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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Cyrus tumbled a bit looking at who bumped into him then noticed it was the blonde haired girl, "Hey i needed to talk to you about the midnig..." He stopped mid sentence to notice that she did not look well, "Hey are you alright?" His voice went from monotone to worried in the blink of an eye. He opened his backpack and grabbed a fresh bottle of water, opened it, and gave her the bottle, "Here take some water, We will discuss other matters later."
"Cool so after school today I guess." Dan said smiling even though he witnessed a terrifying scene. The announcements went off saying due to the incident today school will be cancelled for the rest of the day.

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Hesitantly, Adara took the water and drank from it slowly, trying to keep herself from crying again. Just don't think about it Adara...don't... she swallowed and nodded at the guy, wiping her agitated eyes again before any tears could escape. "Sorry..." she said, a bad habit of hers- overapologizing for basically nothing. "O-out there...i-in the fog..." don't think about it! she began to wipe at her eyes again. "s-sorry..." she said trying keep her teeth from chattering and her body from trembling. Stupid stupid anxiety!
After some walking they entered in the dojo and saw Kuro teaching. Yukaze sat down trying not to interrupt what was going on. He did all he could to pretend nothing bad had happened today.'im surprised he's a teacher being so young, he must be really good' Yukaze thought to himself while watching the lesson.
Grace paused to listen to the announcement. The school's decision made sense; they would want students to be safe at home. "Well...since school was canceled should we just go now?" she asked tentatively.
Raika sat down next to yukaze and intently watched kuro teach his class. She smiled as she watched his teach his class "...I wanna a fight someone now...." she muttered. She really like sparring with people and such she always like to test her skills, so in other words....she like to fight.

Looking over he slightly smiled at Raika and how happy she looked right now. "Why don't you go and ask to spar with him" he whispered to her. Normally he got excited when sparring with people to but today he didn't feel the same. " I have every bit of faith that you'd kick his ass" he said jokingly to her.
Raika looked at yukaze " i guess I could try..." she thought for a minute "sure why not" she raised her hand when he asked for a sparring partner.

Dan looked at Grace and shook his head. "First I gotta find Cyrus and then we'll go." Dan walked to the library and saw Cyrus and a blonde haired girl. "Well look at the cute couple. Hey Cyrus you didn't tell me you had a girl." Dan said jokingly.

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Cyrus noticed her trying to apologize and began to speak, Hey it's alright just try not to think about it, imagine something with a much quainter taste to it, peaceful" he helped the blonde hair girl up, " I don't think I have introduced myself my name is Cyrus Quinton, also thank you for the invigorating conservation this morning not many people can leave me tongue-tied, so what is your name?" He noticed Dan walking in and running his mouth, "Dan what do you want?"
Yukaze was surprised when Raika actually took his joke seriously. Still the thought he didn't try and stop her. 'It's gonna be a interesting fight to see' he thought to himself. He was defiantly interested seeing both of there fighting skills almost debating on volunteering himself to fight but decided that watching would be better. He let out a happy laugh " I believe in ya" he said smiling to Raika.
"Okay." Grace followed him into the library, where Cyrus didn't seem to be exactly thrilled at being interrupted. Her gaze shifted over to Adara, who looked a touch pale. "Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.
Adara allowed the guy to help her up and listened to him. "Adara Haus..." she mumbled softly, taking another long sip from his drink. Another guy walked in- his face she recognized from the annoying group of guys this morning. "Well look at the cute couple. Hey Cyrus you didn't tell me you had a girl." he said it jokingly but Adara was not in the mood for such jokes. Red faced from embarrassment she almost tossed the water at him but stopped herself because it was Cyrus's and not hers. Shaking her head she looked down at the ground. 'who's your girl?' tch, he says it like I'm some easy catch. stupid man.

Another person came in, a girl and asked if she was alright. People itself were already hard enough to talk to...but this... "I want to go..." where? She didn't want to be at school, but she sure as hell didn't want to go home either. Raika? but she hadn't seen the incident probably, and she didn't want to bother her. "I'm going to...the park..." she mumbled turning away and heading outside. Tch, like I know where the park is...Adara you're an idiot who's going to fail school.
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Come over as in go to your house? hm..... Sounds interesting." he turned his attention to Andra who seemed to have left the library he ran out but before he left he yelled to dan, "Sure , your house is the mansion right?" he caught up to Andra trying to stop her. "Running to the park is not going to solve anything and the park is no place for you to be." Cyrus paused and thought for a moment, "You should come with me to Dan's house. I would go alone i enjoy having you as company." Cyrus didn't smile but emotions were never his strong suit to begin with.
"It sounds like they'll meet us there." Grace stated, a little sullen from Adara's reaction to her. She hadn't meant to make her want to leave, but nonetheless she felt guilty about it.
Adara looked over at Cyrus and stayed quiet thinking it over. going to some guy's house? What trap is that? she sneered..but, whether she liked it or not- Cyrus was right about the park not being safe right now. Her body still trembling and perhaps being that same little vulnerable girl she always hated - she sighed and pointed the water bottle at him "I- I have a good kick! And I'm not afraid to hurt somebody if I have to! Castration sounds exciting!!" she said before taking another sip from the water and nodding, cheeks still hot. "But...I guess I'll go...since I don't have many options and don't feel like dying today..."
Cyrus' eyes were blank as he blinked repeating what she said, "Kick? Castration?" Cyrus grew red in the face as he shook his head, "No no non non no, I'm not that kind of person. If i'm going to date a girl we need to understand each other i'm not some insolent player as they call them, and besides there s a really low chance of me ever being able to date someone as astronomical as you." Cyrus realized what he said and grew red in the face, "Um......Well we shouldn't be spending anymore time here we must find the mansion that Dan lives in."

(I'm going to bed i have more orchestra tomorrow Night everyone)
Adara's face also went bright red and she cursed herself for doing so. She forced herself to glare at Cyrus and stomp her right foot. "I never said anything about dating!!! I don't even know you! Plus I don't date! I'll never be in a relationship! I won't end up like...!" she stopped herself. Just shut up Adara. "tch...did you just say mansion?" She said as if it was nothing but there was a bit of a glint in her glaring eyes as she said it.

(guess I'll go to bed too. I already promised my buddy I would like...40 minutes ago. holiday tomorrow...nighty night =~=)
Rey just stood by as everyone discussed the Midnight Channel and panicked over the corpse, was he really that unnoticeable? Later they announced the school cancelled. He sighed and decided to walk around, hoping to encounter someone he could at least talk to.
"Yea. I guess so. Let's get walking." While they were walking Dan noticed one the guys from earlier Rey. Dan shouted out to him. "Hey ya wanna come over with us too my house!"

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Kuro looked around for any bystanders raising their hands. He turned to see Yukaze and his friend, who was raising her hand. Kuro waved to Yukaze, and pointed to the girl. "You, with the hand raised. Thank you for volunteering. Please step forward," He politely asked. He gestured her onto the mat.
Raika was really excited she stood up and walked up to the mat.

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Kuro turned to his students. "Today, we'll be discussing how to focus your body weight on one point...using kinetic energy. For those of you just signing in, fighting is a combination of two sciences: anatomy and physics. Today, we're discussing the physics part. Isaac Newton once stated that, 'An object in motion wants to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force'. The is true for matter, but for energy, this rule doesn't apply. Observe." Kuro got into a fighting stance. "Madam, may you please throw a punch? Slowly."

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