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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"...Freaky..." Rey commented. "This sounds interesting and all but may I ask what exactly I saw, I got here yesterday and had a bit of jetlag, watched some tv to pass the time and saw the girl. Why did he watch?"
Raika smiled at adara "thank you..." when they got there she said "morning yakuze" she said with a smiled. She nervously looked at dan nervously "um...hi..." she said awkwardly to dan.

When Raika and her friend walked up to him and Dan, Yukaze gave a happy smile. "How's it going Raika" happy to see her again.then looking over to her friend he held out his hand "Hello I'm Yukaze Harukami it's nice to meet a friend of Raika". He said trying to be as nice as possible not wanting to be rude.
Adara looked away and gave Yukaze an awkward handshake. He's just trying to get me on his good side...I bet I look easy to him. I bet I look easy to all these stupid guys. It's because I'm small with a stupid little baby face. So they think 'oh look how nice and vulnerable she looks.' Tch, try something I dare you. Adara took her hand back and stuffed it in a pocket avoiding anybody's gaze, cursing herself for her red face.
Adara nodded over at Raika, her bubbly happy-go-lucky voice and smile played on her face. "Yeah~! Sorry I'm just a little shy myself~!" she giggled slightly.
No one seemed to notice her presence there, but Grace didn't mindtoo much; she was used to it. Grace pulled out her phone to check out the time. They really didn't have much time before school started, and she didn't want to be late. Although she was reluctant to but in on the conversation, she decided that the others deserved to know as well. "Um...I'm sorry for interrupting, but school is going to start soon..."
As he retracted his hand he had a small feeling that Raika's friend didn't like him for some reason. He wondered if he might have said something or had done something wrong suddenly he felt a little awkward.

Trying to act normal he continued to talk looking at both of them "So what are you guys up too", then he cursed himself realizing that he just asked a stupidly obvious question they were heading to school.

He heard the girl next to Dan Yukaze feeling bad for forgetting to get her name speak up and realized she was right. "She's right sorry about that let's get going you guys", he said feeling bad they might be late because of him. Also wishing he coulda talk to Dan more about the Midnight channel.
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Adara nodded towards the quiet girl in the group and began to walk rather fast- acting like it was because she didn't want to be late. In reality she just wanted to get the hell away from all these people.
Akira gets up to go to the vending machine and accidentally runs into Adara, still half-asleep and falling on his butt. "S-Sorry..." he mumbles, standing up and rubbing the back of his head.
Before they go they go to there different classes, Yukaze leaned down and whispered curiously into Raika's ear. "Just wondering but does your friend not like me", he said still feeling like he did something wrong. He felt like Raika might know.
Cyrus had been in the background the entire time listening because Dan had become unresponsive, he shook his head and walked in front of everyone else trying to make as little contact but before he got to far he turned to the Blonde hair girl(Raviel), "I heard that, and I find it extremely rude for someone to make that kind of accusation when there are all different kinds of people." he turned back and continued to walk.

( Have to go to Church and play Orchestra i'll be back in like 2 hours.)
Dan remembered something and snapped out of his quietness. Crap forgot my lunch. "Well i'll catch up too you guys later i forgot something at home! See ya!" Dan went running off back home.
Raika suddenly turned stiff when yakuze whispered in her ear. She shook her head "i don't know...."she whispered to dan.

Adara's face turned bright red when she heard his comment and before she could reply he had already walked on. Baffled, she sped up. "That may be true but females are made of the same parts and the same with males so they all have a bit of the same kind of bad blood in each one of them!" she stomped her right foot as she walked. "Forever, you can read it in the textbooks, males have ruled the majority. They even have tougher builds. They're so egocentric...each and every one of them...they're bound to slip one of these days...it being laying a hand on somebody, or taking the advantage of another, or just trying to feel superior towards our weak kind! I've yet to meet one that hasn't." she looks away from the guy before she enters 'total rant mode.' "I'm not just dissing males though...females can be just as bad...just with other things." she bit her lip slightly, trying to pull away from some thoughts.
Raika was really worried "adara....you didn't have to come with me....I could have talked to yakuze when we were at school...."

Adara shook her head, her cheeks in puff, looking childish. "nuh-uh. I'm fine." she stayed close to the tanned guy she just had a small sexist rant towards, waiting to see if he had any input...even though she had a feeling she just put her foot in her mouth.
Relieved that she had been heard, Grace started heading down the street toward the school building. There were certainly a lot more people involved than she had expected. Normally she would have preferred to stay away from students who were practically strangers, but she liked to think that she was a part of this too. The investigation club meeting was sure to be interesting, but unfortunately she knew she would have to wait through many boring classes until afteroon came. It was going to be hard to focus with all this on her mind.
Yukaze kept walking even more confused when Raika walked away towards her friend scratching his head. 'I guess I'll just try and be nicer to her when I see her' he said. Feeling kinda like he wasn't really needed here Yukaze decided to try and slip away from the group. He felt bad about leaving everybody especially Raika but he figured she'd probably rather hang out with her friend over him anyway.

He decided to go the way that the girl Dan was talking to's way thinking it might be faster.
She saw yakuze leave and saw adara mad. She was upset and thought she did something wrong. "Well ....I should get going...." she told adara and ran to her class before the bell rang. She sat in the same seat she sitting in and waited for class to start.

Dan got home and got his lunch and got a ride from his butler. He got in his limousine and drove off to school. "Hopefully no one's mad at me." As soon as Dan arrived school started.

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Trying to keep his distance from the girl so it didn't seem like he was following her he entered the school and headed to his class. He sat at his desk and still felt bad for leaving everyone hoping Raika wouldn't be mad. Staring outside he really wanted this day to move fast.
Raika sighed, she was upset and was thinking that yakuze left because adara did something to him and adara is mad because she made her go over to him.

"Something called the midnight channel. Stare into a turned off TV on a rainy midnight." Kuro turned to the window and noticed how fog was starting to settle in. It was unusually thick. "Damn..." Has fog been that thick at ANY time? This is just illogical.

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