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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika smiled "sure" she then heard a scream. She put her lunch box and ran. Out the room toward the scream. She found a girl starring at something in the air. "What's wrong?!" The girl pointed to what she was looking. Raika looked and her eyes widened. She immediately called 911 and told them to get here and said she found a dead body.

Adara heard a scream and dashed through the fog only to see... "AHHHH!!!!" She screamed herself, but she couldn't pull away from the sight of the dead girl in the wires. "Th-this is some sick jokes. What kind of sick fucking joke is this!?" her teeth began to chatter and her body shook uncontrollably. She was having an anxiety attack.
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Yukaze ran towards Raika and looked up to his horror to see a body hanging there. A girl hung from the wires clearly dead. He couldn't tell who the girl was at all but something seemed familiar about her, "how could this have happened" he said out loud mortified.
Grace followed Kuro over to the window and gasped, covering her mouth. Of course she had heard about the murders, but she had never seen an actual dead body before. "That's horrible..." she whispered.
Raika was starring at the body and was trying to figure out how it got up there. ' from here I don't see any stab or strangulation wounds...' she just couldn't it out.

Kuro turned behind him to see Yukaze with some girl. "Oh hey. Yukaze." Kuro walked up to him. "So...you think it's HER? From the Midnight Channel?"
Cyrus looked out the window and nodded, "She seems to have a resemblance to the girl from the midnight channel." He pondered for a moment, "I think i know some one who can help us with this i'm going to the library." Cyrus turned his head and walked out of the class.
Raika saw the boy that came up to her yukaze. Her demeanor change back the shy girl that is awkward around boys. She hide behind yukaze and the boy approached them.

Adara tried to calm herself down but she couldn't. She was just joking and now here was somebody's body..no..more than dead just...you couldn't even tell what she used to look like. She dashed over to a nearby trashcan and began to vomit. weak weak weak I'm so weak!!! she screamed in her mind.
Dan stood there and sighed. He thought of how bad the situation was. He looked at Kuro and Yukaze and asked them a question. "Are you guys free today?"

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Yukaze noticed Raika hiding behind his back when Kuro came, patting her head like he would his sister when she was afraid he said "it's alright this is Kuro" Taking a second to calm himself before he answered kuro's question. " I wanted to believe that that rumor was a myth, but seeing it with my own eyes it must be" he thought not able to understand how Kuro could be so calm. He suddenly felt worried about his sister going home alone.
Raika whispered "i am not scared of kuro....I am just awkward around boys that I don't know...I have a bad childhood experience with them..."

"Well you can stick with me for now I won't leave you behind " he whispered back. Noticing Dan he nodded to his question. "Yes I am" he said trying to be as composed as possible. He stares back up at the body one more time then regretted doing it.
Kuro looked down and waved at the shy character. She was strangely adorable. Cute. Like a little sister of sorts. Being given the impression that she didn't want to converse with Kuro, he turned to Dan, who just asked his availability. Unfortunately, martial arts class is today, so that would be a no. "I have a martial arts class to teach, so no. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He walked off. Although...Kuro turned back. "You can come watch if you'd like." Kuro jogged off, not saying another word. At the dojo, Kuro took off his uniform, and changed into his T-shirt and sweats.
Looking at Raika then at Dan Yukaze tried to think of what to do. In a way he wished he could just forget all that happened today but sadly he couldn't. Finally Yukaze faced Dan " I'm sorry about this I promise I'll be free tomorrow", in a way he was just using this chance to escape reality just for a little while. "Alright Raika let's go watch Kuro" he put on a fake smile.
Cyrus made his way to thee library looking for the blonde hair girl. "She should be around here somewhere." Cyrus continued to look around, "If anyone has proper intelligence on this midnight conundrum it must be her."
Grace bit her lip, unsure what to do. She had nothing to do after school. The shock of seeing the corpse was still coursing through her, but she tried to block it out as she waited to see what the others were going to do.
Dan looked at Grace who looked unsure of what too do. "Grace do you want to come over after school today." It was weird for Dan to ask a girl but he needed someone to talk too.

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"Yes he said "let's get going " Yukaze turned making sure he didn't see the dead body again. 'Besides the way I am right now I'm not gonna be able to help anyone' he thought bitterly 'I'm pathetic'. He continued to walk forward his head down angry with himself.
After throwing up, Adara wiped her eyes from her strained tears and tried to take deep breaths to keep herself from shaking. "I sh-sh-should do something..." she scrambled back up to her feet and made herself back into the library. "Th-this is awful..." she wiped her eyes again. "I-I can't throw up again...n-n-not from the memory, or the anxiety...o-or anything..." she bumped into somebody. "S-sorry!" she looked up to the person she bumped into and stopped dead to realize the guy who commented about her sexist remark earlier this morning. However she had no desire to say anything mean or sexist towards him...it would be a miracle to stop shaking or manage to keep her breakfast.
Kuro walked around as students gradually walked in the building. Kuro's voice was calm and collected. "Line up." The students did so. They did a series of warm-ups: jumping jacks, lunges, squats, toe-touches, and arm circles. "Pick a partner, but a reasonable one. Let it be even." He looked around and checked if the partners were fair. After some adjustments, the game was on. Kuro realized that HE din't have anyone to use for demonstration, as usual. "I need a volunteer from the audience for this magic trick."
Grace looked up at Dan, considering her options, and nodded. "S-sure." she accepted. Besides, after what they all had just witnessed, she would rather not be alone right now anyway.

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