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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Grace sighed and stretched her stiff back. She glanced at the clock, a little disappointed to see that it was well into lunch time.

Earlier a student had asked for her to help clean up one of the club rooms, and she had simply been too polite to refuse. That same student walked up to her now, satisfied with her work. "Good job, thanks for helping." he said, dismissing her.

"You're welcome." she shyly returned, and then headed back to her classroom.

Inside many of the students inside were still huddled around desks talking about something or another. It seemed like a lot of rumors had been going around lately. She sat back, her stomach empty. She had been planning on getting something until that student had requested her to help, but since it was so late the vending machines would probably be crowded. Oh well, she didn't mind skipping lunch since she was able to be of help.
Akira looks at the wall of his classroom and finally notices an Investigation Club poster on the wall. "Hey, if I join...then I can explore more!!" he exclaims, getting excited all over again.

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Dan sat and started eating by himself on the roof. After he finished he went back down and started exploring for new people and noticed a girl who seemed like she hadn't ate. What's her name like Grace or something? Dan looked at Grace and yelled to her. "Hey Grace wanna snack or something! I think i got something extra that you can have!"
Grace looked up as someone said her name. "U-Um, thank you for the offer." she said, a little flustered that someone she didn't know very well had noticed she hadn't eaten. Despite that the offer was tempting. "I'll take it, but only if you're sure you don't want it."
Walking by Yukaze noticed the investigation club slip and thought about it. 'I wonder what the investigation club does it was clearly a new club so not much is known about it, maybe it could be a good way to make friends' he thought to himself.

As he walked this stuck in his head for awhile he remembered that Raika was walking next to him this entire time. He leaned over and asked Raika,"you think you'd ever wanna join the investigation club" he said curiously to her.
"No Problem. I love too help out the girls. But anyways have you heard of the midnight channel ever bodies talking about. They say it comes on in this rainy weather late at night and your true love shows up on the screen. You should check it out." As he told Grace about the midnight channel the bell rang and everybody was returning to class. "Well i'll catch ya later Grace. And seriously check out the midnight channel it should be cool." Dan said as he left the class.
Raika looked at the club and she became excited 'this is a good way to see if I have the skill to be a detective...' she then said " yeah I would join this club" she said happily. She then heard the bell rang and became slightly depressed. She wanted to explore the school some more with yakuze. "Time for class...." she said sadly.

Grace gave a shy smile in farewell when Dan left. She peeled off the wrapper of the snack he had given her and ate quickly. As she chewed she pondered over what he had said. Naturally she had already heard of plenty of rumors about the midnight channel and originally had planned on ignoring it, but if Dan was insisting she try it out, there couldn't be any harm in just looking.

She finished off her snack, threw away the wrapping, and waited patiently for class to start.
"Well I guess we can check it out later but for now I'm gonna head to class see you later Raika thanks for the lunch" Yukaze ran for the stairs he didn't want to be late for class still he felt sad for having to leave so soon. '

Oh well' he thought as he entered on his classroom and say down just as others started to arrive. "Made it in time" he whispered then started to look out of the window at the fog.
Akira quickly grew bored as he watched time sluggishly go by on the clock, too excited to wait much longer for the Investigation Club. "Why can't time move faster...?!" he thinks impatiently, almost beginning a bit of a twitch as he is forced to hear the lesson drone on and on.

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Raika said bye to yukaze and she also ran back to class. On the way she bumped into dan "ah sorry!" She then ran to class and barely made it in time. She sighed in relief and sat down at her seat happy she didn't get lost.

The bell rang as Cyrus noticed two people a girl with blue hair and a male with a few scars on his face, "Hey Scar, Wait up." Cyrus followed this kid until he got into the classroom, "Well this seems to be my class, Let me look for a seat." Cyrus began to scan the class and found an empty seat next to "Scar" he moved to the seat, sat down, and pulled out a book called the art of war.
Asako stomps her feet as she heard the bell rang "oh geez..." she sighs and bought all the 3 drinks she was picking and head to her classroom. She was about to walk in the classroom as she saw Investigation Club poster "Hmmm...a very catchy one...should I join?" she thought and went inside the room, waiting for the class ends.
While Dan was walking too class Raika bumped into him and apologized. "It's no problem." Dan went back too class and sat down. The rest of the school day was very regular and boring. After a interesting day of learning new things about the midnight channel Dan was very excited and finally school was over. Thank god. Now I can go home and wait for the midnight channel to come on. Dan rushed home but took a stop by Junes to get something to eat.
Raika packed up her things and started to head home. But before she left, she decided to visit the martial arts room before she left. She always felt happy when she is in there because she can express herself a little and get out pent up feelings. She smiled a little as she started to walk towards the room.

As class ended Yukaze grabbed his things and headed out of class. Yukaze thought about stopping by the martial arts club wondering if Raika was going to be there .Suddenly as he walked down the stairs he remembered that he promised kotori he was going to stop by Junes and get some rice for dinner tonight, remembering that he headed out the school entrence on the way to Junes saying a silent sorry to himself.
After having a walk down memory lane raika decide to go home. She sighed, she was an only child and her parents are never home. 'What the point of having a house if there is no one in it?...' she sadly began to walk home. As she walked home she remembered she needed to get some grocery for dinner and for her lunchbox. She stood there thinking for a minute 'I don't know any shops....' she then remembered see a poster about a shop called Junes. 'if I remember correctly....' she then started to walked towards June's as she remembered the address from the poster.

Akira was already at the front door to his house, beginning to walk inside and call out to his folks. "MOM, DAD, I'M HOME," he yells, walking right by them and noticing their I changing expressions as he walked up the stairs. "Hmm, what should I do...?" he ponders, finding something in his room to entertain him for a while.

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As the bell rang the teacher told them that they should join in some school clubs. Asako then gets up, pick up her bag and went outside the classroom. She goes to check some sports first before going over some random clubs. After watching some sports she began looking for the other clubs, but some of the clubs are closed, so she decided to go home with every club flyer, pondering on which one should she join in.
Walking into Junes I looked around at all the food looking for what I need. Passing by he wasn't sure what type of rice to get for his sister. He looked through the isle and noticed people from his school walking by. Suprised by how popular Junes was getting Yukaze went back to shopping.
After walking a good 15 minutes Raika finally found Junes. "Here it is!" She said happily. She entered the stored and began to shop for groceries. She was very happy she didn't get lost, plus she has something to do instead of being home alone. She smiled and continued to shop.

Cyrus had already made his way home and continued to read his book, "So It seems the midnight channel will be up in a while, I guess I will check it out. " Cyrus sighed he turned back to his book and continued.
Dan noticed some of his schoolmates at Junes and decided to talk to them. Dan walked towards Yukaze and started talking. "Hey man hows it going?" Dan said hoping too start some conversation.
Grace glanced down at her buzzing phone as she left the school building. It was a text from her mom asking her to buy a few groceries from Junes; apparently her parents wouldn't have time since they would be taking her sister to an award ceremony. Grace's expression saddened, but she typed back an affirmative reply. She didn't even know that her sister had won another reward. However, it wasn't the first time her parents had forgotten her, and no doubt far from the last.

She headed into Junes in order to get the listed items. As she walked inside she noticed some students that went to her school were there as well, including Dan. It was too late to hide, so she just continued her task of getting the groceries, hoping that they wouldn't notice her downcast face.

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