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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

Malcolm was a little taken aback by the words of the boy. Combat abilities? He just shook his head. He started to talk once the girl started to walk. "Down the hall, huh? Very well, I hope it's all right if I follow you guys? I really don't want to get lost, especially on the first day. Oh, my name's Malcolm, by the way." He took out a free hand in hopes of a handshake.

@Aqua @ashlyn heckman
"ill be here in a minute" i said heading to the bathroom i pass the gym and see people using there power it was so cool i was thinking to myself his school is going to be awesome.

"Suit yourself." He covered up his upper body and face with the jacket, just as soon as he did he let out a sigh and blushed red. That took a lot more energy to keep a straight face and talk to her at the same time, but now he had a chance to collect himself even though all the girls around him were jealous as hell from him offering his jacket to her.

Some time passed before role was being called, it took just a second before his name was called "Blackwalker" he gave a simple "Oi" before dazing back off.

@Queen of Fantasy
Ela walked into the school looking at the hallways. Her light green dress brushing against the lockers. She found her locker number and put most of her books in. She kept her English textbook walking into English class. She sat in the far back listening to the teacher staying quiet.
Finding his way to English, he went in and silently waved to the teacher. He sat down at a desk near the back of the room and took his book out. Something's off about this room, he thought. Is it the people? The setting? He didn't know and probably not anyone else in the classroom. As much as he was trying to push these thoughts out of his head, they stayed in. Might as well keep an eye on everyone.
Ayie arrived at school, late as usual. She walked everyday, and every day got slightly lost before someone would point her in the correct direction. She had her umbrella and cane as she walked toward the school. It was strange for her seeing the outlines of objects. She still had yet to find what the colors meant. I will research it after school. She smiled to herself.

The school had tried to get her to take classes that would "better suit her needs" but she didn't want that. She wanted to be like the rest of the students. It was slightly different in that she had to have her special braille books. She also took notes and did assignments in this written language and her mother has to write it out for a majority of her teachers. She made her way through the hall and into her English class, where she found her usual seat; the one closest to the door. She smiled as she reached into her back pack and pulled out her supplies.
Lilith woke up from Ryan yelling out "oi." She sat up when her name was called out.

"Here!" She said a bit groggy and, rubbing her eyes.

As the lesson went on, she didn't even pay attention one bit. She always watched the ghosts playing around the living. They found it humorous to pick their noses, and the living wasn't even aware. She chuckled to herself.

Ryan was so caught up in his little world that he didn't notice it was a new teacher up front and not new just because it was a new year, a teacher that wasn't here the year prior to this one, aaannndddd "AAaaacchoo-" and Ryan was gone, the only thing left was a bit of the black purple smoke and his jacket falling to the floor.

Now Ryan wasn't anywhere to be found, just up and gone like that "Son of a bitch, I don't catch a break do I." Luckily the realm he was in was the same as the ghosts that walk around on the earth so the only one that could see him would be Lilith or someone with similar abilities. He walked over to Lilith who was laying her head on the sweater and ran his fingers through her hair wondering if she felt it or not.

@Queen of Fantasy
i listen to he teacher some but i also keep thing of what my brother told this stranger. i was thinking no more so i put my feet up on hen desk and stared to doze off.
Lilith saw Ryan... As a ghost! When he got closer and put his hands through her hair she stumbled and quickly shot up from her seat. She ran out of the class room, with beads of sweat forming on her brow. She had a shiver go down her spine, and she let out a shaky breath. She turned behind her to see if Ryan was still there. Of course he was. What happened to him? Did he know her secret now? There wasn't time for that. She ran for the two double doors of the school.

Ryan watched as she darted put of the room in an uproar of confusion, and while everyone was staring out the doors he quickly came back to this realm and grabbed his jacket "I'll go get her, continue your teaching, I'll get the homework later from you." He said to the teacher as he walked out of the room holding his jacket and her sweater in his arm.

He saw the double doors swinging back and fourth from her bolting out of them, so he followed. "Hey Lilith, you might need this." He said as he was looking around for her.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith swung around and saw Ryan after her, trying to give her jacket back. She gulped and walked toward him. She shakily grabbed the jacket from his hands.

"T-thank you..." She said, with a bit of confusion in her voice.

"How did you do that?" She questioned. "You were gone..."

Ryan looked at her confused and playing dumb "What are you talking about, all I did was mess with your hair, it looks good by the way." He tossed his jacket on and flipped the hood up "how did I do what, I never left the class."

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith shook her head and placed her right hand on her temples. "I'm sorry. I'm probably just tired..." She replied, knowing he probably wouldn't answer e question, truthfully.

She looked at the cloudy sky. The rain has died down, but it was still coming down, just like everyday. She looked at Ryan, who seemed to be looking at her like she was something special. She blushed since e silence was awkward.

"Thank you... About the hair, I mean."

Ryan let out a bit of a sigh as he turned back to the door and went to pull it open, but it was locked. "Oh come on, I don't catch a break do I." He turned around to look at Lilith "Would you mind turning around for a second." He said as he pulled out a couple lock picks out of his pocket." In all honesty he wasn't even going to use them, he knew how to it was just easier for him to pass through he door.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith turned around, and didn't look back. She walked away. Well, maybe she looked back once...

She headed for the beach where she gained her powers. She sat down in the wet sand and pulled down her shirt enough to see the tattoo that represented her powers. A skull with energy below. She sighed and stared at it in the water.

Ryan chuckled a bit as he quickly passed through the door and pushed it open and looked back to her, he grabbed the door stop and placed it at the foot of the door. He began walking to Lilith looking at the sand she was sitting in "You'll get dirty sitting there you know." He said as he crouched down next to her and looked at her "What are you thinking about."

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith sighed and shrugged. "Things." Was the one word that uttered from her mouth. She closed her eyes and decided to ask. She opened her eyes and looked at Ryan.

"Why Do you ignore those girls always wooing over you? I mean it must be nice to have attention. I've noticed you treat me different too..."

She finally said it. She wasn't sure what the response was going to be. She totally excepted him to turn on her. It wasn't the only time it's happened.

"Fair enough" Ryan plopped down on the ground next to her, even sitting down he still was taller than most people, after all he was 6'4" he looked over to her "Why have something that can be handed to you instead of working for it, it goes the same way with girls, if they just throw themselves at you, they aren't worth the time to pay attention to. You, I treat you differently because..... because....." He pulled the collar of his jacket up and the hood down just so that all she could see was his eyes "......because I like you...." His face went into a bright red blush even though she couldn't see it it was still hard to miss, his whole face was red.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilian's face said it all. She made a face that was very surprising, but her face instantly turned red. "You like... Me?" She asked pointing her index finger at herself. She tried playing it off, but only a fool would think it was true.

"At the darnest thing I've ever heard..." She said awkwardly chuckling it her self. She looked at Ryan and sighed. "I'm sorry, it's kind of a lot to take in..."

"Yea I know it sounds strange to be coming from the most popular guy in school but its true." Ryan prepared himself for the onslaught of rejections that was about to come his way. 'Prepare for the worst, she doesn't like you at all,' he was ready to vanish in the blink of an eye if she was about to say that.

@Queen of Fantasy

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