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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Lightning flashed and thunder crashed. Kuro's eyes grew wide awake as he storm continued it's roar. "Uuuuggghhh....frikin' nature." He looked outside and remembered the Midnight Channel, thanks to the weather. "May as well try it." He walked downstairs, and to his TV. He stared at it for a good time, when suddenly, an image of a girl showed up. "Oooohhh...!" He felt a pulse in his head as he kept thinking about taping that. For that same reason, he reached for the TV when the image disappeared. "...shit..."
Rey tried to get some sleep, seriously, the flight was hell with all the delays. He was feeling Jetlag and couldn't sleep. He decided to watch some tv so he turned it on. At midnight the tv showed an image of a girl. Curiously he tried to touch it but his hand hit the screen. "...Creepy..." he decided and turned it off before going to sleep.
Cyrus had made his way up to his T.V. when the time hit 11:57 , "I wonder how this will end up?" He stared at the screen while the time moved forward 11:58, 11:59, 12:00 The screen was off but then static seemed to turn into an girl, "What in the name?" Cyrus felt like he could touch the girl, He reached his hand to the T.V. but it was still just a screen.
Akira ends up in a heap on the floor, trying to make sense of what had transpired just now. He looks at the blank TV and touches it again, only feeling the screen. "W-Who was that...?" he muttered to himself, sprawling out on the carpet.
Dan was shocked and he laid back down into his bed and started thinking to himself. Who was that girl? And why was i able to put my hand inside the t.v? Dan started thinking about it a lot. And later he just dozed off and waited for the next day to start to tell his new friends.
After finishing her shopping and thankfully avoiding the other students, Grace returned home. After putting up the groceries and going up to her room, she remembered Dan's suggestion of watching the Midnight Channel. She studied while she waited for it to be time, but it was a vain attempt since her curiosity was distracting her. Finally, right at midnight, she turned on her TV. She nearly jumped back in surprise when she noticed a person on the screen. The figure was fuzzy and she couldn't make out any distinguishing features, but it was definitely a girl.

After a few minutes she turned the TV off, unsure of what to think. Maybe Dan had seen it too? Either way it would have to wait until morning, although she knew it would be difficult to get to sleep with it in on her mind.
Trying to understand what just happened Yukaze stared at the TV screen. "What was that,Who was that, I wonder if anyone else saw anything" these questions filled his mind. Trying one more time he reached out and touched the screen but only feeling the glass. He decided to go to bed for now maybe someone would understand better then him.
Akira eventually headed to bed, pulling the covers over his head and doing his best to sleep. "H-How did that happen...?" he questioned. "Why? M-Maybe that new club'll know..."
Adara sighed in relief when the girl waved back and mumbled a hi. Looking around to make sure there was nobody else around, she ran over to the girl and tugged at her arm. "H-hi..." she forced the words to escape her mouth. She didn't like talking to strangers, honestly asides from school - Adara never left her home. It was a shocking revelation that she even left her house today- out of pure emotional confusion. Tinsel began to bark madly at the girl and Adara snapped her head down and yelled at the dog to keep quiet. Embarrassed, Adara focused her attention on strands of hair in her face and looked around at anything but the girl.

"I-I'm sorry to come up like this...but...do you have a phone I could use or something..." she mumbled. "I'm kinda ... lost."

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Raika looked at a girl and the dog and became slightly scared. When the girl suddenly grabbed her she tried to attack her out of instinct. She calmed herself down and smiled at the girl "yes you can use my phone" she took out her phone and handed it to the girl. She looked at her dog "...um..can I pet your dog?..."


Adara smiled when given the phone...glad she was friendly. When she asked if she could pet her dog, she nodded shyly. "Yes. Don't worry if Tinsel barks at you...she's all bark but no bite." She giggled. "She's a little pansy."

Adara then focused her attention on the phone, slightly wincing when the bright screen was turned on. Adara just stood there silently... her eyes going back and forth between the screen and the girl. It wasn't that she didn't know her mother's number or anything but...it was the fact that even now, she wasn't ready to go home. She would have to do something soon but...for now Adara took an anxious pleasure in stalling.

Rita bent and slowly put her hand on Tinsel's head and began petting het. She smiled when the didn't bite her. She patiently wait for the girl to call whoever and give her phone back to her


I'm such an idiot for doing this... Adara mumbled to herself before gently closing the phone and handing it to the girl. I just wasted this girl's time too...

"Th-thank you so much!" she said, looking down at her dog rather than the girl. "I'm sorry for keeping you up like this...I know it's late and you have places you probably need to be."

"Don't worry about it....it's not like matters..." raika said with a sigh as she took her phone.


Adara was surprised at the girl's comment and knelt down beside her and the dog, making sure to keep a comfortable distance. This was a bad habit of Adara. She was for the most part an introvert and shy but when it came to other's emotions- even if she didn't know them she always wanted to help and give off the best advice and support she can. But she was still honest and could be blunt if she needed to. It's one of the reasons why Adara has that small dream of being a counselling psychologist when she becomes an adult. However even that dream right now feels crushed. "Things are bugging you. Would you like to tell a stranger about it?" She smiled and looked down at her dog, cheeks slightly red. "I mean...if you tell a stranger what's bugging you, it's better than a person you know in your every day life that'll know the secrets of yours and may even try to use it against you as gossip or something. A stranger on the other hand doesn't know you, couldn't benefit from your secrets and you'll probably never even see them again so..yeah." she adds that in her defense, but already feeling a bit dumb and nosy...which the nosy part was certainly true.

Rita was surprised and thought for a minute. About her problems in her life currently. She looked at the girl and said "it's nothing really, just some basic stuff...my parents are almost never home, because of work...but that's something I am use to...and I just moved here and have trouble making friends....but today I made a friend and that makes me happy..." she paused for a minute "....so yeah...basic stuff...."


Adara shook her head, smiling slightly. "It's ok...it doesn't matter how basic things are...stuff can still wound us." she slightly patted the girls hand before removing it. "I don't even want to go home myself...because my parents are always there." she giggled slightly though it was bitter. "Funny how things work right? Or maybe I'm just selfish."

"Yeah it is..." she looked a little sad. "...I don't remember the last time we ate together as a family..." she sighed sadly. "She looked at the girl "your welcome to stay at my house if you want to...we have a guest room you csn you..." she offered.

Adara stared dumbfound at the girl. I don't know her though...wouldn't that be dangerous. What the hell Adara THAT'S dangerous!? You was planning on spending the night outside!

With a grin on her face, Adara picked up Tinsel and jumped up. "Yes lets! We'll have a sleepover! Oh oh and we ...if you want... can cook a dinner together and eat together! Would you like that?"

Rita's face lit up " thank you" she said with a smiled and started to lead the girl to her empty house. She looked at the time '20 minutes before midnight.....wow...it's really late.. '

Adara set Tinsel down and the dog ran off through the house. "Tinsel!" she sighed softly and looked around the house, making sure to stay close to the girl. "Right um..." she spun around, offering the girl a hand. "I'm Adara Haus. Age 15, sophomore and kinda a recluse.." she laughed awkwardly. "you?"
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Raika took of her shoes and entered her house. It's was big and empty, like she felt most of the time when she came home. She then smiled at adara as she introduced herself "i am Raika Sakurai, age 15, freshmen and was the ace in my martial arts club in my old school. She place the groceries down in the kitchen table. She then some static in the living room. '....that's weird...I am sure I turned of the tv when I left this morning....' she went into the living and saw the blurry picture of a girl that she couldn't make out. After a few seconds the image disappeared '.....what was that?' She thought.

Adara was a little late on following her and by that time had already missed whatever Raika had just seen. "What's wrong?" She asked staring at the screen and then over at Raika.
Raika looked at adara ".....The tv turned on...on its own....and showed me a blurry picture of a girl..." she thought for a minute "....maybe I am just tired...." she said to herself "....so what would like for dinner?"

Adara was intrigued by that fact. Maybe Raika was just crazy but being the understanding person she was, she always believed people if they believed it themselves. She would respect any weirdness anybody had to offer as long as they weren't intentionally trying to BS her. One of her 'psychological' qualities.

As Raika changed the subject, Adara smiled and looked behind her. "Is that the kitchen over there? Lets go see what you have and we'll work on something together." She was a little antsy on this part as she was more confident on being able to burn water than make a meal but for Raika's sake she left out that part.

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