Percy Jackson -RP-

Eponine followed after, a nice skip in her step as she thought of the cute boy-Mike, she remembered. It seemed as if Eponine connected to him in a way that she couldn't explain, maybe it was just their god parents. She couldn't come up with a better answer so pushed it aside and took a seat on a bench in the archery, watching him like a cat without realizing she was doing so.
Riley sat in the shadow of a tree, right next to the dummy's used for fighting practice. There were five books surrounding her in a half circle on the ground. All of the books were about the goddess Athena, written in perfect ancient Greek. "I've got to be missing something here," the girl said as she glanced from book to book, turning pages when needed. She sighed and closed all of the books, then stacked them in a neat pile beside her. The area was free of people, everyone flocking for the courts or archery range. She stood up and picked up her sheathed sword from the ground. When unsheathed, the silver sword glistened in the sun. Riley put the belt around her waist before running to stand in front of a dummy. She quickly and strategically stabbed and sliced the dummy, then spun around and cut it's head clean off.
Chasity walked too the opposite side of where Eponine hads sat. Sitting under a tree she watched the group. It wasnt nothing personal against the girl, its just she had gotten nervous being around new faces that she wasnt used too. Chasity glanced at each face, before turning her attention to the leaves on the ground.
Leo sighed and put the sword he had been given inside his cabin. He began to wander around wondering where everyone had gone. He turned and started walking towards the woods.
Daniel yawns as he gets out of his bed in the Thanatos Cabin. Inside their are gothic kids who are either just staring into space or sleeping. Inside the cabin it's just black and dark. He rub's his eye and walks outside. He see's Eponine but he also see's other people too. He nervously walks over to them. " H-hey there Eponine. " He looks torwards Chasity. " Um hi. I'm Daniel, son of Thanatos. "
Mike took a position at about 100 meters, drawing his bow and taking a shot, then another, and another. Three straight bulls-eyes at 100 meters. He walked back another 50 meters, turned around and quickly sent off three more arrows. Another three bulls-eyes. He decided to try something he's never done before. He stood at two hundred meters, at an angle from the target, and sent off a shot. Bulls-eye. Another; Bulls-eye. One more. Nine point ring. Not good enough. He went over to collect the arrows.
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Eponine grinned at Daniel, getting up and kissing either side of his cheeks, "Bonjour! 'ow are you, Daniel? Oh, zis is Chastity, Mike, and Ian." She introduced them, pointing in turn with the person.
Chasity glanced up as a kid, by the name of Daniel, approached her. "Oh hi." She mumbled, glancing up at the kid from where she sat. "Im Chasity, Daughter of Hades." She mumbled back at him. She allowed her hoodie to hide her. The more people that came the more nervous she was becoming.
Daniel looks at everyone nervously. They look strong. I better not offend them... He manages a small grin to show everyone. Being with Eponine has made him less shy but he is still scared of big groups.
Eponine smiled encouragingly at Daniel before her eyes watched the boy shoot arrows. "You're good." She stated plainly, just loud enough for him to hear. (@Reaper Of Souls is that Mike or another of your characters? You put Ryan xD )
((Sorry, that's a name from another rp. I meant mike.)

Mike smiled at her. "Thanks. I'm not that great though. Charlie and Riley would kill me in an archery contest, no problem. All it takes is some small level of talent and then just a lot of practice." He smiled and walked over, offering the bow. "Wanna give it a try?"
Rae can be seen walking around the camps,he had recently changed his cologne due to the negative reaction he recieved for them. Rae walked around looking at the different cabins and smiling
Eponine eyed the bow with distaste, "...I suppose I could, but I might shoot someone's eye out." She joked, taking the bow and brushing his hand in the process, sending tingles up her arm. Swallowing imperceptibly, she quickly looked back up to his eyes and smiled a bit nervously.
Mike smiled back at her, walking over to about the 50 meter mark. "Alright, so the first step is very easy. Grab the grip in the hand that isn't your dominant hand. This way you have more strength to draw the bow." He smiled and demonstrated.
Eponine watched his demonstration before following suit, gripping the bow with her left hand. Assuming the next step, she took an arrow in her right hand and notched it in the bow without drawing it back. "And I pull zis back and aim, oui?"
Uh oh... Was Chasity's first impression on the look of Eponine facial expression. She hoped she wasnt the one to get shot into the accident to be.
"Yes. When you pull it back, you want to pull to about the farthest corner of your lips, and use your shoulder and back muscles as well. As for aiming, aim slightly above your target, and aim slightly left or right opposite to the wind."
Eponine nodded, "Merci." She pulled the string with the arrow back taut to her lip, feeling her muscles tense as she took her aim, just above the bull's eye and to the right of the wind blowing a bit to the left. She let go of the arrow and watched it fly, going way off course and hitting the tree behind the target. "Zut!" Eponine huffed, her lips puffing out into a pout before grinning at Mike. "Woops,"
Mike smiled in a slightly awkward "you tried" way and looked at the arrow lodged in the tree. "At least it flew straight." He said with a slight smile, then walked over to get the arrow. "Oh well, everyone has their talents and their faults. It's not your fault, you just weren't wired to be an archer." He said, taking the bow and putting it back with the others.
Leo stepped out of the woods from behind the tree wide eyed. "Holy cow I almost died." He looked at the girl who shot the arrow. Then at Mike. "What up Mike?" He smiled at his brother in an 'I know something you don't' way.
"No, I was not. I was wired to sing, " She smiled wistfully, daydreaming for a moment before shaking her head to focus on reality. "What were you wired for, monsieur?" This Mike fellow intrigued her, there was something so beautifully dark about him. Her attention was caught by the boy who just walked up. "Really?? Desole, sorry monsieur!"
Mike raised an eyebrow at Leo, then turned back to Eponine. "I'm wired to fight I guess. Sword, archery, hand to hand to a point, I'm just a fighter by nature. I'd love to hear you sing some time, but," Just then, the call for dinner went off, "it's time for dinner, so let's get going." As they walked, he fell back to Leo and glared at him. "Spill."
Daniel gets up from under the tree. " I've never been to dinner that much. What do they serve? " He brushes off the dirt from his pants and walks alongside of Eponine.
Chasity had glanced up brother who had it just suddenly appeared behind the tree with the arrow lodged h in it. She smiled at him "Hey Leo," She called out, before noticing the glint into his eye. oh she thought what did he know?

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