. She heads inside and talks with the waitress about a table, which sadly is a female student.

"Could I have a table for two please?" Lilith asked kindly. The girl just sighed because she knew what was up.

"Follow me." She said sourly.
Ryan didn't question anything with what Lilith was doing, he just followed right behind her and sat at the table given to her by the waiter who apparently had an attitude with him, but either way he just sat down across from Lilith.

@Queen of Fantasy
Ela walked up and left class. She went outside for a break and looked at the flowers planted around the school yard. She smiled gently touching the petals. "I guess your the only things I can talk to." She said starting to weed around the plants.
Lilith smiled.

"Can I get your drinks?" The waitress asked with an adittude. Lilith sighed and thought for a moment.

"Sprite. Thanks." She said nodding. She then looked at Ryan, and waited for him to order.

"Just a sweet tea is all." He leaned back in his seat "so were you going to say something earlier, or was that me that was going to ask you something...... And I forget......"
After the whole 'force-field locker' fiasco, Grey tried to calm himself down and took up strolling around the near-empty halls or catching up with some shows on his mobile phone to keep himself occupied while his Mecha class carried on. He had a good hour or so of relaxation before the bell rang, releasing the hoard of mindless and hungry zombie students. With a scoff, Grey pocketed his phone and quickly dashed away in an attempt to avoid being seen by the instructor whose class he'd managed to ditch. Luckily, with the large wave of hurried students, he was able to conceal himself well enough to escape out the dud emergency exit, which led directly toward the soccer field. making his way down the field to go and grab a bite off campus, whether or not that breached school rules, Grey popped in an ear bud -just one so he could keep alert until he made it off campus. However, on his route out, he came across a peculiar scene which made him stop in his tracks. "What the he--" he muttered quietly as he narrowed his eyes to spot the figure better. A ways from where Grey stood sat a girl... who seemed to be chatting with some flowers. Boy, we sure have a shit tone of crazies in this school. That being said, the thought of possibily being mauled and likely killed by the chick didn't phase him. Without further hesitance, he approached and ran a hand through his dirty-blonde hair, happening upon a bit of her conversation. "Or, ya know... and I may be taking a wild risk here, you could try speaking to an actual human." He interjected, an amused smirk creeping onto his lips as he assessed the scene.
Ela jumped back scared at first not knowing someone was standing there. "I ..uh.. ..I'm Ela." She blurted out. She realized what she said. "Shoot now this guy will think I'm some sort of weirdo." She thought in her head.
Grey's jolted back a bit when the girk sprung up and practically slithered away upon her acknowledgement of his presence. He didn't mean to scare her, but what did he expect? He did sneak up behind her after all. Raising a brow as she gave him her name, Grey's smirk softened into an awkward grin. Ah. This makes sense. She's a loner. "Right... nice to meet ya, Ela. Name's Greyson. You can call me Grey." He replied, offering her his hand. "So uh... do you normally talk to flowers?"
Ela looked at his hand. She got up and ignored it. " I ..well..yes." Ela sighed getting red in the face feeling embarrassed.
Lilith shrugged. "I don't remember now..." She said quietly. She looked at the table and sighed.

"I was actually going to ask you... If you could.." She stopped to looked around, an

Penne leaned closer to his face. She whispered softly. "...about your powers."

She then sat back in her chair, and adjusted her seat as a stranger walked by. She looked into Ryan's eyes, hoping he'd answer willingly.
"Oh, that's it." He leaned in and his arms "Well what one do you want to know about." He knew he had two that he could explain, the last one would be blamed on working out. "You can ask which one about."
"W-well, first of all... I'd like to ask about what do your powers do exactly? I mean, your not dead when I see you in the spirit world, and you can come back whenever you want? I find that a bit confusing." She started out. She placed her head on her head, which propped up on the table. "Second, your strength. No one I know or anyone heard of could ever flip over a van like that. It looks like you didn't even try..."
Softly knitting his brows together as she rejected his hand, Grey retracted it and stuffed them both into his pockets as she nodded in response and muttered something quietly. He watched as her face flushed, for whatever reason; it wasn't like he was poking fun at her. Opting on changing the subject, he huffed. "Um... so... you getting lunch, or what?" Grey didn't think she had planned on it considering she was out in the field... alone.
"Yea, that, it is a bit confusing, look at it this way, I can walk between..." He stopped for a second to take his glass of tea "And before you ask no were not ready to order yet, that is all." He waited until she left with her attitude "I can walk between the planes of reality and ethereality, that's the easiest way to explain that, and the strength, you can say I work out.... Somewhat anyways, and yea it was quite easy."

@Queen of Fantasy
She nodded, almost understanding. She decided not to ask any more questions. "Alright. I guess thats a good explanation." She replied. She took a sip of her sprite and smiled at Ryan.
"And I have one other little thing that you might want to know, I'm as fast an Indy car, but that's all, walk through realms, as strong as a freight train, and fast an Indy racer, that's all."
Despite not having invited her to join him yet, Grey wasn't against it. Shrugging at her reply, he gestured toward the slightly parted fence a few yards away and removed his earbud from his ear. "Alright then. Well, I was gonna head out for lunch. The school lunches aren't really my thing, still wanna tag along?"
"Ha, I noticed." He leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his tea and opened up the menu looking through the food. "What do I want, what do I want......"
Ela didn't know what to say. She was a bit...shy, but it was sweet of him to invite her to lunch. "Sure!" Ela said following him smiling.
The energy flow through Jason ends with a large shockwave that affects over half the city. Flipping vehicles over , (to include Ryan's bike) and power surges. Jason starts panting as he holds his chest "getting..bad..." He growls
Grey let out a subtle sigh of relief before giving Ela a tight lipped smile. The last thing he needed was to seem pushy, because odds were, if she didn't go with anything along the lines of 'yes', then he would've most likely taunted and poked her untik she gave in. Thank god for the agreeable. "In that case, let's move it before an asshat spots us and snitches." He urged her before giving her a gentle push toward the fence and taking the lead.

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