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Fandom Pokemon: Amethyst-Peridot

She leaned against the wall next to the entrance, looking to the ceiling with a whimsical smile. "I don't know, but I'd really like something that would be difficult to train, mysterious."
"Well, I just hope there are even Pokemon, maybe Oak forgot to leave us some, I've met him before, he may be a renowned scientist, but he's not the smartest in the bunch." He said, sticking his hands in his Coats pocket.
Then growing concern in her expression as he view shifted to the floor, "I don't know. He might be a bit forgetful, but he cares too much about us to forget this big day for all of us."
Yawning Edward sat up in his bed and reached around for his beeping alarm clock.Looking over as he clicked the snooze button he gasped seeing the time."Crap i'm late" he yelled quickly jumping out of bed and grabbing his hearing aids from his desk. throwing on his clothes and rushed down stairs and into the kitchen where his mom was cooking eggs.Grabbing his toast and putting the egg on it he grabbed his bag and ran out the door. sprinting as fast as he could he made it to the lab. as he entered the lab he wiped the last crumbs from his mouth before joining the others.

@Themoosemaster @EchoNightwish
Finally it looked like everyone had arrived when Edward showed up. Rowdy was eager. He practically shouted at Edward "You're finally here!" He wss nervous now too. Worried that they might no get pokemon or that maybe the pokemon had beem given to chidren who'd arrived on time.
"Eddie! Come 'ere and give me my daily hug!" She yelled happily as Edward stepped through the door, romping him up in a nice hug.
Erin pulled a pocket watch from his backpack and opened it. "Well, its almost time, but we're missing one more person." He said, trying to look professional using the Pocket watch. He closed the watch and stuck it in his pocket, letting the chain hang out. "Well, to pass the time, Anyone know what Pokemon they want?"
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(so me and nurse jacket are good friends?)

He smiled as Jacket hugged him."good morning Headphones" he said as he hugged her back. letting go he looked at the others and waved before going to rowdy and saying "sorry i was late i slept in" he apologized when he heard what erin said. flipping to face him he though about it for a second "i think i would like a lapras" he replied

@Themoosemaster @EchoNightwish @UniLad246
"Hmm, I don't really care what Pokemon I get, as long as it isn't a diglett.' Arin shudders saying the name. "I mean, what's underneath a diglett? No one seems to know."
Jacket, after hugging Edward figured she had hugged everyone that she could stand to, and so instead of joining the conversation, sat against the wall, turned on some music and put on her signature headphones.
"Eh, I guess you're right, what is under a diglett?" He said, looking up, "But anyways! I'm going for a Bulbasaur! Call me unoriginal, but its the Pokemon my dad had before he left to go be a Pokemon trainer." He smiled at them and turned his attention down the road to spot anyone coming.

(Ah, typos! I can't type today)
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"i would hate to get a zubat" Edward stated shivering at the thought of it "zubats give me the creeps" he said and looking at the door.seeing no one there he moved his hand up to the dial on his hearing aids and he lowered the volume making it so he couldn't hear anything.sighing he leaned against the wall enjoying the silence and began sleeping lightly.

@Themoosemaster @EchoNightwish @Lovespokemon500 @UniLad246
John seemed more interested in screwing aground with his phone thabn greetng evrybody else, only briefly looking at Edward "What's a cyborg doing here ? Did Oak want a SkyNet representitive ?".
JoJo slowly opened his eyes and looked over to his clock on his right. "Oh, looks like it's..." He started to say, until the realization struck him. "I'm late! I'm late! OH NO!" He yelled, pulling on a tank-top and jeans, putting on a scarf as well as some finger-less gloves. He ran out the door, not even bothering to eat breakfast. Running down the street, he spotted Oak's lab in the distance, and he saw everyone else there too. He finally got there a few minutes later. Panting, he spoke with a slight wheeze, in an accent that -- What would you call it in the Pokemon world? Well, it's comparable to a British accent, that's all I know. "I... *huf* I made it... *huf*" He said. He caught his breath and continued to speak. "Hey, everyone, sorry to keep ya' waiting. Are all of us getting our starter Pokemon now?"
Arin looks over to JoJo "Hey JoJo! We're still waiting for Oak to arrive. Hmm, he seems to be running late." Arin drops to the floor waiting for the professor to arrive.
"Ah, Oaks not coming Arin." He said, "He's in Unova, we're supposed to go in.." He grabbed his Pocket Watch from his coat and opened it, "Now." There was a loud gong sound and Professor oaks voice came out, "Enter." He walked over to Edward and simply slapped him across the face, "Get up sleepyhead! We're going in." He pushed the door open and began walking in, "Come on!"
Snoozing quietly when suddenly someone slapped him. "oww what was that for" he yelled as he twisted his volume dial up. He watched everyone start heading in and he got the gist entering as well.As he walked inside he gasped looking at all the strange things around him.
Opon the door opening John got onto his feet as quickly as possible and bolted for the door, knocking Erin and anybody else in his way aside "Me first losers.".
Erin stumbled and gave an annoyed face, he wiped off the area he touched like it was dirt, "Right, jerk..." He began walking down the hallway, seeing Jonathan up close ahead.
Edward hadn't notice john push erin a side because he had already got in and was walking forward not paying attention to what was behind him. moving forward he noticed a table that had a bunch of pokeballs on it.
JoJo saw John push a few people out of the way before demanding to go first, which really annoyed him. He walked up to Erin and asked "Hey man, you okay?"
Arin walks around the lab, checking whats in here. "This is one cool lab!" Arin says admiring all the unique things in here.
"Yea, I'm fine, Thanks for asking." He said to JoJo. The table with the Pokeballs came into view as they were walking, "Le Pokeballse!" He exclaimed. "Come on!" He ran to the table and looked at the Pokeballs, there were alot of them, more then the children.
"No problem, Erin!" He said, smiling. He entered the room as well, running to the table with Pokeballs. "Hey, is it true that they have all the known Pokemon here? Well, aside from the legendaries, right?" He said, curiously staring at all of them.
Reaching out he picked one of the pokeballs up and examined it. looking closely at the red part he could just see the faint outline of a pokemon but he couldn't tell what pokemon though. Picking up another he held the two together before suddenly noticing the little white spot in the middle looked a lot like a button. he was about to press it when Jojo was suddenly next to him startling him and making him drop both the pokeballs.

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