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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Adara grabbed the uniform and nodded, rushing into the bathroom and throwing the uniform. She never had anybody to impress at school so she just brushed her hair and didn't even bother to look pretty with makeup. "Ok..." she breath, smoothing out her uniform. "Time for another day of hell...wish I was homeschooled." she mumbled, running out of the bathroom and to Raika. "Ok. Let's go."
Raika nodded and left her house with adara. She locked the door and started walking with her to school. It was silent, she really didn't have anything to talk to her about...so she felt a little awkward.

Dan then noticed Kuro and Yukaze walking and began waving towards them. "Hey guys we need too talk about the midnight channel!" Hopefully they can hear me and come over here. This is gonna be fun with more people.
"When we get to school..." Adara said, trying to break the awkward silence though she was tired - thus being in quite the antisocial mood - "I'm going to go to the library and use their computers to look up that TV stuff...think of me weird but it sounds familiar."
Raika nodded "ok..." she didn't know anything else to say. She sighed 'she'll probably think I am weird or something....'

Cyrus walked toward the school and noticed a student ranting about some kind of Channel, He made his way to the crowd and tapped Dan on the Shoulder, "Excuse me i hear you are discussing the midnight channel?" he asked
Before Yukaze heard Kuro's response a slitely familiar voice went through his ears. Looking behind him he noticed Dan and some girl he's never met. Yukaze told Kuro Dan was behind them,then went and waved Dan over wondering if he knew anything more about the midnight channel.
They passed by a group of teens also on their way to school and they kept talking rather loudly about something called a 'midnight channel'. Being nosy and curious, Adara slowed down her walking pace but acted as if she were minding her own business and began to listen in to the teens behind them.
"I saw a girl to." He turned his head toward the road. His eyes were glassy as usual, and his gaze was unmoving. He continued walking until he saw the school building. There, he stopped and sighed. "Another day, another chunk of my time wasted." He walked inside and headed for his classroom. "Actually...screw taking notes. I'm working on my mythology."
Rey overheard people talking about something caled the 'Midnight Channel' and seeing a girl. 'They saw the girl too?' He thought. He walked into his classroom and sat down on an empty desk in the far back. "Another day...another headache." He said audibly.
Raika walked with adara and saw yakuze and the two other boys that was with him last night. She hid behind adara, she was shy and was awkward around boys. She didn't have a good childhood experience with them. So she always avoided them, but for some reason she didn't do that with yakuze.

Adara noticed Raika hiding behind her, and feeling slightly special for being trusted with such matters she patted her arm reassuringly. "Are they bullies or something? Or do you like one of them?" she whispered to Raika, looking carefully to each of the guys and scrunching up her nose. So young... she thought to herself before having to shake that stupid thought out of her mind. What the hell's wrong with me!? I'm such a sicko!
"No.....I just am not good with boys.....I have a bad childhood experience with them...." she whispered back "but I know one of them....but not the rest....The rest make me nervous...."

She whispered backed to adara

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Grace shyly glanced at the other people who joined their group. They all seemed to have seen something similar last night; it was reassuring to know that she wasn't crazy or something. She stayed quiet and continued to listen to the others talk.
Rey got bore of waiting. "Hey." He greeted the person who seemed to be writing something. "My name's Rey Morgsten, you can call me Rey." He leaned a bit to see what he was writing. "Whatcha writing there?"
Kuro perked his head up and looked around. He saw some kid leaning over, trying to peak at his journal. He leaned away a bit, taking the journal with him. Rey huh?, Kuro thought. "The name's Kuro Tenshi, and I'm writing a mythology for my own amusement."

He continued writing the myth, which was titled,'The First Otnyz'. The tale explained how Otnyz, the equivalent of demigods in other cultures, were made by mixing the blood of two gods inside a humanoid shell. The blood would serve as a soul, giving Otnyz the god-like abilities they have, and the shell would eventually morph into a body type to fit the Otnyz's personality. The don't MAKE the shells for the blood anymore, because mortal bodies turned out to serve as limiters. Without that limiter, the result would just be a god. The first Otnyz was Mortakai, The God of Merciful Death, War Tragedies, Defeat, and Mourning. Mortakai was created by fusing Kalrag, the God of Wisdom, Strategic War, and Conrense and Gladius, The God of Brutality, Slaughter, Remorse, and Victory. His creation dated around a time when humans overpopulated, and could overthrow the gods. The gods realized that they needed a force that could counter life, and work with the flowing of time. Thus, Mortakai was created to manage earth's numbers.
"Hmm...sounds interesting." He leaned back to his chair. "Welp, I will go take a nap. wake me up when something interesting happens, like a portal to another dimension, or the apocalypse, or some girl appears in a tv at midnight or something."
Rey blinked twice..."What?" His eyebrows were raised so high that it looke like they were going to fly off. "Who's this friend of yours?" He asked.
"It's ok..." she reassured her friend. "Men are nothing but a bunch of hormonal-obsessed blind idiots!" she announced probably a little too loudly. "So there's no need to fear them."
As Yukaze walked towards Dan to talk about the midnight channel, he noticed out of the corner of his eyes Raika walk by hiding behind a girl. He decided to call out to her and wave her over to him and Dan,"Hey, Raika" he said wondering if she would hear him. 'I wonder if she saw the midnight channel at all' he thought then added 'I wonder why she's hiding' he said scratching his his scarred cheek.
Akira didn't necessarily wake up that morning, since he didn't actually get a wink of sleep that night. He fell out of his bed and groggily put on his uniform, his energy gone for the first time he could remember. He ambled out of the house and to school, staying completely silent when he had entered the classroom and sat in his seat. His head hit the desk hard and he looked like death.
Raika laughed a little at what adara said. She then heard yakuze call her name. She waved back to him. "The boy that waved I know him..." she told adara "the other two I don't...." she then asked "can you walk with me over to him....I don't want to be the only girl there...."

Kuro looked up at the ceiling. "Dan Rigan, and it was at midnight...when a girl appeared on TV." He turned back to his journal and looked at his drawings of gods and goddesses. Kuro's lips curved to a satisfied smirk. His creations. They were like his family...they WERE his family. On that scale, it was all he had left.
Adara sighed smally. 1) she hated a bunch of people, hypocritical to her psychologist dreams. 2) They were probably a bunch of good-for-nothing typical guys. But for Raika's sake (or the sake she had been so nice to her and hated to be an ass after all that) she nodded and halfheartedly headed towards the guys...her body stiff and her cheeks red despite her irritation.

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