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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Dan sat in class bored waiting for lunch so he could go to the investigation club. "How long is this class gonna be." After 45 minutes the bell for lunch rang. "Yes! Finally!" Dan ran to the investigation club room and waited for everybody there.

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Raika sighed when the bell for lunch rang. She got up and decided to go to the martial art room and eat. She left the classroom and began to walk. She didn't know if she should talk to yukaze, she thinks she did something wrong and now he is mad at her.

Grace headed down to the club room after the lunch bell rang. She absentmindedly nibbled on a snack on her way, her mind occupied. She ate the last bite right as she reached the room. After throwing away her trash, she entered and, seeing that Dan was already there, gave a shy smile in greeting.
Kuro's head perked up again as he heard the lunch bell. "Time for Investigation Lunch. You should come along, Rey." Kuro got his boxed lunch and walked over to the investigation club room. He saw Dan and walked up to his side. "Hey, Dan."
The lunch bell rang and Yukaze still felt a little frustrated. Having nothing else better to do Yukaze figured he maybe be able to get his frustration out by beating up some of the martial art dummies.

He remembered that he shouldn't take to long though because he wanted to check out the investigation club. So with that he hurried out of class towards the martial arts room.
Adara spent her time at the library, looking into TV turning on by itself stories. Strangely she found a myth of something called a midnight channel- following with a little story of things happening in this very town years ago...

"wh-what the hell...?" she gasped, scrolling down.
Raika was already in the room, eating her lunch. She liked being alone in the room it helps clear her thoughts and brings back alot if fun memories. She smiled as she ate

Dan greeted his friends that entered the room and began to speak. "Alrighty then. Should we start now our wait longer for the others." Dan said with a smile on his face while opening his homemade lunch.

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Yukaze walked towards the martial arts room and opened the door. 'At least this place is usually empty' he thought to himself thinking of the old days when his friends sparred with him here. As he walked inside the room he suddenly noticed Raika sitting there. 'Damn it' he thought not thinking of the possibility that she might have come here during lunch. Knowing that even though he felt awkward about being there now he knew leaving would only make it worse. "Hello" he said awkwardly.
Kuro smiled as he ate his boxed lunch. It was sushi and leftover fried rice. His box was actually a small cooler, to assure that the sushi kept cool. He looked back up to Dan, who Kuro was still siting buy, and asked, "Are we discussing the Midnight Channel?" Kuro remembered the fog. "Speaking of weather-related phenomena..." Kuro pointed outside. "...that fog. It's unusually thick."
Raika looked up to see who entered the room and she dropped her chop sticks when she saw yukaze. "Uh....hi..." she said back. She picked up her chopsticks "....about this....morning....I am sorry for whatever I did wrong..." she said with her head down.

"It is said that if one would stare at the screen of a turned off television at midnight whilst it's raining, at midnight during a heavy rain, one could see their soul mate."

Adara giggled to herself. "Raika said she saw a girl in the TV too...guess the whole 'phobia of men' makes since now." she shook her head as she kept reading on. "This rumor occurred during a series of murders. And a fog would always appear before said murder took place...huh.." Adara looked over to the window, which showed fog outside. Giggling to herself she hopped out of her chair and over to the window. "spooky~" she proceeded to laugh. "It's interesting, I'll give it that." she pressed her forehead into the glass. "imagine that...lots of murders going on throughout a small little town like this. Looks like another Shiki case.." she said, referring to one of her favorite animes.
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Yukaze was surprised by this," what are you talking about I thought I had done something wrong and you and your friend mighta been mad at me " he said quickly. "There's no way I could be mad at you even though I just met you your my friend " he said honestly. He looked at Raika and felt ashamed to have made a friend feel hurt like this. "I'm sorry for troubling you like that" he said giving a apologetic bow.
Grace glanced out the window, noticing that Kuro was right. She turned back around. She wondered if that had anything to do with what was going on. Anything seemed possible at this point. "Maybe we should start by listing what we know?" she suggested.
Raika looked at him surprised "you didn't do anything wrong...and I wasn't mad at you...I don't know what was wrong with adara....." she then said "eat made you think I was mad at you...?"

Cyrus had walked into the investigation room standing near the window, "Good afternoon everyone." He said, "Now that i have seen you all multiple times i would like to formally introduce myself, my Name is Cyrus Quinton nice to meet you all."
"We will now begin the discussion of the midnight channel!" Dan said out loud. What we know is very limited. One is that it only comes on when it is raining. Two is that it supposedly shows us an image of our true love. And three some people can stick there hand in it." Dan looked outside the window. Noticing Kuro was right he announced something. "What if this midnight channel is connected to the murders? And hello Cyrus perfect timing."
Yukaze thought back and said "when I whispered in your ear you suddenly walked forward faster to your friend". Looking ashamed he said " when you walked away I thought I had somehow angered you". "I'm sorry" he said again.
"Ehh?? I thought you heard when I said I didn't know what was wrong with adara...." she sighed "i should be the one apologizing...I didn't speak up loud enough...."

"Since everyone saw the same girl, I highly doubt that the midnight channel is showing us our true loves." Grace replied, tapping her chin in thought. "If it is connected to the murders, then it could have something to do with how the victims are chosen."
Adara sighed and walked back over to her computer, shutting it down. "I wonder if I would see anything in the midnight channel. If soul mates exist..." she scoffs. "Who cares. I was born to not have a soul mate. Relationships are nothing but burdens anyways. They just weaken you with emotions and once you think you have some...bond...they just tear you down limb by limb, emotion by emotion and leave you helpless. Then you're desperately finding another to replace that love and fix you. You even put your trust into pedophiles, liars, idiots and criminals!" she shook her head and took a long, deep breath. "calm down Adara...you need fresh air." she looked over to the window again and watched the fog intently. Deaths will occur soon accourding to the computer...she shook her head. "Believing in superstition is one thing but this...I'm going mad." she picked up her bookbag and stomped outside.
Kurp turned to the newly mentioned 'Cyrus', and waved. "Name's Kuro." He heard Dan's deduction about the midnight channel, and commented, "Furthermore, the murder victims usually appear the day AFTER the Midnight Channel is aired."
"So that means someone should die today." All of sudden a scream happened outside. And a girl was tired in wires dead.

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"It's my fault for overreacting and for that I'm sorry", Yukaze felt relieved knowing that Raika wasn't mad at him. He refused to ever hurt a friend like that again. Suddenly remembering he checked his watch to find that the investigation club has now started. 'Damn' he thought, "Hey Raika would you like to come with me to the investigation club" he asked not sure of what her response would be.

As he said this he suddenly heard a scream from a girl.
Kuro ran to the window to see a vaguely familiar girl dead, and hanging from wires. Kuro turned to Dan and said, "You are GREAT at deductions." Kuro ran outside to the scene and got a better view. "It's gotta be her..."

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