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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Thank you~!" Adara plopped down on the bed and Tinsel jumped out of her arms and curled up on the bed. Adara giggled and waved slightly at Raika. "Night Raika~"
Raika smiled "good night adara" she closed the door and went no her bedroom. She mashed up and wore her pajamas and layed down on her bed. She smiled, she was very happy that she made two friends in one day. She got under the covers and fell asleep, with a smile on her face.

Dan woke up the next morning and got ready for school. Oh boy i can't wait too tell everybody what i saw. Dan got dressed and went downstairs too get his breakfast from his butler. "Thanks buddy!" Dan said as he grabbed his toast and ran out the door with his backpack.
Raika woke a few hours earlier than usual. She got up and yawned. She got out of bed and got ready for school. She went downstairs and started making a bentonite for herself and adara.

Adara stayed cozy in her...well ...Raika's guest bed. Tinsel snuggled up beneath the covers. Adara wasn't one that like to wake up early.
It took raika about an hour and 30 minutes to make the bento for adara and herself. A after finishing she smiled and yawned a little. She went to adara ' s room and knocked.


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Slashing down with his wooden kendo sword Yukaze looked at the time. "Looks like it's time to get ready for school" he said as sweat rolled down his neck. Yukaze always woke up a couple hours before school began so he could get some exercise in. Putting down his sword he went and changed into his school uniform.

Walking down the stairs he saw kotori had food prerpared for him and her. Sitting down to eat he shoveled the food down and thanked her for the meal.The food was delicious it made him remeber when there mom use to cook for them, the thought made him alittle sad."what's wrong yuki" she said using her little nickname she gave him , "oh nothing" he said smiling.Yukaze waited for her to finish then they both grabbed there things and walked out towards there schools. He waved bye when she walked off to hers and told her to be careful he watched her go still a little worried.

"Alright now time to go to my school don't wanna be late" he walked towards his thoughts about last night still on his mind.
Adara squirmed in her sleep, not liking the sound of the knocking door. "5 more minutes..." she mumbled sleepily until Tinsel began to bark at the knock. Adara slowly sat up groggy and petted the small dog to calm her. "Chill out...you're annoying..." she mumbled.

Looking around she almost panicked but finally remembered about staying with Raiki. Oh yeah...damn, what did I just do? I'm no rebel child. Well I don't know all that stuff I've been doing lately. No...it was never as bad as this though. With a heavy sigh Adara lied back down on her bed, her stomach in knots and her anxiety about to start up.
Kuro stretched and walked downstairs. "Uuuggghhh...hate waking up." He muttered as he put on his uniform. Nothing to eventful happened on the way to school, until he saw Yukaze, who Kuro ran up to. He called out, "Yukaze." He slowed his pace as he slowly caught up to Yukaze. Kuro didn't give expression. His face was as bland as usual. "You saw it right? The midnight channel?"
Raika heard the bark " um...adara...shouldn't you be getting ready for school? ...I made the bento for lunch...If you don't hurry...your going to be late..." she said shyly.

Still in thought he was suprised when he suddenly heard his name. He looked over to see Kuro, about to say hi he was surprised when the midnight channel was suddenly mentioned.

"Yes I saw it but it wasn't clear it was all fuzzy but I could make out that it was a girl" he said recalling everything that happened. Looking at Kuro he asked to make sure he wasn't crazy for seeing it he asked "what did you end up seeing".
Grace woke up at the sound of her alarm clock. She groggily reached over to it, pushed the button to silence it, and reluctantly got out of bed. After a quick shower and quiet breakfast, she left for school. As she walked she kept her eyes on the ground, still thinking about what she had seen on the midnight channel
Dan kept on walking to school by himself and he then saw Grace walking and decided too go talk to her. "Hey Grace did ya see the midnight channel?" Dan shouted in a form of a question.
"School...right." Adara picked herself back up and slowly got out of the bed. She turned on the lamp beside the bed and rubbed her eyes. "I'm coming..." she said just loud enough for Raiki to hear. Then she sat back down on the bed, thinking. She should be wondering what is she going to do for her uniform but instead she just worried about how much she probably just screwed up even more.
"Okie..." raika said to her. She went and made breakfast. She doesn't have much of an appetite in the morning. So for herself she just made eggs and tasted some bread. For adara, she cooked eggs and bacon and toasted some eggs. She place the food on the table and waited for her to out.

Grace nearly jumped as Dan's loud voice startled her out of her thoughts. "Y-Yes, I did." She hesitated before asking, "Did you happen to see a...person? A girl?"
Rey woke up and got prepared for school. He climbed out of bed, showered, ate and walked off. On the way he could see several people walking by. He remembered last night's event. "Just who was that girl?"
Adara finally got up, found the bathroom and then made her way towards the kitchen where she saw Raika. "Good morning~" she said, wearing her typical happy-go-lucky smile. "Sorry I'm not much of a morning person..I'm slow." she giggled, sitting down to eat her breakfast. "It looks great! Thank you!"
Raika smiled and also began to eat "your welcome" she was able to finish her food quickly it wasn't much. She got up and place adara bento next to her she put her bento in her bag.


Dan looked at Grace with a serious face and nodded. "But something weird happened. My hand went inside the t.v screen. I find that the weirdest part of what happened." Dan's face quickly changed back to a smile. "I'm going to join the investigation club too figure out more about this midnight channel. How about you?"
Adara finished eating and packed her bento. "Hey do you have an extra uniform I could borrow?" she asked a little shyly, looking over Raika. "I think we could fit into the same uniform so...sorry, I'll only just be borrowing it."
Cyrus was awake and reading his book while getting dressed, "Well today i'm going to the investigation club so i can converse with them about the midnight channel phenomenon. he finished putting on his shirt and walked to School.
Raika laughed a little "sure" she went into her room and grabbed her extra uniform and handed it to adara. "i don't mean to rush you but....you should hurry up...we need to leave I about 5 minutes..." she carefully not wanting to get her mad of anything.


Grace blinked in surprise. His hand...went throught the TV screen? What? Surely that wasn't possible, but according to him it was. She had to admit she was rather curious. "Yeah, I think I'll check the club out."
Rey froze in front of the school feeling a bit nervous. How was he going to do this? Was he going to act like he usually does or actually be himself? "Ah God, this is too much." he sighed.

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