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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika face lot up when she heard there is a martial arts club. "Yup I am planning on joining" she said cheerfully. "i was the ace in my old school" she said proudly. "it was a lot of fun..."

He looked at her happily hearing there was someone else into martial arts. "Really that's amazing, you and me should spar sometime I'm pretty good myself" all the awkwardness flooded away as he saw this girl differently now.
"Sure it's just over this way in the practice building" I say happily leading you down the hallway.

After a few turns I stop at a door and point "it's in here",I say. I open the door to show a empty room a giant mat covering the floor.
Raika ran into the room and look around excitedly. She looked like a child who got what she wanted for Christmas. She smiled "do you know when they are recruiting?"

Walking into the room, Yukaze couldn't help but feel happiness from all the fond memories here.

"Sometime this week I believe, I'm not to sure the teams probably gonna be different this year" he said a little sadly.
"What's wrong with that?" She asked him. Wondering why he sounded depressed when he said the the team will be different.

"Oh nothing just a lot of my friends from this club have gone and graduated and I guess that made me feel a little alone, it's no big deal I guess" he turned away a little embarrassed.
Raika starred at him a little "well...I am gonna join so you don't have to feel lonely" she said with a smile. Her stomach then growled and her face turned red. She sighed feeling a little embarrassed. 'Great timing...'

Smiling at this he started to laugh at her stomachs outburst. "Looks like both of us are starving" he said continuing to chuckle.
She sat down next to him and opened her lunchbox. She began to eat "take whatever you like" she said to him as she ate. She made the lunch herself since her parents aren't always home.

The whole inside of the lunch box looked amazing. Yukaze grabbed the closest thing and plopped it in his mouth. He chewed it a few time and couldn't believe it this was amazing his sisters food was good but this was just something else.

"This is so good" he said grabbing another one "your amazing". He kept eating happily.
Raika giggled "thanks" she went back to eating her lunch.

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Yukaze sat there happy 'things are turning out ok for once ' he thought to himself. He made sure he didn't eat to much of her food though as he still felt a little bad about his mistake in the first place.
Asako walks into the school and paused at the center to look at the school building. It wasn't very pretty cause the fog invade some of the entire area, but it's not going to make her feel gloomy since she's out of her stepmother's eyes and her annoying stepbrother. She then heard a person screaming and yells "Alright!" as she fist pump, meaning she was very happy that she can do whatever she wants just like the person screaming. She went inside the school building and put her umbrella in the school umbrella stand. She knew she was really late since her father didn't even afford her a ride to school. Walking into the hallway, she greeted everyone as she passed by them and giving them a smile. She wasn't lost or anything and having a little adventure to find her room gives her time to make friends.

Walking into the second floor Asako saw her classroom and went inside greeting her classmates as all her classmates laughed at her since she was really really late "Nice entrance transferee" as the guy beside the entrance told her since the guy pretty much knew all the transfer student. She looked at the guy and said, "Is that how you treat transferee? Hmp!". "And how should I treat you young lady?" as the guy said and both of them laugh about it. The guy looked at the vacant chairs and looked back at her "You can pretty much sit anywhere since there's a lot of vacant chair". She nodded and sits down on one of the vacant chair, she didn't wonder anything, but realizes everyone is eating their lunch. She hurriedly picks up her bag and pulls out her lunch box as well "I'm at the right time hehe~" she mutters and began eating. After a couple of minutes she began to notice the atmosphere is a little gloomy as she kept silence and wonders what her classmates are talking about.

Girl 1 wearing glasses: yea..she was murdered..

Girl 2 in pigtails: yep! Really, there a lot of murders going around.

Girl 3 in side pony tail: ...and some of the students here is still missing..

"So this place is really messed up" she thought as she finish eating her lunch since she's a fast eater. She then puts her lunch box in her bag and went out of the classroom to grab something to drink. She went back to the vending machine she saw earlier as she stands in front of it thinking if she's going to drink soda, strawberry milk or orange juice. "Hmmmm..." as she placed her hand under her chin and began thinking seriously while looking at the vending machine.
Raika stayed quiet. She was happy that her first day turned out perfectly and that she made her first friend. 'I guess making friends isn't so hard after all' she smiled and continued to eat her lunch.

He stood up happy from the delicious meal. Offering his hand he turned to Raika " you wanna explore the rest of the school while we still have time"
Raika finished up and said "yup!" She closed her lunchbox and stood up and began to follow Yukaze.

Akira stands up and heads back to his class, still sopping wet and sits in his seat, somewhat satisfied with his brief and small adventure. He gives a giant grin to no one in particular and leans back in his chair. "Completely worth it.." he mumbles to himself.

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"I'm not sure what a girl will be interested in so I'll just show you what I can" Yukaze said scratching his chin.
"I really don't care, I just like exploring new places....plus it's nice of you to show me around.." she paused for a minute " so...uh..Thank you..." she said shyly.

Cyrus finally made his way to School, "Sleeping late again, some way to start the School." He walked through the hallway and saw a poster for The Investigation Club, "Sounds interesting. Now where is the Classroom?" Cyrus walked around aimlessly in hopes of finding the class.

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