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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika stood there next kuro and listened. 'So he is using anatomy and physics to teach...' she giggled a little ' I just clear my mind and fight....' Raika then got into a fighting stance. She took a deep breath and threw a punch at kuro.

Asako did not go to school since she wasn't feeling well or anything as she went to Junes to take some a little bit rest. She grabs some meal and eat it outside, she was still wearing a uniform, but who cares about it, she felt like her energy was draining or perhaps she's just too lazy. She then looked at the TV and watch about the news. "This place is so messed up so that's why people live here is crazy, especially step mother" she mumbles, giggling a bit as she eats her food and eavesdropping to some students from different school talking about the midnight channel.

"So you'll see your destiny if you watch something like that?" she thought "that's a lie" she said to herself, but it's not going to hurt to try watching it, so maybe she will.
Akira had completely forgotten about the Investigation Club and had went to Junes, trying to forget about the previous scare last night and sat at a random table with some soda, a distance away from a girl he had noticed at school but never really bothered to talk to.
Kuro's eyes shifted to the punch. His body responded by his hand, opposite to the fist, pushing the punch away, but Kuro didn't stop moving. In fact, he sped up. He delivered a roundhouse kick straight to the girl's stomach, knocking her back a foot. He bowed politely. "My apologies, madam." He turned to he students. "So as you saw, I may have stopped, but the ENERGY I put in doesn't. It kept going through our kind volunteer." He turned to the girl and bowed again. "Thank you madam."
When kuro turned to kick her in the stomach raika immediately, blocked the attack so it wouldn't hurt. She pouted a little when he said that's all "if you ever want someone to spar with ask me " she said with a smile "i would love to get a chance to spar with you" she then went back and sat next to yukaze and hummed " he us strong..." she said with a smile.

Asako looked at the guy wearing the uniform from her school and thought that maybe it's not bad to talk to him, since she's been a loner sitting alone.

She grabs her meal and walked towards him "hey can I sit here? since I'm sitting alone there and wanted to talk to someone" she said, bluntly and waiting for his response.
"U-Um, sure," he responds, somewhat surprised that someone wanted to talk to him. 'I guess it'd help with getting my mind off of everything,' he thought to himself.
Asako sat down on the chair facing him as she placed her meal on the table. She then stretches out her right hand towards him, for a shake hand "my name is Asako" she said smilingly "what's yours?"
He awkwardly holds her hand and shakes it, a lot of social firsts going through his head as he replies, "I-I'm Akira. Um, nice to meet you." He gives a big grin
"Alright onward too my house people!" Dan started walking with his friends too his house. They arrived in half an hour. In front of them was a huge mansion. "Well this is my house guys. Ya wanna come in and have a snack?"
Asako looked surprised as Akira gave her a big grin and laughs about it "nice smile Akira-kun" she said as she tries to mimic Akira's big grin.

Asako is a type of a girl once she gets to know you, she will start to get close.

"Sorry for being weird" she said then drinks her soda, then placing it on the table "have you heard about the midnight channel?" she asked since it was an everyday topic around here anyway.
After applying what Kuro taught, some sparring, and some final stretches, Kuro dismissed the class. "Class dismissed. No sessions tomorrow." Students left the building while Kuro walked up to his volunteer. "Excuse me madam," he said, "I believe an introduction's in order." Kuro offered his hand for shaking. "I'm Kuro Tenshi. Nice to meat you."
Raika starred at the hand. She never had to shake hands with a guy and she never done it. She slowly grabbed his hand and gave him a awkward yet normal hand shake. "...Raika...Sakurai..." she said shyly. "Nice to meet you kuro..."

Kuro tilted his head at Raika's shyness. "...Nice to meet you, Raika. I going home now. See you. Yukaze." Kuro turned to Yukaze. "First off, hey buddy. Second, if you can, ask Dan if he can meet me at Junes tomorrow. I need to discuss something he said about the TV's." Kuro walked out the door, not saying anything else. A tudent stopped him from going further, asking if they're going to train with weapons. Kuro replied that they should teach themselves that, and letting kids and teenagers use swords in a dojo would raise questions. The student nodded and went his way home. Kuro walked to his house, and so continued his cycle of sadness.
"Midnight...Channel?" he asked, a bit confused about the term. He shook away the thought that it could be the same thing from last night and inquired further. "What's that?"
Grace covered her mouth to hide her gape. She knew he had a mansion, but she didn't realize until now just how large it was. "I'll take a snack too." she decided, remembering her small lunch.
"Alright come on in guys. Hey Suzy could you please get us some snacks in the t.v room." Dan said to his maid. Dan walked in the room with his friends and sat down on the couch. His maid came in with a variety of snacks to choose from. "Thanks Suzy. So what do you guys want too talk about first?"
"I heard them" as she uses her right index finger pointing at the students from the other school while her left hand is hiding it, since it's bad to point at people. "They were talking about it and said, that you'll see your destiny if you watch it" as she sips some soda again and looked at Akira. "Do you believe something like that?" she asked and continue "they said, you have to watch it when it's raining...sort of like that" as she rubs her forehead, wondering if she really did hear it right.
His eyes widen in shock as he recalls last night. "I....I think I watched it last night," he says quietly. "I saw a girl on there last night, and I was too scared to do anything else other than hide under my covers." He blushes in embarrassment of his cowardice and smiles again. "Maybe it was just a prank program or something, you know?"
Grace sat down on the other end of the couch, her hands folded properly on her lap. "You said earlier that your hand could go through the TV. Would you mind showing us?"
"Huh oh yea sure." Dan stood up and walked over to his t.v and stuck his hand in and it went through. All of a sudden a dog ran by Dan's foot and he fell right through the t.v and only part of his body was holding on.
While Dan's friends were pulling him out Dan's St Bernard jumped at his friends pushing them all in the t.v. I think i'm gonna be sick. This is not gonna end well.

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