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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

She looked at him as she controls her laugh "Well, perhaps I'll hide too if I saw something like that" she said while giggling. She then takes a deep breath to think about the midnight channel "Hmmm..." as she looked at Akira again "maybe it was really a prank...though I wanted to see it myself" she said while finishing her meal. "We should watch it together, maybe a two person will show up, since two is watching the tv..." she laughs "or maybe we'll see it with our own eyes only, though let's check it if it was true! Aren't you curious about it~?" she asked and hoping Akira would agree with her.
Grace gasped in surprise as she was pushed and fell forward. A strangely cold static wave seemed to tingle across her skin. Wait, if they were falling now, then that meant they would have to land, and at this speed not lightly. She braced herself for the impact, subconsciously tightening her grip on Dan. This is going to hurt, she thought.
Well we might really hurt ourselves from this fall. As the three friends fell they landed on a mattress inside the t.v world. Dan stood up and looked around. "whoa what is this place? It's so weird." As Dan walked a little he saw a sign with glasses that said take these. Dan took them and saw pretty clearly around the place. All of a sudden weird monsters appeared in front of him. Oh crap.
His eyes light up in fervent curiosity and he finishes his soda, nodding with her idea. "I would've said no at first, but....I think it'd be better if someone watched it with me!" he said, another smile growing on his face. "Where are we gonna watch it, though?"
Rey put on the glasses. When he saw the monsters he punched the nearest one before running awat, dragging the two of them with him.
Grace sighed in relief when they landed on something relatively soft. She quickly let go of Dan when he got up, fighting back a blush; she was glad he hadn't noticed. She rose and looked over the glasses. After a moment she chose a pair similar to her own, removed her own glasses, and put the strange pair on. Strangely, it seemed to have similar lenses, so she could see clearly with the added bonus of being able to see through the fog. Fear coursed through her veins when she turned to see a monster, and she didn't hesitate to allow Rey to lead them away.
Dan was following along with Rey while the monsters were following them. All of a sudden another batch came and surrounded them. Dang this is bad for us. Dan then heard a voice in his head. Though art me and i am thou. Please say the word and i shall come and aid you. Dan stood quietly with his hand out while an arcana card fell into his hand. "Per-so-na." Right there a giant paper creature came out and started fighting the shadows.
"Oh yea, about that" she said as she dumps her face on her both hands. "That I don't know..." she said, sighing "how about your house?" she asked since her house is not available "or maybe..." she looked around and saw the big TV from Junes "how about that" she said whisperly, pointing at the big TV. "Though I don't know if we can actually sneak around here without being caught" she said, dispirited "mmm... I don't know now" as she rests her head on her right hand and let out a deep sigh.
Grace watched as a creature came from seemingly nowhere, but Dan seemed to be controlling it. He had said 'persona.' Was that what that was? Well, maybe she could give it a shot too. She whispered the word, but to her disappoinment nothing happened. Maybe it was somehing only Dan could do, then, or there was some requirement she would have to do first.
Akira gently pats her arm and starts reassuring her. "My house sounds like a great idea! Since my parents don't really care about what I do, we could totally watch it at my place!" He started to regain his old excitement, his brain going a million miles a minute as he started thinking up different things they could do.
Dan's persona defeated all the monsters surrounding them and looked at his friends. "You guys alright? We should find an exit to get out." Dan looked around and saw a t.v that had a spiral shape inside of it. "This could possibly lead us out."
Grace nodded. She had had more than enough of this odd world today. This place was dangerous; they would need weapons or something the next time they came. "Let's try it."
Asako looked at him with glistening eyes "geez! I envy you~" she said and pulls her phone out from her pocket, "I'll text my dad, that I do a group project thing~" she said as she starts texting her dad, since she knew her dad trust her than her step mom.

"So let's go to your house?"
Yukaze was impressed by kuro's moves and Raika for being able to hold her own so well. "Nice going Raika" he said with a smile; As he watched Kuro leave he wondered what Kuro wanted to talk to Dan about. 'Oh well I did promise to meet up with Dan anyway tomorrow I'll just look for him at school' he thought.

As he stood there in the Dojo he remembered that he was gonna go pick up kotori from school. He looked at Raika " hey Raika I gotta go pick up my little sister you wanna come with me" he then added "I'd feel bad if I left you all alone", he said slightly embarrassed he said that.
Cyrus walked with Adara to the mansion when they arrived he rang the bell at the door, he stayed silent still running the previous conversation through his head.
He stands up and nods. "Yeah, follow me!" he says, leading the way out of Junes. 'This is pretty cool!' he thinks to himself. 'Someone actually wanted to talk to me! And they're coming to my house too!'
Asako stands up and followed Akira, she wasn't shy or anything since she's a boyish and Asako is just being Asako. "By the way, Is it going to rain today?" she asked while looking around the way, remembering it.
He looks up at the sky and only notices a few clouds. "I dunno," he says bluntly, continuing to walk. "If it doesn't, then we can always try another time, right?"
"Yup! I guess so~" she said and walks beside Akira with a little bit distant. "I wish it would rain" she said while looking up at the sky and start calling for the rain to come out, "rain~ rain~ rain~"

Asako then paused and looked at Akira "Let's be friends~"
Raika smiled at yukaze. "Yeah I would love to come...but I need to go to the martial arts club room and get my lunchbox...."

"Alright we can stop there first", Yukaze said with a smile. Thinking back Yukaze didn't have anything to eat yet, all that happened during lunch kinda destroyed his apatite. But at the mention of food he started to feel hungry again, maybe kotori will make dinner early tonight he thought.

"Well let's get going" he said holding the door open politely waiting for Raika.
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"Thanks yukaze" raika followed him to school, then to the martial arts room. She went in and grabbed her lunchbox. "Shouldn't we get our things from class?" She asked yukaze.

Yukaze thought about it,"I don't think anything will happen to them if we don't but if you want to we can" he said to Raika. Normally he would have thought of grabbing his school supplies too, right now though he kinda wanted to get outa of the school . Fixing his hat he waited by Raika's class so she could get her things.
Raika got her things from her classroom. She walk out of her classroom "thanks for waiting....let's go and get your sister" she said with a smile. She felt a bit guilty about making him wait about like this.


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