Percy Jackson -RP-

He stared into her eyes. "Can you keep a secret?" Leo asked. All joking was aside and his face was deadly sserious. "And if you cant you might as well tell me now because if I hear you leaked this information..." He glared menacingly at her. "It wont be good."
(I might drop out as it seems I might not be able to keep up with all of you as I am not on as often. But I can try to be on more)

Charle could hear others at the archery range but she paid them no mind. She was here for one reason and that was to practice. She was here often enough though that she wondered if anyone would come looking. Maybe she should back to the cabin soon?

She heard a thunk but she did not remove her blindfold yet. She let several other arrows go and then placed her bow down. She drew her throwing knives and focused, imagining different locations on the target before throwing them. She lifted the blindfold and then smirked at her success.

"Not even a challenge anymore."
"I keep my secrets as good as my shadows." She was clearly insulted by his assumption. "I am the daughter of Nyx, I was born to keep things hidden and in the dark." Unless, of course, it was in her benefit but it usually wasn't so she didn't bother mentioning that.
"Swear to me that your lips are sealed." Leo could tell she was insulted but honestly he didn't really care. He just wanted to tell someone his brilliant idea.
"I swear on Nyx that my lips are sealed." She was swearing to her mother, that meant a great deal to her. "Now, what is it zat's so important zat you come and ruin my breakfast?"
He leaned across the table and whispered in her ear. "Im going to raise an army of the dead." Leo sat back and waited for her reaction.
The only change in her annoyed expression was the raising on a single eyebrow and her lips twitching upwards. "And why, monsieur, do you wish to do zat?" He had successfully piqued her interest now.
Leo sneered at her. "To wreak havoc. Must I have another reason?" He rested his elbows on the table and his chin on his palms.
"Oui, it seems rather stupid to waste such time and energy and resources wizout gaining somezing tangible and permenant in return." She answered honestly, studying him with watchful eyes and a blank expression. Havoc wasn't something you could rule over or steal, so what was the point in going through the trouble?
"Well I do have another reason." Leo's cocky façade dropped and he almost looked a bit sad but his sneer was back after not even 2 seconds. "But that's none of your business."
"Zen go away." She told him plainly, returning to eat her now cold food. Eponine didn't see the point of telling her anything if he was not going to ask for help or gloat. Did anything this boy do have a point?
"I would but you are going to help me." Leo said this as a statement and was extremely confident she was going to agree. "Mike would never agree to help and its no fun on your own."
"First, tell me your other reason for doing zis." She wasn't stupid, Eponine wasn't about to walk into something she didn't know everything about. And if Mike wouldn't do it, why should she? He seemed level-headed enough to trust with his own brother.
"To show the gods that we don't need this camp to 'protect' us from monsters. Kinda like making a statement." Leo shrugged. "I mean if you really wanted to we could get something of physical value out of it. Whatever will get you on board." He knew Eponine would be extremely useful.
Chasity watched silently as Leo had gotten up from his bed and walkked out. Did she say something wrong? With her brother she would never know. Chasity stood from where she sat and walked out of her cabin. Some campers were walking back from Dinner. That was most likely where Mike and Leo were. But for some reason she chose to walk into the woods.

Chaaity stepped over the low branch and sat underneath a tall Willlow.
Eponine actually chuckled. "You are, as ze English say, are bribing me for my use. I will make a deal, if I can figure out what I could gain from this then I shall join you. But now, I am coming up blank. I am content wiz my life." It was a lie, but she wanted to keep as much as an upper hand as she could.
Leo raised an eyebrow. "Absolutely content?" He started to get up. "Well when you think of something I'll be around." He wondered if she was actually content or not.
Eponine had the urge to state her demands then and there but she knew better. It was best to wait until she knew more. "Why iz it zat you dislike me? Not zat ze feeling isn't mutual."
Leo pretended to think then answered her question. "Hmmm oh yeah you almost killed me. And then there's the other thing." He glared at Eponine. Just thinking about it made him furious.
"I apologized for almost killing you, I didn't mean to. What ozer zing? Yesterday was my first time meeting you." She was annoyed with this boy's sense of reasoning but she figured she had nothing better to do than try and figure him out.
Chasity decided to go eat, after all she didn't need to starve herself. Chasity walked to the dining hall, before stopping. She saw Leo, standing, and Eponine. Near each other, Leo looked slightly agitated. She approached them, util she was standing beside Leo. "What are you guys doing?" She mumbled, pulling her hoodie over her head.
Leo jumped when Chasity spoke. He didn't notice her walking over. "Oh nothing just.... talking." He shrugged lightly and forced a smile.
Chasity glanced between the two. She sensed tight tension, "I'll be going then..." She mumbled, giving them both final glances, before turning to walk off. What were they doing? She wondered, I thought thety didn't like each other..
Daniel walks in from moping in the Thanatos cabin. He was sad that Eponine had to go to the infirmary. She was his only friend in the whole camp. He walks into the cafeteria and see;s her talking to Leo and can tell by the look oh their faces it is not a pleasant conversation. He walks silently as he usually does right behind Leo. " Um Eponine? You feeling better? " Daniel aksa
Eponine kept her gaze on Leo while she answered, "Oui, much better. Zank you for asking. I wish to continue zis conversation anozer time, Leo." She smiled, actually smiled, at Hade's child before standing up and turning to Daniel. "How are you, Daniel?"

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