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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Yukaze turn and look at the person talking to him. Not sure of his name he talked anyways "hey you go to my school right" he said awkwardly.
Raika was looking around the store. There were some many things here it was ridiculous. She was having a hard time deciding what she should cook since she is seeing so many different kinds of ingredients. 'This store is bigger than the one I shopped at home...' She did notice the other kids from her school.

"I'm Yukaze, Yukaze Harukami nice to meet you dan" Yukaze said with a smile. He then looked at him curiously "The midnight channel....is that the rumor the students around the school were talking about". Shrugging he continued "I think it's probably just a bunch of hocus pocus".
Kuro walked out of a martial arts Dojo with his sweats and T-shirt. His shirt was drenched in sweat, and his stomach rumbled. 'Best get something to eat.' He thought. Junes, naturally, seemed like a good option. He deserved an eat out night anyway. He walked over and ordered steak. He sat in a lonely table and delighted in the delicious steak. He pulled out his journal and started writing. "Gladius...The God...of war's...strength...brutality...victory...and celebration." He drew a man with long, unkempt, black and red hair. His skin was pale, and his eyes were red. His pencil stopped at the mention of this Midnight Channel. He wrote, "What's the Midnight Channel?" on a bit of ripped paper and threw it at the kids talking about it.
Dan got hit by a piece of paper while talking to his schoolmate. He looked at where it came from and saw Kuro. "Yea the midnight channel. Do ya mind if me and Yukaze sit here and talk about it with you?" Dan said too Kuro even though he already sat down.
Raika was got the ingredients for dinner and lunch. She looked at the time 'it's getting late....' she shrugged 'not like it matters....' she decided to walk around and see if there is anything interesting in the store. She then saw yakuze and was about say hi but she saw him with 2 other people she didn't know. She didn't move and just starred. 'I'll talk to him tomorrow...' she turned around and began to leave the store.

Akira turns on the TV, having found absolutely nothing else to bide his time, and watches the news. The anchorman goes on about the recent murder that had happened, and it was the first time he had heard anything about it. "P-Poor guy..." Akira says to himself, continuing to watch as he was freaking himself out from imagining if he got murdered.

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Curious as to what the hype is about the mystery channel Yukaze sat down with Dan and this other guy. "Why are you guys so interested in this" Yukaze said curiously. He looked at both of the guys in front of him.
Kuro nodded and walked over to the two guys, and sat down. He observed the two closely with squinting eyes. He leaned back in his chair and stopped squinting. "I'm Kuro. Kuro Tenshi. Your names?" He turned to the guy who questioned Kuro's interest in the Midnight Channel. "Because it's native art that's worth talking about." Kuro meant that something born in your home will definitely catch your attention. He doubted that they would understand.
Looking at Kuro curiously Yukaze scratched his cheek, "hmm I never thought of it like that". With a friendly smile he added, "Yukaze,Yukaze Harukami and it's nice to meet you Kuro do you go to the same school as us I don't think I've seen you around".

As much as he tried he couldn't remember seeing him before but he wasn't that great with faces to begin with.
Kuro's eyes widened at Yukaze's comprehension. He was honestly impressed. It usually took someone a good minute, but this guy got right on it. Kuro nodded his head when asked if they went to the same school. "So..the Midnight Channel..." From what Kuro heard, whoever appears on there would be your lover...or something like that. He didn't care much fir finding someone to love. Kuro lot that privilege.
Yukaze shuck his head at it's mentioning again, "sorry I don't know much about it just the small rumors".

He apologized to Kuro then turned his head looking at Dan. "What about you Dan do know more about it". He said feeling a little curious himself now as it has been brought up a lot now.
Raika left the store and walked back home. She hummed a song as she walked. It was quiet and there was a full moon tonight, with the stars out. She looked at the sky "it's so pretty tonight...." she smiled a little and continued to walk home. She had her guard up since she was alone and it was dark, but when you look at her she looks like a average girl that looks like she doesn't do martial arts when in reality she does.

"Well all i know is that your lover shows up and nothing else. By the way i'm Dan." Dan started standing and stretching and began to talk again. "By the way did ya hear about the investigation club? I'm thinking about joining. What about you guys."
Adara had been upset earlier and she left home with her small little dog Tinsel, and began to walk as far away as she could from home. Anger and emotions flooded through her and encouraged each step..and she was almost convinced to never turn back. With that idea in mind she kept on walking with Tinsel, and didn't pay attention to her surroundings. Soon she was lost in the dark. She was tired and it was late. It was just her and her tired dog.

"D-damn..." She mumbled to herself, looking around curiously, a bit panicked. "I didn't bring my phone either, I was just so mad too..." Hearing footsteps nearby, she jumped. Only to relax when she saw it was another girl. (*cough* Raika *cough*) Towards strangers, Adara was an introvert but desperate times calls for desperate measures...plus, that girl looked familiar. Did they go to the same school together.

"H-hey..." she waved over to the girl shyly hoping she noticed her through the dark.
Remembering the flier at the school for the investigation club,Yukaze immediately spoke. "Did you see that flyer too at school, yeah I was thinking of joining I wanna know what a investigation club did"he said looking at dan and Kuro a gleam in his eye. The form didn't really go into much detail about what the club did but something felt like it was drawing him in too that club.

Looking back on it he remembered Raika said she was going to join it,'to bad she wasn't here she'd probably want to hear about it' he thought.Shrugging he decided he could probably tell her tomorrow when he sees her at school.
Rey Morgsten stepped of the cab he was in. This was his new home? It's very...boring. He sighed, this was going to be a headache for the entire year. "I really want to get some sleep." He said as he walked to the house.
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Dan started walking away from the table waving bye to his new friends. "Well i better head home now. My butler is probably worried for me. I'm gonna watch the midnight channel tonight and we'll talk about it tomorrow. So see ya."
Kuro shrugged at Dan's thought about the investigation team. "Possibly." Martial arts might get in the way, so it was more of a fifty-fifty. "Martial Arts might get in the way." Should he join the investigation team? They most likely wouldn't solve real crimes, but being a detective DOES sound fun. He checked the time and noticed the time. "I'm going home." Kuro stood up and left, not saying another word.

At home Kuro opened the door and took off his shoes. "Bro! I'm home!" Kuro walked over to a handheld portrait of his brother, who looked just like him but taller, with longer hair, and more muscular. "School was good.I think I made some friends, who's names are Dan and Yukaze. Dan's nice, and Yukaze understands what I say." Kuro faked a smile, but couldn't keep it long. Kuro eventually teared up, and his lips quivered. "It'd be nice if you could actually be here...it would be just like when we were kids." Kuro cried and held the picture. After regaining his composure, Kuro took a shower and went to bed. "Night!"
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Raika was humming and enjoying her walk was when saw adara. She saw that she was alone and was waving at her. She gulped a little and waved back. She walked up to her "um...hi..." she said shyly.

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Checking the time Yukaze freaked out, "shit kotori's gonna be mad dinners taking so long because of me". Looking at Kuro and Dan Yukaze apologized and told them he had to go. He then sprinted out the door and to his house, a small smile touched his face 'yeah this year was gonna be fun.

Arriving home his sister stood at the door "your late" she said angrily. He smiled and pated her head "sorry I got held up at the store" tossing the rice to his sister she went to make dinner.

As they sat there and ate Yukaze couldn't stop thinking about all the people he's met today. Also there was the midnight channel "I'm defiantly gonna watch it" he muttered while eating.
Dan sat at home and stared at his t.v and waited for the midnight channel. All of a sudden the clock struck 12 and something strange happened to the t.v. It was all weird and fuzzy and he tried too make an image out of it. Whats going on? This is really weird. Dan saw a faint image of a girl at his school and he tried to touch his t.v and his hand went through the t.v.
Akira flips off the TV and climbs into bed, noticing how late it was getting. He takes a look at it as the clock hits 12 and sees how weird it was looking, also noticing the outline of a girl before it suddenly shut off. "W-What was THAT?!" he yells out, jumping forward to touch the TV and only hitting the screen.
After washing the dishes Yukaze put kotori into bed "night big bro",she said sleepily as he walked outa her room. Yukaze went up to his room and looked at the time 11:55 on the clock. He sat there staring at the TV screen.

As the clock struck 12 Yukaze waited when suddenly a figure appeared. Stunned Yukaze walked forward and reaching out his hand he tried to touch the girl. A small clank was made as his hand touched the glass,then the picture vanished and Yukaze stood there shocked.

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