Percy Jackson -RP-

Eponine, having a feeling that she was going to intrude if she followed Mike, matched her step with Daniel's. "I never paid attention much, food I suppose. Yesterday was pasta." She smiled friendly at him, though her thoughts were else where.
Chassity jumped up at shear the dinner bell and ran over to her siblings. " what do you know Leo?" She called out appearing next to them.
Leo half smiled at Chasity then sneered at Mike. "Watcha mean Mikey? I didn't spill anything," he taunted. Leo wanted to tease Mike first before telling the two what he found out.
Daniel smiles back at her but when he looked at her face he saw that dinner was not what she was thinking. He looks at Eponine with a questionable look. " Penny for your thoughts " he asked as they walked to the cafeteria.
Noah hears the dinner bell and began walking. It would be a good chance for him to interact with other campers and see who would make good friends. As he was walking Noah notices a group of campers. He decides to meet up with them. "Hello there. Are you guys heading to dinner as well?" He asks.
Mike stopped and pushed Leo up against the back of a cabin, grabbing the front of his shirt collar. "Don't screw with me little brother, I'm not in the mood right now. Spill whatever secret you're hiding or I'll put you in the infirmary for a week." Mike may be nice, but he had very little patience.
Chasity paused for a moment, before grabbing Mikes arm. She tugged backwards. "Mike stop it!" She yeld . " why do you always have to do this to each other?"
Eponine smiled, bringing her full attention to her friend, "Oh, it's nothing, just thinking about people is all." She turned her attention to the newcomer and held out a hand. "Bonjour, monsieur, my name iz Eponine. Daniel and the rest of this group are going to dinner."
Daniel looks at her with a doubtful look. " So I'm guessing it's about the Hades kid?. I must admit there was something ... off about Mike and the one who came from the woods. " Then Daniel looks at the Apollo kid and started getting nervous. Apollo was a god of light and healing, a bit of an opposite to Thanatos.
Mike shrugged her off. "I have no patience for cocky little (insult profanity here) like him. So he's gonna respect me, and he's gonna tell me what he knows. If you don't want to get hurt Chasity, stay out of the way. I'd rather not hurt you, or anyone else, I'm just sick of Leo's crap."
Leo flinched then smoothed down his shirt. His cocky smirk was gone and instead he grinned happily. "Before I got here guess who I saw." His eyes were almost glowing with excitement.
Noah shakes her hand. "I'm Noah," Noah things Hmm. French. Interesting. Noah looks at Daniel. "Like I said, I'm Noah. What's your name?" Noah hears shouting from the part of the group ahead of them. Thinking in his head That doesn't sound like a friendly conversation.
Eponine sent Daniel a glance, "No, just...just...I'll tell you later, oui?" She felt uncomfortable talking about this subject out in the open. She turned to Noah, " I wouldn't mind the ruckus, they're children of Hades.
Daniel looks at Noah. " Oh um hi. My name is Daniel, son of Thanatos." He notices that he looked at the group ahead of them. " That group is a bit off he says."
"Who dam it, just spill, the suspense is killing innocent people all over the world, and the next person it's going to kill is you, so spill." Mike glared into Leo's eyes, the dark fire his father usually had in his eyes coming to the surface. He was the most powerful of the three kids of Hades here, no doubt about it. He wondered what he could do. Maybe he could literally invoke death. No, he wasn't Thanatos. He couldn't do that much
"Mike releasem Leo right now!" She announced, obviously ignoring his commets about her getting hurt. She hated when they fought and always felt responsible for breaking the two up. "For Gods sake!"
Eponine's breath caught in her throat as she focused on the group just ahead, seeing the darkness and fire in Mike's eyes. Her shadows quivered around has she watched in her cat-like way. She knew this feeling and she resented it, but seeing Mike like this made Eponine realize that, for now, she didn't care whether or not she had a crush on him.
"I saw Dad." His grin widened. "And him and Zeus are butting heads again and you wont believe what he has planned." Leo's gaze softened as he looked at Chasity. "Hey its alright don't worry ok?"
Mike immediately shut down. Dad and Zeus were at it again? Oh H*ll no. Nothing had better happen. He was not dealing with that crap. He looked over at Eponine, saw the resentment in her eyes. She had seen the darkness, the hate. He sighed and walked straight into the wall, disappearing into the shadow to go have a little chat with his Father.
Chasity stopped tugging on Mikes arm, "You're...Saw Dad?" She stammered, stopping. Chasity crossed her arms over her chest. They were doing it again. She was infact them youngest, but they sometimes treated her like she couldn't down anything. "What had her planned?"
Eponine watched in disappointment as Mike disappeared in the shadows. On a whim, she caught up with his siblings. "Iz he alright?" She was worried, he had looked at her right before leaving. Had she done something?
Mike walked through the underworld, stopping to play with Cerberus for a bit, then continuing on his way to the palace. The Furies tried to stop him at first, until he cut one of them to shreds. Today he meant business, and nothing would stop him. The furies moved. He strode down the halls of the palace and burst through the doors, coming to a stop at the end of the throne room, glaring at his father.

"You're really doing this again? You're gonna do something stupid that will start a war and we'll all be thrown in the middle of it?"

"Who told you that?"

"Leo saw you and Zeus butting heads earlier, and he said you were planning something. I left to get to you as fast as possible, so he couldn't tell me. But history seems to repeat itself with the gods, and this happened about a millennia if I remember correctly."

Hades smiled at his son. "Are you sure you're not the son of Athena," there was a rumble, "because you're quite clever. Yes, I plan to start a war."

"I won't support you. Whatever you are planning, I'll stop you." His anger was growing, and so was the darkness from before. For the first time, Hades looked a little worried.
Riley watched the almost fight go down from the sidelines. She knew it was her duty as a counselor to stop these things, but she was too curious to even say a word, lest them not speak of it again. She slowly put away her unsheathed sword as tension died down and moved out from her spot in the trees. Dining was always lonely for her, of course everything was, but she didn't mind it too much. It just gave her more time to study. Her braid blew behind her in the breeze as she walked into the dining hall and grabbed some food. She picked the best orange she could find and threw it into the fire saying, "To the wise Athena." She then sat down, alone, at her table.

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