Percy Jackson -RP-

Lily stood ad the water's edge of the lake, near the forest to be exact, but she could be seen by everyone. She had a horrible kink in her neck, because she had to lay on the grass. She always wondered why people kicked her out, she kept on thinking and thinking while she saw some people swim.
Mike stepped out of the water near Lily, shaking his hair a bit to get it out of his eyes, and smiling at her slightly. He walks over. "Hey, I'm Mike." He sticks out his hand to shake, immediately noticing that she doesn't have just one distinguishing feature similar to any god. He wondered whose daughter she was.
" I know. . ." She said still looking at the lake, not moving a muscle. She looked at a boat floating, she laughed slightly. " I can't believe they didn't put up their weights to level the boat, watch. . . three ,two ,one." The boat tipped over and everyone fell in.
Leo saw Mike walk past dressed for swimming. I didn't know there was a place to swim here... He wondered if he should follow him but decided not to. After all he was planning to be the general of a dead army he had no time for foolish play. He sat up and looked around. "Hmm...."
Mike laughed as the boat capsised. This girl knew that was going to happen? It was surprising. He tried to think of a god or goddess that could see the future. He knew that there was Janus, god of doorways, but he didn't think that was it, he was the god of options, and there were more than two possibilites to what would have happened with that boat.
"I am not sure, I don't believe he iz on his own and zat's why he needs me." Eponine shrugged as if they were talking about the food at camp. "And no one else knows of his plans and you 'ave to swear on the River Styx that you will not tell anyone else without my permission. If he found out I told you, he'd start a fight."
Daniel looks worriedly at Eponine. This Leo is dangerous. He is arrogant but powerful. He loooks deep into Eponine's eyes and says " F-fine, I swear on the river Styx that I will not talk to anyone but you about Leo's plans. "
Leo looked up at Ian and shrugged. "Just thinking... You busy right now? Or can you start teaching me how to use that sword you gave me?"
ThatFatsoHachi said:
Daniel looks worriedly at Eponine. This Leo is dangerous. He is arrogant but powerful. He loooks deep into Eponine's eyes and says " F-fine, I swear on the river Styx that I will not talk to anyone but you about Leo's plans. "
"Zank you." She stood on her tip-toes and kissed either side of his face in gratitude. "No need to worry about me, I'll be absolutely fine. Now, do you wish to do somezing today?" Eponine, herself, had little plans.
Soo sorry guys, I dropped my phone in the water!


Chasity nodded at him, "Then what are we sitting here for?" She smiled lightly. "Let's go!" Chasity stood from where she was standing and exited the dining hall. She stopped outside, both of her brothers were clearly visible. Mike was near the water, which made her shudder, standong with a new face. And Leo was talking to Ian. Chasity turned back to Noah, smiling.
Noah smiles back politely. He was glad that she didn't seem so gloomy anymore. "Sure, lead the way." Noah said following her. "How about lets make this more fun. Winner gets 5 drachma from the loser?"
Chasity glanced back at her brothers, slightly concerned that they weren't telling her something, before shaking the feeling off. She turned her attention to Noah, "That soundsinteresting! You have yourself a deal!" Chasity replied, smiling as they stepped into the shooting range. She took a bow and a quiver, before handing him one. "You go first!"
Noah takes the quiver and bow. Let's see here... Noah recalls his knowledge of what he heard from others. He loads the arrow and pulls the bow back and aims for the target. His arms shakes a little at first but then he steadies it and fires. It lands half a foot above the bulls-eye. Noah looks at it satisfied. "All right, your turn." Noah bows and gestures towards the target. "Try and beat that."
Chasity glanced at the target in awe, before pulling the bow up to her. 'I'm going to kill somebody accidently,' She thought. Chasity took a deep breath before pulling the bow half way. She aimed at the bullseye, before releasing the quiver. The thing soared forward but quickly drifted into the tree's. There was a small squeal before a squirrl dropped from the limb with a bow interlocked in it. "Oops." She mumbled lowering the bow.
Noah jumped a bit as he heard the squirrel squeal and drop. "Oh. How unlucky." Noah puts down his bow and quiver and walks over to the squirrel. He pulls out the arrow and pulls out some golden nectar only putting a drop over the wound. His hands then glowed gold and he hovered them over the slightly healed wound.After a few minutes the wound was reduced to a minor scrape and the squirrel lays unconscious from the drop. He looks at Chasity. "It's OK. Don't feel bad. The squirrel is ok now, and I am sure with some practice your skills will improve."
Chasity shifted from foot to foot, watching Noah heal the squirrel. It wasn't the first time that she had done that to an animal. But last time it was a little more intense. Chasity shrugged, "Sorry," She mumbled. "I can't shoot a bow to save my life." She replied. Chasity forced a smile, Maybe if she aimed down a little more... "I guess Its your turn," She glanced at him. Pracyice does improve. She tapped her fingers against her thigh.
Daniel looks at Eponine. " I don't know. I don't really mind doing anything you want to do. I don't do a lot around camp. I've never even really played capture the flag before either. Most Thanatos kids are boring. " He looks at the ground.
Noah looks at her slightly disapprovingly. "Well saying that you can't shoot a bow and arrow is definitely not going to help you." Noah said to her. "Besides, you did shoot and arrow. You just need work some more on aim." Noah said encouragingly. "That last one didn't count. Try again."
She glanced up at him, "Seriously?" She stated, slightly in awe. Chasity tapped her side, before picking up the equipment again. "Okay, So Aim. Downward the," Chasity pulled back on the bow, before aiming downward on the target. Okay, okay. She thought, just relax and release. Chasity released the quiver and watched as the bow hit the target. It was at the very bottom of it, but at least it made it. She smiled, "I hit it!"
Noah nods his head and smiles. "Good job, You aimed too low, but it's better than getting another injured animal." Noah pulls back his bow and releases another arrow. It flew and hit the target a little more to the right midway between the center and edge. "Aw, I forgot to adjust to the wind."
Chasity laughed as he made the comment on shooting. She nodded, watching him shoot another arrow into the target. Chasity smiled, "Good shot, Noah." She announced, grabbing another Quiver from the pouch. "So I. Aim slightly higher?" She asked, not directed to anybody really. Chasity took another breath and released the arrow. The thing strruck the target, sliightly closer to the target. Not that far off from Noajs.
Aidan grinned at Ian. "I'll be right back." He jogged to his cabin and grabbed the sword then walked back to where Ian was.

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