Percy Jackson -RP-

He watched Chassity disappear then turned to glare at Eponine. "Do not speak to me and stay out of my way." Leo really wanted nothing to do with that girl. He turned back to the wall the followed his siblings into Hades' lair.
Noah watches them start disappearing into shadows. "I guess fewer of us are going to go to dinner." Noah turns to Eponine and Daniel. "I'll head up to dinner already. I'll see you guys there I guess." Noah turns around and makes his way dining hall.
Eponine, her brow creased with worry, made her lonesome way to the pavilion and took some food. Walking up to the fire, she tossed in her best looking sausage and prayed, "Nyx, help me control your lovely shadows." She took her seat at Nyx's table, not noticing the lone Athena girl, and called on her shadows. Her vision went dark before shapes took form, fuzzy at first before it was like watching an old black and white movie. She was spying on the God of the Underworld and his children, though most of it came out muddled.
Chasity had gone through the underworld, until she had caught up with Mike, she wanted to yell at him for taking off, buta that wasnt their buissness. "What were you thinking?" She called out. But this question was directed to Hades.
Leo entered right after Chasity and stood leaning against the wall. His body language said the he was relaxed but his eyes gave away the fact that he was deeply troubled. Why am I the only one who actually wants to help Hades? Am I... evil? Leo stood quietly, awaiting his father's reaction.
Noah got to the dining hall and Grabbed some of his favorite food. Chips and meat. He takes some Soda as well. He walks to the fire and Throws in a steak. "For the gift of medicine I thank you." He sits down at the Apollo table scoping out other campers while he eats.
Riley pulled out a small journal and pen from her pocket. She wrote down a couple of things while eating with her other hand. She continued to write until she just ended up writing and ignoring her food all together. Her journal was full of information on her mother, Athena, and different things that had happened to her that could have possibly been signs from the goddess.
Mike looked behind him. They had followed him. Of course they had. He turned back to Hades. "So, explain yourself you a$$"

"Honestly, I am sick of being stuck down here almost constantly, except for on the winter solstice. It's so boring, an I never get to see any of the other gods except my wife, and that's only for 6 months.."

"Then actually talk to the freaking gods, don't start a stupid war."

"I tried to talk to Zeus-"

"Why would you try to talk to Zeus, he's a pig headed egotistical jerk." There was a very loud rumble

"You really have a death wish don't you son. Why would you say that about Zeus?"

"Because it's true. Talk to the more reasonable gods and goddesses, like Athena or Hephaestus. Win other gods over so you have their support when you finally talk to Zeus."

"Seriously, you have to be a son of Athena."

"No, I'm just not ignorant like you seem to be."
Leo grew angrier at each word that Mike said. And finally after Mike's last sentence, he snapped. "Mike. Shut. Up. I mean seriously! Who do you think you are? youre barely older than I am and youre trying to boss around a GOD?! Hes a god you idiot! Have you ever heard of respect? He gives out the orders and you follow them not the other way around. And you think you have the right to call someone else egotistical." Leo glared at Mike.
Mike had to use all of his restraint not to turn around and cut Leo in half. Instead, he ignored him, instead staring his father down. Hades knew he was right, and while Leo may be close to him in age, he lacked the maturity or common sense to see what Mike was saying in full light. Despite how deep and cutting everything Mike said was, in the end he was trying to help his father, and save half the human race from death, and Hades knew it.
Chasity bit her bottom lip, the only thing she could think to say to Mike was calm down, but that could also make him furious h seming that he is already blowing steam. "Mikey calm down," she announced, eyeing him cautiously. Hades Joyce of words wasn't helping his case either."Leo you too."
Noah finishes his meal and just sits at his table watching all the other campers mingle.
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Finally, Hades nodded at Mike. He stood up and walked over to his son, shrinking to a human size and looking Mike straight in the eye. "You're right. I need to win support, not start a war that will result in a worse punishment than this. Thank you. Although, I need an argument for when Zeus says if I'm not in the underworld it will become anarchy." Mike sighed. He couldn't give Hades all the answers, but he could give him this.

"Tell them you'll delegate responsibilities to different hero's souls, they'll take care of it well. They can alternate every few years, that way they never have the same power for long. Athena can probably help you figure out the details. Now, go get an audience with them."

Mike turns and starts walking out, pausing to look at Leo. "Next time, think with your head before you have an outburst like that. Don't focus on the tone, focus on the words." Mike strode through a shadow back into camp.
Eponine watched Mike leave and with great relief, pulled back from the shadows only to let out a small, stifled squeak as her head felt like it was being split open. With shaking hands, she desperately applied pressure on it and blinked through the tears that flowed from her eyes while rocking back and forth at the Nyx table. What a stupid idea that was! She knew how much pain it caused her to spy through shadows!
Leo looked at Mike, then Chasity, and finally Hades. He looked at the floor and frowned deeply. He silently followed Mike back through the shadows to camp. He sulked past the food and sat at an empty table resting his head on his arms.
Chasity shook her head, am I invisible to them? She constantly wondered. Chasity he walked up to Leo and placed her hand on the back, "don't worry about it he's just going to be worked up about it for a while." Chasity halfe smiled and continue walking through the shadows, until she reacheds cam p. but instead of going to the dining hall, she went straight to our cabin
Mike stepped out of the shadows and immediately saw Eponine in pain, rushing over to grab her. "Are you ok? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" Mike was genuinely worried about her, he hoped she wasn't in any danger from the pain.
Leo turned to see Mike asking Eponine a question. He growled angrily and kicked the chair next to him across the room. He left the dining hall and went to the cabin as well. Leo sat outside of the door not wanting to bother his sister.
Eponine felt hands grab her arm and hissed, the shadows swarming around her, before she recognized the voice and smiled through her pain, "I'm fine, it'll pass, I'll be okay." She didn't believe herself but even as she was crying from the searing pain in her skull, she didn't want him to worry. "Just doing something I shouldn't have." Eponine said through clenched teeth, applying more pressure on her skull.
Noah notices Eponime and Mike. He briskly walks over there and notices Eponime in great pain. "You don't look too good." Noah pulls out a syringe of golden ambrosia from his bag. "This might help, but I need your consent before I inject it into you."
"Are you kidding me? She is in immense pain. It's just ambrosia, and a small dose by the look of it. Inject it!" Mike said, angry at the kid for asking to have consent from a girl who could barely talk from the level of pain she was in.
Eponine say the shiny glint of the syringe in Noah's hand and her anxiety increase ten-fold. "Non!" She shouts and clutched Mike's shirt, trying to get as far away from the needle as she can. It was a childish fear, but a fear nonetheless and no amount of pain would make Eponine consent to letting something pierce her skin.
Mike growled. "Give me the syringe." He grabbed it from his hands and pulled the top off. "Eponine, open your mouth, it's basically a nice drink." He said, encouraging her, trying to help.
Chasity paced around room, hearing that Leo had walked up but decided to ignore him, because he hadn't yet come in for a reason. She swore in ancient Greek under her breath quietly, Glancing at the perfume bottle her mother had given her for her 13th birthday. Chasity took her hanand swatted the perfume bottle across the room, once it hit the wall it shattered she cursed in ancient Greek even more. She walk across the room, kneeling at the glasses side. She began to slowly pick up them pieces. Chasity sliced her index finger and recoiled, glancing at them wound
Noah was embarrassed as he watches Eponine become even more uncomfortable. "Sorry." As Mike snatches the syringe away from him Noah quickly objects. "Hey! This version of Ambrosia can only be effective by injection." Noah pulls out a vial. "Here" he holds it out. "This is some normal ambrosia."

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