Percy Jackson -RP-

Ian laughs "relax basic rules: Killing or maiming is NOT allowed" 
"well, not intentional maiming anyway, everyone gets a few cuts and scrapes here and there"
(Us two and another guy... I can switch to another god if you want... :P )

Leo started asking a bunch of questions at once. "Can I see it? Is it heavy? Where'd you get that? How's it work? Can you show me how to use a sword? Are there more of those?"
"are there more?: no, how it works: that's a secret, Is it heavy?: no, Where i got it: i made it, can i show you how to use a sword: yes, can you see it?:......sure" Ian flips the sword in his hand and holds it out to Leo
No its alright. My character is 14. It be cool to have a brother. What number is our cabin?


Chasity stood, before walking back into her cabin. She ddidnt want to bother anybody right now. Chasity plopped down onto her bed, before setting the bone on the dresser. She picked up a photo from under her bed of her mother. She quickly plucked the photo under her pillow, before pulling the hoody off of her head.

Leo took the sword and studied it closely. He didn't realize he was holding the blade dangerously close to his face. "Can I have it?" The sword was really cool looking and he was also kind of looking forward to learning how to use one.
He studied the hilt of the sword trying to figure out how to turn it back into a knife. "Hmmm....."
Ian came back out several minutes later with a sword, in its sheath, wrapped in cloth "made this a while back, my old sword, been fixing it up" Ian holds the sword out to Leo 
The blade of the sword is a bright silver, while the hilt is black with red spiraling designs all around it
"You really mean it?" He eyed the sword not taking it because he was almost positive this was a trick.

(gotta go)
Chasity stood from Cabin 13 and walked out, she had pulled her hoody over her head. Covering her features. The last thing she needed was somebody recognize her. Not that she had anything against her father, it just wasn't her favorite big three member. She stepped around the volleyball courts and headed to the sining complex. Even though she wasn't that hungry.
"take it" Ian paused and grabbed his other sword back from Leo "because your not keeping this one" Ian spun the sword in his hand, hitting the button discreetly as he did, it turned back into the knife and he folded it away. 
Bored again, Ian walked off towards the volleyball courts, just wandering with nothing to do
Chasity stopped at the courts, sitting down next to it. She watched the kids, mixed with satryns run back and forth slamming the ball around. She had her hood over her head, casting a shadow over her face that caused her to look even more mysterious then neccissary.
Ian made his way to the courts to see if anything interesting was going on...the answer, he quickly found out was no. Then he noticed someone sitting next to the courts, wearing a hood, He walked over "hi" he said cheerfully "you OK"?
Chasity turned her head at the sound of a voice, pulling down her hood. Her dark hair rolled down her shoulders in light curls. She smiled half_hearted up at him. "Hey," She replied, glancing back at the game. She listened to his question, before nodding. "Yeah I'm Fine. Just watching the kids play Volleyball." She replied up at him. Chasity laced her hands in her lap, "Are you Ok?" She replied back. 
@Ian Drake
Ian stopped for a second before answering "yeah, yeah I'm fine, just was trying to figure out why you were here all alone that's all"
She grinned slightly, glancing at the players as one was slacked in te face with the ball. Woops, she thought. "I'm only alone because other kids don't want to hang out with Hells child that much." She spoke back. The sun was well lite overhead. Chasity pushed parts of her hair out of her face. "I'm Chasity, by the way." 
( Its okay @Angelic Infinity jump in! ) 
(Gotta go for a bit )
Jessie walked around not sure where to go at the moment. He should have known better than to try and chat up Charlie. She was an Apollo kid but the way she acted sometimes you'd think she was Ares's instead. Maybe it was her mother's side of things.

He notice someone hand someone a sword then walk off. Curious he walked to the one who received the weapon.

"Know how to use it?"

Charlie calmed herself glad to be alone again. She drew her bow back and landed another bullseye. She smiled to herself feeling proud. But just shooting normally was boring. She had to invent ways to test herself. She found that although she had perfect aim sometime it did not work and she had to get use to shooting a certain way before it worked. Tricky and sneaky but she managed.

She grabbed a blindfold and tied it around her eyes. Then she grabbed her bow. Taking a deep breathe she let the arrow fly.
After Noah gives Ashlynn directions to her Cabin, he walks around some more. He walks past the archery range because that's where medical help is often needed due to accidents. Noah notices an arrow fly straight into the middle of a bulls-eye. Impressed by the shot he looks for the shooter. His eyebrows rise in surprise to see the camper that let loose the arrow was blindfolded. Tapping her on her shoulder Noah says "Impressive shot there. Was that pure skill or luck?" Noah asks.
"I'm Ian" Ian smiled " and anyway that isn't true, hey if your gonna look at it like that then who wants to talk to a blacksmith's kid"?
Mike was, as usual, in the woods with his sword cutting away at monsters he summoned. The poor things didn't stand a chance after all the training he received the past few years. It was sad really. He sighed as he stepped out of the woods, drenched in sweat. He walked to the armory, dropping off the light-weight plate he borrowed, complimenting the Hephaestus kids on their incredible craftsmanship. He went to the showers, then back to his cabin for a rest.
Chasity smiled at his intake, His parent must have been Hephaestus. "I'll take swordsman crafting over the dead any day." Shem nodded, She had, saw him hand Leo a sword earliar. "You were talking to my brother earlier right?" She questioned, glancing back and forth between the two. She wasnt very interested into the game however.
Ian smirked "Leo?..yeah, he seems like a nice guy, doesn't seem to like the idea of being here though" Ian sits down beside Chasity.
She shook her head, "No," She agreed. "I don't think hes feels welcome, Certain gods and goddess's have bad history, but others cant blame the gods, so they take it out on their children. Like The Hephaestus curse." She mumbled, softening her voice slightly. Chasity glanced at him before peering at the match.
Mike woke up from his short nap and grabbed his bow, walking out of the cabin towards the archery range, where he expected to find Charlie. She was always fun to compete with, even if she always beat him because of her skill. On his way he passed the court and nodded his greeting to Chasity.

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