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Susie quickly jumped as she felt a tap on her shoulder. Fairly instinctively she reached towards her side as she spun around and, noticed that it was Lily. Letting out a sigh of relief she glanced at her. The thought occurred to her that she may have saw a little much but that appeared to not be the case. Adjusting the collar of her dark grey, and bullet ridden trench-coat she gave a nod to Lily. "Check your lead. These mean streets are mine. I'm going to need to come back here, later. We'll rendezvous... back here. Not this exact alley, but one of the 'inns' or bars. We'll confirm the rendevouz point."

She quickly drew out a pink lolipop from the trench-coat and stuck it betwixt her teeth. After that she reclaimed Ferdie and held him again. "...You didn't do an inner detective monologue."
As Achim called for a sign from above, powerful floodlights illuminated both himself and his vampire companion.

"Wrong turn." Richter said, tossing his USP to the biker.

"We've entered the lair of the Rat King."

"SO YOU'VE RETURNED TO MY KINGDOM, VAMPIRE." a voice shouted. High above, on a balcony, a ratman with a fast food chain's cardboard crown looked upon them, dressed regally in the finest garbage bag robes, and a cape of alligator hide. The pair were surrounded quickly by dozens of rat-people armed with spears crafted from metal pipes, their spearheads made from rusted knives, sharp bits of metal, and used syringes.

The poet had received his muse! The very heavens shone down upon him. Okay, well it was just flood-lights in a sewer. He used his left hand to cover his eyes from the intense lights, before blinking and checking the terrain of him. Achim held out his right hand as he caught the USP the vampire associate handed him. He immediately went to check the safety of the device. "Rat King? You mean the Mouse King. It's the Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Well, certainly I have my muse."

The biker writer had inspiration for the stories and poems he would later write, and the fact he had a situation where he could actively engage in combat and not have to worry about repercussions. He listened to the Rat King's monologue for a moment, before deciding he'd rather not listen. He aimed upwards towards the Rat King's neck and let out a few shots.


"Those were the Warning Shots." Achim stated fairly casually. "What with your intentions and all, let's just cut to it yea? Unless you are now willing to just, y'know negotiate. If not, I suppose we'll just get back to what we were gonna do."
Lily raised an eyebrow at Susie. She was acting a little odd, and Lily wondered whether or not the Elf was really taking this seriously before she shook her head. She would not doubt her friends, especially in a time like this where terrible things could happen to Anya if they weren't quick.

"Alright, then. You continue patrolling the streets. I'll take apartment 217, and text you when I've cleared it and done some investigation. I'm pretty weak, so don't hesitate to come after me if you think something might be wrong. I'll be sure to keep you updated."

Then, without hesitation, Lily headed off to apartment 217. With any luck, Anya would be there, but Lily didn't really expect it to be that easy.
"Right. I'll be sure to go in er, guns blazing, if I feel something is wrong. ...If you er still have that Scroll, you'd probably want it for that. Anyway, yeah best of luck." Susie said with a nod as she headed off. She glanced at her unholy puppet as she pondered upon another summoning. But for now, was the task of inquiring various citizens about the Van with the Cleaning Raccoon logo.
Door 217 opened, and revealed a small, smelly apartment, not much larger than the hotel room. It opened into a main living area, with a small, dusty TV hooked up to a cable box. A small handful of unlabeled DVDs lay on the floor, mostly unscratched. A stained sofa sat along one wall, and a kitchen area lined the corner, covered in various chemical equipment. Off to the side was a bathroom, and a bedroom.

The bedroom itself was shut off and covered in padding and curtains, and the window was blocked out with paint. The bed was covered in various stains and tethers, and next to it was a camera stand, albeit with the camcorder missing. The entire apartment seemed to be devoid of people.

"PROTECT THE KING" the legion shouted, as a few rounds struck the king's shoulder. The Rat King hissed, and turned away, barking an order at his guards.

The legion closed in, lances at the ready. A group of three aimed their polearms at Achim, and lunged.


Before Susie's searching began, the final corpse bird flew towards her, tweeting frantically as it presented a greasy paper bag, its contents a mystery. Whatever it was, the bird was making rather a fuss, pressing it against Susie's chest.
Achim glanced at Richter. "Right well, you go on, doing what you want. I'd ask how many rounds ya got in this buuut..." He simply glanced at the group of three, as he clenched his left hand and reached towards his heavily tattooed and hardened chest.

"Oh you poor rats, born in your pack/

Is there any choice but to attack?/

Even if you have your bread, does the hunger still remain?/

No! These perfidious pipes can't contain./

The undying lies your King wishes to maintain/

Look to the Heavens!/

Freedom is calling!/

To all men to serve its will./"

The poet decried making sure his message was heard. The way of words, the use of language, of literature and the like, it would truly touch their spirits. Achim was sure of it.



Susie was going to investigate, but it was serendipity when her fifth pigeon arrived with, something. "Ah whatcha got for me Doll?" She said just as the bird pressed the bag up close to her chest. Immediately she flushed as she quickly dropped Ferdie and took the bag. "Uh l-let's see what's inside. S-should be a good lead." Whatever was in the bag would surely be an important lead. Surely she could let go of B20, well if he was still there, to take a look.
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The paper bag opened, revealing a handful of stale french fries. The bird tweeted with cheer, and plucked one out, forcing it quickly down its gullet.

It stared at Susie for a brief moment, then tweeted happily, and ate another.
B20 awoke. The last thing it remembered was... falling, and then everything went black. It awoke in the clutches of the thing that it had been sitting on the bed next to. The only thing that mattered... where was B20 now? Nothing looked familiar! In fact, it seemed that this thing had brought B20 to an even more sinister hellhole than the one it had been at before!

The terrible news of these recent developments did not scare B20. Fear was a luxury afforded to the weak. No, B20 felt nothing but anger. Indignance at how this clumsy, oafish thing could screw up so badly as to deliver itself and B20 to a pit of hell even deeper than it had ever thought possible! Enraged at such a mistake, B20 immediately forced itself to freedom from Susie's backpack.

Flying on wings of surprise, B20 managed to escape Susie's clutches surprisingly easily, and sprinted to the curb. Since trying to leave the hellhole the first time resulted in B20 being... teleported elsewere, doing the same thing again would surely have the same effect!

B20 once again neared the curb. Once again, its smooth wooden feet found no traction on the wet concrete. Once again, it was sent sliding uncontrollably off the curb. However, this time B20 didn't smack the concrete.

Instead, B20 had managed to slip on the one portion of the street attached to a drainage pipe! With a thick metallic *CLANG*, B20 rebounded off the pipe's grate and fell down into the sluice below.

Slipping and sliding and falling, B20 was plummeting deeper. Deeper, into the sewers! Who knew where it would go, and who knew where it would end up!

"I.... I can't do this anymore, guys." one of the three tossed down his spear.

"I can't serve the rat king anymore. There's a whole world out there, waiting for me to see it. I'm sorry, but I just.... I can't be stuck here my whole life!" he shouted, and turned, going into a tunnel.

Before leaving, he turned back, and said, "It was an honor serving with you."

"Cursed human. How DARE that corpse bring a human into our realm? I'll have his head on a-" before the Rat King could finish his sentence, a small wooden humanoid landed on his head with a clunk, out of one of the many sewer pipes leading overhead.

"....And what, pray tell, are you? Some child's plaything, discarded? I'm not surprised; considering the wastefulness of the surface dwellers." he said, picking it up by the leg.


".....Did Chittita just leave?" one of the remaining two rat spearmen asked the other.

"I.... uh, ah GET HIM!"

Susie just stared incredulously at the contents of the bag. In this confusion about the lack of leads, she didn't realize that B20 escaped from her backpack. Peering closely at her pigeon she smiled as she spoke. "Listen carefully my little deary. There is a white van with the name 'Pierre' on it, and a Racoon with a Mop on it. On the license, it has N4 and a S about five spots in. Help me find it, and I shall get you a fresher order of fries." Susie said smiling as she cooed at the rotting pigeon and began scratching at it.


"Fly with haste my darling." Susie said as she blew a small kiss to the bird.


Achim glanced at the two rat spearmen and smiled. "Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears for but a moment more. Listen and believe, he knows of what I speak. And I shall make sure the two of you fine gentlemen realize it as well." He coughed as he glanced back at the gun. He didn't need it right now, but always good to keep a hold on it.

"There once was a Ruler most 'bold'./

In a rotting den of feces, waste and other things most moldy and cold./

He thought he knew what was best./

But to his subjects he never addressed.../

...All the relatives of yours he sold."


Though of course he wasn't sure on this. He had no proof and did not know the Mouse King. But he felt that they would listen and believe.
B20 was dazed, confused, wet, and immensely pleased that its previous hypothesis turned out to be wholly correct. Leaping down from the curb had teleported it elsewhere! Of course, this elsewhere was on a mound of hair and sinew only slightly better than the shag carpeting it had known before, but B20 would get to being disgusted later. Right now, it would have to get down from here.

It was odd that a carpet would be this high up. The general shape of it was equally odd. Who ever thought of carpeting a room in the shape of a big sack of giblets? Nevertheless, B20 needed to reach the actual floor before it could find a way out of this hellish nightmare. And so, B20 began climbing down from the Rat King. Clutching matted hair between its wrists, B20 began the arduous task of descending from Mount Vermin.

"I.... Larry? THAT WAS WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY!" one of the rats screamed.

"Dude, what? Chill out, Larry was a food thief! HE WAS BANISHED FOR STEALING!"

"YOU BASTARD! I'LL EAT YOUR GUTS OUT WHILE YOU SCREAM." he shouted, leaping on top of the rat. His fists pounded his snout, and the rat on the bottom yelled, until he gripped a shiv off his belt and stabbed it, over and over, into the top one's side. He fell limp, and was rolled off.

"Oh, God... Oh sweet Christ..." the rat trembled, picking up his spear. Weakly, he gave one final lunge at Achim.


B20 successfully scaled the rat king, soon making its way to the hem of his cape.

"Well, what a marvelous contraption." the king mused, squatting down to look at it.

As the fry bird flew off, the first two from the earlier search came forth , and tugged at Susie's coat. One tugged to the left, and the other to the right, both chirping frantically.
Lily, having seen Pulp Fiction perhaps too many times (or not enough depending on who you ask), decided to make sure that the place was vacated before going further. Obviously, the first place to investigate was the closed bathroom. Carefully, she pulled open the door. She hoped for a lack of people with guns.
The bathroom was empty of people, revealing a toilet and tub stained with disuse. Several bags of trash occupied the corners. The bath tub, however, was filled with other issues of the magazine Lily traced the apartment to.
Achim simply gave a nod to the rat who lost someone. "I wish you the best of luck in finding Larry." Achim slowly walked towards the last rat who tried to desperately stab at him. It was a pathetic and laughable attempt, and he was sorta tempted to just pistol-whip him. But that was not what he would do. He moved past the spear to give the Rat a hug, embracing him in a bond of friendship and hope.

"Wash away anger/

See the kindness in the blue/

Friendship will shine true."



Susie smiled at the bird as it made its ascent. Then the two others began tugging at her coat. She glanced to the one on the left as she spoke, "Yes? What is it? Something you have to show me?"
"Huh," Lily muttered to herself, "That guy must really like this magazine. And dislike bathing."

But she had more investigation to do before leafing through naughty French magazines. Lily vacated the bathroom and began investigating the bedroom more closely. She was fairly certain that she had an idea of what went on in there, but perhaps a closer inspection would yield more clues.
"No.... With him leaving... and the other dead by my own hands... I don't deserve friends anymore." the rat replied, pushing the biker away.

Gritting his teeth, he plunged the butt of his spear into a pile of garbage, and dived on top of it, plunging the scrap blade into his chest. With a twitch, he fell limp.

".... Yeah, rat men aren't very smart." Richter called.


the bird tugged Susie, and guided the elf around several corners, eventually leading her to a white windowless van. The license plate read N4PP5T4, and a raccoon mopper was imprinted on the side, with the words "Pierre's Superior Clean.

All the doors were closed.
Achim watched as the rat pushed him away. He reached out with his left arm, "No! You just need to find a way to-" he spoke before quickly seeing the rat impaled himself on a pile of garbage. "I coulda, I could've helped ya." He said with a slight sniffle. Achim willed the watery eye away by lots of blinking.

He glanced at Richter as he called out, "Guess so, buncha freaky mutant bastards. Uuuuh any others in Mouse King's domain?" He said as he held out the gun and waved it. "Yo want your gun back?"


Susie quickly followed as she smiled at the sight. She fished out her cell-phone as she snapped a picture of the logo on the side of the van, and the license plate number.

Quickly she texted Lily and sent the two photos. 'Look Familiar?' After she finished it she returned her phone back, as she smiled at the bird.

"Awww~ Such a good little dearie."
She cooed at the pigeon, smiling happily.

"...They actually found a lead? I don't believe it." Said Ferdie with a bit of shock. Susie paused for a moment, "Well, er, Lily did say S was the other letter. No S here, buuut, it's a definite lead. We are on the right trail." Ferdie spoke up, "Mistakes happen. Well... We probably should stake out the area. They are obviously here."
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The bedroom yielded little besides musky stains and the odd pair of shackles. Under the bed, however, was a series of about half a dozen pictures. Each depicted a unique warehouse - no title, but on the back were penned several notes about soundproofing, size, and windows.
Lily's eyes lit up when she received a text from Susie. Very quickly, she snapped pictures of all the warehouses and texted Susie back.

That looks like it. Maybe I mistook the 5 for an S? It was definitely that company. Are there any buildings like these around?

And Lily attached a picture of each of the warehouses. Maybe they'd taken Anya to one of them, and it seemed that the quickest way to find the location would be to look for the one with that van in the front.
Susie retrieved her phone again, as it indicated a message. She glanced at the pictures of the warehouses and began comparing the scenery around the area where the van was located.

Can't blame ya. Just wanted to confirm. Going to remain in the area. Will confirm on building in a moment.

For now, Susie needed to investigate the area and confirm whether or not it matched anything Lily had received. The Unholy puppet tugged at the trenchcoat, "If this is the lead that breaks the case open, we are still gonna, uh... take time to solve it right?"


Achim blinked at the scenery as he raised up both of his hands to the air. "WHO IS NEXT!? What else does this Kingdom hold?! ANYTHING ELSE!?" The biker eagerly declared. "WHO KNOWS OF WHAT HAS DRIVEN THIS FEUD!?" He howled out as he extended his hand towards his vampire associate.

"There is still time for peace and negotiations! Do not let it slip between your grasp!"

B20 continued climbing, its metal joints finding little purchase in the Rat King's cape. B20 didn't notice the Rat King's awed musings, as its focus was currently on somehow managing to climb while possessing absolutely nothing in the form of small motor skills. Through immense effort, B20 could come to a halt on the King's luxurious cape, but it was fairly clear that nothing could stop B20 from sliding down it. And so, B20 gave up and began a glorious slide down the cape and to the floor.
A thought occurred to Susie. She completely forgot about that lovely lady! She had to investigate that. Susie quickly glanced at her birds, "If anything happens to this van, get me immediately. Scout the building, if you find the blonde man with the rat-tail, fetch me. If you find little Anya, again fetch me." After giving her commands to the birds to investigate and secure the area, she quickly headed back to where she said she'd meet Petit Fleur. She typed out another message and sent it to Lily.

Working on securing the area.

That lead had to be investigated. She already gave her Euros for it! Couldn't let that go to waste, especially when she had her own critters to keep their eye on the place. Multiple eyes spread out was the best way to go about this.

Surely nothing would go wrong in the investigation.

<I was wondering where you went off to, love. Was your green friend too nervous to join in?> Fleur greeted the elf upon her return.

<A shame. I was willing to give a two for one discount.> she said, pressing her chest forward as she stretched.

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