Percy Jackson -RP-

He looks sadly back at her and lightens up a little. " I-i guess I'm okay. I didn't hear much all I know is that you had to get ambrosia. What happened to you?" He looks at Leo and asks " And what were you two talking about? "
Chasity jumped aside as a voice called out from behind her and Leo. "Oh Gods, you scared me." She mumbled, placing her hands in her pocket of her Jacket. Chasity glanced at Daniel. Who had apppeared behind them, he was quiet just like she had done to Leo and Mike many. Times.
"Sorry, Daniel is it? I gotta run." Leo quickly exited the cafeteria and frowned as he headed towards his cabin. He wondered who else was out and about.
"Oh, just somezing private. And I'll tell you if you go on a walk wiz me, oui?" She didn't want to allow anyone to overhear of her news to tell her friend.
Daniel frowning looks at Leo as he rushes off. He looks at Chasity. " Sorry about scaring you " He says apologetically. He then turns his attention to Eponine. " Lets go on that walk and you can tell me about it. That Leo is a curios character.
Noah walked out of the medical tent after a long night of working there. Half-asleep he began to walk to breakfast. He began dozing off as he walk but accidentally bumped into Leo. "Oh sorry about that. I didn't get much sleep last night."
Chasity watched as her brother took off. Which left her in a very ackward position, but she was curious. "What were you two talking about?" She questioned, glazing down at her. Chasitys dark eyes seemed to grow darker. 
She nodded at Leo, "Its okay," She mumbled. Chasity wanted to know what this thing was about, she glanced at Daniel as he had called her brother curious.
Leo looked at Noah and wondered whether he should flip out on him or not. He shrugged and half smiled. "Its cool. I know the feeling. Its probably why I decided not to chew your head off."
Eponine smiled and took Daniel's hand before leading him deep into the woods, where the shadows dwelled permanently. "You will never believe zis." She said excitedly, pulling the shadows around them and shielding them from spying eyes.
Noah raises an eyebrow at him. "Thanks I guess." Noah could tell that Leo had something on his mind but decided not to pry. "Well I'm starving so seeya." Noah continue to walk towards the dining hall wondering why Leo didn't lose his temper. That's what he normally does.
Daniel began to feel scared. Though he liked the dark this darkness was pitch black and had a scary and ominous atmosphere to it. He looks at Eponine. " So what happened"
Chasity sighed as the two walked off. This was exactly why she didn't associate with others that much. Chasity walked over and got foodd, before approaching the fire. "For Hades," She mumbled before tossing the biggest portion of food into it. A familiar scent appeared. It was the scent of Death. Chasity walked to the Hades table, and sat on the end before beggining to slowly eat.
"I went spying on Mike and the Hade's children while they confronted their father who was trying to stop a war. It always hurts me afterwards but I now know their won't be a war soon. Leo this morning though, offered to make me a deal. I'll get something I desire if I help him raise an arm of the dead and 'make a statement to the gods'."
Leo figured he had more important things to deal with rather than picking fights over small things. He laid down in the grass and closed his eyes to formulate his plan down to the final detail.
Daniel shocked looks at Eponine. "Is he that powerful and how will he do it?" he asks with urgency in his voice. Then a realization appears on his face. " Why is he at Camp Half-Blood and why does he need you" he asks fearfully. 
( I gtg may be back later. )
Noah walks into the dining hall rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Yawning he took some food and threw are large pancake into the fire. "For Apollo, giver of medicine and healing." Noah sat down at a random spot which happened to be by Chasity because he was to tired to find his way to the Apollo table.
Chasity glanced up as someone had sat near her. "Hi," She mumbled, peering out from under her hoodie. Chasity looked the boy over, before sighing. She didn't really know what was going on, but somehow she felt as thoughh Mike and Leo were fighting at the moment. She picked at the food on her plate.
Noah wakes up a little more and realizes that he was sitting next to someone. "Oh, sorry. Hi I'm Noah." Noah notices that the girl he is sitting next to is just picking at her food. "If you don't mind me asking, are you ok? You don't seem to be eating much and you look troubled."
She glanced at him, before nodding. "I'm Chasity." She mumbled back. Chasity stopped picking at her food once he mentioned it. She set down her fork. "Well, I'm Okay. " She mumbled, forcing a smile.
Noah looks at her in disbelief. "That sounds really convincing. So does your face too." Noah takes a few more bites out of his food. "You seem kind of sad and bored. Is there anything you want to do since you don't want to share what's on your mind?"
She shrugged, before glancing up. Chasity glanced down and grinned, but quickly returned back to her plain face. Chasity glanced up at him, "Your sarcasim is Flawless," She mumbled. Chasity thought about the things she could and couldn't do. She couldn't swim, she couldn't sword fight very well, she couldn't see what her brothers are up to. "Can you shoot Archery?" It was something she hadn't tried before.
Noah smiles at Chasity as she lightens up. "Well I have never tried archery. It would be a first for me." Noah says finishing the last of his food.
Chasity shook her head, "Your an Apollo's Kid, No?" She questioned. Chasity, also, nodded in agreement. "I've never done Archery. I'm not really good at that stuff. But My brothers, Leo and Mike, are. Maybe I'd be good at it too." She concluded. Chasity turned to him as he finished his meal. Chasity smilled, her hoodie still over her head. Still giving her that dark vibe.
(sorry, just got back.)

Noah gets up. "Well it might be a good first experience for us then. I don't know how well I would be good at. Even though my father is Apollo, I am mainly good at healing and medicine."
Mike strolled through the camp, having completely skipped breakfast, working on with sword since early this morning. He knew that Leo and Chasity would have woken up on time, they never woke up late. Mostly because he had control over a ghost that screamed as a wake-up call. It was funny sometimes, because the ghost wouldn't stop screaming until everyone in the cabin was up, whether Mike wanted it to or not. He sighed, shaking his head on his way to the lake for a swim. He got there and stripped off his shirt, diving off the dock into the cool water.

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