Percy Jackson -RP-

Eponine let out a choked sob, "No needles!" She couldn't keep up with all of their talking! Her brain seemed to be tearing itself apart and she couldn't understand their English. Starting to pull strands of her hair out, Eponine gave up on trying to follow their conversation and opened her mouth, barely recognizing Ambrosia through her tears.
Leo turned and opened the door. "What in the world are you in here breaking?" He looked at her kneeling on the floor and stepped inside the cabin. "Are you alright?"
Mike takes the ambrosia and holds it to Eponine's lips, tilting it a bit so it trickles into her throat slowly. He didn't want her to choke on it. "Come on, drink, it'll make you feel better real quick." He said it quietly, trying to comfort her like he would a wounded animal.
Chasity had her back to Leo, before her could even speak. Chasity nodded, placing a piece of napkin over them cut. "Yeah," She mumbled, "Im Fine Leo. Why arnt you at Dinner?" She asked, her back still to him.
Noah simply looks at the Eponime with a look of dread and despair on his face. He felt terrible that because he brought out a syringe, that things got worse. He simply kneels down waiting for the ambrosia to start taking effect.
Eponine swallowed the liquid, barely tasting it. In no time, her head began to grow warm and the pain faded away, leaving her breathless and still clutching to Mike's shirt. "Merci, both of you..." She thanked them while catching her breath and coming back to a normal lever of comprehension.
Leo frowned. "I don't want to have to deal. People annoy me." He turned to his bed and lied down on it. He stared at the ceiling deep in thought about Mike's confrontation with Hades.
Mike smiled at her, then at Noah. "Thank you. I had no idea what to do, so thank you." He looked back at Eponine. "Why don't I walk you back to your cabin so you can rest? You look like you seriously need it after all that." He helped her to her feet and steadied her.
Noah got up as well and regained his composure. "May I have the syringe back before she panics about the needle?" I have to go to the medical tent and update some of the medical records I have there now.
Chasity wrapped the bandage around her finger, she threw away the bloody tissue before crawling up on the top bunk. She peered over the side. "You know," She began to speak, "If your thinking about Mike, he's just upset about Hades running into desicions to quickly. Almost how we do."
Mike returns the syringe to Noah. "Thanks again man, I don't know that she would have made it to the infirmary before she passed out. So thanks a lot." He smiled and shook the guys's hand.

((Good Night everyone))
Noah nods his head and graciously takes the syringe back and puts it in his bag. "If she needs anymore help or anything just bring her to the medical tent. I'll mainly be there." Noah closes his bag and walks off to attend patients at the medical tent.
Eponine nodded absentmindedly, letting Mike lead her away. She had trouble keeping herself steady and had to lean on him for support. "I'm sorry," Eponine said quietly, the guilt finally getting to her. She shouldn't have been spying, even if it was to make sure he was alright. (Goodnight)
Leo nodded. "Yeah I know..." Leo looked at his sister and frowned. "Its a bit more than just Mike though." He sighed and rolled over on his side facing the wall.
Chasity watched as Leo rolled over, this was a sure fire sign that he didn't want to talk about it anymore. She sighed, crawling down from her bunk. She got on her knee's and began to clean up the mess she had inflicted. Within minutes them disaster was gone. "Maybe a Nap would make you fell better Leo." She suggested. Chasity was now sitting on the floor, leaning up against them bed frame on the opposite side of Leo.
"I don't want to take a stupid nap." Leo knew he was being difficult but he honestly didn't feel like taking a nap. He decided to change the subject. "So hows your mom?"
Chasity glanced down when her had gotten upset. She smiled slightly, at them mention of her Mother. "I wish I knew. She told me to not come back. After she remarried three years ago, she had new child and told me she didn't want me to be around my new step-sister." Her smile had faltered, but kept her eyes on the floor. "What about yourself? Where's yourh mom?"
"My mom? Probably out celebrating the fact she doesn't have to worry about any phone calls from teachers." He laughed then rolled of his bed and hugged Chasity tight. "Im real sorry about you and your mom." He smiled at her then his smile was quickly replaced by a scowl as he pulled away. He rarely ever showed physical signs of affection. "You tell anyone about that and I'll kill you."
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She laughed about his mother. "She sounds like the normal Demigod parent type," She grinned. Chasity glanced down, but was quickly surprised when her hugged her. Her expression was full out astonishment and surprise. Shrug quickly straightened up and smiled. "Of Course you will." She replied. "And donta worry, as soon aswe leaves camp I'll be shipped off to some boarding school thst I will most definetly have blown up into them first month." Chasity smiled.

((Good Night ))
Eponine woke with a start from a nightmare that had her drenched in a cold sweat. Breathing hard, she shuddered at the memory of being blinded by light and drew up the shadows of the cabin close to her. Finally, she heard the horn signaling breakfast and sighed as she dressed herself in black clothing and headed out to the pavilion where she grabbed a plate of food and threw an egg into the fire, "For my dark mother. Thank you for your shadows." and took a sit at Nyx's table.
Leo dragged himself out of bed and into the pavilion. He tossed some bacon into the fire and simply said., "To Hades." Leo looked around and spotted Eponine at her table and slid into the seat across from her. He half waved. This was a quick turn around from the previous day and his friendliness was quite suspicious.
Eponine looked up from her meal as the boy-Leo- sat across from her and waved. She narrowed her eyes, the walls she had instantly coming up. "May I 'elp you? If I remember right, you disliked me yesterday." Eponine was not one to be played at all.
Leo shrugged. "I still don't like you. But that's not the point." He tapped his fingers on the table and smiled mischievously. "But first I need to ask you a couple questions."
Eponine was too tired to yell or complain so she sighed and nodded for him to continue. "Oui?" She took small bites of her food all the while studying Leo and the smile on his face. She didn't like him either.

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