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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

"That's fine, but if you need me I'm asleep." He half ass listened in but for the most part fell asleep

-Dream/Flash back-

Ryan was always a kid that you could say grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he never really acted that way. As an example for his 16th birthday he got an Indy 500 racecar, not exactly what everyone would want much less get, but even so he got one.

The day after his birthday he desk to the nearby racetrack, it was a nice sunny day no clouds in the sky, well, except for one that is, but no one would think of it.

Rounding up the first couple laps the cloud had sat right over head, but again no one would think about it, that is up until it stuck a bolt of lightning and hit Ryan's car.

All the tires blew out and he lost control of it, he didn't spin out he just smacked straight into a wall and he passed right through it, the car didn't. That is when he figured out he had gotten a special power.


Ryan jolted up in his seat and punched the person in front of him in the back of the head hard enough to knock him out before he even hit the desk. He just kinda looked around for a second before leaning back in his chair waiting to get chewed out by the teachers.

(Sorry I was in a meeting)

@Queen of Fantasy

@Queen of Fantasy
(Oh goodness.)

Lilith jumped at Ryan's suddenly violence, and she knitted her brows together, as he just sat back quietly. She dshook her head a bit to herself, and sat back while class went on.

Then class was over. This was the last class so she stood and walked towards the door.

(Did you forget about me xD )

Ryan didn't really have anything to say to Lilith, at least about hitting another student. "Ryan, I need you to stay after class for a bit if you wouldn't mind." He gave a bit of a sigh before he grabbed his bag and went up to the teachers desk "What is it...." "What was that sudden burst of anger coning from, I didn't see or hear any provocation from him." He said as he crossed his arms "Yea, it was unprovoked, I just had a flash back in the middle of class is all, about the wreck I was in a couple years ago, that's all, was there anything else you needed." The teacher sighed a bit "No, just help him to the nurses office, your dismissed." Ryan went back to the unconscious kid and tossed him over his shoulders and carried him to the nurse and plopped him down on a bed "Oi, nurse, we have a kid unconscious here, I knocked him out on accident." "How do you knock someone out on accident..." "Sudden flash back created a reaction through my neuro and muscular systems, you could call it an instinctive reflex." "Well, that's all well said but what I was getting at was how hard did you hit him, I mean jeez, you might as well have hit him with a bat, you must work out a lot." "You can say that, either way make sure he gets better and give him my apologies." And just like that he was out of the nurses office wondering if Lilith was still on campus or not.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith sat outside the school, on a bench. The rain hides down even more. It was more of a drizzle of rain now, but still clouds covered the sky. She sat alone and quiet. She thought about Ryan, and wondered about his powers. She hasn't really gotten the full explanation of what it was.

Two teenagers, around her and Ryan's age approached her. She sat on both sides of Lilith on the bench. And acted like they weren't going to do anything. Yet Lilith knew otherwise. She'd seen this before. The two men grabbed her arms before she could react and they pulled her off the bench. She tried screaming but one of the men put a cloth over her mouth, and a chemical that slows breathing and makes you pass out. She bit his fingers and before she could do anything else, her eyes rolled back and fell unconious. The men dragged her away, chuckling to themselves of what they were going to do to her.
Ryan went out the front doors and looked around and asked a couple of the kids if they had seed Lilith. One of them finally gave a half ass answer "Yea, I think she hopped in a van and went down that way." Ryan darted over to his bike and quickly peeled out going right in the direction she was in.

It took him a second to catch sight of the only van on the roads. Ryan flipped on a set of lights that made it look like a police bike.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith tied up and duck taped in the back of the van, slowly woke up. She saw the two man over her, smiling and grinning. Sweat started to form on her forehead and she closed her eyes tight when she thought they were going to hurt her in any way. But right before they had any time to do any of that, lights outside shined. Police lights.

"Crap." The guy driving said. She stopped the car and turned his head towards the others. "Keep her quiet."
Ryan pulled his jacket off and tossed a police vest on, grabbed his revolver, and walked up to the window and tapped on it. "How are you two doing this evening, hope your not getting caught in the rain like I am." He was making a bit of a joke "License and registration please."
The man nodded and grinned, trying to play it cool. He grabbed his license and registration and gave it to Ryan. He gave no problem. "Yeah, it's been raining very hard today, eh?"
"It hasn't been too bad today, just sit tight for a second gentlemen." Ryan walked back to his bike and just tossed the papers in a little compartment and then phased through to where only Lilith could see him as he poked his head through the back of the van. And there she was he gave her the quiet gesture before he went back to his bike bringing up the papers to the guys. "Here you are, don't forget to have it inspected in a couple months, now the only reason I pulled you over was because it was just recently reported that a girl was abducted from school and put in a van, you wouldn't mind letting me look in the back would you?"
The man frowned. "No I suppose not. Go ahead and look." He said. Went Ryan went to go look in the back, and man threw two guns at the others. "Shoot him." The two nodded and aimed at the doors, waiting for them to open.

Lilith clenched her fists, and tried rolling over getting close to one of the men. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She called in her power to paralyze, or her name for it, the "Death Touch." She slips her hand up the leg of the man's pants and touched his skin, which instantly he fell over, not able to move. The other two men watched him as he fell with confusion.

"Get up, stupid!"
Ryan opened up the back just in time to see him fall over and he chuckled a bit as he stepped in the back of the van and picked up Lilith and went back to his bike and started to undo all the rope and duck tape. "You alright Lilith."
When the duck tape was pulled off she gasped since she couldn't breathe as well through her nose. She nodded and hugged Ryan. "You might want to duck." She whispered. The two men behind them was coming closer with crow bars.
He laughed a bit as he just stood there and pushed her head down some to make sure it wasn't hit, once the two crowbars hit his head they just bent around. "Are you two done yet, if so its my turn."
The two men jumped back in surprise. Lilith smiled and cracked her knuckles. "You shouldn't have messed with me, you idiots." She ran toward one of the henchmen and got real close to his face. She smiled slyly and booped his nose, which then he fell, unable to move. She looked at Ryan then at the last guy. "All yours, Ryan."
"Well well, someone's in trouble with the wrong person." The guy went to turn around but Ryan was already behind him. "What are you two, your both monsters.!!" Ryan picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "You know, I don't like being called that, and I really REALLY don't like you calling my girlfriend that either, so now its your turn to pay." Ryan tossed him up in the air just high enough to grab both of his feet and spun him around a second before slamming him against the side of the van hard enough for it to turn on its side. He turned around and wrapped on arm around Lilith and pulled her against him "I'm glad your OK." He said as he kissed her forehead.
Lilith exhaled a sigh a releif. She kissed Ryan's cheek and looked at the man's limp body. "I think we should get out of here..." She said grabbing his hands.
"Agreed." He pulled off the vest and put it back where it was and pulled his jacket back on and turned the lights off. "Where do you want to go, we have the rest of the day to kill." He hopped on the bike right behind her and reached around to the handles so that they were cheek to cheek.
"Do... You want to have dinner? Maybe? I can pay." She said shrugging. She hasn't eaten out since her parents died... The reason because of that was because she always ate at her favorite restaurant. It would have been different if there was no one there with you.
"Dinner, that sounds good to me, just tell me where to go, and don't worry about paying." He revved the engine a couple times before taking off down the road leaving the van like he didn't even notice it.
She thought for a moment. "How about Denny's? My parents used to take me all the time..." She said holding onto his waist as he sped off. "ad, I really will pay. I have the money for it..."
"That sounds good to me." He gunned it pulling a wheelie for a second before the front tire touched the ground and took off like a rocket. He knew he didn't have anything to worry about because normal time to someone was less than half the time for him, its only from his reflexes adjusting to his own speed.

@Queen of Fantasy
Jason, with his hands in his pockets approach the school. His eyes seem to be wandering everywhere. Or maybe it was lack of Intrest. Anyway, he stops in the middle of the court yard and takes one hand and starts generating lightning in his palm. "This place..." He sighs.
Lilith holds on as tight as she could. It was going so fast. She smiled as she saw things speeding by. Her eyes shifted towards the sky when rumbling could be heard. She sighed. Another storm. That's like the only exciting thing that ever happens in this town.

Ryan darted under a semi and was just far enough for neither of them to hit there head as he exited the ramp from the highway and came to a stop at the light at the bottom "well were almost there, just around the next couple corners." He waited on the light to turn before he went, this time he was actually doing the speed limit, it wasn't much longer until they were parked out front of Denys "And here we are."

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