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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

"Hmm, what did I miss, do we have any homework to do." He said as he was standing up and stretched his arms a bit hearing his shoulders pop a couple times. "Yay next class......." All he caught was the bell and the 'dismissed' he grabbed his bag and tossed it over his shoulder.
Lilith was going to talk with Ryan when a bunch of girls ran towards him, making her fall back. She scoffed and walked the other direction toward her locker.
"So Lilith, you haven't......" Hr looked around for a second to see where she was "Yea, your all going to have to move out of my way now." He pushed through the group of girls and over heard them gossiping about Lilith. He stopped in his tracks and half turned towards them "What was it I heard about Lilith." "Oh it was nothing, I promise." "It better have been nothing, or you will regret it later." He went back into the halls and spotted her sweater and lifted it up some "You left me in there you know."
Ela got up and walked out of class ignoring the girl crowd around another popular boy..the usual highschool life. Ela walked towards her locker and put her English textbook and homework in it. Then grabbing her science textbook out she turned around walking to science class.
Lilith sighed. "Those girls are annoying..." she said rubbing her eyes. "They act like their the queens of school." She said glancing at Ryan. "Also, I wanted to tell you that prom is coming up this Halloween."
"Eh, I agree, they do get annoying." He reached down and stole her hand from her "I love Halloween, my favorite time of year, anyways shall we get going to science."
Ela walked into science class and sat down in the back like usual staying quiet...waiting for class to start.
Ela turned looking towards Amanda. She didn't know what exactly to say. "um... hi." Ela said feeling a bit awkward.
"I'm...Ela... its uh nice to meet you." Ela said trying not to make an awkward smile but yet failing.
Ela got a bit red in the face. "I ..uh ..well...no...not really. I'm more of a loner type person."
Ryan kept close behind Lilith holding her hand the whole way there and found his seat at the back of the class as usual. "My seat never really changes, I enjoy the back seats they are always the most comfortable, don't you agree."

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith nods as she sits next to him. A crack of thunder could be heard form outside, and a bright flash filled the room. Most of the people weren't bothered by it, but about three people jumped.

"I wonder why it's always to rainy here." Lilith wondered out loud. She looked at Ryan and smiled.

"I haven't the slightest clue why it is, but it doesn't bother me one bit, keeps my skin nice and pale, that is it will be anyways." He had just gotten back from a trip to Florida and spent most of his time tanning on the beach. Ryan reached across and poked her cheek just to mess with her a bit.

@Queenof Fantasy
Lilith softly hit his hand away from her face, and smirked. She put on her jacket, and put the hood up. She then saw the teacher walk and and put her feet on her desk, without a care.

"Well, if even the teacher plops her feet on the desk then I'm just going to follow behind." He propped his feet up and reached over and pulled Lilith's desk closer to his, not that it really mattered to be in line, none of the other desks weren't either.
Lilith smiled. Not once in her life has she been so happy. She's never been in a relationship, or had happy moments like this. Not many people understood what happened in her past. She doesn't talk much about it. Her face went blank as she remembered what happened to her family, long ago...


"Happy birthday, my wee darling." Lilith's Scottish father said, as he lifted her up onto his shoulders. She was turning 6 years old today. October, 9th. Her mother had all her presents up on a table. There wasn't much, due to the families budget they had to stay track on. But today for their only daughter's birthday, was an exception.

"Which one can I open first, mama?" 6 year old Lilith asked as she struggled to get down from her father's shoulders. Her mother lifted her off and placed on her on feet, on the floor.

"Whichever one you want, sweet heart." Her mother said kissing her forehead. Lilith grinned and ran over to the biggest one.

She pulled it off and teared off the wrapping paper, finding a giant dragon plush. Lilith squealed and hugged it tightly. "Thank you, mama, and papa!" She said sweetly. Her large eyes sparkled with happiness. Both of her parents smiled down at her.

Everything seemed to be going well as Lilith continued opening her gifts, yet something happened that Lilith could never forget. Around dinner time, while they were eating Lilith's favorite food, spaghetti, a thunder storm rolled in. But, it wasn't just any normal thunder storm. It was the storm that delivered the red rocks, though at the moment they didn't know that yet. Lighting struck the house and the roof caught on fire. The flame spread quickly and red stones as big as grapefruit fell from the sky. Lilith's parents hurried to get her outside, though Lilith didn't understand what was happening. She urged Lilith outside the front door, but as soon as Lilith walked outside, boards and glass fell and blocked her parents way out. Lilith stood outside watching the house burn down, and never again has she saw her parents...


Lilith back in reality, had a small tear fell down her face, yet it was still blank. Minutes past as she thought of the terror, and she soon fixed her desk again, sitting a bit farther away from Ryan...

Ryan went to reach over and look for Lilith's arm to follow it to her hand but couldn't seem to find it. He opened his eye and looked over to see that she had scooted away. "Did I say something wrong, oh wait, I smell bad don't I." He grabbed his jacket and smelled it for a second, nothing out of the ordinary, his body spray was a bit stronger than usual but nothing strange.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith shook her head. "I just um... Kind of need to gather myself right now, if you don't mind..." She whispered back to him. She watched as the teacher walked in and he started explaining all those science facts. She really didn't care. She didn't listen. She already knew what she had to.


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