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Fandom PokeHigh

"Ah great. Leave it up to a snake to wrangle a moody Deerling..." Ivy grumbled, slinking into the dense treeline Bambi went through. He thought about going after Bambi with more Pokemon, but he decided not to waste precious time. After all it was easy to stumble over tree roots and fall, or end up with poison oak. So it wasn't ideal he let Bambi run off unaccounted for.
Bambi slowly stop running as she crying on the big tree, "I;m sorry....I'm sorry...." Bambi crying as she can't help it, she misses her mother so much. She try to stop crying until she hear a branches broke and she look in front of her. She see a pack of hungry-looking wild Mightyena.


"Hey Bambi...Hey. You can slow down anytime...." Ivy lazily mumbled, panting to a stop to rest on a tree stump. Suddenly a piercing shriek broke the still forest air and Ivy craned his neck to see Bambi a few yards away, along with an approaching group of Pokemon.

"Bambi! Get back!"
Bambi is look so scared as she can't move, she is frozen up.

The pack of Mightyenas circle around Bambi so she won't escape and it leader is ready to kill her.

"Hey idiots!" Ivy hissed, jumping in front of Bambi to block her off.

"Whatever the hell you think you're doing you better back off or there'll be hell to pay!" He tried to make himself look larger as possible. Puffing his chest, standing on his legs, and holding out his vines like long whips.

"Dare to hurt my friend!"
Ivy flinched as he felt the pain of the Leader's assault hit him hard, knocking him to the forest floor. Suddenly a blur of gray and red swooped right in front of Ivy and kicked the Mightyena to the ground. The figure rose to be Midnight, her claws splayed out like deadly knives.

"You idiots! Get back to the school and tend to Ivy! The fuckers made Ivy bleed..." She growled as she thrust her elbow into the ribcage of a lunging Mightyena. A few of them began to disperse. She threw a rock at one of them who were retreating and broke it's leg. While it limped away painfully she held up her fists in an attack stance towards the remaining few.

"Get some, you flea-ridden bastards!" She spat.
Bambi still froze until she seeIvy got hit and she wake up. "Ivy!!!" Bambi shouted as she cover her whole to protect him, knowing ithey are a goner until a Noivern appears and fight off some Mightyenas. Bambi know it Midnight as she have to get away," Ivy, get in my back, I'll carry you...." she put him on her back as she start run off.

"That's what's up!" Midnight yelled, chucking a stone at the last one running away. "Fuckers!" She sat down on a fallen log and ruffled her red hair in frustration and worry.

"Damn kids these days...I swear that snake will have a good knock to the noggin once he comes to."
Bambi keeping running toward the school with Ivy on her back. She see the school up ahead until...

Four Mightyenas blocked the way and growled at them. Bambi quickly run back but too late as one leader block it as Bambi and Ivy is already surrounded. "Somebody...help...." Bambi said it as it suddenly an Energy Ball moves hit the ground and an Pokémon up in the air and stand and protect Bambi and Ivy. "!!!!! Father!!!!" Bambi said in her surprised.

The Great Prince is here, he is looking big, tall, and his antlers are tall and big.

Ivy coughed, still conscience but hurt and weak.

"Bambi...I'm sorry I got hurt. I just wish I was a bit stronger." He smirked a little, but then he looks up to see a taller Pokemon stand over him and Bambi.

"That's your...?"


Midnight ran on the hot trail after Bambi and Ivy, afraid they might've gotten into trouble on the way back. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid Snake." She growled under her breath.
The Mightyenas growled at the Great Prince as the all started to attack him.

The Great Prince used Protect move, to protect himself, then he used Take Down moves in them,one by one, and then one of his strong move, Jump Kick on the leader and win the fight.

The Mightyenas quickly run away from them and the The Great Prince turn and look at Bambi and Ivy.

Aghi wanted the two leave then noticed the skitty running off "huh? Oh wait up" he ran after the cat Pokemon but was un able to catch up after running strait into a wall. The deino shook his head in pain "ohh I should have been paying attention" he grunts as he got back up. After a moment, deino pulled out his schedule in an attempt to read it. He couldn't really make out the printed text but the nice Pokemon at the office was kind enough to write the room numbers out bigger for him in pen. He quickly scanned through the paper looking for his second class before heading to the location.
Midnight was running like a machine. Her legs pumping like pistons and her lungs on fire. She'd never ran faster in her entire life. And if she ran it usually wasn't for Ivy, either. She broke through the treeline and ran towards the school. But something stopped her. Just across the field a conflict was going on. It seemed to be those Mightyena grunts again, but this time with...A Sawsbuck and that Deerling? She couldn't believe her eyes. This was unreal.
Pyka smiles "Great" He said as he sits down on her lap "So what are you doing up here Yui...just relaxing or getting your mind off of something?" He asked as he looks out to the distance
"Nothing really just wanted to see what you were doing that's all" He said as he smiles at her "Oh...do you mind letting me sit down on your lap Yui?"

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