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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

(sorry...at families.)

Adara stayed silent as well, however the size of the mansion mesmerized her entirely. She always lived in either really small homes or trailers. It was always amazing when she spent the night with friends whom lived in normal houses but this...this was just flat out amazing, but at the same time nerve-wrecking. Adara tried to comb her hair out with her hands anxiously...

Damn I should have considered the makeup today! She thought to herself.

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"Alright" he nodded happily. Yukaze walked out of the school with Raika giving a relieved sigh."hopefully kotori is still waiting" he thought to himself as he walked.

As they walked to kotori's middle school Yukaze noticed he was a little close next to Raika,looking down Yukaze noticed how cute Raika looked ;feeling embarrassed about that sudden thought he shifted away slitely not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. The walk felt longer then usual thanks to that.

Finally arriving at the school Yukaze was relieved to see his sister standing there waiting. "Kotori" he yelled out waving her over. She smiled then ran over to him and gave him a hug "You took forever yuki" she said. Yukaze laughed apologetically then patted her silver hair "sorry about that Raika had to grab her things" he said.

"Raika? Who's that" she said, suddenly looking over and noticed a blue haired girl standing right next to her brother. "Sorry I didn't notice you there for a second" she said apologizing. " Hi I'm kotori are you yuki's girlfriend or something" she said curiously.

Yukaze suddenly froze as he couldn't believe she had just said that.
Raika was walking next to yukaze as went to puck up his sister. It was just him and her and strangely she didn't feel as awkward and nervous as she normally feel. She feels safe, happy and calm.

When they arrived at kotori's school. Raika smiled at her when she hugged yukaze. Her heart ached a little, when she realized that she was an only child and there was no at home to greet her when she get there. She kept her smile up even though she felt sad. But when kotori asked if she was his girl all those feelings disappeared and her face turned red. She held up her hand defensively and said " No w-we'er just friends. That's it!" She tried to calm down, but she was caught of guard by the question.

"Hmm" she looked at her suspiciously, "if you say so" she said. "Yuki can we invite Raika over to our house for dinner, it'd be nice to have someone besides just us at the house to cook for" she said peadingly.

Yukaze looked suprised at kotori for saying that "Well....um if she wants too". He turned to to Raika and asked "would you like to have dinner with us if it's not to much trouble".
After a long period of awkward silence, Adara looked over at Cyrus. ”Is your friend here? He sure is taking a while...he must've gotten lost in that big ole mansion of his.” She joked slightly, looking up still on awe that she was actually standing in front of a mansion.

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"Yay" Kotori smiled happily,she ran forward "common let's go you guys". She waited ahead of them impatiently.

Yukaze smiled,"Alright were coming don't go to far ahead" he said not wanting her to get lost. He waited for Raika to start walking then walked next to her. "Thank you for accepting her offer Raika, I feel bad because she doesn't have many friends and our parents are never really home so I'm sure she's lonely" he said sadly. "But now she looks genially happy" he said with a smile,"so again I thank you".

The rest of the way was silent as they got to Yukazes house. He unlocked the door, Kotori rushed in happy " I've been craving some curry ,time to make some curry for dinner tonight" she said going into the kitchen. Yukaze held the door inviting Raika in "sorry about her rudeness" he said laughing.
Dan went through the t.v and ended up back home where his butler was opening the door. Huh we're back. Jon opened the door too Cyrus and Adara and telling them that Dan would be with them shortly. "Hey guys glad you could make it."
Raika was surprised when she heard that yukaze's parents are, like her parents. When they came to the house, she said "it's fine don't worry about it" she looked at the house, it had the same feeling as her's ...but it was a little different. She opened her shoes and entered the house. "Do you need any help making dinner?"

Grace followed Dan to greet the other students. She glanced at Dan, amazed by how he seemed to be taking what had happened so well. She wished she could be like that; she was still a little shaken from the danger, but she tried to hide it from the others. They wouldn't be able to understand until they witnessed it themselves anyway.
Adara nodded stiffly and looked away. That guy was happy to see Cyrus and not her. She was simply just a tag along.

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Cyrus was about to reply to Adara until Dan had actually answered the door, he walked in making sure Adara was close to him, "Such a peculiar place to build a mansion don't you think?" Cyrus asked Dan.
Kotori stuck her head out of the kitchen and nodded. "sure it would be nice to finally have someone help me with the cooking yuki is terrible at it" she glared at her brother jokingly and said "Thanks Raika".

Kotori pulled her into the kitchen and gave her a knife "can you help cut the vegetables and I'll start the sauce". She turned on the stove and grab her supplies.

Yukaze looked in the kitchen then smiled "it really was nice to have other people here" he thought. Not wanting to get in the way he went and sat down turning on the TV.

Kotori leaned towards Raika and whispered devilishly "so do you like my big brother" she said letting out a laugh.
Raika said "sure" she took the knife and started humming and cutting the vegetables. When kotori asked if she liked her brother she became flustered" ehh?! No! I am just his friend that it!" She said defensive. She went back to cutting the vegetables quietly.

Adara was completely in awe as she walked inside. This place was so...gorgeous! Expensive! She looked around, her mouth agape as she observed every small detail in complete and utter awe. She only snapped out of it when she bumped into Cyrus's back as she was not paying attention. Ugh I have to stop doing that. She muttered an apology and began to try to brush out her hair with her hands, excited but yet uncomfortable with her out of place looks. If anybody says anything ill just leave. I was invited so they better understand that. Finally another thought dawned on her. ”what am I here for? What do I do?” As far as she knew she wasn't exactly friends with any of these people around her.

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Kotori shrugged "that's good I guess I won't just let any girl have my big bro yuki" she said jokingly and went back to stirring. She then started boiling the rice and waited for Raika to finish cutting the vegetables.

Yukaze heard muttering going on in the kitchen as he was watching TV. 'I wonder what there talking about' he thought as he changed the channel to the weather channel. I wonder if anything will appear on tv tonight he thought as he observed the weather.
After a few minutes Raika finished cutting the vegetables "done..." she told kotori. "Do you help with anything else?"

"Nope everything's almost done; I just need to set the plates out you can go relax out in the living room, Thanks for the help Raika" she gave a cheerful smile. Kotori was glad that Raika was nice, she was use to the kids at school who were always picking in her. She went back to cooking happy that there was company here.
Raika smiled "alright" she set up the table and went into the living room and sat next to yukaze. "Your sister is really nice..."

"Well my parents wanted us to stand out and so we do." Dan replied to Cyrus. Dan looked at the girl with him. "Hey I need to introduce myself I'm Dan and you are?"

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Yukaze smiled " Yeah she is though sometimes she can be a handful" he said laughing. "I hope your having fun, sorry there's not much to do here really" he said scratching his scarred cheek. Yukaze wasn't really sure what else Raika liked besides martial arts.

Kotori came out and started putting the plates down,"The foods almost done you guys, I hope you like it Raika" she said excited as she went back to the kitchen.
Adara puffed her cheeks out childishly and glared up at Dan. She waved awkwardly at him...though it was halfhearted and nodded. ”Adara Haus though I highly doubt that's even important.” She said, dismissing herself. Adara was a total wallflower at her school. She wasn't used to going anywhere other than school, friends houses included

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Raika laughed at what yukaze said about kotori. She smiled at him "i am sure she isn't that bad" raika was wondering if she should tell yukaze that her parents are also never home 'should I tell him?' She wondered not sure if she should.

"You would understand if you had to be in the same house with her all the time" he laughed, "still I do love my my sister and I will always protect her". A determined look in his eyes as he said it remembering a bad memory a long time ago. He turned to Raika as he realized how he said that,"sorry about that let's go eat" he said getting up from the couch and sitting down at the table.

Kotori came out with the curry sauce and the rice both made "dinners ready", placing the food down on the table she turned to Raika. "oh do you want to give your parents a call so they aren't wondering why your not home" kotori said worried not wanting Raika to get in trouble.
Raika sat at the table and ate some of the curry 'yum...' she smiled a little. When kotori asked about her parents, her eyes saddened "....no...there's no need to call them...." she said as she ate some more of her curry.


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